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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

  • Brainwashed Isabelle is what happens when you remove all of her other personality tropes except for her desire to work
  • She’s a well oiled machine who’ll do whatever it takes to make a job well done, even if she has to sacrifice her or other’s health in the process
  • She has a small team of Toads and Toadettes kidnapped and forced against their will working under her
  • She will gladly overwork her staff far past the point of exhaustion without even the slightest ounce of remorse, basically running a sweatshop
  • She’s surprisingly intimidating for her stature
  • Sometimes her workers will switch out her regular glasses for her regular, non-brainwashing, pair. She’s still going to overwork them but she’ll be just ever so slightly nicer about it

  • Inkling’s way less chatty and energetic than her usual self, acting a lot more like how she is in Splatoon 3
  • Because of the mind control a lot of her emotions are pretty dulled, so she’s pretty much in a constant state of boredom unless she’s either a.) fighting off intruders or b.) watching Lunaris’ army rain chaos down upon the realm.
  • Her eyeglass allows her to manually turn on and off the special limiter
  • She especially loves spamming her autobomb special on poor unsuspecting victims, though the other members of the army tend to get pretty annoyed by all the explosions and mess that gets left afterwards.
  • The best means of breaking her out of mind control would probably be by playing a certain heavenly melody. The only problem is her ear piece is constantly playing an annoyingly loud static noise in her ear, making any attempt to listen to music with it on basically impossible. This also means she probably won’t hear you if you try talking to her on that side.
  • After breaking out of the mind control, don’t let Inkling anywhere near the eye piece. With how fashion driven the Inkling species are, she could be so drawn to the utter stylishness of the item that might put it right back on willingly.

  • If I had to compare brainwashed Zelda to anyone, I’d say she’d probably have sort of similar vibes to Mimi from Paper Mario
  • Due to Zelda’s own skills in telepathy, she probably was a little bit more difficult to wrangle under the brainwashing, so she wears the mask pretty much 24/7
  • With the little mental fortitude Zelda had left she managed to find a way to prevent herself from using the triforce of wisdom/while in her brainwashed state.
  • With the mask on she’s a lot more egotistical and will happily mock or look down upon anyone who isn’t Lord Lunaris or Lady Odessa.
  • The magic she tends to use is a lot more cruel yet also strangely pretty creative. Not having to worry about pesky morals means she can experiment way more with the sorts of spells she casts. But since she’s still a reincarnation of Hylia, Zelda is incapable of using any explicitly dark magic much to her own displeasure.
  • She gets incredibly annoyed at any “Lol if you’re wearing the moon mask then who has the sun mask?” jokes. If you have the gall to ask such an asinine question then you shouldn’t be surprised when Zelda turns you into a snail and throws you into a pile of salt.
  • I think it’d be funny that when Zelda breaks from mind control, while on one hand she’d obviously be horrified at her awful actions and attitude, she couldn’t deny that she made a ton of progress in her magical studies while working under Lunaris.

  • The hood pretty much acts like how an actual Falcon hood works. It dulls his sense of sight and hearing which mellows him out. He doesn’t have any of that Pichu Branded Sass™ and is honestly just kinda vibing.
  • Take off the hood however, and he’s pretty much an extra rabid animal lol. Friend or foe? It doesn’t matter to Pichu so long as he gets to rip someone to shreds!
  • Bumps into walls a lot lol

Reading all these just makes me think that such personality shifts would be a very strong reason for Joker to be extra depressive when the mask comes off. Given he’s painfully aware of it all it hurts to see all his friends so different from who they really are. He can’t do anything though!

Omg that is cute and accurate af LOL! Nobody understands their friend dynamic at all given Joker is so cheery and talkative while Inkling is stoic and quiet. Somewhere in their subconscious they are just drawn to each other and put up with one another though I imagine half the things Joker is rambling about goes in one ear and out the other. He probably tries to do dumb card tricks on her and she just stares at him blankly the whole time
  • Brainwashed Isabelle is what happens when you remove all of her other personality tropes except for her desire to work
  • She’s a well oiled machine who’ll do whatever it takes to make a job well done, even if she has to sacrifice her or other’s health in the process
  • She has a small team of Toads and Toadettes kidnapped and forced against their will working under her
  • She will gladly overwork her staff far past the point of exhaustion without even the slightest ounce of remorse, basically running a sweatshop
  • She’s surprisingly intimidating for her stature
  • Sometimes her workers will switch out her regular glasses for her regular, non-brainwashing, pair. She’s still going to overwork them but she’ll be just ever so slightly nicer about it

  • Inkling’s way less chatty and energetic than her usual self, acting a lot more like how she is in Splatoon 3
  • Because of the mind control a lot of her emotions are pretty dulled, so she’s pretty much in a constant state of boredom unless she’s either a.) fighting off intruders or b.) watching Lunaris’ army rain chaos down upon the realm.
  • Her eyeglass allows her to manually turn on and off the special limiter
  • She especially loves spamming her autobomb special on poor unsuspecting victims, though the other members of the army tend to get pretty annoyed by all the explosions and mess that gets left afterwards.
  • Glitter ink : )
  • The best means of breaking her out of mind control would probably be by playing a certain heavenly melody. The only problem is her ear piece is constantly playing an annoyingly loud static noise in her ear, making any attempt to listen to music with it on basically impossible. This also means she probably won’t hear you if you try talking to her on that side.
  • After breaking out of the mind control, don’t let Inkling anywhere near the eye piece. With how fashion driven the Inkling species are, she could be so drawn to the utter stylishness of the item that might put it right back on willingly.

  • If I had to compare brainwashed Zelda to anyone, I’d say she’d probably have sort of similar vibes to Mimi from Paper Mario
  • Due to Zelda’s own skills in telepathy, she probably was a little bit more difficult to wrangle under the brainwashing, so she wears the mask pretty much 24/7
  • With the little mental fortitude Zelda had left she managed to find a way to prevent herself from using the triforce of wisdom/while in her brainwashed state.
  • With the mask on she’s a lot more egotistical and will happily mock or look down upon anyone who isn’t Lord Lunaris or Lady Odessa.
  • The magic she tends to use is a lot more cruel yet also strangely pretty creative. Not having to worry about pesky morals means she can experiment way more with the sorts of spells she casts. But since she’s still a reincarnation of Hylia, Zelda is incapable of using any explicitly dark magic much to her own displeasure.
  • She gets incredibly annoyed at any “Lol if you’re wearing the moon mask then who has the sun mask?” jokes. If you have the gall to ask such an asinine question then you shouldn’t be surprised when Zelda turns you into a snail and throws you into a pile of salt.
  • I think it’d be funny that when Zelda breaks from mind control, while on one hand she’d obviously be horrified at her awful actions and attitude, she couldn’t deny that she made a ton of progress in her magical studies while working under Lunaris.

  • The hood pretty much acts like how an actual Falcon hood works. It dulls his sense of sight and hearing which mellows him out. He doesn’t have any of that Pichu Branded Sass™ and is honestly just kinda vibing.
  • Take off the hood however, and he’s pretty much an extra rabid animal lol. Friend or foe? It doesn’t matter to Pichu so long as he gets to rip someone to shreds!
  • Bumps into walls a lot lol

Lunaris!Isabelle plays Palworld lol

I'll have to put some thought into how my PCs would be while brainwashed. The angels are likely to be put under Odessa's command, though she'd be incredibly upset with being given the order to not destroy them! Lunaris and Odessa may have even learned from the Ring of Chaos disaster and have their souls sealed away so they can't fight back at all! Maybe they're sealed within a gem on their masks? 🤔 Or even worse: the gems containing their souls are being used as an unlimited power source for Zelda and Lunaris’s magical machinery!

Jester doing card tricks would be fun and make his new alias fit better.
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Lunaris!Isabelle plays Palworld lol

I'll have to put some thought into how my PCs would be while brainwashed. The angels are likely to be put under Odessa's command, though she'd be incredibly upset with being given the order to not destroy them! Lunaris and Odessa may have even learned from the Ring of Chaos disaster and have their souls sealed away so they can't fight back at all! Maybe they're sealed within a gem on their masks? 🤔 Or even worse: the gems containing their souls are being used as an unlimited power source for Zelda and Lunaris’s magical machinery!

Jester doing card tricks would be fun and make his new alias fit better.
I should make an OC just to see them brainwashed lol.
I have made the stupid decision of actually attempting to doodle a second character of mine in subordinate outfit and ofc my brain narrowed down to two of the more complex designed characters of Pyra/Mythra or Byleth. So see y'all on the other side if I make it LOL
I have made the stupid decision of actually attempting to doodle a second character of mine in subordinate outfit and ofc my brain narrowed down to two of the more complex designed characters of Pyra/Mythra or Byleth. So see y'all on the other side if I make it LOL
It’s nice that you guys have an artist on board!
There are several artist here tbh. Like half the people involved draw lol
I kind of want to play Zelda! But there probably is already a Zelda in the game!
If you’re curious about which characters are available, the first page of the OOC has a list of what fighters have been claimed so far. Currently Alttp Zelda, Oot Sheik/Zelda, and Tetra/Toon Zelda are being played by other players, but besides those three, any other version of Zelda is probably up for grabs 👍
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I have returned with art! I decided to go with Pyra/Mythra, well kinda, you'll understand when you see it LOL. So here she is

Extra thought dump:
-No longer two personalities. One cohesive being only referred to by Aegis (not even Pneuma)
-Corrupted core crystal. Previously she was forced by into her crystal and reawakened by resonating with it. Lunaris is now her driver rather than Rex
-Suspected to have lost all memories when she returned to her core even though an aegis should not. This was to due with her crystal becoming corrupted. Also mean traces of the old Pyra/Mythra may not exist in her
-Does not need a mask nor is she truly brainwashed given the ordeal with her crystal
-Personality is directly influenced by being Lunaris's blade given blades may show different personalities depending on who their driver is. She is very egoistical, arrogant and cold. She does not like to get along with others and will not. Others merely help her get closer to her own goals. Nothing more, nothing less. She only sees herself as a weapon of destruction and will very much act the part. There is no real humanity left in her. Will not hesitate to put anyone outside her driver down if they get in her way
-No longer has an affinity to light and now has one with dark
-Only ways to get rid of her would be to kill Lunaris or destroy her core crystal. The former would cause her to return to her core crystal while the latter would perma kill her
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I would offer to design for others characters but
1. I have a billion of my own characters and only have touched 2 of them
2. My design capabilities only go so far and I'd feel like I'd be lacking/end up disappointing
3. Designing even one of these takes more time than I'd like to admit I put in
I have returned with art! I decided to go with Pyra/Mythra, well kinda, you'll understand when you see it LOL. So here she is

Extra thought dump:
-No longer two personalities. One cohesive being only referred to by Aegis (not even Pneuma)
-Corrupted core crystal. Previously she was forced by into her crystal and reawakened by resonating with it. Lunaris is now her driver rather than Rex
-Suspected to have lost all memories when she returned to her core even though an aegis should not. This was to due with her crystal becoming corrupted. Also mean traces of the old Pyra/Mythra may not exist in her
-Does not need a mask nor is she truly brainwashed given the ordeal with her crystal
-Personality is directly influenced by being Lunaris's blade given blades may show different personalities depending on who their driver is. She is very egoistical, arrogant and cold. She does not like to get along with others and will not. Others merely help her get closer to her own goals. Nothing more, nothing less. She only sees herself as a weapon of destruction and will very much act the part. There is no real humanity left in her. Will not hesitate to put anyone outside her driver down if they get in her way
-No longer has an affinity to light and now has one with dark
-Only ways to get rid of her would be to kill Lunaris or destroy her core crystal. The former would cause her to return to her core crystal while the latter would perma kill her
So my friend just decided to tell me this design looks very Sailor Moon/Magical girl. I cannot escape Magical girls lately ig LOL
Recent Events
In the Jungle, Inkling was attacked by Bowser's army. Joker, Paula, Prompto, and Noctus came to the rescue, but Bowser was able to grab Inkling and leave with her. Thanks to their efforts, and the intervention of a Rathalos, Inkling was rescued and the party escaped Bowser and his army. Bowser managed to drive the Rathalos away, and he and his small fleet made their way to the Stadium. Ridley soon joined them, and they briefly talked about teaming up when they were suddenly attacked by laser-shooting satellites that resembled golden eyes. Lord Lunaris's flying citadel appeared, and the three leaders agreed to an alliance that will crush the Super Smash Brothers.

After escaping Bowser's army, Inkling, Joker, Paula, Prompto, and Noctus made their way to the Stadium only to find it overtaken by a massive army made up of members of the Mysterious Small Fry Enemy Corps, and other common enemies such as Moblins and Koopas.

Sora and Pichu escaped the Primid-infested Research Facility and Subspace Bomb Factory on the floating island. After battling the remnants of the Subspace Army and freeing the captive wildlife, they flew off the island only to crash land into the Flying Citadel-- the lair of Lord Lunaris! The two quickly made their escape by jumping off the citadel, landing in the wasteland where the Battlefield Fortress is located. There, they were found by Byleth, Professor Layton, and Luke.

Samus, Peach, and Pikachu were traveling deep into the Forest area to find the source of its corruption. They came upon an area covered in a thick miasma. The source of the miasma is the Great Deku Tree who had been wounded and corrupted by a massive stake made of dark magic. They were able to destroy the demons guarding the Great Deku Tree and remove the stake protruding from him, but the damage had already been done. Before he died, the Great Deku Tree informed the team of the Pillars of Creation and the Pillars of Destruction, portions of the Twin Hands' power that were scattered throughout the Smash Realm, and bestowed his Pillar, the Pillar of Life, upon them.

Princess Zelda, after an attempted kidnapping by a couple of hostile Miis, found herself lost in the Forest. With the assistance of the resident Pokemon, she was able to find Samus's ship. Cream the Rabbit soon joined her. Eventually, Samus, Peach, and Pikachu returned to the ship. They decided their next move would be to head for the Lake Shore as they suspected another Pillar to be hidden there. There, they found the Lake Scientist, Nurse Joy, and Big the Cat trying to help an injured but unruly Dark Pit. When things settled down, the Super Bash Sisters gathered what info they could in regards to the state of the world, and learned that Rayquaza had fallen terribly ill after the appearance of strangers a few nights prior.

Pyra/Mythra, Toon Link, and Pit reached the Alolan Islands after braving a sea full of cyclones. They disguised themselves as pirates so they could get to the Warp Pipe without attracting unwanted attention, but they were shanghaied by Kap'n Krook before they could. After a few hours' sailing, the pirate ship had come upon the legendary Ghost Ship. The companions explored the Ghost Ship in search of a treasure called the Crystal Coconut. Instead of a crystal coconut, they found themselves battling their deepest fears and confronted by past traumas until they made it to the ship's hold. There, they found a strange crystal shard that was the source of the Ghost Ship's fearful aura. Taking the shard, they returned to Krook's ship. Krook, enraged by the party's failure to obtain the Crystal Coconut, threatened to have them executed. The Smash Brothers, having enough of the Kremling, decided to fight back, and a battle on the Black Scourge commenced. During the battle, the galleon took massive damage and sank, leaving Mythra, Pit, and Toon Link aboard a dinghy in the sea.

In Console City, Snake just barely escaped a bunch of wannabe bounty hunters. After his escape, Snake and Roxas met and traveled through the underground together. After fighting their way through a horde of Minecraft zombies and other dangerous underground denizens, they emerged to the surface and found themselves at the Military Base. Sephiroth raided the Military Base to get Jenova and succeeded in retrieving her. Isabelle, who was imprisoned within the base, escaped, only to flee for her life as Sephiroth massacred the soldiers and scientists within the base, then summoned Meteor with intent on completely annihilating it. Before Meteor could make landfall, Lord Lunaris appeared on his Flying Citadel with intent on battling Sephiroth. However, Jenova ordered Sephiroth to not engage the sorcerer and the two left. Using the powers stolen from the Hands, Lunaris destroyed the Meteor.

Captain Falcon, Yoshi, Link, and Shadow met in the Swamp. As they traveled together, they reached the Jungle and found a temple to explore, but before they could get too far they were ambushed by people in masks. They were escorted to a Kokiri village hidden within the Jungle where they were then attacked by a brainwashed and mechanized Kirby. After Kirby was subdued, the village scouts returned with reports of a Demon Tree attacking people, and the spread of a cursed area of the Swamp known as the Sorrowfen. The Kokiri requested the Super Smash Brothers escort their injured brethren to the Great Fairy for healing.

Character Locations Map (Credit to SheepKing)
Colored diamonds represent a Pillar possessed by the group

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I like the little Juri Hayden and Fawful faces. How do you make those? And What do the green diamonds represent?

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