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Fantasy Superhero University Characters Thread



I like to roleplay and use my imagination!
Anyone who would like to join my Superhero University Roleplay, which is open to anyone, needs to fill out a few things about their character before they can start roleplaying.

The following information each roleplayer needs to be filled out before they may begin roleplaying:

Note: All characters must be human beings, at the very least in their normal form. Like Hulk for example, his normal form is a human man, but when his powers are in effect, after he gets angry, he becomes the Hulk. Your character may also just be a human being the entire time.
  1. Character Name
  2. Brief description of your chracters appearance (e.g height, facial hair, skin color, etc.)
  3. Character personality (e.g shy, outgoing, always excited, friendly, easily annoys others, etc.)
  4. Character age
  5. Your characters superpower(s)
  6. Current grade at University (Up to 10 years, the school offers a few doctorate degrees)
  7. What superpower themed area of study your character is studying*
  8. Any other details you'd like to share about your character

*I haven't come up with what all of the areas of study are, so just come up with your own answer. I will later make a list based on some of the answers some of the first few roleplayers give, for future roleplayers to choose from.
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My Character:
1. Character Name
James Turner

2. Brief description of your chracters appearance (e.g height, facial hair, skin color, etc.)
His Height is around 5'9. He has long black hair that goes down to his shoulders and a white skin color. Hi ethnicity is American, as he is born to multiple generations of U.S. born ancestors on both his mother and fathers side, which has greatly contributed to his lighter skin tone.

3. Character personality (e.g shy, outgoing, always excited, friendly, easily annoys others, etc.)
He is very outgoing, friendly, kind and generally pretty responsible. Although not the top of his class, or smarter then everyone, he generally strives for A and B grades, and is smarter then a quite a few of his fellow college students. He also has little issue making new friends.

4. Character age
19 years old

5. Your characters superpower(s)
  • Magic powers, that usually require magic spells to activate, that come from his hands/fingers.
  • Highly skilled swordsman. He took classes after school for a number of years, prior to graduating high school and coming to the university. He also continues to practice swordmanship while in college, outside of class and when the school is on break.
  • Beginner at potions, having researched it a bit on his own. He will later get more advanced at potions, following completing a few college classes about it.

6. Current grade at University
First year/Freshman. He is new to the University.

7. What superpower themed area of study your character is studying
Magical Arts towards a bachelors degree, as well as taking a few classes about Potions, outside of his degree program.

8. Any other details you'd like to share about your character
He loves to practice magic, hang out with friends and travel the world.
Name:Flora Orso
Appearance:Green eyes, brown hair, usually wears a t-shirt and jeans that go down to her ankles, no shoes.
Personality: kind hearted, likes to be mischievous, can be over-exaggerate at times
Power(s): Sleep Inducement (can ease dreams if you're already asleep ,can put one into a deep sleep, sort of mastering, takes a lot of concentration or extreme emotions(fear,anger,sadness).) Agrokinesis (can make most small plants grow as long as seeds are provided. Big plants and whole forests aren't yet a mastered skill)
Grade: Second year
Area of study: Botany (plants) Polysomnography (study of sleep) Other general classes.
Other: she has a bag of random stuff and school stuff. She is straight. She loves animals. She uses her own powers on herself sometimes so he doesn’t get nightmares. Likes playing/listening to music. also likes insects, snakes and spiders.
Name: Xavier o’hera
Appearance: light-blue eyes black hair, wears a black hoodie black jeans, black shoes (I swear he’s not goth)
Personality: Mysterious,mean,curious
Age:19 (freshman)
Power: Resurrection (can raise the dead to do his bidding but it’s only lasts for 10 minutes then has to wait 45 minutes) he trying to work on it and master it more.
Camouflage (can blend into the environment for an hour straight then has to wait a little bit, 30 minutes)
Area of study: Forensic pathology (fluids, tissue, and other bodily samples to determine a cause of illness or death)
Other general classes.
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yumekitai mclaughlin [yoo-meh kee-tai mihk-lock-lin]
standing at approximately five-foot-nine, yume's salmon-tinted skin and rosy complexion make for a rather oddball
college student. her hair brushes the backs of her knees and rivals bubblegum for it's vibrant hue. the strands are a
constant menace and are routinely lobbed off before she goes to bed. unfortunately, she's greeted by florescent hair
every morning. one might say it has a mind of its' own.
despite her obnoxiously cheery color-palette, yumekitai is a very grounded person. she practices meditation at regular
intervals throughout the day and keeps a level head when it comes to conflict. she's a people-magnet and will always
lend a listening ear to anyone who needs it.
going on twenty-two in a few short months, yume is going into her third year of uniwith a plan already in motion.
her gift- she refuses to think of her unruly, prehensile locks as a "gift"- is one that perplexes many who have tried to help
yume understand it. jokingly referred to by many as the "dread warden", yume posesses the ability to delve inside one's
mind and target their amygdalae. specifically, their fear center
. yume can either remove the fear and grant them a
bit of peace, or she can trigger a state of paralyzing terror by coaxing that fear to the surface. she's only ever done the
latter once- an action she has regretted ever since. she more commonly uses her gift to ease the minds of her peers
and remove nightmares.
yume's current path is a doctorate in psychology and a dual masters in magical law and criminology. she's always
been a bit of an overachiever, having graduated valedictorian, chairman of the future heroes society, and the president
of the magical evolution and mystical studies club.
  1. Character Name - Damien Lancaster
  2. Brief description of your character's appearance (e.g height, facial hair, skin color, etc.) - He stands at about 5'6, fairly short for the average man around his age. He has messy red and orange hair, resembling fire. His eyes are chestnut-colored and he has a warm skin tone.
  3. Character personality - Damien is a fairly outgoing person and is willing to take risks.
  4. Character age - Nineteen (19)
  5. Your character's superpower(s) - Able to create fire with only his hands.
  6. Current grade at University (Up to 10 years, the school offers a few doctorate degrees) - Freshman (first year)
  7. What superpower themed area of study your character is studying* - Chemistry (Not entirely sure what to put here)
  8. Any other details you'd like to share about your character - He's gay. He likes to party. He was abandoned at a young age because his parents labeled him a "freak of nature."
Name:Flora Orso
Appearance:Green eyes, brown hair, usually wears a t-shirt and jeans that go down to her ankles, no shoes.
Personality: kind hearted, likes to be mischievous, can be over-exaggerate at times
Power(s): Sleep Inducement (can ease dreams if you're already asleep ,can put one into a deep sleep, sort of mastering, takes a lot of concentration or extreme emotions(fear,anger,sadness).) Agrokinesis (can make most small plants grow as long as seeds are provided. Big plants and whole forests aren't yet a mastered skill)
Grade: Second year
Area of study: Botany (plants) Polysomnography (study of sleep) Other general classes.
Other: she has a bag of random stuff and school stuff. She is straight. She loves animals. She uses her own powers on herself sometimes so he doesn’t get nightmares. Likes playing/listening to music. also likes insects, snakes and spiders.
Forgot to say this earlier and you've already started roleplaying, but now that you have provided information about your character you are welcome to start roleplaying.
  1. Character Name - Damien Lancaster
  2. Brief description of your character's appearance (e.g height, facial hair, skin color, etc.) - He stands at about 5'6, fairly short for the average man around his age. He has messy red and orange hair, resembling fire. His eyes are chestnut-colored and he has a warm skin tone.
  3. Character personality - Damien is a fairly outgoing person and is willing to take risks.
  4. Character age - Nineteen (19)
  5. Your character's superpower(s) - Able to create fire with only his hands.
  6. Current grade at University (Up to 10 years, the school offers a few doctorate degrees) - Freshman (first year)
  7. What superpower themed area of study your character is studying* - Chemistry (Not entirely sure what to put here)
  8. Any other details you'd like to share about your character - He's gay. He likes to party. He was abandoned at a young age because his parents labeled him a "freak of nature."
As you have provided information about your character you are welcome to start roleplaying.
yumekitai mclaughlin [yoo-meh kee-tai mihk-lock-lin]
standing at approximately five-foot-nine, yume's salmon-tinted skin and rosy complexion make for a rather oddball
college student. her hair brushes the backs of her knees and rivals bubblegum for it's vibrant hue. the strands are a
constant menace and are routinely lobbed off before she goes to bed. unfortunately, she's greeted by florescent hair
every morning. one might say it has a mind of its' own.
despite her obnoxiously cheery color-palette, yumekitai is a very grounded person. she practices meditation at regular
intervals throughout the day and keeps a level head when it comes to conflict. she's a people-magnet and will always
lend a listening ear to anyone who needs it.
going on twenty-two in a few short months, yume is going into her third year of uniwith a plan already in motion.
her gift- she refuses to think of her unruly, prehensile locks as a "gift"- is one that perplexes many who have tried to help
yume understand it. jokingly referred to by many as the "dread warden", yume posesses the ability to delve inside one's
mind and target their amygdalae. specifically, their fear center
. yume can either remove the fear and grant them a
bit of peace, or she can trigger a state of paralyzing terror by coaxing that fear to the surface. she's only ever done the
latter once- an action she has regretted ever since. she more commonly uses her gift to ease the minds of her peers
and remove nightmares.
yume's current path is a doctorate in psychology and a dual masters in magical law and criminology. she's always
been a bit of an overachiever, having graduated valedictorian, chairman of the future heroes society, and the president
of the magical evolution and mystical studies club.
Now that you have provided information about your character you may begin roleplaying.
Name: Xavier o’hera
Appearance: light-blue eyes black hair, wears a black hoodie black jeans, black shoes (I swear he’s not goth)
Personality: Mysterious,mean,curious
Age:19 (freshman)
Power: Resurrection (can raise the dead to do his bidding but it’s only lasts for 6 minutes then has to wait an hour)
Camouflage (can blend into the environment for an hour straight then has to wait a little bit, 30 minutes)
Area of study: Forensic pathology (fluids, tissue, and other bodily samples to determine a cause of illness or death)
Other general classes.
Now that you have provided information about your character you are welcome to start roleplaying.
  1. Character Name: Amethyst {Thia} Mistwood
  2. Brief description of your chracters appearance (e.g height, facial hair, skin color, etc.) She has a blond to light blue hair that sits near the middle of her chest. She has dark green eyes. She wears mainly a white coat {Mainly a pharmacy lab coat} over a black shirt with normal jeans or a white blouse with black skirts or black leggings. She also wears tennis shoes that are black. She is 5'3 and has a darker skin tone. Has a earring of the sun on one ear decorated with yellow gems.
  3. Character personality: Pretty reserved and gets along well {sometimes} with others. Doesnt really look for fights, but will fight if someone makes her mad. She is pretty short tempered as well. Enjoys studying, music {Like lots!}, drawing, and anything to deal with healing.
  4. Character age: 19
  5. Your characters superpower(s): She has the ability to control light in a way that sends waves over someone or something alive it can heal it or make it feel at peace. Power is activated when she moves her hands a certain way. Can heal herself from some wounds, Not deep ones {Like stabbing wounds or broken bones} but shallow cuts, scraps, and anything not to deep. Gets tired after using power alot and has a cool down when used on someone else. She can also slip thoughts into peoples minds {works for up to 30 mins. Cool down of a hour} Helps her calm down patients when not being still. {She wouldn't use it one anyone unless she is healing them or if needed} She has also missed up her thought slipping and causes illusion in the real world and this often happens. {Becomes another power later on} After she uses her power to much she grows faint and falls asleep often not looking alive. She can lose her healing powers for awhile if she uses them to much on one person.
  6. Current grade at University (Up to 10 years, the school offers a few doctorate degrees): Freshman, first year {She is going for a Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) and Doctor of medicine {MD} Doctorates}
  7. What superpower themed area of study your character is studying*: She studies in Pharmacology . She also takes Ethnomusicology {Study of music} , art historiography {Art history}, Philosophy of mind [helps her figure out how to pass thoughts to others} and other general classes but math {Already completed it}.
  8. Any other details you'd like to share about your character: She is Bisexual. She is very protective over animals and if you become friends then she can get protective as well {Like a mom in a friend group}. She is also fluent in french and spanish and will often speak in it if not thinking.
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"Some Scars can Never be Healed."
Basic Information:
: Markus Nexus (Human Name).
Age: (17 for the Robotic-Like Body.) 19.
Gender: Male.
Personality: Kind, Somewhat Quiet, and Usually Keeps to Himself. If you mess with him you're going to have a bad time. He was also somewhat hardened by the horrors of war.
Sexuality: Straight.
Height: 6'8.
Blood Type: O+ (Has Artificial Veins throughout the body, and can close off when it senses a body part is damaged. In Basic Terms He can still bleed out,If the attacks are quick.)
Country of Origin:
-Invisibility. Can go Invisible for up to Ten whole Minutes. EMP will knock this out.
-Electric Damage? His body can generate a lethal shock to those that favor Hand-to-hand or melee weapons.
-Almost Superhuman Speed and Strength. (Max Speed: 55 MPH. Max Lift: 1.5 Tons. Punch Force: 200-250 Pounds.)
Fighting style(s):
-Mixed Martial Arts.
-Hand-To-Hand. Boxing, Dirty Wrestling, Etc.
-Fire-Arms. Trained to use most fire-arms and can learn how to fire and use deadly and or non-lethal weapons, as His dad was a Marine and he taught Markus how to shoot.
-Melee. He can turn the simple pencil into a weapon of mass destruction, Don't think so? Ask the last person that messed with him.
-Can absorb over 2000 Joules of Kinetic Impact.
-Can hack Technology and control it for himself.
-Made up of a Poly-Laminate composite and different metals of the sorts.
-His Limbs can twist and turn to enable him to escape from the enemy's grasp.
-Is immune to Corrosive, Radiation, Gas, and most weak Melee attacks.
-He can easily open up his Visor and still Consume Drinks and Food. Doing this Keeps Him and his Suit powered. (Alcohol will give him a Slight Boost In Combat.)
-His lungs are completely Artificial as well as the Blood in his artificial veins. He can Breathe and Bleed.
-Can see in the dark and cold places with 'Night-Vision' and 'Thermo-Vision'. Can scan things as well.
-Rounds from 2mm to .50 BMG will barely scratch the surface of the armor and visor.
-He can still pee if you are wondering. XD
-He is still human, which means he is still afraid of different things (Including Dying.)
-Rounds from 950 JDJ to 800mm could disintegrate on impact or leave a few large dents/scratches depending on where it hit and how close it hit.
-Though not necessarily a weakness, Most shotgun and Grenade rounds can knock him back (The 12 Gauge 'Slug' round is most useful.)
-Can be stopped with Electro-Magnets and EMP's.
-Magnetic/Magical Powers can stop him.
-Electric based Weapons and Powers can temporarily slow him down.
-While In the Night, or Thermo-Vision modes, Flash Grenades will blind him.
-Temperatures over 1800F will boil his blood and completely or almost completely destroy his systems.
-Some things he will hack might grant the enemy temporary access to his systems except for Life Support and Vocal.
-Temperatures under -150 Degrees Fahrenheit will send Nexus into a 'Hibernation Mode'.

While on a normal ride with his Dad, Who was a Marine, The car had been fitted with a bomb the day before. The Blast killed his dad but left Poor Markus without limbs and a rib-cage. Which caused him to have most of his bones replaced by strong materials such as Carbon-Steel and Poly-Composite, What remains of his body is his lower abdomen, His head, and his Brain. He saw this as an opportunity to become a hero, and his Foster Parent was able to get him a place in the University, and Now he is majoring in Technology and Science.

(These are by me, So no Stealing!)
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"Some Scars can Never be Healed."
Basic Information:
: Markus Nexus (Human Name).
Age: (17 for the Robotic-Like Body.) 19.
Gender: Male.
Personality: Kind, Somewhat Quiet, and Usually Keeps to Himself. If you mess with him you're going to have a bad time. He was also somewhat hardened by the horrors of war.
Sexuality: Straight.
Height: 6'8.
Blood Type: O+ (Has Artificial Veins throughout the body, and can close off when it senses a body part is damaged. In Basic Terms He can still bleed out,If the attacks are quick.)
Country of Origin:
-Electric Damage? His body can generate a lethal shock to those that favor Hand-to-hand or melee weapons.
-Almost Superhuman Speed and Strength. (Max Speed: 55 MPH. Max Lift: 1.5 Tons. Punch Force: 200-250 Pounds.)
Fighting style(s):
-Mixed Martial Arts.
-Hand-To-Hand. Boxing, Dirty Wrestling, Etc.
-Fire-Arms. Trained to use most fire-arms and can learn how to fire and use deadly and or non-lethal weapons, as His dad was a Marine and he taught Markus how to shoot.
-Melee. He can turn the simple pencil into a weapon of mass destruction, Don't think so? Ask the last person that messed with him.
-Can absorb over 2000 Joules of Kinetic Impact.
-Can hack Technology and control it for himself.
-Made up of a Poly-Laminate composite and different metals of the sorts.
-His Limbs can twist and turn to enable him to escape from the enemy's grasp.
-Is immune to Corrosive, Radiation, Gas, and most weak Melee attacks.
-He can easily open up his Visor and still Consume Drinks and Food. Doing this Keeps Him and his Suit powered. (Alcohol will give him a Slight Boost In Combat.)
-His lungs are completely Artificial as well as the Blood in his artificial veins. He can Breathe and Bleed.
-Can see in the dark and cold places with 'Night-Vision' and 'Thermo-Vision'. Can scan things as well.
-Rounds from 2mm to .50 BMG will barely scratch the surface of the armor and visor.
-He can still pee if you are wondering. XD
-He is still human, which means he is still afraid of different things (Including Dying.)
-Rounds from 950 JDJ to 800mm could disintegrate on impact or leave a few large dents/scratches depending on where it hit and how close it hit.
-Though not necessarily a weakness, Most shotgun and Grenade rounds can knock him back (The 12 Gauge 'Slug' round is most useful.)
-Can be stopped with Electro-Magnets and EMP's.
-Magnetic/Magical Powers can stop him.
-Electric based Weapons and Powers can temporarily slow him down.
-While In the Night, or Thermo-Vision modes, Flash Grenades will blind him.
-Temperatures over 1800F will boil his blood and completely or almost completely destroy his systems.
-Some things he will hack might grant the enemy temporary access to his systems except for Life Support and Vocal.
-Temperatures under -150 Degrees Fahrenheit will send Nexus into a 'Hibernation Mode'.

While on a normal ride with his Dad, Who was a Marine, The car had been fitted with a bomb the day before. The Blast killed his dad but left Poor Markus without limbs and a rib-cage. Which caused him to have most of his bones replaced by strong materials such as Carbon-Steel and Poly-Composite, What remains of his body is his lower abdomen, His head, and his Brain. He saw this as an Opportunity to become a hero, and his Foster Parent was able to get him a place in the University, and Now he is majoring in Technology and Science.
Wow that is alot of info
"Some Scars can Never be Healed."
Basic Information:
: Markus Nexus (Human Name).
Age: (17 for the Robotic-Like Body.) 19.
Gender: Male.
Personality: Kind, Somewhat Quiet, and Usually Keeps to Himself. If you mess with him you're going to have a bad time. He was also somewhat hardened by the horrors of war.
Sexuality: Straight.
Height: 6'8.
Blood Type: O+ (Has Artificial Veins throughout the body, and can close off when it senses a body part is damaged. In Basic Terms He can still bleed out,If the attacks are quick.)
Country of Origin:
-Electric Damage? His body can generate a lethal shock to those that favor Hand-to-hand or melee weapons.
-Almost Superhuman Speed and Strength. (Max Speed: 55 MPH. Max Lift: 1.5 Tons. Punch Force: 200-250 Pounds.)
Fighting style(s):
-Mixed Martial Arts.
-Hand-To-Hand. Boxing, Dirty Wrestling, Etc.
-Fire-Arms. Trained to use most fire-arms and can learn how to fire and use deadly and or non-lethal weapons, as His dad was a Marine and he taught Markus how to shoot.
-Melee. He can turn the simple pencil into a weapon of mass destruction, Don't think so? Ask the last person that messed with him.
-Can absorb over 2000 Joules of Kinetic Impact.
-Can hack Technology and control it for himself.
-Made up of a Poly-Laminate composite and different metals of the sorts.
-His Limbs can twist and turn to enable him to escape from the enemy's grasp.
-Is immune to Corrosive, Radiation, Gas, and most weak Melee attacks.
-He can easily open up his Visor and still Consume Drinks and Food. Doing this Keeps Him and his Suit powered. (Alcohol will give him a Slight Boost In Combat.)
-His lungs are completely Artificial as well as the Blood in his artificial veins. He can Breathe and Bleed.
-Can see in the dark and cold places with 'Night-Vision' and 'Thermo-Vision'. Can scan things as well.
-Rounds from 2mm to .50 BMG will barely scratch the surface of the armor and visor.
-He can still pee if you are wondering. XD
-He is still human, which means he is still afraid of different things (Including Dying.)
-Rounds from 950 JDJ to 800mm could disintegrate on impact or leave a few large dents/scratches depending on where it hit and how close it hit.
-Though not necessarily a weakness, Most shotgun and Grenade rounds can knock him back (The 12 Gauge 'Slug' round is most useful.)
-Can be stopped with Electro-Magnets and EMP's.
-Magnetic/Magical Powers can stop him.
-Electric based Weapons and Powers can temporarily slow him down.
-While In the Night, or Thermo-Vision modes, Flash Grenades will blind him.
-Temperatures over 1800F will boil his blood and completely or almost completely destroy his systems.
-Some things he will hack might grant the enemy temporary access to his systems except for Life Support and Vocal.
-Temperatures under -150 Degrees Fahrenheit will send Nexus into a 'Hibernation Mode'.

While on a normal ride with his Dad, Who was a Marine, The car had been fitted with a bomb the day before. The Blast killed his dad but left Poor Markus without limbs and a rib-cage. Which caused him to have most of his bones replaced by strong materials such as Carbon-Steel and Poly-Composite, What remains of his body is his lower abdomen, His head, and his Brain. He saw this as an opportunity to become a hero, and his Foster Parent was able to get him a place in the University, and Now he is majoring in Technology and Science.

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(These are by me, So no Stealing!)
Now that you have provided information on your charatcer, you are welcome to start roleplaying.
name: Lucy love soot
discripiton : long magenta hair like repuunzle short like a 5th grader but sweet and can allways be found in the old music room ( sorry but I think if they has the word old it is cooler)
age: 14
Powers: is the daughter of chaos distruction and death but has the ability to preform spells through music
Grade: 10 grade
studying: music study's and the art of chaos
other information : she can speak French and see ghosts

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