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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

Honestly fair~ like maybe the name will ring a bell but I don't blame him for not noticing her right away.

My thoughts on TH Anna in a nutshell:

And child Anna in Engage is absolutely ADORABLE

But for the record, him not knowing her isn't required to advance that storyline-!
No. I don't like her.
thanks. where should I send my profile?
Just post it in this thread and @ GrumpySwallow (Put an asterisk by ther name) and eventually they’ll either accept your character or let you know if there are any other changes you might need to make
Just post it in this thread and @ GrumpySwallow (Put an asterisk by ther name) and eventually they’ll either accept your character or let you know if there are any other changes you might need to make
GrumpySwallow GrumpySwallow

Zelda (BOTW)
Game of Origin: The Legend of Zelda
Player Name: Luna Moon
No I mean, regarding the Anna post I made at the top of this page. The one you replied to saying "No. I don't like her." I assume you meant that you didn't like her character for some reason, or that you hated a specific version of her.
No I mean, regarding the Anna post I made at the top of this page. The one you replied to saying "No. I don't like her." I assume you meant that you didn't like her character for some reason, or that you hated a specific version of her.
oh! sorry. I meant I don't like her over all! 😅😊
oh! sorry. I meant I don't like her over all! 😅😊
Mind if I ask why? Like from a design standpoint or how she's played stat-wise in any of the Fire Emblem Games (if you played any of them)? Not that you need to like her by any means but like, consider me curious.
Mind if I ask why? Like from a design standpoint or how she's played stat-wise in any of the Fire Emblem Games (if you played any of them)? Not that you need to like her by any means but like, consider me curious.
She is sassy and I don't like the way she does stuff and the way she looks! (Not to be mean!) 😅
She is sassy and I don't like the way she does stuff and the way she looks! (Not to be mean!) 😅
I personally like all of the things that you dislike, but to each their own,

Hope my interpretation of her character won't be as obnoxious as you remember!
I personally like all of the things that you dislike, but to each their own,

Hope my interpretation of her character won't be as obnoxious as you remember
I personally like all of the things that you dislike, but to each their own,

Hope my interpretation of her character won't be as obnoxious as you remember!
How do u like her being sassy?!
SheepKing SheepKing Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 I figure I should ask this before I start preparing my Joker post, but do y'all mind if I kinda speed things up with the ride to the Stadium? I figure there isn't much that can be done while in the Mona Car (unless you want some casual, chill convos for a few posts which is fine and why I'm asking) so I thought it might be best to just have the ride condensed and a new scene just before the Stadium laid out. Since Grumpy has stated that there will be an army there, I figure the areas around it are also on high alert and swarming so I can set something up based on that in my next post if you all would prefer that. Of course, we don't have to, and I'm always open to hash things out together ^^
Cool! I'll add the profile to the first page.

Have fun, and if you don't know where to start we'll be happy to help you.
SheepKing SheepKing Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 I figure I should ask this before I start preparing my Joker post, but do y'all mind if I kinda speed things up with the ride to the Stadium? I figure there isn't much that can be done while in the Mona Car (unless you want some casual, chill convos for a few posts which is fine and why I'm asking) so I thought it might be best to just have the ride condensed and a new scene just before the Stadium laid out. Since Grumpy has stated that there will be an army there, I figure the areas around it are also on high alert and swarming so I can set something up based on that in my next post if you all would prefer that. Of course, we don't have to, and I'm always open to hash things out together ^^
SheepKing SheepKing Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 I figure I should ask this before I start preparing my Joker post, but do y'all mind if I kinda speed things up with the ride to the Stadium? I figure there isn't much that can be done while in the Mona Car (unless you want some casual, chill convos for a few posts which is fine and why I'm asking) so I thought it might be best to just have the ride condensed and a new scene just before the Stadium laid out. Since Grumpy has stated that there will be an army there, I figure the areas around it are also on high alert and swarming so I can set something up based on that in my next post if you all would prefer that. Of course, we don't have to, and I'm always open to hash things out together ^^
Fine by me.
SheepKing SheepKing Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 I figure I should ask this before I start preparing my Joker post, but do y'all mind if I kinda speed things up with the ride to the Stadium? I figure there isn't much that can be done while in the Mona Car (unless you want some casual, chill convos for a few posts which is fine and why I'm asking) so I thought it might be best to just have the ride condensed and a new scene just before the Stadium laid out. Since Grumpy has stated that there will be an army there, I figure the areas around it are also on high alert and swarming so I can set something up based on that in my next post if you all would prefer that. Of course, we don't have to, and I'm always open to hash things out together ^^
I’m down to hash things out!
Luna Moon Luna Moon Are you new to role-playing? I recommend you read through the main thread for a bit to get an understanding of how the game works.

Your Zelda cannot be with Pikachu because Pikachu is on Samus's ship. We can help you with finding a starting point.
SheepKing SheepKing Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 I figure I should ask this before I start preparing my Joker post, but do y'all mind if I kinda speed things up with the ride to the Stadium? I figure there isn't much that can be done while in the Mona Car (unless you want some casual, chill convos for a few posts which is fine and why I'm asking) so I thought it might be best to just have the ride condensed and a new scene just before the Stadium laid out. Since Grumpy has stated that there will be an army there, I figure the areas around it are also on high alert and swarming so I can set something up based on that in my next post if you all would prefer that. Of course, we don't have to, and I'm always open to hash things out together ^^
speeding things up to the stadium works we me 👍

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