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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

Sora probably is just friendly to her like he is with everyone else. He wouldn't likely crush on her. It's Sora after all LMAO. Roxas would probably not really understand crushes and he'd probably be stubborn about admitting anything
Sora probably is just friendly to her like he is with everyone else. He wouldn't likely crush on her. It's Sora after all LMAO. Roxas would probably not really understand crushes and he'd probably be stubborn about admitting anything
Yep, Sora's just a friend to everyone! I see Roxas similarly. Maybe he's not as happy-go-lucky, but he does enjoy having friends.

A lot of folks portray Dark Pit as being willing to chew peoples' heads off or insult them as soon as they interact with him, and being difficult for the sake of being difficult, but I think he's more chill than that. Pittoo never actually does anything evil in Uprising, and in multiplayer he's shown to be a good sport whether he wins or loses. He's a grouch in the RP because of what's happened to him prior to meeting up with the Smash Sisters.

Pit's crush on Zelda is an English-dub thing only, and I'm still pondering on whether or not to have it in the RP.
Friend wise, yeah Roxas definitely likes having them. He isn't as easy to get along with like Sora, but he tries. It's just anything along the lines of crushes he is either 1. clueless or 2. too stubborn to admit
I think Dark Pit would be in stubborn denial. He's a free, independent man who doesn't want to be tied down! I think he'd eventually grow out of that mindset as he matures.

Though the thought of him trying the "cool, aloof bad-boy" act to impress someone, then after that fails, trying to be sweet and genuine only to be an awkward dork is fun to think about. I can see this being the case whether it's a romantic interest or just trying to be friendly.

Dark Pit: So... Zelda! I, uh, know you like berry tarts so... I... uh... I got you one... *the tart falls off the plate and onto Zelda's lap; a very red-faced Pittoo shoots a deathglare at it as if that will make it flip back onto the plate*

That's probably why I can imagine him being more secretive about his affection: it prevents such awkwardness! He's also got a reputation as a Tough Guy to uphold!

Roxas gets emotional over seashells but he doesn’t know why because he wouldn’t remember Xion. He’s just standing there after giving Zelda the shell with tears running down his cheeks and he’s confused af

Dark Pit and Roxas upon Pittoo seeing Roxas cry again:

Aw no punchy Roxas over crying. He has a good reason to even if he can’t remember it. That’s not his fault though! Seashells would just subconsciously remind him of Xion even if his memories of her were taken away so he doesn’t actually remember her
Aww, I know that, but Dark Pit wouldn't. He'd probably, genuinely, believe he's helping! Poor Roxas!

I think if Xion was around she'd immediately be welcomed into the group! 💕
Dark Pit pls. Punching Roxas is not the answer lol
Alrighty wooo posted! Apologies it wasn't my best. My creativity is still struggling a lot but I wanted to get something out
Sora when Dark Pit punches Roxas for the first time:


Alrighty wooo posted! Apologies it wasn't my best. My creativity is still struggling a lot but I wanted to get something out
It's all good! I have to remind myself that my posts don't always need to be amazing. Just being able to move things along is enough. Hopefully I'm providing enough to help with that creativity. I think we've been on the ships long enough and need a change of scenery.
Sora when Dark Pit punches Roxas for the first time:

View attachment 1102465

It's all good! I have to remind myself that my posts don't always need to be amazing. Just being able to move things along is enough. Hopefully I'm providing enough to help with that creativity. I think we've been on the ships long enough and need a change of scenery.
Sora would be happy, but also in the seashell situation my brain was like "What if Sora also feels Roxas' pain? What if he knows Roxas is hurting but also doesn't know why?" and now I'm left with these thoughts

I think it's mostly just me trying not to be uber repetitive with stuff on the ship. My brain is just struggling on that front, not with what is provided
XD I just pictured Sora showing Dark Pit a "Badness Level" chart he drew.


Sora and Lilo never interact with each other in Kingdom Hearts, do they? It's a shame, because I think they'd make a great duo!
Nah they never do. The only time the Lilo and Stitch world is used is in Birth by Sleep and it was the space ship before Stitch went to Earth
Palutena: Dark Pit, show us that there is something inside you that is good!

Dark Pit: *clears throat* Gamo to speeti su! *gives a double moutza*

Palutena: SO NAUGHTY!!

Pandora: I didn't teach him that!
So I realized Ganon still has no interaction and it’d be sad to lose a new member so quickly. I could offer Gigipon for a small interaction though she probably isn’t a substantial interaction given she’s meant to be kinda NPC but yeah I’d offer more than that but I don’t think it’d be too smart for me to pick up another full character
So I realized Ganon still has no interaction and it’d be sad to lose a new member so quickly. I could offer Gigipon for a small interaction though she probably isn’t a substantial interaction given she’s meant to be kinda NPC but yeah I’d offer more than that but I don’t think it’d be too smart for me to pick up another full character
That would be fine. I was concerned about this as they started in the Ruins where there aren't any other characters in the area. I did mention the Flying Citadel moving past the Ruins, so it is very possible for Ganondorf to see that, and maybe the Meteor that Sephiroth summoned.

Somecallmedrunk Somecallmedrunk Is everything alright?
I admit it probably isn't even smart of me to try and help, but I'd feel bad if I didn't offer since I hate seeing people left out DX
That would be fine. I was concerned about this as they started in the Ruins where there aren't any other characters in the area. I did mention the Flying Citadel moving past the Ruins, so it is very possible for Ganondorf to see that, and maybe the Meteor that Sephiroth summoned.

Somecallmedrunk Somecallmedrunk Is everything alright?

Yes it's all fine just been busy and also I do believe I'm coming down with an illness so that's why I haven't really been posting in the RP chat or in OOC sorry about that
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Whatever is needed interaction wise, just lmk and I'll do my best to try and help where I can!
Yes it's all fine just been busy and also I do believe I'm coming down with an illness so that's why I haven't really been posting in the RP chat or in OOC sorry about that
All good, wanted to make sure you weren't being left out. Hope you feel better soon!

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