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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

Somehow Joker was the only SSB not invited. He got some beef with him probably has a whole list since Joker is the real protag here /j

Joker just steals an invite and shows up anyways
Joker starring in Wedding Crashers lol 😆
I plan on getting a Pyra post up tomorrow as long as I'm not dragged into petty drama for the 5th day straight. ik I don't need to say it but I apologize again for the wait I'm such an apologetic lil shithead for no reason lol
Oofies, I can barely function with a migraine so I feel you

Little Shiri is crying! Looks like Lana won't be the only one shedding tears of joy
Seph personally bakes the cake cause why not
Couldn't help but scribble a little something even if I'm eepyCia's Maid of Honor.png
Imagine Lunaris in the background is just roasting Seph cause he doesn’t have the rizz XD 🤣
Cia teaches Seph how to flirt she fails lmao 🤣 because his way of flirting is def more crude and violent
Cia: "Just be honest about what you want, Sephiroth. Be assertive."
Sephiroth: "Very well then...I want to [redacted] your [redacted] until you [redacted]."
Cia: "...Uhm...t-try to uh, do the opposite next time..."
I’d be surprised if Sephiroth does end up seducing a lady lol without trying

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