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Multiple Settings *Super original plot hook*


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
So, let's begin shall we?

I plan on making this thread sort of a general interest thread? As In: There will be multiple idea's, and I will continue on with the ones that hold the most weight.

Anyway, here we go:

- The Clubhouse -
This is an old idea of a sort of, Tavern/Restaurant/Library/ Inn/ yougettheidea, which houses all manner of entity.
It would essentially be a place where you could have characters come and interact with others and work out things. I suppose like a kind of 'real life' OOC for these characters? Like the off stage, after the show kind of deal.
I primarily like this for the interactions between characters of all kinds in a rather neutral setting. It may be cliche, but I find it helps to explore all aspect of a character in all kinds of situation.
Story and plots could evolve naturally, depending on the scope of the location and who all initially was interested!

- Codename: Hell / Last man on the hill is the tallest-
Here we have another old idea of a mysterious contest/ tournament/ hostage situation- orchestrated by an unknown source that has many influences on the world outside. It would be relatively action oriented, militaristic in ways with war having been a thing in the near past. A tad bit sci-fi? With genetic manipulation and technological enhancing. I'm not talking space expansion, but it may be just around the corner- if the world lasts till then.

- I'll tell you when you're older -
This is a new one that I'm not too to sure about, but it is about a foster family that is dealt a relativity brutal blow when the primary father and mother are in a devastating crash.
I'm thinking this one is sort of a cheaper by the dozen knock off, traversing through all the different emotions that come along with this kind of situation.
Plus, they're mutan-!
No, no I'm joking- was planning on this being more serious.

- Dark Streets -
A Gang Rp! Yeaaaaaaaaa, This is a revivalish one from..... so so long ago I can't even fully remember all of it? Either way, Four Gangs: Got the ones who are all about data and info, pretty computery savvy. Then there are the Soldiers- more so the ones that are real good at the fighty stabby bang bang type stuff. Oh! The Dealers! Get ya anything and everything ya like! Or could fabricate it or something something, real nice folks. and then the vigilantes...... bunch of disgusting rats to be perfectly straight forward with you but what can you do when you just can't seem to wipe 'em off the board.
Either way, Totally open to suggestions and input and changes and and and. and if any of yah'll from way back when are out there: Hey hey!

-There's a man.... in the woods-
This one is, new- at least for me. but it's essentially about a..... 'feeling' that starts to affect certain individuals. Slow at the start but as it gets more and more, they tend to leave and be lost. Gone for a time, as if just long enough for others to lose hope- they return, having all sorts of absolutely reliable and concrete reasons for disappearance. Like finding a treasure map, or being abducted by aliens or even, going to the afterlife, and as crazy as it sounds, the things they bring back are difficult to ignore.
This is a mysterious/ possibly horror-esque idea that may more may not have supernatural ties.
Let's just say- something is definitely weird....and most certainly not okay.

- The Royals, The Guardians and The Villains/ Body guards vs assassin's / AtoB: Where ends MEAT -
Pretty much: G protects R from V. Nothing too wild here. The B vs A version pretty much takes the 'Royal' or rather, person in power out of the picture.
Now this last one I'm thinkingggggggg- There is a plague of some sort; zombies lets say for simplicity- and there is suddenly a cure. so there would be those protecting it/ transporting it and then those who..... don't want that for whatever reason they could have. Again, this is pre- rough rough draft and if this gains traction then it will become what it becomes.

- We're getting the band back together-
Straight up Band Roleplay. All kinds of stuff but maybeeeeee, two members bump into one another and some how realise that maybe they got one last go of it? But they need ______ and probably [insert other plot here]. There's lots to go on for something like this but that all depends on where it goes.

- General Ground-hog (day) -
Now, I have no real idea with this one, not even sure how or when it would work but like- recurring day, people start realizing, and it becomes very apparent that it needs to stop or something more aweful will happen.

-. . . and a bottle of rum-
Pirate rp, classic, sure. But what if curses where more of a thing? Here's the thought process: There's all kinds of different curses; Some from gods, some from witches, some from seemingly the sea it's self, Monsters from the deep, ancient relics- there's many possibilities. As always, there are extrememly tall tales, of a mysterious bottle, that once drank from, grants one wish, without any kind of draw back. Course there always is a catch with these types of things but who cares when ya can rule the world forever?!!??

- Vampires and Lycanthropes and Cryptids: Oh My!-
This one I think would be more wacky then anything, still not 100% sure about it, but still: So, all manner of supernatural beings are finally tired of hiding. They gather up a proposal for ' The Powers That Be' and the 'PTB' say they totally can- if they take care of the cryptids first. Now you may be thinking: Killing monsters? Aww man/ yeah! and you'd be right! but I was wondering about if they have to catch and take care of them as in, feed and heal and whatever else. Either way could be fun fun

-Bad guys R us-
Rather straight forward: Villains doing bad people things. Though not as sinister and serious as some, more thievery and general fear mongering. Till the wrong crowd finds out. Kind of a third party idea- the good , the bad and then those guys in the grey. Maybe a little Thunderbolts/ Suicide Squad action? I'm thinking everyone plays a character on each end of the spectrum, though that may prove tiresome. It is the research section after all.

- Me vs You vs Them-
This is a straight up take on 'The Kingsmen' idea, with other nations having their own secret organizations. Thinking There ca be from all over and then can have ____-men type names like Outdoorsmen, Woodsmen, Snowmen? There's possibilities anyways. I figure there could be discussion for a threat to the security of nations.

- Copy cat-
This one is weird cause I think the general idea revolved around the fact that everyone involved was the same person- just various different versions? Or they all coexisted in one person's body/psyche. Something, Not sure why I'm adding this one but here it is!

-Inception 2: Double Limbo-
This one is weird, I think it'll be another heistish idea following a similar group of dream schemers. The idea is that there is something in the mind of a coma victim who has been locked apparently in an area deeper then Limbo. It would start in Limbo and then descend into a kind of Nightmareish world beyond the natural realm of things. Maybe possible Dante's Inferno vibes??? Hard to say this early on but with enough interest!

-This is Halloween-
Tis' the season, am i right? I imagine this would be after the movie and would include other holidays. There could be some kind of joint task force made up of characters from different folk lore and the like that work together against other's trying to merge or tamper with holidays. Also wondering if Oogie Boogey could come bakc or be a looming threat that is messing with others.

And there it is! Feel free to talk or contact however works!
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you thinking multifandom ideas like this or something else?
Yes..... ? For which idea?
What are you thinking?

Either way- More idea's! :

- The Royals, The Guardians and The Villains/ Body guards vs assassin's / AtoB: Where ends MEAT -
Pretty much: G protects R from V. Nothing too wild here. The B vs A version pretty much takes the 'Royal' or rather, person in power out of the picture.
Now this last one I'm thinkingggggggg- There is a plague of some sort; zombies lets say for simplicity- and there is suddenly a cure. so there would be those protecting it/ transporting it and then those who..... don't want that for whatever reason they could have. Again, this is pre- rough rough draft and if this gains traction then it will become what it becomes.

- We're getting the band back together-
Straight up Band Roleplay. All kinds of stuff but maybeeeeee, two members bump into one another and some how realise that maybe they got one last go of it? But they need ______ and probably [insert other plot here]. There's lots to go on for something like this but that all depends on where it goes.

- General Ground-hog (day) -
Now, I have no real idea with this one, not even sure how or when it would work but like- recurring day, people start realizing, and it becomes very apparent that it needs to stop or something more aweful will happen.
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'Last man on the hill is the tallest', 'Dark Streets', and 'There's a man.... in the woods' sound fun👀
Idk, I just like it when there's plenty of stuff going on in an RP (to keep things from getting boring). I like the thrill of a mysterious competition, the action of the Dark Streets idea, and the suspense of a killer/monster stalking people.
Idk, I just like it when there's plenty of stuff going on in an RP (to keep things from getting boring). I like the thrill of a mysterious competition, the action of the Dark Streets idea, and the suspense of a killer/monster stalking people.
Apologies for any missed typo's- A combination of a janky keyboard and ill fated hands has made the mistake count rise today.

I do always plan to have many things happening at once in my role plays- it can get rather full of the discorsery- but at the same time, communication is usually key to make sure stuff runs efficiently?
Either way- Yes! The mystery is absolutely a huge factor in for me, figuring things out and then reacting to it accordingly. the building tensions, the sudden twists, all that good suspense. Can be thrilling- if you have a taste for it.
I think my main issue is wanting a little bit of everything all the time? There isn't really an initial path or direction and it's difficult to move when being pulled in every which way.

Regardless, moving is what shall be done!

-. . . and a bottle of rum-
Pirate rp, classic, sure. But what if curses where more of a thing? Here's the thought process: There's all kinds of different curses; Some from gods, some from witches, some from seemingly the sea it's self, Monsters from the deep, ancient relics- there's many possibilities. As always, there are extrememly tall tales, of a mysterious bottle, that once drank from, grants one wish, without any kind of draw back. Course there always is a catch with these types of things but who cares when ya can rule the world forever?!!??

- Vampires and Lycanthropes and Cryptids: Oh My!-
This one I think would be more wacky then anything, still not 100% sure about it, but still: So, all manner of supernatural beings are finally tired of hiding. They gather up a proposal for ' The Powers That Be' and the 'PTB' say they totally can- if they take care of the cryptids first. Now you may be thinking: Killing monsters? Aww man/ yeah! and you'd be right! but I was wondering about if they have to catch and take care of them as in, feed and heal and whatever else. Either way could be fun fun
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I'm interested in Last man on the hill is the tallest, Dark streets, and Vampires and Lycanthropes and Cryptids.
I'm interested in Last man on the hill is the tallest, Dark streets, and Vampires and Lycanthropes and Cryptids.
Awesome! I'm startin to see a pattern ! Is there one out of the three that's a for sure for you??
I shall bump a few times, and possibly add some more idea seeds I may aquire.

Still- the interest in
is noted. Odds are I will be orcastrating more then one story.
Some more ideas perhaps?

-Bad guys R us-
Rather straight forward: Villains doing bad people things. Though not as sinister and serious as some, more thievery and general fear mongering. Till the wrong crowd finds out. Kind of a third party idea- the good , the bad and then those guys in the grey. Maybe a little Thunderbolts/ Suicide Squad action? I'm thinking everyone plays a character on each end of the spectrum, though that may prove tiresome. It is the research section after all.

Darn, today seems like a dry spell- for now!

Alrighty, thought up a few more thoughts, send em in and then probably work on something or other soon. Blasted life thing getting in the way, so annoying sometimes!

- Me vs You vs Them-
This is a straight up take on 'The Kingsmen' idea, with other nations having their own secret organizations. Thinking There ca be from all over and then can have ____-men type names like Outdoorsmen, Woodsmen, Snowmen? There's possibilities anyways. I figure there could be discussion for a threat to the security of nations.

- Copy cat-
This one is weird cause I think the general idea revolved around the fact that everyone involved was the same person- just various different versions? Or they all coexisted in one person's body/psyche. Something, Not sure why I'm adding this one but here it is!

-Inception 2: Double Limbo-
This one is weird, I think it'll be another heistish idea following a similar group of dream schemers. The idea is that there is something in the mind of a coma victim who has been locked apparently in an area deeper then Limbo. It would start in Limbo and then descend into a kind of Nightmareish world beyond the natural realm of things. Maybe possible Dante's Inferno vibes??? Hard to say this early on but with enough interest!

-This is Halloween-
Tis' the season, am i right? I imagine this would be after the movie and would include other holidays. There could be some kind of joint task force made up of characters from different folk lore and the like that work together against other's trying to merge or tamper with holidays. Also wondering if Oogie Boogey could come bakc or be a looming threat that is messing with others.
Hey. New to forum rp. I see dark streets is winning, could I get some information on what we should expect from that? Typical gang warfare stuff? Or would it be more on the lower end and attempting to survive in the middle of all the bs going on?
Hey. New to forum rp. I see dark streets is winning, could I get some information on what we should expect from that? Typical gang warfare stuff? Or would it be more on the lower end and attempting to survive in the middle of all the bs going on?
Thattttttttt, would totally be up to you- I was initially thinking most would be interested in the members of the gangs themselves, though if you wanted to be a bystander dealing with all the crap of living in a city absolutely brimming with crime- that could be fun too.
Essentially any one involved would chose to be part of one of the four crime syndicates- Soldiers, Dealers, Hackers and Vigilantes. Soldiers= Brawn Hackers= Brain Dealers= Stuff and Vigilantes= Mixture/ bystanders.
Alternatively- If another idea peaked interest I could make a interest thread for that as well.
This is sort of a interest probe to see who bites what
Hmm... Personally, outside of dark streets which i feel like could be interesting.
Man in the woods, and copycat.

Copycat a bit more than the others because it'd be amusing to play 3 daves that all clearly have the same origin point but are different. Idk what the plot would even be for something like that though, I presume supernatural of some kind.
Yes, Copycat was definitely a strange one I thought up- I was wondering about like folklore and all the different things that go with clones and doppelgängers- I'm certain there are other myths as well, centered around duplicate persons.

Man in the woods tho. . . Hmm I will have to tally some votes.

Regardless, Dark streets is a favorite, I made an interest thread a bit ago though it's been lost to the flood of other interests I believe.

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