• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Suncrest Heights | Character Sheet





Room Assignments


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Just putting the bare bones here for the character sheets. Designs/ BBcode is up to your preference.

(Realistic picture)

"character quote"

Full Name|
How long have you been staying in Suncrest?|

(Describe in 1 paragraph, minimum. Features, clothing styles, notable markings, tats, scars, etc.)

(self explanatory)
(min of 1 paragraph)

(2 or more paragraphs)
A Memory|
(Minimal 1 well developed paragraph of a relevant memory)
(Current personal struggle/s, could be used as a plot device in the story.)

May include family members/pets/roomates

Extras: (additional info)

Also adding an additional character detail here that i think will be relevant to the rp. This will be posted via pm to me.

Describe your character's usual routine as a resident of Suncrest Apartments. (minimum of 1-2 paragraphs)

What are some habits or traits will the other roomates find annoying about your character?
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GM Controlled NPC's

Lourdes Herera


Age| mid 40's

Gender| Female

Job| Former Actress. Landlady

Lourdes was once a shinning star in the Mexican soap opera scene. A woman with class, confidence and appeal that often comes to her naturally, she knew all that lavishness is what she has been destined to be ever since she was a child growing up in rural Mexico. The camera loves her, as much as she loves her career. But those where mere decades ago, glory days are now but a distant memory.

With age Lourdes has mellowed down. She rarely cares of the attention and fame she once had, or just wanting to forget about it and move on with her current life. Once self conceited and entitled back in her youth, she matured into a calm and wise woman, with her charm, and figure, save for a few plumpness here and there being the only remnants of her old self together with her dry wits and cynicism. She enjoys her sunny afternoons either lighting a smoke while in tune to Edith Piaf or sun bathing on the rooftop.

Three decades ago Lourdes had a life she had always dreamed of; a top of the line acting career, a string of well known and controversial admirers and all the money she could spend. She was once the face of the 90's and 00's Mexican telenovelas, that almost anyone whom you pass by in the streets of Mexico will know the name and face of Lourdes Herrera.

A series of life events took that dream away from her, sadly, starting after her divorce battle with her B-movie film maker husband, to which she had lost three fourths of her wealth. She became troubled yet she did not allow this to go over her head. Lourdes kept her composure for the sake of keeping her career afloat yet her developed alcoholism became a real problem to her. She'd regularly come to sets inebriated and unstable. The final straw was getting involved in a scandal with a co star's husband, branding her a home-wrecker in by the local tabloids. That whole drama permanently tarnished her reputation together with her career that was inevitably flushed down the drain.

For years she lived under the radar, and often got herself into all sorts of vices. When her life hit rock bottom, she moved to Washington to start anew, where her mother lived and owned a renting establishment. After her mother died, she then took over the place for the next couple of years since then.

A Memory|
The prime of her career, when she won an award for "Dra. Amour" in 1997 playing the titilating lead actress, Dra. Daniella Amour. In some days she finds herself reminiscing that certain memory. The day she went up stage, giving an emotional speech and after that, a wave of cheers. She hated having herself be reminded of it, only making her realise of what she had lost.

Aside from being a habitual smoker and a functional alcoholic, having to make coffee with a broken coffee maker is currently her truest struggle. After having an altercation with the local repairman for "unreasonably charging her radio", she can't seem to find someone else to have the dang thing fixed.

- You'll never see her without a cigarette or bourbon in hand.
- Choice of drink; Bourbon.
- Is the proud mother of a 5 year old cat named Sancho.
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Valerie Sato

[class=picture] position: relative; display: inline-block; [/class] [class=text] position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; top: 0; left: 0; opacity: 0; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.2); color: white; z-index: 2; [/class] [class name=text state=hover] opacity: 1; [/class] [div class=picture] [div class=text]
"quote here"

Full Name| Valerie Sato

Nickname| Val

Gender| Female

Age| 24

Zodiac| Taurus

Job/Education| Part time Instructor at Wallace University whilst taking up a masters degree in Music

How long have you been staying in Suncrest?| A year


Valerie has soft and traditionally pretty features. Appearance wise she is youthful but looking deeply you'll chance upon a mature and solemn woman. Standing at 5'6, Val exhibits a firm yet elegant demeanor, which more or less, hints the type of person that she is. Her appearance evidently reveals much of her heritage; dark almond shaped eyes, dark brown hair, rosy skin, and an angular jawline, which she all inherited from her father's side of the family.

Valerie follows a certain religion when defining her personal style, and that is not going beyond the comfort of buttoned up shirts under sweaters and a pair of wide legged slacks or a simple pencil skirt, unless it's a special occasion. While inside the apartment she'd be wearing glasses but mostly she wears contacts when going out. You'll rarely see her wear glasses beyond the confines of her apartment. Val's not really the type to put an incredible amount of thought and effort on clothing, as she would always choose practicality in her everyday routine.

Interests| Classical Music (listening and making), Dogs, Coffee

Sexuality| Homosexual (bi curious)

Personality| Valerie is always the type to go by the books, may it be in the literal, or figurative sense of the term. Even as a child, she's always been competitive and mostly because of this people saw her as an uptight person. Every time they do point it out she'll make an effort to prove them she's really not, no matter how many (futile) attempts she tries. But that certain attribute comes with its benefits, however, as she has an unbreakable determination and focus to follow her objectives, always in a meticulous step by step process. With this she may come off as a tad bit controlling, in the anal-retentive spectrum, as it bothers her to a great degree when one thing goes amiss no matter how small that may be. She may come off as an introvert, but is more or less pretty laid back when holding conversations. Valerie has trouble dealing with personal situations. In a way she finds it difficult to open up and is quite guarded when it comes to touchy subjects. Being a gifted musician, Val has always had a natural affinity to music, and is able to beautifully create and even put a little of herself through the notes and melodies, most of the time being the only way that she can express how she feels.

Biography| Before she moved out of her family home, Valerie has lived in a huge lonely estate with two unattentive parents. Though being born and raise with a silver spoon, her parents frequently leave her be together with her older brother and is usually taken under the care of the nanny. It can be assumed that she has a pretty distant relationship with her family, and during her younger years she and her brother don't get along well so in a sense, she pretty much grew up alone.To make up for it however, she's mostly focused on her studies as a distraction from the loneliness at home and at the same time, hopeful that her achievements will be enough to garner her parents attention. Though most of the time, it doesn't help much. After graduating, she moved to her brother's old studio in Suncrest, a close distance away to her workplace. And recently, exactly a year after she moved in her father was caught and arrested for embezzling the company's money. Her rent was still named under her father's bank account and with that, Val had to make another means of acquiring cash. Her instructor job was not enough to cover her rent and studies, so she decided to have her space rented, as it was large enough to accommodate a few lodgers.

A Memory|
(Minimal 1 well developed paragraph of a relevant memory)



Father: Hyousuke Sato, a businessman from Tokyo. Both father and daughter never really shared a wholesome relationship. Val considers him a stranger, more than anything. Was arrested for embezzlement three months ago.

Mother: Catherine Sato(nee Bachman), a not so famous socialite from LA. A trophy wife to Hyousuke. They have a neutral relationship, Catherine would make calls to her once a month though they never really have the time, or bother most like it, to catch up.

Brother: Vincent Sato, older brother who works as a freelance photographer, she used to hate his guts. They developed a friendship right after she moved in with him, staying a few months in his studio apartment until he later moved out and flew back to Tokyo to continue his career there.

Extras: (additional info)

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[class=content] position: relative; width: 300px; height: 400px; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; overflow: hidden; --bkgd-color: #FFE7AD; --text-color: #000; --accent-color: #00A68C; cursor: url('https://i.imgur.com/eyUJ9gM.png'), auto; [/class] [class=homebkgd] box-sizing: border-box; position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; background-color: var(--bkgd-color); [/class] [class=intro] position: absolute; width: 100%; height: auto; color: var(--text-color); font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: 5px; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: center; top: 10%; [/class] [class=name] position: absolute; width: 100%; height: auto; color: var(--text-color); font-size: 22px; letter-spacing: 5px; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: center; text-shadow: 2px 2px 0px var(--accent-color); top: 13%; [/class] [class=role] position: absolute; width: 100%; height: auto; color: var(--text-color); font-size: 15px; letter-spacing: 5px; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: center; top: 20%; [/class] [class=line] position: absolute; width: 80%; height: 1px; border-radius: 10px; background-color: var(--accent-color); top: 28%; left: 10%; [/class] [class=icon] position: absolute; width: 5%; height: 15px; background: url(https://imgur.com/EHavE1R.png); background-size: 100%; top: 32%; left: 47.5%; transition-duration: 0.5s; animation:{post_id}throb 10s linear infinite; [/class] [class=pic] position: absolute; width: 80%; height: 52%; background: url(https://gifimage.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/alberto-rosende-gif-9.gif); background-size: 100%; background-position: 0% 40%; top: 40%; left: 10%; border: 0.5px solid var(--accent-color); [/class] [animation=throb] [keyframe=0]transform: scale(1.5);[/keyframe] [keyframe=10]transform: scale(0.95);[/keyframe] [keyframe=20]transform: scale(1.5);[/keyframe] [keyframe=30]transform: scale(0.95);[/keyframe] [keyframe=40]transform: scale(1.5);[/keyframe] [keyframe=50]transform: scale(0.95);[/keyframe] [keyframe=60]transform: scale(1.5);[/keyframe] [keyframe=70]transform: scale(0.95);[/keyframe] [keyframe=80]transform: scale(1.5);[/keyframe] [keyframe=90]transform: scale(0.95);[/keyframe] [keyframe=100]transform: scale(1.5);[/keyframe] [/animation] [script class=button on=click] addClass slideup homebkgd [/script] [class=slideup] animation-name: {post_id}slup; animation-duration: 1.7s; animation-fill-mode: forwards; [/class] [animation=slup] [keyframe=0]transform: translateY(0%);[/keyframe] [keyframe=100]transform: translateY(-100%);visibility:hidden;[/keyframe] [/animation] [class=bkgd] position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; background-color: var(--bkgd-color); [/class] [class=header] position: absolute; width: 80%; height: auto; color: var(--text-color); font-size: 22px; letter-spacing: 0px; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: left; top: 6%; left: 10%; [/class] [class=tabcontainer] position: absolute; height: 20px; width: auto; top: 7.2%; left: 63%; [/class] [class=tab] position: relative; color: var(--text-color); width: 20px; height: 10px; display: inline; font-size: 15px; padding: 0px 5px 0px 6px; transition-duration: 0.3s; [/class] [class name=tab state=hover] color: var(--accent-color); transition-duration: 0.3s; [/class] [class=textcontainer] position: absolute; overflow: hidden; top: 18%; left: 10%; width: 90%; height: 75%; [/class] [class=text] position: relative; overflow: auto; width: 255px; height: 100%; font-size: 10px; line-height: 12px; color: var(--text-color); text-align: justify; text-transform: lowercase; padding-right: 50px; [/class] [class=tag] position: relative; display: inline; width: auto; height: auto; color: var(--accent-color); text-transform: uppercase; margin-right: 5px; text-decoration: underline; font-weight: 700; [/class] [class=credit] position: relative; overflow: hidden; width: 100%; height: 10px; text-align: center; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 8px; color: #dedede; opacity: 0.25; [/class] [script class=tab on=click] hide tabsContent set currentTab (getText) if (eq ${currentTab} 1) (fadeIn 500 tabsContent1) if (eq ${currentTab} 2) (fadeIn 500 tabsContent2) if (eq ${currentTab} 3) (fadeIn 500 tabsContent3) if (eq ${currentTab} 4) (fadeIn 500 tabsContent4) [/script] [div class=content] [div class=bkgd] [div class=line style="top: 5%;"][/div] [div class="header tabsContent tabsContent1"]basics[/div] [div class="header tabsContent tabsContent2" style="display:none;"]persona[/div] [div class="header tabsContent tabsContent3" style="display:none;"]backstory[/div] [div class="header tabsContent tabsContent4" style="display:none;"]misc.[/div] [div class=line style="top: 15%;"][/div] [div class=tabcontainer] [div class=tab]1[/div] [div class=tab]2[/div] [div class=tab]3[/div] [div class=tab]4[/div] [/div] [div class="textcontainer tabsContent tabsContent1"][div class=text] [div class=tag]name:[/div] quinn lee laforde

[div class=tag]nickname:[/div] none

[div class=tag]age:[/div] 22

[div class=tag]gender:[/div] male

[div class=tag]sexuality:[/div] bisexual

[div class=tag]zodiac:[/div] taurus

[div class=tag]job & education :[/div] works as a waiter while studying to become a vet

[div class=tag]how long have you been staying in suncrest?:[/div] a year

[div class=tag]faceclaim:[/div] alberto rosende
[/div][/div] [div class="textcontainer tabsContent tabsContent2" style="display:none;"][div class=text] [div class=tag]personality:[/div] quinn is often described as, well, a lot.

he is very friendly and gregarious, but eccentric; people are often taken aback by his lightning fast speech and hyper nature. he has a tendency to chat people's ears off and jumps from topic to topic without a clear path. he is also a bit socially unaware - social nuances like sarcasm and hidden meanings tend to go over his head. despite this, he's far smarter than he lets on. quinn is endlessly curious and makes a point of learning about a wide array of topics, always striving to gain more knowledge.

as long as you can handle his energetic attitude and maybe getting dragged into a bizzare situation or two, he's a good friend. just... don't count on him to be your wingman. he'll try to get you a date using his vast list of facts about animals and once he starts a rant, there's no stopping him.

[div class=tag]appearance:[/div] not really one for appearances, quinn doesn't stand out too much; he tends to wear more casual clothing, as he doesn't have much of a fashion sense. he just throws on hoodies, plaid shirts, sweats, sneakers - things like that. when at home, he cares even less, simply wearing pjs or a bathrobe. he'll try his best on the occasions that he goes out, but he's pretty lost when it comes to partywear. he also wears prescription glasses.

quinn's gait is generally confident and intent, with his eyes always looking for a new point of interest. his dark hair never seems to listen to him, though, as it usually sticks every which way despite his best efforts to tame it - especially when struck by energy or he has an all nighter.

[div class=tag]interests:[/div] biology, animals (especially primates and anthropods), cooking

[div class=tag]fears:[/div] regretting his life, not being good enough.

[div class=tag]likes:[/div] cheesy movies, sports, books, group games, tea, spicy food

[div class=tag]dislikes:[/div] dark coffee, unfriendliness, close minded people, horror movies

[div class=tag]habits/quirks:[/div] tends to ramble when excited/nervous, glances away when lying, talks with his hands.

[div class=tag]ailments:[/div] has a bad almond allergy
[/div][/div] [div class="textcontainer tabsContent tabsContent3" style="display:none;"][div class=text] [div class=tag]family:[/div] mother (lucy anne), father (jonathan)

[div class=tag]a memory:[/div] wip !

[div class=tag]struggles:[/div] despite what he acts like, quinn has pretty deep intimacy issues - not just romantic, but also platonic. he is terrified of people getting close to him, only to be disappointed when he's not what they expected. he keeps his relationships shallow, without too much thought. when people try to get closer though, oh boy; it's enough to make him run away, screaming. it's something he's still working on.

[div class=tag]history:[/div] Duis at consectetur lorem donec massa sapien faucibus et molestie. Posuere morbi leo urna molestie at. Ridiculus mus mauris vitae ultricies leo. Porta nibh venenatis cras sed felis eget velit aliquet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Lacus luctus accumsan tortor posuere. Tristique et egestas quis ipsum suspendisse. Mattis rhoncus urna neque viverra. Imperdiet proin fermentum leo vel orci porta non. In arcu cursus euismod quis viverra nibh cras pulvinar. Fringilla ut morbi tincidunt augue interdum velit euismod in pellentesque. Molestie nunc non blandit massa enim nec. Purus non enim praesent elementum. Mauris commodo quis imperdiet massa tincidunt nunc. Nunc aliquet bibendum enim facilisis gravida neque. Mi tempus imperdiet nulla malesuada pellentesque elit eget gravida cum. Imperdiet massa tincidunt nunc pulvinar sapien. Ipsum a arcu cursus vitae. Id eu nisl nunc mi ipsum. Euismod elementum nisi quis eleifend quam adipiscing vitae. Nibh nisl condimentum id venenatis a condimentum vitae sapien pellentesque. Lacus laoreet non curabitur gravida arcu ac tortor. Convallis aenean et tortor at risus viverra.

[div class=tag]relationships:[/div]
  • Vulputate: enim nulla aliquet porttitor
  • lacus: luctus accumsan tortor
  • Sapien: pellentesque habitant
  • morbi: tristique senectus et
[/div][/div] [div class="textcontainer tabsContent tabsContent4" style="display:none;"][div class=text] [div class=tag]theme song:[/div]

[/div][/div] [/div] [div class=homebkgd] [div class=intro]introducing[/div] [div class="name button"]quinn laforde[/div] [div class=role]major wip[/div] [div class=line][/div] [div class="icon button"][/div] [div class="pic button"][/div] [/div] [/div][div class=credit]code by [COLOR=#dedede]sox[/COLOR][/div]
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[div class=container][div class=border][div class=charactername]Veronica
[div class=icon][/div] [div class=role]stuggling english major[/div] [div class=sideword]💚[/div] [div class="tabContents tabContents1"][div class=textbox][div class=scroll][div class=tag]full name.[/div]
Veronica Bryne​
[div class=tag]nicknames.[/div]
[div class=tag]agender.[/div]
[div class=tag]age.[/div]
[div class=tag]sexuality.[/div]
[div class=tag]zodiac.[/div]
[div class=tag]job/education.[/div]
English Major​
[div class=tag]how long have you been staying in Suncrest?.[/div]
[/div][/div] [div class=column][div class=images style="background: var(--image-2); background-size: cover; background-position: center;"][/div] [div class=images style="background: var(--image-3); background-size: cover; background-position: center;"][/div] [div class=images style="background: var(--image-4); background-size: cover; background-position: center;"][/div][/div][/div] [div class="tabContents tabContents2"][div class=textbox][div class=scroll][div class=tag]Appearance.[/div] Veronica has pale skin that burns easily in the sun, much to her dismay. She inherited the Aldo family's dark hair though she has her mother's hazel eyes. Roni is rather short and thin, making it easy for her to blend in crowds. She has light freckles that she tries to cover with makeup, but they always seem to find a way through. Most often she can be found wearing simple comfy clothes, mostly due to her being a little lazy. She has a love for the '80s which she tries to incorporate into her outfits, but often is too insecure to do so. It isn't uncommon to see her wearing the same shirt multiple times during the week, as she always wakes up late for class and rushes to get dressed. She has both her ears pierced as well as her nose and stomach. Currently, she doesn't have any tattoos, but she wants them in the future. [/div][/div] [div class=column][div class=images style="background: var(--image-5); background-size: cover; background-position: center;"][/div] [div class=images style="background: var(--image-6); background-size: cover; background-position: center;"][/div] [div class=images style="background: var(--image-7); background-size: cover; background-position: center;"][/div][/div][/div] [div class="tabContents tabContents3"][div class=textbox][div class=scroll][div class=tag]interests.[/div] ⚬ Screenplay Writing ⚬ Indie Films ⚬ Classic literature ⚬ History [div class=tag]likes.[/div] ⚬ '80s aesthetic ⚬ Victorian Literature ⚬ Iced Coffee ⚬ Holidays ⚬ Fall [div class=tag]dislikes.[/div] ⚬ Pools ⚬ Elitist ⚬ People who don't try new things. ⚬ Going to the gym ⚬ Getting drunk [div class=tag]greatest fear.[/div] ⚬ Drowning ⚬ Failure [div class=tag]priorities, goals and ambitions.[/div] ⚬ Get into film school ⚬ Get a dog [div class=tag]memory.[/div]
Laughter echoed through the backyard as Veronica and Ketchup chased each other around. The six-year-old held onto the slobbery dog toy running wildly through the yard as Ketchup barked and chased her. Her manic laughter quickly turned into a screech as she slipped on the wet ground surrounding the pool. Due to the sudden cool that surrounded her, she inhaled deeply resulting in water making its way into her lungs. She struggled flailing her arms around trying desperately to pull herself up towards the surface. The longer she was underwater she felt herself getting tired. Distantly she could see the blurry outline of Ketchup as he barked rapidly over the pool.​
Veronica couldn't recall when she had passed out, all she can remember is seeing Ketchup on the edge of the pool and then suddenly she was awake. Her body shook as she threw up, her parents gasp and yelling her name. She looked towards them confused seeing the scared look on their faces, she started to piece things together. When she was older her parents told her everything that happened, how Ketchup didn't stop barking until they pulled her out of the pool, and how she was unresponsive resulting in her dad having to give her CPR.​
[div class=tag]stuggle.[/div]
⚬ Deep-rooted insecurity and depression results in Veronica going through moments of extreme self-doubt. During these episodes, she will push away everyone feeling she isn't worth their time. Any project she works on is often scraped during this time because she just sees it being terrible.​
[div class=tag]personality.[/div]
her mind runs a mile a minute, going from one disorganized thought to another in a matter of seconds. When she is nervous she talks extremely fast, often resulting in people not being able to understand her. She isn't a big fan of groups, even if they are comprised of people she considers friends. Groups simply cause her to feel exhausted as they are too much to keep up with. She will never turn down going to see a movie, new or old, blockbuster or indie. She enjoys reading to the point that she will even read to her friends if they asked her. No matter who she is with she often feels like the "grandma" of the group, offering butterscotch candies.​
[/div][/div] [div class=column][div class=images style="background: var(--image-8); background-size: cover; background-position: center;"][/div] [div class=images style="background: var(--image-9); background-size: cover; background-position: center;"][/div] [div class=images style="background: var(--image-10); background-size: cover; background-position: center;"][/div][/div][/div] [div class="tabContents tabContents4"][div class=textbox][div class=scroll][div class=tag]the backstory.[/div] Growing up Veronica was the only child, saying she was doted on and spoiled was an understatement. Her parents loved her dearly and jumped at the opportunity to give her everything they could. After the incident that happened when she was six, they became almost helicopter parents. Never letting her out of their sight, and second-guessing how safe everything was. When she was ten her parents divorced, it was a mutual agreement as they both realized that even though they cared about each other they had fallen out of love with each other. It was hard for her at first, but since both parents still had a relatively good relationship, things fell into place easily. While her mother Jenna never remarried, her father Antonio did. Her stepmom Christa was incredibly sweet, she even had a daughter the same age as Veronica named Lucy. Lucy and Veronica became pretty good friends even sharing a room whenever Veronica stayed with her dad. Veronica has always had a love for different time periods. She fell in love with writing each story taking place in a different place in time, her favorites being the '80s and victorian era. As she grew older she realized she wanted to go into screenplay writing. When it came time for college she choose to attend a community college in the town over just for the sake of a different experience. [/div][/div] [div class=column][div class=images style="background: var(--image-11); background-size: cover; background-position: center;"][/div] [div class=images style="background: var(--image-12); background-size: cover; background-position: center;"][/div] [div class=images style="background: var(--image-13); background-size: cover; background-position: center;"][/div][/div][/div] [div class="tabContents tabContents5"][div class=textbox][div class=scroll][div class=tag]Romeo The Cat.[/div]
She recently adopted a cat who she named Romeo. He's a cute little orange Scottish Fold, who is the most friendly and rambunctious cat she's ever met. Whenever she is home she often carries him where ever she goes.​
[div class=tag]Family.[/div] Mother: The two get along really well, she often calls her mom whenever anything interesting happens. They have an agreement to like every Instagram post the other makes. Father: While she has grown away from her father, they still get along really well. Whenever her dad sees anything about a film viewing he always lets her know. Stepmom: She really loves her stepmom as she has always been supportive of her dream to do screenwriting. Christa even would act out parts whenever Veronica needed help. Lucy: Veronica's stepsister is her go-to person whenever she needs to vent. The two of them have a really special bond and will do anything for each other. [div class=tag]Roommate.[/div]
[div class=tag]Roomate.[/div]
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"I don't know, probably?"

Barista at Kiln House Studying Game Development

FC: Girl in red - Marie Ulven
[/div] [/div] [div class="content content01"] [div class=scroll] [div class=title]basics[/div] [div class=tag]name[/div] Solveig Kristine Nilsen
[div class=tag]nicknames[/div] Sunny - Solli
[div class=tag]age[/div] 21
[div class=tag]gender[/div] Female
[div class=imgSmallContainer] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://media.giphy.com/media/duoZXd9DekK3TSBriq/giphy.gif');"][/div] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://media.giphy.com/media/xlWXNAy8JdnRCZGVTI/giphy.gif');"][/div] [/div] [div class=title][/div] [div class=tag]Zodiac[/div] Leo
[div class=tag]Sexuality[/div] Pansexual
[div class=tag]Arrival at Suncrest[/div] October
[div class=tag]Interests[/div] Video games - Fictional books - Story building/world creation - Programming & codes - Math brainteasers (sudoku, futoshiki, kakuro, minesweeper, etc) - Knitting
[div class=tag]Extra[/div] Her elephant tattoo was something she got from her brother as a birthday present when she turned 18, her foot tattoo was something she got drunk after being dumped.

[div class=tag]Relations[/div]

Mamma Ingrid og pappa Helge (parents) Ingrid and Helge are very hard working parents. and they have earned a lot of respect from friends and neighbors. After Jonas' accident they had to rebuild the whole house in order to make it accessible and long after they thought they had their last child, they got two more. Ingrid is a high school English teacher, and Helge works with construction. They are extremely open parents that love playing jokes on their children, and value family time more than anything else. In their home there is mandatory board-game Fridays (which has later been replaced with Call-Sunny Fridays) Sunny has a lot of respect and admiration for her parents, she has seen first hand the stress they have been through. She loves them madly, even thought she is the one who always ends up having to help around the house.

Big bro Jo (brother) All her life, Sunny has adored and looked up to her brother, no matter what. If he tells her about a good band, game or book, she will most likely like it too. They have had their fair share of squabbles, but they are often there for each other. Jonas always tries to appear happy in front of his family, but Sunny notices how hard it is for him to not always be able to do the same things as everyone else.

Nora Nora is the oldest of the twins, or so she claims. She is the family's evil, according to herself. She is a troublemaker that has does whatever she feels like, such as walking over a brand new white carpet with mud soaked shoes, or breaking the neighbor boy's nose. Nora also goes to Taekwondo practice four times a week. Sunny loves her for her brutality, as long as it's not directed towards herself.

Klara Klara is the most quiet in the whole family. She says very little and is very closed off, which has caused her to become the target of the other girls in class. Luckily, through basketball, she has befriended some of the boys in her class, who are all very over protective. Currently she is Jonas' apprentice, and is being forced into the world of fantasy and video games. Sunny loves Klara's kindness and compassion, but can get annoyed when failing to start a conversation.

Store gutt Store gutt is directly translated into "Big boy," He is the family house cat, and has been there for 9 years. He's grey, fat and very fluffy. Everyone adores Store gutt even though he's lazy and rude. He is everyone's favorite family member.

[/div] [/div] [div class="content content02"] [div class=scroll] [div class=title]apperance[/div] [div class=tag][/div] [div class=imgSmallContainer] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://i.pinimg.com/564x/95/a9/2e/95a92e61519e191dac880d40a25ae654.jpg');"][/div] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://s3-eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/gaffa-prod/content/uploads/2019/01/14120523/GIR_Gaffa_GirlInRed_201818478_FotoHelgeBrekke-768x960.jpg');"][/div] [/div] [div class=tag][/div] In Sunny's opinion, there is nothing special about how she looks. She is 5 ft. 5 in, so not tall, nor small. And thought she does exercise once in a while, she does it far too little to be fit, taking photos with her 5 chins is a favorite hobby. Her hair is long and sandy, she rarely does anything special to style it, normally keeping it down, under a hat or in a lazy ponytail. When she has had no reason brush her hair for a while, it becomes ruthless and tangled. Sunny's response to this is not trying to brush it out, but instead cutting it off, which is why there are many patches of her hair that are shorter than the rest. Noticeably, she has a nose piercing, a belly button piercing, a big elephant tattoo on her left hip as well as "don't fuck with me" on the side of her right foot. Sunny's dress style is varied, when she isn't meeting up with people or going out she dresses in sweatpants, sweat shorts and tees, jumpsuits and rompers are also big favorites. Despite not having a model body, she is by no means shy of her body, and can often be seen going around in just her bra and short pajamas shorts. Going out, she goes all out; short shirts, full cleavage, high heels, fishnets and colorful makeup.
[/div] [/div] [div class="content content03"] [div class=scroll] [div class=title]Personality[/div] [div class=imgSmallContainer] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://i.pinimg.com/564x/1d/10/80/1d1080902cafce666349c23f81b704ac.jpg');"][/div] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://i.pinimg.com/564x/42/af/80/42af80c198ead4e72af172e907e39db2.jpg');"][/div] [/div] [div class=tag][/div] [div class=tag][/div] As a very up and down person, many people can find Sunny hard to deal with. In times where she feels overwhelmed or stressed she has a tendency to become introverted, closing herself off (which happened when she first moved to America) When she got used to life in the city and started feeling comfortable, she opened up again and became more outgoing. Being stressed or overwhelmed also forces Sunny into a shell where her number one priority is herself, and this can make other people think she is indifferent and/or rude. A thing she has learned from experience is that you can’t help others if you need help yourself, so she tries to figure out whatever is going on in her own life before focusing on others. If you want someone to be honest with you, Sunny is the person, not just in giving you a straight answer, but in talking about anything. There are few filters on her mouth, and for her it’s talk first, think later. Ever since Sunny was young she has had a great deal of hobbies that revolve around sitting still, such as reading, gaming and knitting. This has given her the trait of... laziness! Her favorite place is her bed or a couch, wrapped in a blanket. The only time you can see Sunny with a lot of energy is when she’s fooling around with friends and going out drinking. And drinking is something that Sunny likes a lot, she has a glass of beer, cocktails or wine in her hand at every opportunity, but rarely gets completely drunk. Though Sunny is very hardworking and serious when it comes to her interests, she is otherwise very whimsical and can easily forget things she was supposed to do.
[/div] [/div] [div class="content content04"] [div class=scroll] [div class=title]background[/div] [div class=tag][/div] [div class=imgSmallContainer] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://66.media.tumblr.com/022c648b046898a4a97fa48398013459/tumblr_ndmajdoO2b1qciqqno7_r1_500.gif');"][/div] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://i.pinimg.com/564x/38/ba/fe/38bafe5d2cfcddb2a7e9178874cbf4a2.jpg');"][/div] [/div] [div class=tag][/div] Solveig was born and raised in Norway, along with her three year older brother, Jonas. When Solveig was 9 her brother was in an accident that made him paralyzed from the waist down. Because her brother no longer could run around with her outside, she spent most of her time with him inside the house; they drew together, read together, played games together and created home made board games that they played with their parents. As they grew older, video games became a bigger part of both of their lives, and they would often play together or watch each other play. When she was 11, her parents gave birth to twin girls. It became Sunny’s responsibility to make sure they were safe and sound when her parents weren’t home, to her great dismay. As a teenager the last thing she wanted was to stay at home and watch over two brats. When she got older, she learned to appreciate her younger sisters Nora and Klara, and is now very invested in their well being, even from another continent. At school Solveig has always been uninterested, much rather wanting to stay at home and read or play games, but despite the lack of motivation she has always had a good understanding of math and numbers. Her friend group from primary school are still going steady, and she regularly talks to them via facetime and always hangs out with them when she's at home. When Solveig finished her academic course at high school, she knew she had to get away from the small town she lived in, so why not America? She thought. It took her some time to apply for the right schools and visas, which gave her a year to work as a bartender and earn some savings. After moving, the first thing she did was ask people to call her Sunny (no one could pronounce her name correctly), the second thing she did was drop out of the Computer Engineering course she was taking at a close-by uni. Sunny then moved to Suncrest Heights, started working at the Kiln House as a barista and applied for an online bachelor in Game development, which she started in January. It is her dream to make a game together with her brother, who studies digital art and animation.

[div class=tag]Memory[/div]
Solveig and Jonas shared the second floor of their house when they were younger. It was her room, his room, a guest room and the lounge area at the top of the stairs where they played video games together. On the 23 of November, Solli, as her family dotingly called her, was doing her homework in the lounge area upstairs. The minutes felt like they passed by so slow; Solli was very eager for her brother to come home from hanging out with his friends. The day before they had convinced their parents to buy them a new game, but hadn’t been allowed to play it when they got home because it was too late. But today was the day! When they both got home and were finished with their homework, they were going to play the game for the rest of the day. Solli knew that her brother was out with friends in the hillside, she also knew not to tell her parents about it. The grown ups didn’t want their children to play in the hillside; it was dangerous, especially when the winter made the rocky ground icy and slippery. After a couple of hours, long after she had finished her homework, Sulli was getting restless. She ran down stairs to find her parents laying together in the couch, watching the news. “When is Jonas coming home?” Sulli nagged, forcing her way into a spot between her parents. “He promised he wouldn’t be out this long!” She complained, only to earn a smile from her mother. “He’ll probably be home soon,” and right on cue her phone called. “Look, it’s Helga, Ole’s mom, she’s probably calling to let us know she’s dropping him off soon” Solli watched as her mother answered the call with a bright smile that faded quickly. Ingrid said some short words into the phone that Solli didn’t hear; she was distracted by the TV. There was some words that soon caught her attention as her mom started to move from the couch. Jonas. Accident. The words that changed her childhood. What followed was an hours ride to the hospital; their town was too small for its own hospital so they had to go to the nearby city. Nobody talked, and Solveig felt her childish joy fade away slowly but surely.

[div class=tag]Struggle[/div]
Homesickness. Sunny has always been a home person, despite her love for experiencing new things. Moving abroad was a great choice, full of new experiences and people, but a part of her really misses home, a lot. She misses her friends, her family, her cat. Though she has found new friends and environments (and a really cheap place to live!), she is envious of the rest of her friend group that gets to meet up. They post photos of smiles, funny drinking games and hugging on their group chat and on their stories, and it pleases Sunny that they are still great friends, but a part of her feels like she's missing out on everything. Another thing she misses is the surroundings. There is something appealing about the quaint city life and buzzing clubs, but nothing, in Sunny's opinion, beats the small towns, big mountains and beautiful fjords. The thing she misses the most is probably her family, but a part of her feels that if she starts thinking about how much she misses them, she'll never stop. It feels like a void in her chest that grows bigger at every thought of home, and when she lay in bed, alone, at night, there isn't much else to think about.
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coded by shady.
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Dai Le'Caste

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"Voltaire once said that everything in life is as good as it can possibly be, I--for one--am inclined to agree with that short-sighted assessment of the world."

Full Name| Dai Le'Caste

Gender| Male

Age| 43

Zodiac| Born the Year of the Snake

Job/Education| Dai works as a writer. Probably. He spends a lot of time hunched over his laptop typing, and while he goes out--occasionally--it's really unclear where he goes out to.

How long have you been staying in Suncrest?| No one remembers when Dai moved in. He's just... always been there.


Dai has an expressive face with large eyes and faint age lines. His hair is an unkempt mass of black and grey--if styled it might look nice, but one of his more nervous habits is to run his hand(s) through his hair, and invariably, he ends up with it sticking straight up. He doesn't appear to own any clothing apart from pajamas (what he is normally wandering around in) and high-end suits: there is no in-between.

Interests| Dai keeps small bonsai (located on the roof).

Sexuality| Pansexual


Dai is friendly and affable, and curious about the folks who live around him. Anyone who has lived at Suncrest long enough has probably realized that he stays there not out of necessity (probably), but because he enjoys socializing. But, Dai is so much of a shut-in that--if he didn't live with forced interaction--he'd never see people. He's more than happy to stick his nose into other folks' business.

Despite being, generally, a rather laid back individual, Dai can be intensely off-putting under certain circumstances. Some terrible combination of social anxiety paired with his large eyes and too-curious-stare means that, if he's approached in a way he doesn't know how to deal with (or doesn't want to deal with), he's liable to simply stare--silently--at the offending party until they go away or start over.


Intensely private about his own life, Dai doesn't share information that would easily create an understandable timeline. From the occasional factoid he mentions, it is clear that he went to college and traveled extensively when he was younger. Dai La'Caste grew up in Victoria, BC in a large house. He left home at a very young age (for whatever reason this doesn't seemed to have affected his schooling). Dai attended several different colleges and studied abroad on a plan which stretched his undergraduate degree into an 8 year adventure (he was, more or less, following a single brilliant professor from location to location, see below). Occasionally, he'll make mention of graduate-level schooling as well. At some point, Dai taught college-level spoken English in China. At some point, Dai lived in the southwestern United States as a "scorpion hunter." At some point, Dai lived in the northwestern United States and was a rafting guide. At some point, Dai ran an ice cream shop in Northern Ireland, Murder Hole Beach.

A Memory|

On the roof of Suncrest, Dai sits on a pair of broken chairs that have been tied together with twine to make one, semi-functional chair. He's wearing fuzzy rabbit slippers and a ratty bathrobe. A woman with streaks of purple and blue in her hair walks up behind him and watches silently as he examines a small bonsai. He has a thin cigar clenched in his teeth and the smoke rises to join the gray sky above. In his left hand, he holds a sharpened pruner.

She reaches forward and he startles. Silently, she takes the cigar from his mouth and grinds it out in the planter box of the bonsai. For a moment he looks scandalized, and she interrupts before he can even formulate words, "I'm leaving. You should stop. It's bad for the trees."

He looks down at the planter box and then back up at the young woman. She doesn't look away from the bonsai, and his gaze is pulled back to the tree. After several false starts he swallows, "Well then. Good luck. I'd say you're always welcome back, but as soon as the landlady replaces you, there really won't be any room."

She laughs lightly, reaches out and squeezes his shoulder, and leaves. He hears the door quietly shut behind her.

Dai looks at the overcast sky and wishes that he had a cigarette. He doesn't buy one, he doesn't smoke again. That was three years ago. He hasn't seen the young woman since.


Dai struggles with severe and (often crippling) enochlophobia. He's socially a bit inept, but enthusiastic. He gets distracted with his work and forgets basic self-care, but is quick to encourage and bother roommates into taking care of themselves.


Dai's family is either estranged or dead. Dai doesn't have any close personal relationships, but many of the previous tenants count him as a friend. Occasionally, outside of the apartment, he meets with a young woman with sharp, intelligent eyes, and a vicious smile.

Professor Hillstein Paris is one of the foremost minds in mathematics. He's retired now (lives somewhere in upstate New York), but has a soft spot for Dai who--determined like a moray eel--latched on to Professor Paris and didn't let go. Dai remains one of the only students that Paris mentored through the entirety of their master's thesis.

Extras: n/a

* Face Claim Timothy Omundson
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Samuel Choi
[div class="tabContents tabContents01"]
"Don't give your past the power to control your future"
[div class=tag]english name
Samuel "Sam" Choi
[div class=tag]given name
Choi Hae-Seong (최해성)
[div class=tag]age
[div class=tag]dob[/div] July 25, 1995
[div class=tag]Zodiac[/div] Leo
[div class=tag]gender[/div] Male
[div class=tag]sexuality[/div] Heterosexual
[div class=tag]education[/div] High School, barely
[div class=tag]length of residency[/div] A little over 1 year
[div class=tag]jobs[/div] UPS sorter from 3 am to 7 am on weekdays, Barista at the Rabbit Hole from 9 am to 1 pm on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and plays whatever local gig he can find in the evenings. [/div]
[/div][/div][/div] [div class="tabContents tabContents02"]
[div class=tag]face claim
Park Junhee
[div class=tag]height
5ft 9in
[div class=tag]weight
158 lbs
[div class=tag]body type[/div] Sam has a runner's build, strong and fit but trim. He isn't bulky, just fit.
[div class=tag]eyes[/div] Dark brown
[div class=tag]hair[/div] Currently it is a darkish brown with his black roots beginning to show, signifying he needs to dye his hair again.
[div class=tag]appearance[/div] Sam always took a bit of pride in his appearance. He always teased his brothers that he was the best looking out of them. He stands at 5ft 9in, not exactly tall but decent in height. He keeps himself fit by running when he has the time. His body is decently built and healthy. He's had to make up all the times he wasn't so nice to it. Even though he was drunk for most of his late teens, he never got a tattoo. He's never wanted one, so he never got one. Sam's wardrobe consists of hoodies, hoodies, and more hoodies. He likes to stay cozy in jeans and sweatshirt. It isn't that he doesn't have a sense of style, actually when he tries he can put together a really great outfit, he just doesn't have the energy to try hard. Even when he wears a very casual style, he doesn't look messy or lazy. Sam makes sure he looks put together, even in a sweatshirt. [/div]
[/div][/div][/div] [div class="tabContents tabContents03"]
[div class=tag]personality
Sam has changed drastically in his personality over the past four years. Before he didn't care about anyone, not even himself. Now, he's become much more responsible and caring. Sam cares deeply for other people. He hates to see anyone suffer, even if it's because of their own actions. He connects easy with others. He loves to listen to people's problems, which would make him an excellent bartender. Fiercely loyal, Sam will stick by just about anyone, friend or foe. If they are in the right, they deserve someone on their side. He is neat and orderly. He likes things tidy and clean.
Sam, although warm and friendly, often has a hard time adjusting. Stepping out of his comfort zones is a big no thank you from him. He likes his bubble and his schedule, anything outside of that makes him anxious and uneasy. Sam loves to be liked by others. When that doesn't happen, he is almost obsessed with making sure that eventually that one person does like him. He worries a lot about being popular, not only in his friend groups but with his music. One day he hopes to have a lot of fans, or at least some. Sam also doesn't like to be criticized, especially when he feels he is in the right. This can sometimes cause confrontation with others, or just for his feelings to get hurt.
[div class=tag]mbti personality type
[div class=tag]likes
playing guitar and piano, writing music, making others smile, and his favorite thing is his son's laugh.
[div class=tag]dislikes[/div] being disliked, mess and messy people, external changes, and others hurting themselves [/div]
[/div][/div][/div] [div class="tabContents tabContents04"]
[div class=tag]background
Sam grew up as the middle of three brothers. His parents were always warm and loving, while also holding high expectations for their sons. The pair had worked hard, his father was an engineer and his mother worked as a nurse. They provided well for their boys. His early childhood was pretty simple. He was a bright young kid with lots of dreams and ambitions. He showed early promise in music, picking up piano quickly and even writing his own songs at the age of 10. He was very close to his brothers, they were like three peas in a pod. He got along with others at school and was well liked by most of his class. When he was 13 a lot of things changed. His younger brother was diagnosed with leukemia at the age of 9. By the time Sam's younger brother reached his 10th birthday they didn't have much hope. After his year and a half long fight, his brother passed away. It broke Sam. His grades started to slip, he started misbehaving, and he began to make friends with the wrong type of people.
In the aftermath of his brother's death, Sam focused on music. He used lyrics to escape and played his feelings on the keys of his keyboard or on the strings of his guitar. His parent's marriage wasn't as strong after what had happened and his older brother went off to college. He felt alone. Sam was desperate to have a place to belong to. That was where his friends came in. They were bad influences on the boy, but he didn't care. He started making worse and worse decisions as his life went on. He skipped school, got drunk, got high, and wasted his life away. His parents only seemed to nag and bother him. They told him that if he didn't shape up then they were kicking him out. That's what they did. When he was 19 his parents kicked him out of their house. He stayed with a friend for a while, shortly after that he moved in with his girlfriend at the time. That relationship lasted for a few months before he ruined it. After she kicked him out, Sam lived in his car for about four months. His life did a quick 180 from there.
One day he got a call from his ex-girlfriend telling him that she was pregnant with his baby. That was probably the most frightening day of his life. He just sat at a local park and stared for hours. He decided on that day to be better. He wanted to be a good dad. He didn't want to be selfish any more. Sam cleaned up his life, got a job, and asked his brother if he could stay with him for awhile. The day his son was born, he had been sober for 5 months and promised that it would stay that way. After living with his friend for a year, Sam decided that he wanted to have his own space. The only problem was he was completely broke with terrible credit. There was no way he was going to get a loan to buy anything and he could barely afford any rent nearby. So he settled on the share house. It was incredibly cheap so it had allowed him to save up in order to one day buy his own house so he can spend even more time with his child.
[div class=tag]memory
Sam's most fond memory was the day Oliver was born. He can't believe the boy is already 3 years old. Sam remembers how small he was when he held him for the first time. He promised to always be there for him and always take care of him. His little fingers wrapped around his one much larger finger caused his heart to melt. The man wanted nothing more than to be the best dad he could ever be.
[div class=tag]struggles
His hardest struggle is how much time he gets to spend with his kid. Since he doesn't have his own place and doesn't want to bother anyone, Sam only gets Oliver every few days for a couple hours. It frustrates him a lot when he's missed so many things. Sarah, his ex, is really great and they have a decent relationship, so it's not really anything on her end that's stopping him.
Another struggle is his schedule, he's up so early and up so late he barely gets sleep sometimes. Sam normally functions exclusively on coffee. The time that he isn't working is normally spent with Oliver. Although, his late night gigs are normally fun and he counts that as free time since performing his music is his passion.
[div class=tag]relationships[/div]
Soo-young and Woo-bin Choi (Parents/Living)- Sam hasn't spoken to his parents in years. They didn't seem to want anything to do with him when they kicked him out. Part of him wants to reach out to them since he's bettered himself, but he's scared they will still reject him. He knows they are both well because his brother keeps him updated.
Aaron Choi (Older Brother/Living)- Aaron is now married, Sam learned. He's a defense attorney in the area. They reconnected about four years ago. They've been pretty close since then. Aaron is one of his best friends. His brother has offered to help him out with money, but Sam has never accepted.
Benjamin Choi (Younger Brother/Deceased)- Ben's death turned his world upside-down. He was a really funny and silly kid. Sometimes he still misses him even if it's been years since he died. He visits the cemetery on June 3rd every year to leave him flowers. Sam sometimes wonders what he would have become if he got to live out the rest of his life.
Sarah Coleman (Ex and Mother of his child/Living)- Sam really did love her at one point. She tried to make him a better person. Eventually though, his habits became too hard for her to deal with. She was always worried about him and it was bad for her. Sam will always be grateful to her for giving him the greatest gift. They have a positive relationship, but both of them agree neither of them have feelings anymore.
Oliver Choi (Son/Living)- The three year old is the light of his life. Sam adores the kid and savors every moment he gets to spend with him. Oliver always seems to enjoy their time together too. Sarah is always sending him pictures and videos of things he says and does. The boy always brightens up his day. [/div]
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[div class=link]coded by christy.
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AJ O'Connell

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"quote here"

Full Name| Albert James O'Connell

Nickname| AJ for short

Gender| Male


Zodiac| Gemini

Job/Education| Uber Eats driver, bartends and waits @ Kiln House in the evenings

How long have you been staying in Suncrest?| 5 months






A Memory|

(Minimal 1 well developed paragraph of a relevant memory)



Extras: (additional info)

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Alex Padovano
Name: Alexandra Padovano

Nickname: Alex

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Zodiac Sign: Libra

Job/Education: Baker. Owner of 'Books and Beans' a small book cafe/pastry house.

How long have you been staying in Suncrest?: 6 years in the city, about 7 months in the apartment

Appearance: Alex is a fairly tall and slender woman standing at 5'8 and giving away a gentle temperament. From the way she walks and talks, Alex is perceived as a meek and compassionate soul and often her smiles and laughter bear brightness to a dark and sombre room. Appearance wise, she has fairly good looks with her hazel eyes, dark naturally kinky hair, and bronze skin.

Her clothing preference ranges from a bit offbeat, if you will, having a preference for 'bohemian' fashion. Often wearing cropped top, patterned spaghetti straps and long flowy skirts and flats along with gaudy bracelets and rings, necklaces and earrings, at times donning on a felt hat.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Interest: Alex enjoys cooking, and on her spare time would indulge herself in experimenting to an assortment of baked goods in her shop or apartment. She'ss also fond of reading, and would spent most of the time immersed in literature. At times she would try her hand in writing, just some simple poetry mostly. She'd hang out in Kiln House to watch and even participate in spoken word gigs.

Personality: A dreamer at heart, Alex finds inspiration in pursuing her aspirations by simply just doing the things she love. To her it's not so hard to figure out, as she believes a true dream is known by simply just listening to one's own heart.

She thinks herself as a simple girl with simple yet noble dreams. And those dreams are worked on through passion and hard work, as Alex does so wholeheartedly. Certainly Alex isn't praised for her gracefulness, meaning she can be a bit clumsy. She may have broken a dozen of glasswares, more or less , in her lifetime, had stepped on people's feet a couple of times or tripped in four inch heels. Though in the right circumstance, her clumsiness may come off endearing to some.

Alex is also a compassionate woman, almost like a motherly figure to those she cares about. She wont hesitate to lend an ear or a cuddle here and there when needed. A typical way to show her care is by constantly reminding them to never skip breakfast and making sure they never go hungry throughout the day.

Biography: Alex is a native of New York, where she spent most of her childhood and highschool years in with her family in a small apartment unit. She is the third of six siblings, and living in a n apartment with a big family has it's challanges, but nowhere near unmanageable. During college Alex moved to Suncrest to pursue her studies, and helped her aunt manage her coffee shop business.

Back then she was taking a pre law degree but dropped out when she realised she couldn't put her heart into it. She has always preferred managing a business, and taking a career in culinary or something similar, and invested her time in her aunt's coffee shop. Four years later her Aunt decided to move out of DC to settle down with her current husband in Alaska, leaving Alex with the shop. After encounter an ad for rent in craigslist, Alex jumped at the opportunity to move in to save money for rent, and for travel convenience since her aunt's shop is relatively close to the Apartment.

A Memory:




"quote here"

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Face Claim: Ryan Destiny
"You've got to learn to keep your friends close, but enemies closer"

Full Name| Renee Johnnaya Yong
Nickname| Renie, Ren
Gender| Female
Age| 20
Zodiac| Aquarius
Job/Education| College Student, Night-Nurse (In a Nursery)
How long have you been staying in Suncrest?|For about 2 Years


Renee is an African-American/Chinese girl. She has dark skin, Long, brown hair, and quite small proportions. Being only 4'10, it's quite hard for her to get around. Unlike most females, Renee has a large hourglass figure, she's very curvy. Her eyes are a rich dark brown. So many find her stunning and hard to look away from. Her clothing style matches her personality, completely out of context. Whatever she's feeling, her clothes will mirror that. She's got 2 piercings in each ear and is hoping to get a few tattoos soon.
Gaming, Drawing, Listening to music, Singing, Anything technology based, Television, and...well..boys.

Being an Aquarius, Renee is a handful. There's no way anyone can be bored around her, she's spontaneous. With her Erratic qualities, come the not-so-nice things about her. She's such a hot-head, it's hard to deal with her. She can be so passive-aggressive at times. A short-tempered person like her can really ruin the mood.
Renee was born February 13th to a young couple in Michigan, along with an older brother, and soon 4 years later a younger sister. Being stuck the middle-child, she rarely got attention from her parents and became much of a delinquent. She felt as if nobody was going to help her, she'd help herself. She became a public enemy in her school for her irrationality and weird creative side.
Throughout her life, Renee has been through ups and downs with boys and drama and she's just ready to find someone who'd love her for who she is, and isn't wishy-washy. When she seen the craigslist ad, she thought this would be the perfect chance to make real friends, and maybe a lover too.
A Memory|
The latest memory she has is 2 years ago. Her Boyfriend of 7 Months had been caught cheating on her. She was devastated. The one person she trusted the most had betrayed her, not only had he done that, but he kicked her out of the apartment they were living in. That's also when she found Suncrest. It was the perfect way to begin her new, easier life.
Renee isn't much of a weak person, but when it comes to love, she cracks down under-pressure. She hates being alone and can't stand the fact of being ignored

She has no personal relationships other than her family, but she does have a Ring-Necked snake by the name of Kingpin; Don't worry, he won't bite.
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Quote: “Not another dead bird!” After Fanta brings her yet another dead bird.

Birth name: Joseph Michaels
First female name: Catherine Hearst
Second female name: Catherine Fields
Professional name: Koressa (not legal but the only one she personally uses)

Nickname: Ko

Gender: Female born Male

Age: 21

Zodiac: Aquarius

Job/Education: High School graduate, model

How long have you been staying in Suncrest?: Just moved there

Appearance: Ko is only 5’9” in heels. She is very very well endowed, which is half the reason she makes her money. Her looks are the result of surgery and extensive workout regimen. She got a tramp stamp after her first photo shoot just to piss her abusers off. She prefers to wear whatever is most comfortable unless it is for her job then she wears whatever she is paid. She likes to keep her make up subtle if she wears any, for work she wears it however the makeup artists apply it.

Interests: Watching tv and surfing the internet

Sexuality: She doesn’t know

Personality: Ko is a deeply traumatized person. For most of her life she was forced to conform to the will of radical feminists who hated males. She pretended to conform to their ideals at first but after pretending for so long she doesn’t know if she is pretending anymore.

Biography: Ko was born Joseph Michaels. She doesn’t remember her father at all. From what she was told he was an abusive asshole who beat her mother and constantly cheated on her. Her father eventually left her mother for a much younger woman, one who was described as barely legal. The source of these description is highly dubious at best. After her father left her mother took up with radical feminists who vehemently hate all things male. As such Joseph Michaels was not allowed to exist, Joseph was forced to live as a girl and take “special vitamins” to ensure that Koressa would mature correctly. After faking quite a few documentations of proof for Koressa sweet sixteen birthday she was taken in for several surgeries, rhinoplasty, vaginoplasty, augmentation mammoplasty, etc. Shortly after the surgeries she ran away from home, being young, naïve, and gorgeous it didn’t take long before a man took advantage of her. Her screams during her ordeal woke up the neighbors who called the cops, she told the cops everything. After an exhaustive investigation and humiliating trial all those involved were arrested, a lawyer helped her to sue the radical feminist psychiatrist and plastic surgeon who were responsible for her transformation. The money was put into a trust that she couldn’t touch until she was twenty-five, certain exceptions were built in.

She moved in with a great aunt on the other side of the country. She consulted with numerous surgeons they all told her the same thing; she could never be what she was. She suffered from depression for years, she spent some of her trust fund paying for her therapy. She tried attending public school but couldn’t because of the mean girls and the boys constantly staring at her chest, even the adults. She tried attending a private all girls school but that reminded her of the time she spent with the radical feminists. Her trust fund was then used to pay for a stream of teachers to teach her at home. By the time she graduated, her trust fund was almost out. She wanted to attend college, but she was not willing to go into debt to do it. She then began searching for a job, most would take to long to earn enough then she found a job that her mother and her group absolutely abhorred, she became a lingerie model. She made sure to hand deliver copies of her pictures from her first photo shoot to them all.

A Memory: Her favorite memory of all time was months in the making. She worked with a tattoo artist to custom design a tattoo that would most piss off her abuser. It took quite a while to get the entire thing done. Then she had to let it heal. While it was very painful it was entirely worth it. After she got the prints for her first photo shoot, she went to see her abusers. She each of them believe she was there to apologize for doing this to them. The first thing she did was to each of them was to show them her photos and then her tramp stamp. She would have killed to be able to record the look of horror and disgust on their faces and her mother’s screams of anger.

Struggles: She struggles with her gender identity, her sexuality, and typical dating relationships

Relationships: Mother: Ko hates her with the passions of 1,000,000 suns.
Father: She has no idea what his name is and has no desire to see him. She blames him just as much as her mother.
Great Aunt Deina Fields: Ko adores her. If it wasn’t for her Ko more than likely would have committed suicide years ago.
Fanta the cat: Fanta is a female orange cat that jumped in Ko’s lap one day while she was doing a photo shoot. They have been inseparable since.

Extras: Her tramp stamp: https://www.syfy.com/sites/syfy/files/styles/2200xauto/public/supergirltattoo_color.jpg

Full Name| Valentina Rosalia Silva.
Nickname| Rosie (childhood nickname).
Pisces (Moon in Leo, Pisces Rising).
Studied at a University in Italy. Currently unemployed and being financially supported by her absentee father's guilty conscious.
How long have you been staying in Suncrest?|
Just a week.

Standing at only 5'0", sometimes 5'3" with the help of heels, Valentina has always looked like the runt of whatever litter she was born to. She developed some sort of a RBF to help combat this, though it has only varying degrees of success. Luckily, she rarely has to use any brawn to do much of anything, but she does happen to be rather strong, having a body that is a lot more toned and athletic than thin.

Valentina is pretty uncomplicated in terms of her style, though looking at her face—with pretty warm brown eyes, long lashes and olive skin offset by dark, waist length hair—many would think her one to get far more glammed up. Nevertheless, her clothing tends to be simple, sometimes flowing and perhaps a bit girly. Often, she goes out looking as if she throws on everything last minute (which she usually does) or as if she sees it fit to wander around in her pajamas and flip flops that day (she does, sometimes).

Interests| Volunteering, partying, theatre, crafting.



Lost in her own world, Valentina has always been one for enjoying her own company, though there seems to be another part of her with a revolving door of friends from all walks of lives. it is in her nature to be rather generous and doting with whoever manages to capture her attention at whatever moment—a parent, friend, neighbour, even the garbage man—she's radiates a certain warmth sometimes.

Having grown up feeling week and insecure, in her adult life Valentina started to walk around with a certain bravado that is not altogether genuine. She just hates feeling less than, and does what she can to avoid this or ignore it. She will brag, she will become obstinate and she will boss around others when backed into a corner. For as easygoing as she appears to be, her first thought is always to assert herself if need be. If there's one thing you can say about her, is that she has passion in spades.

The only aspect of herself she truly withdraws and holds in is perhaps her romantic life. When entranced and ensnared within loves thorny grip, it consumes so to speak.


Valentina's life has been one large adventure. Her mother travelled constantly for work, and as the only daughter of a free spirited single woman, Valentina got to go with her. Despite calling almost every continent 'home' at one point, having the crashing of the waves to lull her to sleep was a constant wherever she went. Valentina views the ocean with a certain reverence as a result, calling it her first love and her "forever home".

After living with her Mother in Italy(her birth country) for a few years while attending university, Valentina was itching for a change of scenery—and also, for her own start. With very few of her items, Valentina decided to head off to the United States, neglecting to tell her mother that her father had somehow tracked her down and was hoping for a chance to "be a dad". Though reluctant at first, Valentina had tentatively established a relationship with him only after he promised her that he would let her live wherever she wanted on his dime, and that he would support her in anyway he could. She isn't truly sure what game he is trying to play at, but without a stable job and no idea what to do with herself, Valentina is glad for the help. Not wanting to seem like she was straight up using him, Valentina decided to let go of her dream of being in her own penthouse in NYC, instead choosing to settle in a comfy room in a place called Suncrest Heights. Whatever Suncrest will bring, she feels more than ready to take on.

A Memory|

One struggle she has is establishing herself. She wants to find something to do that is meaningful (and hopefully makes some okay money as well.)


Esmeralda Silva: A brilliant, beautiful Afro-Brazilian woman, she is solely responsible for her daughter's intense personality. From birth to young adulthood, Valentina was taught to be prideful, to take up as much space as she wants and to laugh as loudly as she can. The two have always been extremely close, with Valentina feeling like she could tell her mother anything. There was a period during her early teen years where she felt strange next to her mother, who was always beautiful with her full features, ruddy brown skin and generous curves. Valentina could feel herself growing into the opposite and it made her withdraw a bit, and while her mom pulled her out of that rut she has never truly rid herself of those feelings. Other than that, Valentina could hardly ever remember feeling negatively towards her mother, and aside from the ocean, the woman is another of her safe spaces. It's rather hard being away from her, but Valentina keeps in touch as much as possible.

Gabriel Romano: Valentina's father who just now has started working towards having a relationship with her. A total stranger and one who she is wary of, considering that he dipped and left her mother Esmeralda high and dry in Italy shortly after she was born. Is mostly neutral towards him, as her mother never built him up to be a bad guy. Just doesn't really know why he suddenly appeared and what his end game is.

Extras: tba
Angèle Arquette
[class=picture] position: relative; display: inline-block; [/class] [class=text] position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; top: 0; left: 0; opacity: 0; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.2); color: white; z-index: 2; [/class] [class name=text state=hover] opacity: 1; [/class] [div class=picture] [div class=text]
"Your problems with me are not my problems, those are YOUR problems."​

location: Suncrest Heights
with: N/A
tags: N/A
Full Name| Angèle Arquette
Nickname| Angel, Jolie Girafe, L' Ange
Gender| Female (MtF)
Age| 22
Zodiac| Virgo
Job/Education| High School education, works as a Model and DJ
How long have you been staying in Suncrest?| JOne Month

Height: 6’3”
Build: Slim/Modelesque
FaceClaim: Raya Martigny
Angèle is a beautiful and fun-loving Amazon. Her tan skin and dark hair compliment her elongated features, with just a sprinkle of freckles across her face. Angèle, along her family, is French, with most of her family coming from Réunion, a French island in the Indian ocean. Angèle spends all of her extra money on a mixture of designer clothing and thrift shopping, so her outfits tend to be somewhat unique. Angèle is proud of her height and often wears heels.
Fashion, Art, Architecture, DJing, House music, Modelling, Sewing

Sexuality| Mostly heterosexual, slightly fluid but not longterm.

Angèle’s french friends often jokingly called her “Jolie Girafe.” She has aggressive RBF, but is actually a very nice and calm person. Her love for eccentric things attracts the weird and wonderful, and Angèle wouldn’t have it any other way. Angèle grew up in the culture of nightclubs, so she is the perfect balance of shadily judgmental and very open and accepting.

Angèle was born on Réunion island, but grew up in Paris, France. Angèle was a weird kid, and could be described as a wild child. She never really enjoyed the male norms of society, and often found herself struggling in general places of structure, like school. She came out as a gay man early on in life, so her family’s acceptance of her as being different started somewhat early. It wasn’t until she was in her teens that she first started to understand that she way trasgender, mostly through meeting other transgender women and men while clubbing.
Angèle had always dreamed of moving to America and being a star in Hollywood, especially when she was younger. She was introduced to DJing while clubbing in Paris, and actually got decently good at it, regularly DJing at clubs in France by the time she was 19. At 20, She got offered a regular DJing gig in Texas, and worked there for about a year and a half. In Texas, she was also scouted by a smaller modelling agency. Recently, in hopes of forwarding both her modelling and DJing careers, Angèle moved to Suncrest Heights. She wanted to be closer to Sanfrancisco, and this smaller side town with a decent night club seemed like the perfect place to live. Angèle has been in Suncrest Heights for about a month now and is doing nothing but loving it.

A Memory|
“When I was around 16, I went to a nightclub for the very first time. It was, surprisingly, just like in the movies and on TV, this kaleidoscope of colors and sounds, and there were so many different kinds of people. It was in this first clubbing experience that little gay boy me saw a trans woman for the very first time. It was like seeing a unicorn or something, but it triggered something in me. It triggered something that made me finally feel like I had a place. Seeing people living their lives in a way I thought I had only felt really solidified my belief of being different was ok. Somewhat soon after I was “diagnosed” with dysmorphia and I started my transition. If I never had that experience, I would have never been able to accept myself for what I am, I would have never became a model or a DJ, and I would never have moved to America after finishing school.”

Issues with some people still not accepting her, keeping money, advancing both her modelling and Djing careers while also trying to balance them with a social life.


Extras: Angèle has bad pollen and dust allergies.
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