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Realistic or Modern Sunshine's Search For Partners

sunshine and whiskey

ᴀʟᴡᴀʏs ʙʀɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴡɴ sᴜɴsʜɪɴᴇ
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

Welcome To My Thread

Hello everyone, I am Sunshine and Whiskey but you may call me Sunshine, for short. I am not new to the art of roleplaying, itself. I have a few post samples, if one would wish to see before starting a roleplay with me. Just ask. ^_^


►Please be able to write as any gender regardless of your real life gender.
(If you only prefer one gender that's fine, too but I prefer it if you didn't.)

►Please be able to write at least two and half paragraphs of non dialogue.
(Although, more is definitely preferred.)

►Have a decent grasp of the English language.
(I am no Grammar Nazi and understand that mistakes do happen.)

►Be able to post at least 2 times a week.
(I understand that real life gets in the way often.)

►If you're going to be gone for an extended period of time or lost interest, please tell me!
(I will not hate you if you tell me whatever. I will only hate you if you disappear without a trace.)

►Must be willing to do only threads.
(No PM's, please.)

►Be willing to double up if the plot calls for it.
(Not a huge requirement though!)

►Character development & detail.
(Bring the character to life!)

►Images & BBCode.
(I prefer it if we use real life images. Though, formatting your post is not required.)

(Do not let romance be the whole entire roleplay. I will get bored.)

About Me

►I love writing as opposite genders. So male or female is fine with me
►I usually write anywhere from 3-8 paragraphs depending on what partner gives me.
►I am not perfect! I make mistakes, too. But I know the difference between your & you're, there & their, too.
►My schedule varies with work getting in the way but if I cannot post at a timely manner, I will let you know.
►I only roleplay through the threads because I do not want to hide my writing or our story.
►I love doubling up on characters! Enough said.
►I crave detail, thoughts, emotions and character development in my roleplays.
►I will only and always use real life images or gifs. Nothing else.
►I may not know how to use Photobucket or any other photo editing site but I am the Queen of BBCodes.
►I adore romance in my roleplays and it is basically a must.

(For Fandoms, I only use OC's though the OC's can be based off of or be offsprings of Canon Characters.)

The Fandoms

Gossip Girl.
(Seen all seasons.)

►Game of Thrones.
(Went back to watching my DVD set and is totally up for this. Totally caught up with seasons, too.)

►Harry Potter
(It might be because it's Harry Potter Weekend but I am craving a roleplay based around this world.)

►The Vampire Diaries.
(Not that much into season 1 again but I got the premises of this show.)

(Love this! Something based off of this would make my heart happy.)

►Teen Wolf.
(Seen seasons 1-3 and some of 4 & 5 but I'd be up for some before or after Scott & Stiles)

(Do not even get me started here. Seen all episodes and would love you forever if you decided to do this.)

►American Horror Story.
(I've seen all seasons and all episodes though Coven, Roanoke & Murder House are my faves.)

►The Hunger Games.
(Seen the first two movies and read the first two books! I know I am behind but something before or after Katniss would be great.)

(Only seen the movies but would love a roleplay based around this.)

►The Maze Runner.
(Again, only saw the movies.)

►The Best of Me.
(Would love to do something based around this. Read the book and saw the movie.)

►Once Upon A Time.
(It's been a minute since I've watched this but I'd love something based around this.)

►The Fault In Our Stars.
(Read the book countless of times and seen the movie countless of times.)

►Pretty Little Liars.
(I am a PLL4L! Seen all seasons and episodes.)

►Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D
(Seen season 1-2 on Netflix. Would love to do something based around this.)

(Went back to watching this on Netflix and would love to do something based around this.)

(Saw the first season on Netflix and would love to do something based around this.)

►Thirteen Reasons Why
(Enough said, right? Would definitely love to do something here.)

Long May They Reign

Ever since their birth, the Prince of Kent has been betrothed to the Princess of Navarre. While they both have spent numerous and countless of times in each other's respective Kingdoms, it is inevitable that the alliance between the Kingdoms will not waiver anytime soon. Now that the Prince has come of age, along with the Princess, the King of Kent is now dying but want to witness the marriage between his heir and his bride. The King's messenger sent immediate word to the Kingdom Navarre and the princess was on the next carriage towards Kent. So, with the Princess of Navarre being in Kent with a few people from her own Kingdom, the King of Kent dying and forces lurking in the shadows to ruin the marriage, who knows what can happen between now and the time of the marriage. Only time shall tell the tale but many people hope that the prince and princess marry and the alliance still be intact. Will they indeed marry before the King of Kent perished right before their eyes? If they do so and have a coronation that declares them as King and Queen, long may they reign.​

"Mᴀʏ Tʜᴇ Oᴅᴅs Bᴇ

Eᴠᴇʀ Iɴ Yᴏᴜʀ Fᴀᴠᴏʀ..."

It is that time of the year again that the people that reside in Panem anticipate on the annual event known as The Hunger Games. Each district shall offer up a male and female between the ages of 12 and 21 at a public showcasing entitled "The Reaping". The chosen tributes are then delivered to the capitol underneath their custody and go through a series of training and other activities before they fight to the death until a lone victor is left standing. But this year, things are beginning to change and their are mutters of a rebellion uprising and this time, the capitol is prepared for it. While they have minds and arms now, do the capitol have enough people for the strength of numbers? Or will the previous victors for multiple Hunger Games prevail once more? Only one way to find out and may the odds be ever in your favor.​

[Will There Be Blood?

The time has finally come for the Crowned Prince of Essex, one of the main Kingdoms within the area of Sussex, to be married so the King and Queen of Essex sent word to a neighboring Kingdom. The Princess of Wessex, another main Kingdom within Sussex, has been betrothed to the Crowned Prince since her birth but she is a little unsure if she really wants to marry him now. With the ceremony being in a few weeks, what will happen when the Princess of Wessex, along with the Queen, is invited to the Kingdom of Essex to stay in their palace until the wedding? Time will only tell that tale but the remaining question is, will there be blood?​

Aᴍᴇʀɪᴄᴀɴ Hᴏʀʀᴏʀ Sᴛᴏʀʏ: Rɪᴠᴇʀᴅᴀʟᴇ
In the town of Riverdale, everyone knows what happened to the Blossoms estate as it burned down to the ground, killing nearly everyone that was inside at the time. When two families are interested in the estate, some builders came together and decided to rebuild a new estate, one that is bigger and better. Though, the Blossoms graveyard is still off to the side of the estate and while one family wants it removed, the other have kept relatively quiet about it. But one thing is for sure, most things do not stay buried forever - Especially when it comes to the small town of Riverdale, an innocent town filled with secrets.​


(I adore romantic plots & such, all of my roleplays must have romance but not an overall plot of the roleplay.)

(Kings, Queens, Princess, Princes, Pirates and Whatever! Oh my!)

►Modern, Slice of Life
(Love these types of roleplays, too.)

►Anything with Werewolves, Vampires & Witches!
(I will love you forever here, too.)

(Weird, yes but I'd like to do something where the focus is both inside & outside of the ring.)

(Sticks and stones may break my bones but anything with superpowers excite me!)

If you have any ideas or anything else, I'd be up to hearing them. Please make sure that you have read my thread.Comment any questions or concerns below or PM me.

Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you. :)
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I'd like to do slice of life romance if you're still looking. I prefer to do as male, as I have never roleplays female, but I can try doing a sub character as female if we double up on characters
I'd love to do a few of these honestly! Message me when you get the chance!

I'd message you, but don't have my ten post yet. T.T
I'd like to do slice of life romance if you're still looking. I prefer to do as male, as I have never roleplays female, but I can try doing a sub character as female if we double up on characters
I'd love to do a few of these honestly! Message me when you get the chance!

I'd message you, but don't have my ten post yet. T.T
If either of you are still interested, please let me know. :)

I would be interested in roleplaying with you :)
Sounds good. Just send me a PM on what interests you and we can surely discuss something.

I have an idea of a plot and some characters for a medieval fantasy setting.
PM me the plot, please and we can surely see if we're compatible enough for it.

sunshine and whiskey sunshine and whiskey

Ooh, I'm really interested in RPing with you! :D
Cool! Send me a PM on what interests you and we can discuss some ideas. :)

Id love to do a harry potter rp with you sunshine and whiskey sunshine and whiskey
Oh, my goodness! I love you so much. I do have a plot for a Harry Potter roleplay, if you wish to hear it. :)
Hello! I'm new to this site, so bear with me if I make a mistake, but I'd love to do a Harry Potter roleplay with you
Nomad_Queen Nomad_Queen amva amva MJ ._. MJ ._.
Okay since the three of you are interested in a Harry Potter plot, I was wondering if you guys would be up for a small group roleplay. Honestly, with the idea that I have, it'd work perfectly with a small group, too.

Please let me know what you guys think as I love to have you all along for the plot. Just let me know. :)

Thanks in advance.

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