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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"I ain't going to cause property damage, " Hayden punches Tyson in the jaw in the sky and body surfs him into the ground
Tyson spreads his wings and propels himself higher after getting hit into the sky to avoid getting surfed back to the ground. He draws in darkness from the Hellbow and then loads up a shock arrow and fires it at Hayden.
The arrow hit hayden but Hayden absorbed the pain, he jumped high enough to slam Tyson back down, he then turbo punches tyson into the ground
"FROST CHARGE!," He makes the lava freeze, he then grabs Tyson's Heli Bow and throws it aside, he then throws cuffs around his back"
The lava freezes, but Tyson's body does not. The lava then melts into a cement-like substance as Tyson slips out of Hayden's grasp and shoots upward into the sky.
"Should we go look for them? If we don't have the time, I'll cover you." She states.
Peter pulled a small object from his pocket. "Well let's hope the bugs for this thing aren't as bad as I think they are." He said. He pressed the button the Webshooters and spider amulate appeared on the table. "Okay." He said grabbing them. He took a quick look around. "It's a stick up planned. The men two seats to the left are talking about who would be the best hostage. I don't think they've noticed me. I really need to find a way to get my secret identity back... I count 10 thugs in total. Must be a popular restaurant."
Peter pulled a small object from his pocket. "Well let's hope the bugs for this thing aren't as bad as I think they are." He said. He pressed the button the Webshooters and spider amulate appeared on the table. "Okay." He said grabbing them. He took a quick look around. "It's a stick up planned. The men two seats to the left are talking about who would be the best hostage. I don't think they've noticed me. I really need to find a way to get my secret identity back... I count 10 thugs in total. Must be a popular restaurant."
Eris snaps her fingers.

"I got it." She says as she conjures an illusion plane and changes their appearance slightly, but enough to fool those in the dome. "I'll be the hostage." She says as she does subtle moves that draw their attention to her.
Eris snaps her fingers.

"I got it." She says as she conjures an illusion plane and changes their appearance slightly, but enough to fool those in the dome. "I'll be the hostage." She says as she does subtle moves that draw their attention to her.
"No you are not going to be bait!" Peter whispered. But too late. A man got up and quickly grabbed her by her hair and forcefully pulled her out of her seat. He pointed a gun at Pete to make sure he didn't try anything.

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