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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"Oh i'm just experimenting, you know a side hobby besides crime hobby..." He put the scraps around the glob (BTW Why ban me from saying omnitrix, he clearly implied it was the omnitrix, and so I say it, and no galvans are second but definitely forgot time lords and such but yeah Xeithans are definitely third )
A web glob covered Magalomniac. "What the F*CK Hayden." Peter said. "Don't just bring things into the house."
"Oh i'm just experimenting, you know a side hobby besides crime hobby..." He put the scraps around the glob (BTW Why ban me from saying omnitrix, he clearly implied it was the omnitrix, and so I say it, and no galvans are second but definitely forgot time lords and such but yeah Xeithans are definitely third )
"Yeah a thing with possessive abilities surroinded by the most powerful people in the world." He said.
Another webline. "No your going to the Hero League they'll lock you up."
Megalo, using the most of his strength, possessed the web, and then unpossessed it in a way that'd free him. He moved as fast as he could and tried to escape the heros' sight line.
"Sorry Pete, just haven't had much hobbies since the I've been too focused on stopping crime...:
"It's fine. There's a science convention soon maybe I'll take you after class." (When are we gonna see Albedo)

Megalo, using the most of his strength, possessed the web, and then unpossessed it in a way that'd free him. He moved as fast as he could and tried to escape.
Another webline hit him.
"I DON'T POSSESS TECH BASED HEROES," Hayden remembered in his head, he activated his armor and made a cage with the nanotech around megolo which then attached to the suit(Idk, maybe after civil war?)
"It's fine. There's a science convention soon maybe I'll take you after class." (When are we gonna see Albedo)

Another webline hit him.

"I!" He huffed and puffed, possessing the second web. "CAN!" He declared, unpossessing the substance. "DO THIS ALL DAY!" He screamed, pushing himself to squirm as fast as he could.
"It's fine. There's a science convention soon maybe I'll take you after class." (When are we gonna see Albedo)

Another webline hit him.
(Wait I have a idea for this but Neko has to accept it to work, Neko, you want to be the right hand man of Albedo which was tasked of taking over Ben's Omnitrix, and so he meets him in a base with the Shadow Hayden?...)
"I!" He huffed and puffed, possessing the second web. "CAN!" He declared, unpossessing the substance. "DO THIS ALL DAY!" He screamed, pushing himself to squirm as fast as he could.
(not really tbh i kinda want him to be out there so i can do shenanigans with Trauma Queen as soon as i feel like it)
"I DON'T POSSESS TECH BASED HEROES," Hayden remembered in his head, he activated his armor and made a cage with the nanotech around megolo which then attached to the suit(Idk, maybe after civil war?)

"I meant the person CONTROLLING the tech, dearie." He said in a sing-song voice. He possessed the cage, then quickly unpossessed it and darted away before it could injure him.
Megalo possessed the web, and slowly stretched it to touch the rim of the trashcan. He then unpossessed the web-stained trashcan and slid down the side. "Technically counts as one object now."
D: Hayden looked out of options except for one, he grabbed a gauntlet that sends cubed containment cells which meant nowhere to go... he synced it with his armor and it shot it at Megalo, "Good thing I've been inventing things since Legion's downfall..."
Megalo possessed the web, and slowly stretched it to touch the rim of the trashcan. He then unpossessed the web-stained trashcan and slid down the side. "Technically counts as one object now."
Stretching upward and outward, the projectile flew straight through a newly formed hole in Megalomaniac. He quickly made a scramble for his escape, incredibly exhausted and wanting to get away.
Hayden got angry, his armor turned white with black accents, he grabbed the Megalomaniac and flew outside, he then threw him into space...
Stretching upward and outward, the projectile flew straight through a newly formed hole in Megalomaniac. He quickly made a scramble for his escape, incredibly exhausted and wanting to get away.
Hayden got angry, his armor turned white with black accents, he grabbed the Megalomaniac and flew outside, he then threw him into space...

(is hayden angry or are you angry?)

Megalomaniac would awkwardly squish himself back towards the atmosphere. It'd take him a while, that's for sure.

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