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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

I’ve been thinking of that conversation between Sephiroth and Layton just now. “ Genesis was an enjoyer of poetry and plays. He’ll quote his favorite play loveless word for word and has a thing for waxing poetry. I get the feeling you’re the kind of man that like poetry and plays you two would get along greatly. Angeal was the voice of reason between the two of us.. he was a guardian angel if you will.” I think would be the first anyone sees tears coming from Seph.
You know now I need Sora to have a run in again with Shiri down the line just so she sees he's alive and probably scolds him for being so reckless
Should I post first for Seph when I come back home from my vacation or expect a Roxas post?
Quick question just to make sure I'm not stepping on anybody's toes when it comes to Subspace and the remains of it's Army, what is the general consensus on what happened to the realm itself after Tabuu's defeat and all the pieces of the world that we're trapped in Subspace returned?

Becasue despite me playing the man himself i have no intention of pulling a Hijacked by Gannon type move.

Just wanting to further explore the sub-plot of what Subspace is up to when the fabric of the world is at the thinnest it's been since they literally tore holes in it.
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Should I post first for Seph when I come back home from my vacation or expect a Roxas post?
I have nothing to post for Roxas atm so I wouldn't expect anything on my end lol
No rush at all! Just didn't want an interaction that isn't really involving Roxas to be held back by me not posting lol
Quick question just to make sure I'm not stepping on anybody's toes when it comes to Subspace and the remains of it's Army, what is the general consensus on what happened to the realm itself after Tabuu's defeat and all the pieces of the world that we're trapped in Subspace returned?

Becasue despite me playing the man himself i have no intention of pulling a Hijacked by Gannon type move.

Just wanting to further explore the sub-plot of what Subspace is up to when the fabric of the world is at the thinnest it's been after they literally tore holes in it.
I just assumed the realm was fine after the events of Subspace Emissary. There are still some remnants of the Subspace Army wandering about and causing mischief. I haven't thought too much about it, really. For this RP, the world's instability is caused by the Hands' disappearance.

You can still interact with Subspace if you want. There's probably a few weak points in the realm, or a portal here and there that can take folks to it if that's what you want to do.
I just assumed the realm was fine after the events of Subspace Emissary. There are still some remnants of the Subspace Army wandering about and causing mischief. I haven't thought too much about it, really. For this RP, the world's instability is caused by the Hands' disappearance.

You can still interact with Subspace if you want. There's probably a few weak points in the realm, or a portal here and there that can take folks to it if that's what you want to do.

Forget to put since before the whole after holes in reality part, but thanks for the confirmation on the realm being on the table since I've got some ideas cooking for the faction in my head, just needed to figure out the viability of some and this clears alot of that right up.

Thank you for the quick response
So I was playing a bit more of my current P5 run and I got to a part where Joker and his friends are in Harajuku and they’re talking about the unusual clothing styles and eventually it turns to dressing up Joker to which Ann suggests he’d look good in “princely” clothes. I guess we know what I have to do given what I’ve already done for Sora and Roxas
Time to draw all my characters in princely clothing lol /j

Idek if I have the creative muse to draw Joker as a prince but we will see. I just thought it was funny that it was mentioned given I had been drawing my boys as princes
Now I pictured T'ink going up to Zelda and asking for her help because he wants to join in princely shenanigans too!
Forgot I grabbed this ss, but here’s a look to imagine Joker with
Now I pictured T'ink going up to Zelda and asking for her help because he wants to join in princely shenanigans too!
D’awww that’s so cute! Lol but It’s all fun and games until Zel sits him down for some boring Princely etiquette lessons 📚

All this prince talk made me wanna dress Zel in an outfit too! I was gonna do an actual drawing but my motivation was nonexistent so here’s a lil silly doodle instead lol


Her masquerade look might already be princely but never hurts to draw more lmao. We love new art here!
I see T’ink showing off what he knows about acting like royalty by standing up straight, adopting a regal “better-than-thou” expression complete with a raised eyebrow, and holding his pinky up.

I’ve the headcanon that the Hero of Winds becomes the first king of New Hyrule, so the lessons from Zelda eventually come in handy!
I can see a few of the boys doing this. Pit and Sora?

Sora, Roxas, T’ink, Pit, and Joker are all in on this fun, with Zelda, and maybe Peach, lending a hand. How do they convince Pittoo to join in? XD

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