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Fantasy Superhero University (Open)

Xavier’s would then be in the city he would then climb onto a building and there would be a window he would point to the window and there would be crooks smuggling drugs that are worth a lot of money Xavier’s would say in a dark robotic deep voice,” Those men are working for a criminal I need information from and I need your help, this is our chance to not be seen as kids but as hero’s,are you in or not?”
-She smiled and nodded. She let the ball of light fade and she scales up the wall of the building. She was hoping her crystal would help her summon the wings she knew she could possess and then they sprouted out. She rolled her shoulders back and the white feathered wings shimmered slightly as they rested at her side.-
-She smiled and nodded. She let the ball of light fade and she scales up the wall of the building. She was hoping her crystal would help her summon the wings she knew she could possess and then they sprouted out. She rolled her shoulders back and the white feathered wings shimmered slightly as they rested at her side.-
Xavier would see her and blush he would then immediately shake it off and thoguht,(focus don’t get distracted from people’s looks) Xavier’s would the night pull out a trigger,”Going dark in 1.......2..........3” he would then pull the trigger Andy the light said inside will go out and he would turn on night vision.
Xavier would see her and blush he would then immediately shake it off and thoguht,(focus don’t get distracted from people’s looks) Xavier’s would the night pull out a trigger,”Going dark in 1.......2..........3” he would then pull the trigger Andy the light said inside will go out and he would turn on night vision.
-She squinted slightly as her eyes adjusted. She shifted her newly found wings quietly as she launched off the building to the window and flapped her wings slightly to get there and stood on a ledge.- "I can get in and get them to freeze for a couple moments. Dont hurt them." She said quietly.
Xavier would ignore her comment he would back up a couple of feet Andy he would sprint into the glass breaking it he would land into the drug factory and there would be shots heard men screaming etc. A man would sprint towards Xavier with a machete and Xavier would doge the attack and would punch him in the gut and then would break the guys arm.
-She flew in and closed her eyes and pushed a thought of freezing movement into their mind and they would freeze up, and look at each other confused. She threw out her arms as she pushed the thought to go deeper and brighter in their mind. She was not getting tired but pushing into multiple minds was hard.- "Hurry up!" She yelled at Xavier.
-She saw a bullet flying through the air {Before she froze them} about to hit Xavier and she pushed him out of the way. It hit her forearm and she let out a yelp as she was flunk to the ground. She focused on the thought still but the pain was starting override her. She did her crescent symbol and light shot up her arm and circled her, numbing the pain slightly when it reached her arm but it still hurt like hell .-
Markus Nexus

This what It for Markus one more slip-up and he would be limb-less. Markus' arms and legs suddenly froze in place, Meaning his Step-Father had frozen his limbs as well as his face. The Chip inside Markus' brain kept him from moving his lips and eyes as well as anything else. On the outside, He was frozen, but on the inside he was fighting against his Step-Fathers' control.

(His Step-Father Dave took him up and Dave and the government created the suit. If dave gets caught he will get in trouble with the US.)
Xaiver would see her get shot,”WHY DID YOU DO THAT?” He actually cared for some one in a long time. He would look at the man who shot her and he would grab his head and slam it into a brick wall knocking him out, he would see the man he needed and would summon a viper whosse bite freezes someone and it would bite him. He would grab the man and nod to thia showing that he was ready.
Markus Nexus

This what It for Markus one more slip-up and he would be limb-less. Markus' arms and legs suddenly froze in place, Meaning his Step-Father had frozen his limbs as well as his face. The Chip inside Markus' brain kept him from moving his lips and eyes as well as anything else. On the outside, He was frozen, but on the inside he was fighting against his Step-Fathers' control.

(His Step-Father Dave took him up and Dave and the government created the suit. If dave gets caught he will get in trouble with the US.)
Got it thanks)
Xaiver would see her get shot,”WHY DID YOU DO THAT?” He actually cared for some one in a long time. He would look at the man who shot her and he would grab his head and slam it into a brick wall knocking him out, he would see the man he needed and would summon a viper whosse bite freezes someone and it would bite him. He would grab the man and nod to thia showing that he was ready.
-She wiggled slightly as she held her arm out as she started to get up. She used her wings to help her slightly. She hovered a hand over her injured arm and rays of lay bounced across the wound and she picked the bullet out with a yell of pain but it started to close. She was fully standing now and she was furious. She slammed the thought further into the peoples minds and they went flying back. She looked at Xavier.- "Because I can heal and you can not and it could have killed you." She said and was standing straight up now.

-She was slight dizzy and she let the thought slip their minds.-
-She wiggled slightly as she held her arm out as she started to get up. She used her wings to help her slightly. She hovered a hand over her injured arm and rays of lay bounced across the wound and she picked the bullet out with a yell of pain but it started to close. She was fully standing now and she was furious. She slammed the thought further into the peoples minds and they went flying back. She looked at Xavier.- "Because I can heal and you can not and it could have killed you." She said and was standing straight up now.

-She was slight dizzy and she let the thought slip their minds.-
Xavier blushed ,”You know My armor isn’t that weak right?” Xavier would climb out if the factory with the man and he would place him on the roof,”Remember me?” He yelled at the man and would punch him to the ground of the roof.”WHERE TH FUCK IS HE?” He demanded an answer and he would ouch the man again.
Xavier blushed ,”You know My armor isn’t that weak right?” Xavier would climb out if the factory with the man and he would place him on the roof,”Remember me?” He yelled at the man and would punch him to the ground of the roof.”WHERE TH FUCK IS HE?” He demanded an answer and he would ouch the man again.
-She winced as she started to walk out of the building and flew up into the air a little bit. She grimaced as Xavier punched the man. She closed her eyes and thought, "Give him the answer or he will kill you."

-She pushed the thought into the mans head and made it brighter within his mind and his eyes went big. She opened her eyes and kept the thought there. Her wings flapped slightly to hold her in the air.-
Xavier would repeativedly punch the man he would grab him by the neck and would stand by the ledge “Nkt gonna talk huh?” He held him by the ledge if he let go the Man would die a terrible death “I SAID TALK FUCKER” Xavier was pissed now.
"X-Xavier put him down and let him talk.." She stuttered.

-She was scared of what was going to happen. She didn't think killing would be involved, it was everything she stood against. She landed on the roof behind Xavier and looked at the man with pleading eyes. She made the thought brighter in his head with such a strength that he winced slightly in Xavier's grasp. She didn't want Xavier to kill anyone..-
Xavier would grunt and throw the man to the ground of the roof,”TALK NOW.”
-She sighed slightly and the man started talking {Idk what you want him to say so you can do his talking}. She let the thought slip and she swayed slightly.-
The man would be talking false information and Xavier would grab the mans head and break his neck,”I gave you a chance....” blood would spatter in both of them,”He was lying....”
The man would be talking false information and Xavier would grab the mans head and break his neck,”I gave you a chance....”
-She winced as she watched Xavier snap the mans neck and held her her hand to her own throat, almost feeling it herself. Her wings fluttered slightly now, stained with blood and she stumbled to the side of the roof and sat down, her legs dangling over the edge. her eyes were looking at the ground far below. She felt awful even though the guy was a bad guy. She noticed the moon was high in the sky. -
Xavier’s would sigh and say,”god damn it....” he would then sit by thia and looked at the night sky and then her next thing they knew the police would be there and someone would get a photo of Xavier.”We have to go...”
Xavier’s would sigh and say,”god damn it....” he would then sit by thia and looked at the night sky and then her next thing they knew the police would be there and someone would get a photo of Xavier.
-She looked up at him as she heard police sirens.- "Xavier you need to get out of here.. The police they are here." She whispered frantically as she stood up into a crouch and snuck to the other side of the building, catching sight of the cars and duck around the corner again. The wings retracted back into her and she winced a tiny bit as they did.

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