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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

Lunaris is one of my favorite well written baddies. I love how complex he is the mark of a great character:
And a confrontation for Seph and Joker like Seph’s massacre of the army should be enough
Posted for the Icies! Sorry my post is a bit short hsbdgfhgfvq
Lunaris: What is your purpose here?
Cia: O_O You.
Lunaris: … Wot?
Cia: What?
Random Nobleman: … Well, this just got awkward.
She's gotta gaslight the heck out of them to make em forget THAT slipup!
Okay I got Yoshi up. Left it very open ended in hopes it helps move things forward? Apologies if not. I tried Dx
I forgot to share these last night cuz I got caught up in dealing with useless drama but here’s a couple silly little showtime concepts

Pit/Mythra: I got the idea of their attack being based around Mythra’s horrible cooking. It starts with her making some rather dubious looking food and presenting it to Pit which he gladly accepts but then they get ambushed and don’t have their weapons so Pit throws the food and it has a clear effect on the enemy (maybe they topple over and get sick just from being touched by it or something). Mythra gets mad and she grabs Pit and screams something at him before throwing him at the enemy as well. Probably ends with Mythra standing with her arms crossed with an annoyed expression and Pit on the ground behind her with the enemy defeated

Falcon/Yoshi: This is a very simple one but I pictured something like Falcon’s final smash and Yoshi’s in the passenger seat. They hit they enemy and then pop open the cockpit and Yoshi jumps out grabs the enemy with his tongue to prevent them from going too far and launches them up as Falcon jumps up and ends it with a classic Falcon Punch then they land and strike some heroic looking poses
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I forgot to share these last night cuz I got caught up in dealing with useless drama but here’s a couple silly little showtime concepts

Pit/Mythra: I got the idea of their attack being based around Mythra’s horrible cooking. It starts with her making some rather dubious looking food and presenting it to Pit which he glad lily accepts but then they get ambushed and don’t have their weapons so Pit throws the food and it has a clear effect on the enemy (maybe they topple over and get sick just from being touched by it or something). Mythra gets mad and she grabs Pit and screams something at him before throwing him at the enemy as well. Probably ends with Mythra standing with her arms crossed with an annoyed expression and Pit on the ground behind her with the enemy defeated

Falcon/Yoshi: This is a very simple one but I pictured something like Falcon’s final smash and Yoshi’s in the passenger seat. They hit they enemy and then pop open the cockpit and Yoshi jumps out grabs the enemy with his tongue to prevent them from going too far and launches them up as Falcon jumps up and ends it with a classic Falcon Punch then they land and strike some heroic looking poses
Hmm so cute I love Pit’s and Mythra’s show time
I forgot to share these last night cuz I got caught up in dealing with useless drama but here’s a couple silly little showtime concepts

Pit/Mythra: I got the idea of their attack being based around Mythra’s horrible cooking. It starts with her making some rather dubious looking food and presenting it to Pit which he glad lily accepts but then they get ambushed and don’t have their weapons so Pit throws the food and it has a clear effect on the enemy (maybe they topple over and get sick just from being touched by it or something). Mythra gets mad and she grabs Pit and screams something at him before throwing him at the enemy as well. Probably ends with Mythra standing with her arms crossed with an annoyed expression and Pit on the ground behind her with the enemy defeated

Falcon/Yoshi: This is a very simple one but I pictured something like Falcon’s final smash and Yoshi’s in the passenger seat. They hit they enemy and then pop open the cockpit and Yoshi jumps out grabs the enemy with his tongue to prevent them from going too far and launches them up as Falcon jumps up and ends it with a classic Falcon Punch then they land and strike some heroic looking poses
Pit throwing away food?! BLASPHEMY!! Lol, joking aside, that would be hysterical if it actually happened! I imagine Pit laying facedown, looking dead, in the back.
Another thought:

Joker/Toon Link: Toon Link just sneaking around in a barrel while Joker is using cover to sneak about as they approach their target. The enemy turns towards them, T’ink comes to a halt and Joker remains behind cover. T’ink looks at Joker from a hole in the barrel and gives him some kind of signal and while the enemy is turning away unsuspecting an attack, Joker jumps out and launches himself off the barrel before dropping on them with his dagger out and while he’s attacking T’ink throws the barrel and Joker jumps out of the way letting it hit the target before both go in for a finishing blow with sword and dagger
I would like to offer the idea of Cyan and Mog show time but eh how Mog’s dance works in final fantasy 6 is that you can’t control him once he starts.
Ehh who cares. Cyan uses Quadra slice while Mog does a dance that boosts Cyan’s attack and magic defense making him stronger. It’s in a meadow type of setting in the World of Balance.
How about a prompt?

Dark Pit has been accused of a very serious crime and imprisoned. He states he is innocent and absolutely refuses to budge on that, even if a confession to the crime would spare him from execution (via wing amputation). The evidence against him is very damning. What might be your PCs' response to this?
How about a prompt?

Dark Pit has been accused of a very serious crime and imprisoned. He states he is innocent and absolutely refuses to budge on that, even if a confession to the crime would spare him from execution (via wing amputation). The evidence against him is very damning. What might be your PCs' response to this?
Hmm Cyan would try to find proof of his innocence. Someone call Phoenix Wright
How about a prompt?

Dark Pit has been accused of a very serious crime and imprisoned. He states he is innocent and absolutely refuses to budge on that, even if a confession to the crime would spare him from execution (via wing amputation). The evidence against him is very damning. What might be your PCs' response to this?
My brain can’t handle writing something out for all my characters it’s been a long day urghhhh but I do offer this:

Given Joker has been on the side of something like this (albeit not to this extreme) he would likely feel rather passionate about it and heavily standby Dark Pit and try to find a way to avoid the worst possible outcome at all cost. He may not be particularly close with him but he would not standby and let someone who he probably would believe has no reason to trick him be harmed when they’re innocent
How about a prompt?

Dark Pit has been accused of a very serious crime and imprisoned. He states he is innocent and absolutely refuses to budge on that, even if a confession to the crime would spare him from execution (via wing amputation). The evidence against him is very damning. What might be your PCs' response to this?
I may or may not do the others later but for now here’s how Isabelle would react

Isabelle: Seeing as Isabelle has canonically earned multiple degrees from 19 different universities (granted all in engineering but shhhh), I feel like her first inclination would be to immediately go to law school and become a lawyer purely for the sake of becoming a defense attorney on Dark Pit’s case. Fhskfhdkf however getting a law degree takes quite a while so by the time she’s all certified and everything the Dark Pit situation has been long taken care of lmao
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I may or may not do the others later but for now here’s how Isabelle would react

Isabelle: Seeing as Isabelle has canonically earned multiple degrees from 19 different universities (granted all in engineering but shhhh), I feel like her first inclination would be to immediately go to law school and become a lawyer purely for the sake of becoming a defense attorney on Dark Pit’s case. Fhskfhdkf however getting a law degree takes quite a while so by the time she’s all certified and everything the Dark Pit situation has been long taken care of lmao
So when are we going to see Shulk, Samus, and Isabelle build something amazing like a mecha or a big-ass gun?
Those three build something like that while characters like Joker who are crafty but nowhere on that scale (he only makes little infiltration tools of his own) just stand there in complete shock
How about a prompt?

Dark Pit has been accused of a very serious crime and imprisoned. He states he is innocent and absolutely refuses to budge on that, even if a confession to the crime would spare him from execution (via wing amputation). The evidence against him is very damning. What might be your PCs' response to this?
The Ice Climbers are kids. They would of course not want Dark Pit to be executed, but this is of course because of their childish naiveness. Of course, Nana would be hesitant at first, as she is the smarter one of the two, while Popo would be more gung-ho with it.

Lyn has a very low tolerance for criminals, since the Taliver Bandits were the ones who poisoned her tribe and killed off her father. She dislikes pirates as well, seeing as they are pretty much bandits who work on water. However, she is able to see the good in individuals, as there was a mercenary, Dorcas, who was attacking Lyn and her party, but it was soon discovered that he was only being a merc to help his disabled wife. Lyn forgives him and ends up recruiting him to her party of rogues. Lyn isn't mean-spirited; I can see her not wanting him to be executed- however, that doesn't mean that she fully believes him innocent.

Ike, however, I can see him being more trusting than Lyn. According to Engage, once Ike trusts someone, he never questions their motives, even if they're lying to him, as he assumes they have a reason for fibbing to his face. He looks past immediate first impressions of people or situations. One would have to be very stupid as to double-cross Ike, anyway. So he would take Dark Pit's word for it and believe his innocence.

Lana would be very conflicted. She is the personification of goodness; therefore she would definitely want to believe that Dark Pit is telling the truth, and she wouldn't want him to be executed. However, Lana isn't stupid, either. Although she is docile and friendly towards others, she isn't immediately trusting. It was trust that led to her and Cia splitting, and it was trust that led to Ganon's resurrection. I honestly don't know what she would think.
Ok! What would your PCs do to save Seph from losing himself after he finds the truth of his origins?
Oh my god I feel like a big dummy rn! I apologize for not realizing I was up for Pyra. I've had so much thrown at me this week my brain didn't even register I was up. I'll work on her sometime during the week hopefully!
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