Sunbather's Fandom Character Treasure (Mass Effect, Harry Potter)


Le photographe est mort
Hello! This is my character collection. Here I preserve and showcase all characters I've made that I ended up being truely happy with. Feel free to look through them - Most of them also have a nifty character sheet I made. You're totally invited to leave a comment if you read through one (I know, I tend to write very long sheets) and give me your feedback. Have fun!

Fandom Characters:

(click to view)

Raya'Kon n. Ciricide

xiScarlett Carter

XiXiAvant Midori

Harleen Van Sant

iiXXXGiles Riven

Star De La Hoz

Freyja Inoue

Zoéy Gibson

Senneth Monhaupt

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Saraya'Kon nar Ciricide


  • NAME: Saraya'Kon "Raya" nar Ciricide

    SPECIES: Quarian

    GENDER: Female

    AGE: 23

    APPEARANCE: Saraya's environmental suit is an almost pitch-black color that makes up for the majority of its space, while a lighter tone of olive acts as an accent of color here and there. Her appearance is generally rather dark. Saraya's build is very slender, even for a female Quarian, and her height of roughly 5'6" gives her a bit of a lanky appearance, despite not being especially tall.

    OBI: Dancer / Mercenary

    AO: Infilltrator


    Charming // Saraya is a generally lovable person and often triggers people's immediate need to protect her, even if it's unneeded. This often makes her incredibly embarassed, as she doesn't want to inconvinience anyone, as well as cheer her up, as she's very appreciative of people showing affection. Occassionally, it may backfire and lead her to feel belittled, in which case she might show signs of being offended.

    Sneaky // The quarian is excellent at keeping a low profile and disappearing into dark alleyways. Her dark suit and easily overlooked build only add to that. It extends to more mundane things as well though, like her being a relatively quiet person when not adressed or trying to evade restriction. Funnily enough, despite her mercenary background, Saraya is extremely obedient to laws and restrictions on her everyday life and struggles greatly with breaking rules.

    Efficent // Despite her bubbly personality outside of tasks, she is surprisingly cold and goal-orientated when assigned with a mission, even if its of violent nature. This is more of a protective behavior, so that she can try and seperate the brutal aspects of her life.


    Easily flustered // Saraya is very quick to blush or be at a struggle for words and could generally be described as shy. When complimented or at the center of attention, Saraya is quick to become silent or uneasy and will attempt to shift attention away from her. Some find it endearing, Saraya finds it extremely uncomfortable.

    Insecure // Negative comments aimed at her appearance or personality are quick to eat away at her spirit and make her sad. She might try and hide her sadness in childishly insulted behavior, but generally, she tends to become quiet and heavily insecure, sometimes even resorting to stuttering.

    Physically weak // As one would guess, given her physical traits, Saraya is on the lower end of the spectrum when it comes to the more hands on manner. As she's quite capable of maximizing her given abilities in combat, it's not a huge issue, bu in normal, day-to-day life it can be impractical. Additionally, she's very uneasy at asking for help, often struggling for a long period of time before she resorts to asking for aid.


    Saraya'Kon nar Ciricide was born on a relatively small ship housing many families, resulting in a severe overpopulation. As such, the Ciricide had a tradition of sending quarians on their pilgrimage at a younger age than the custom is, though this was always communicated with the respective family and a consenusal act of necessary adjustment. As such, Saraya left her fleet early and became accustomted to the world in a way only few quarians can understand.

    After journying through various systems in an attempt to find valuable gifts for her soon-to-be captain, Saraya ended up on Omega, where the seedy, aggressive attitude intimidated her, but also lead her to believe that items of worth must be present to cause this attitude. Due to the way quarians appreciate dancer, the clubs filled with asari employees instantly drew Saraya in and she put her pilgrimage on hold. She'd soon be employed and be a relatively popular employee. While she herself didn't quite catch the train of thought, as the nature of her envo-suit was a normal thing for her, the customers tended to drool over her appearance and were drawn to the unusual sight of a quarian dancer. However, things went south after just a few weeks, when a gang of hired guns, send by the Blue Suns, stormed the club. Beating and intimidating the owner, a volus, so that he'd pay back his debt to the Blue Suns, the thugs shot and killed several customers and employees, while Saraya hid behind the counter. After making their statement and heading to leave, Saraya, panckied and enraged, would quickly sneak towards the volus, who she knew carried a handgun, and follow the criminals. Finding herself having beginner's luck, she hit and quickly neutralized two of the three thugs, while the last one threw up his hands in defeat. It wouldn't take long for her force their reasons and, eventually, their meet up location out of him.

    Frustrated, Saraya left the area before authorities could arrive and returned to the club, where she found her owner attemtping to leave the planet. Now enraged that he had not only endangered her and her friends but now trying to leave them hanging, she forced him to come with her and headed towards the location the thugs had planned to meet up with the Blue Suns. Once there, the Suns immediately drew their guns, only to realize who the quarian had brought along. Rather impressed (and amused), and as a token of gratitude, Saraya was offered to replace the dead grunts by the troop's leader. Realizing that she would not get out safely - and now without direction - the offer was accepted.

    Saraya was assigned low profile tasks in the area for about a year, mostly working jobs such as debt collection, protection money and similar things. They weren't too brutal and granted her some nifty perks, so she couldn't complain. Considering the nature of her day to day activities, life went about relatively peaceful and quiet, until the day her local commander ordered her into her office. The two got into an argument and the situation escalated, resulting in Saraya deeming it necessary to shoot the Blue Suns commander. Knowing that she'd be unable to stay any longer, she searched the carcass for any useful loot, finding an expensive looking pocketwatch. Now, however, the guarding members outside realized that something had gone on, forcing Saraya to jump out of the, luckly, not too highly positioned window and make a run for it, escaping their sights through the dimly lit alleyways. Barely managing to weasel away, the quarian was desperate to get to safety - and to ensure that her suit would be in a good condition. Contemplating who could patch her up, a young, human medic who had just started out but had quickly garnered a good reputation sprang into her mind. Saraya made her way to the district she recalled him living in and, much to her surprise, was actually successful in finding him. The empathic man helped up, earning her gratitude.

    Now, however, time was a big factor, and Saraya left Omega in a hurry. With the pocketwatch - not just an item of extreme worth but also proving her ability to defend the fleet from criminals - she figured her journey would come to an end, but it'd soon take a turn for the worse. While a warm welcome took place, Saraya found herself unable to lie about her whereabouts and revealed the entire story. Deemed a criminal and unacceptable to the fleet, Saraya found herself detained, now awaiting a decision on wether or not she'd be exiled. It wouldn't take too long for the hearing to take place, and Saraya's biggest fear would come true - A unanimous decicion called for her to be exiled.

    Since then Saraya has traveled around, reluctantly taking on jobs of dubious nature to support herself. Recently, Saraya has come to Earth, as she found humans to be less dismissive of her despite being exiled.


    - Since being exiled Saraya doesn't like to be called her full name, instead prefering just Saraya or Raya.

    - She has a habit of laughing awkwardly when she's flustered in an attempt to downplay embarassement.

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Scarlett Ashby Carter


Age 11-14


Age 15+

Character Bio

Character Statistics

Name: Scarlett Ashby Carter

Name Meaning: Scarlett's first name was given to her because of her hair colour. Her entirey family has an extremely high rate of redheaded women and thus, it was almost impossible in her parent's eyes that she'd turn out any different. Additionally, her family is somewhat hot-headed, giving the name a funny, but unintented humorous note.

Alias: Ash

Gender: Female Age: 12

Sexual Orientation: She's 12.

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn Bloodtype: Pureblood

Place of Birth: London, England

House: TBA (Professor=Orgional House)

School Year: 1

Gemstone: Emerald

Mental Characteristics

Allies: -

Enemies: -

Current Goal/Purpose: Scarlett is extremely ambitious. Her family had a history of highly successful people in the wizard world for the past few decades. Ranging from great academic, to economical and, occassionally, even political success, the girl wants to follow into these footsteps.

Asperations: Her personal idea is to become a respected Quidditch player, but she is a rather open-minded person, not bending herself over backwards for one specific career path. A second passion would be to work with animals in some capacity, though she's not sure how to do that just yet. She's also somewhat interested in breaking the stereotypes on pureblood wizards. Her family being a rare example of a bloodline with no prefered house, they are openly accepting of mixed wizards and even muggles.


- Taking care of and playing with animals

- Quidditch

- Designing things, especially outfits.


- Animals

- Quidditch

- Fashion

- Order

- Reputation


- Botany and the related lessons at Hogwarts, already moaning about it.

- Old wizard tales.

- People with no spine or pride.


- Using attitude to seem commanding

- Connecting with animals.

- Brewing potions (to be revealed at Hogwarts)

- Black Magic (to be revealed at Hogwarts)


- Compassion can be tricky for her, especially with people who commit crimes (even if they had an understandable reason)

- Listening


- Being forgotten and/or irrelevant

- In regards to that, she's very afraid of not living up to her expectations.

- Dying

Personality: Scarlett will unevitably adopt a bit of an attitude. She does consider herself the Queen B, even if she's not a bad person by any means. Often, she will want to be the center of attention, but she also possesses a strong will and drive to work for that position and admiration.

Ash, which is her prefered callname, is open-minded and accepting to everyone who performs in a way she deems acceptable or admirable. Whether you're a muggle or the off-spring of a deeply Slytherin-rooted clan, she will only judge you for what you do, not what you are. This is generally a positive trait, but can make her appear very unattached and rude.

The redhead is particularly compassionate and emphatic when she's around animals, having a special place in her heart for almost every being in the world. She grew up with a variety of cats, owls, a dog and has come across many magical creatures, even at her young age. Generally, she feels a more honest and stronger bond to them, than she feels to humans, as there's so much social pressure in almost every interaction. Animals seem to sense her gentle nature towards them, as even wilder or less human-friendly beasts seem to react calmy when she's close, not even trying to attack her or to show their defensive behaviour.

Scarlett Ashby Carter

Height: 5'1" / 5'6"

Weight: 93lbs. / 121lbs.

Hair: Long, slightly wild/curvy, red, natural.

Eyes: A slightly pale green, appears greyish green sometimes.

Distinguishing Marks: Piercing of a miniture dragon tooth, upper left ear.

General Appearance: Rather slender, a little taller than most girls her age and build. Generally pale, though not pasty.

Physical Strengths: Her small build grants her a decent quickness. She also has good reflexes and a good posture, which will aid her beyond public image, and allow her to move precisely in a variety of situations.

Physical Weaknesses: Physically weak and not overly durable. Prone to sunburn.



Wood: Ebony

Core: Thestral Hair

Length: 13 inches



Name: Rouven

Age: 3

Animal Type: Owl



Remember all first year student cannot have brooms!



Fondest Memory: Her first time seeing a Thestral, she was fascinated and intimidated at the same time. However, the mystical beast behaved unusually calm. In fact, so calm and intrigued, that the breeder was baffled. Finally, the Thestral approached Scarlett, lowered it's head and softly rubbed it against Scarlett's hand, looking to be petted. This unusually gentle behaviour, mixed with the stark contrast of the creature's appearance left a strong impression. Scarlett had always been incredibly drawn towards animals, whether the 'normal' ones or the magical ones. But now, she was completely in love with how special they made her feel. This is also why the redhead is so determined to eventually master her uncomfortable wand.

Secret: Scarlett's best friend had been tortured by a psychopathic criminal, rendering her mentally unstable and unsocial. The girl is deeply enraged and depressed whenever she thinks about the situation. Secretely, she wishes to fully master every curse, even the forbidden ones, to one day take revenge against the man who was responsible.

General History: Scarlett is one of the middle childs of a pureblooded wizard bloodline.She had a rather fortunate life so far, experiencing such luxuries like a long, seemingly unlimited piece of nature right in her parent's backyard, connected to a forest. It was there, that her oldest sibling, her brother Gregory, first sparked her passion for Quidditch, allowing her to use a small broom within the family's home's safety. She was raised in an environment that allowed her to grow up with both, magical beings and the muggle world, experiening such things as electric tools, televisions, etc. on a regular basis. This was only one facet of a life lived in an extremely liberal household, in which discrimination was never an issue - Unusual for a pureblood family, but not unheard of.

Scarlett has shown a lot of potential in a variety of fields. Her first tries on a broom, her early, albeit obviously unintentional and uncontrolled uses of magic, as well as her performances in basic classes like math, biology, grammar class - and everything else a muggle child would grow up with as well - have all been very well above average from the very start. This, however, led to a lot of early praise AND pressure by her parents, who continuously treated her like a prodigy her whole life.

One thing where she experienced an usually low amount of expectations was her future. Her parents, nor siblings, uncles or anyone else in her family, have never expressed desire to see her being chosen for a specific house. Admittedly, that would be rather hypocritical, as the family has a plethora of differently grouped wizards and witches throughout all four houses. In fact, she wasn't even pressured to attend Hogwarts, but was free to inquire about schools overseas. Heck, her family would've supported her even if she had expressed no desire to receive a magical education at all, although this was never an option for the ambitious girl.

Present Life: Scarlett lives with her parents and three siblings - two sisters, one younger, one older, and an older brother - in a luxurious land house, that has been kept in her family's possession for about seven generations. The Carter parents afford her and the rest of their children essentially everything they desire, within reason, and have generally treated them very generously all their lifes. Just recently, the family had to witness the grandfather, the oldest living member of the Carters, pass, which caused Scarlett to be able to see Thestrals. Due to her great love of animals, she was instantly fascinated by them. However, shortly after her first time laying eyes upon the beasts, she developed a strong fear of death, as she just recently truely grasped the concept of dying.

Weirdly, this strongly contradicts her first experiences with performing magic. As she and her family went shopping for her school utensils, the wand that seemed to suit her the best had a core made of Thestral hair. which makes her feel uncomfortable and insecure when wielding her wand.


C h a r a c t e r | T h e m e | S o n g:




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  • T H E B A S I C S

    Name: Avant Midori

    Nickname: Ava, Avy, Shibuya's Sweetheart

    Age: 18

    Height: 5'3"

    Weight: 108lbs.

    Date of Birth: April 13th 1997

    Place of Birth: Shibuya (The 13th Ward)

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Grey-romantic

    Appearance: Avant has vermillion-red eyes and sports bright blue hair. She usually keeps it in long, braided ponytails, dangling down almost to her feet. Most of the time, the girl keeps a long, lose strand of hair on the front of her head, which falls down the side of her face rather gracefully. She has an appropiately young, yet somehow harsh-looking face, which often shows a curious, almost alert expression. She possesses a slim body and an eye-catchingly lanky figure, as her limbs are quite long given her rather short size - especially her legs. Avant's body is slightly toned, though it'd not fit the description of being defined. Some very faint outlines of muscles on her midsection and upper-arms are present. Otherwise, her build is fairly average.

    As far as her wardrobe goes, Avant is rather easy to figure out and straight forward, always seen in either of two extremes. She's mostly wearing some sort of stereotypical "rocker" apparel. Be it torn jeans, boots, leather jackets (which are usually oversized), tanktops, jeans-skirts with black pantyhoses below or pitchblack shades. Her bedroom is filled to the brim with such clothing, rounded out by a sea of studded belts and chain accessoires, such as necklaces.

    On the flipside, the girl owns a rather large collection of very - and I do mean very - colorful clothing, ranging from blouses and skirts, to somewhat abstract ribbons, tiaras, shoes and other "not-exactly-conservative-but-still-kinda-normal" clothing, to awfully experimental, "hard-to-ignore" type of pieces. These are usually handed out to her by her employers, such as the owners of her television station, directors of the advertisement clips she stars in, or the photographers that work with her for the various fashion catalogues she has modeled for.

    Avant has two small tattoos on the back of her hands, one hand reading "Mine", the other reading "None". She has a tongue piercing and used to sport the occassionally lip piercing as well, though she actually prefers to leave it off these days, as her ghoulish regeneration powers have healed up the little hole pretty quickly. This means, that if she wanted to wear it again, she'd have to force the metal through the lip herself, since it'd be suspicious to get such a procedure done over and over again. Additionally, her body is naturally sturdy, as Koukaku type ghouls are known to have incredibly sturdy bodies by default. Even her tongue piercing was performed under the influence of scavenged RC surpressors, which is why she absolutely denies ever taking it out, and remains content with sticking with the few she has.

    The aqua-headed girl seems to follow various beauty ideals of Japan's cultural history rather strictly, as she's taken some extreme measures to fullfill these. She sports blackened teeth, an old custom that is called
    "Ohaguro" and used to be a highly appreciated modification. Additionally, her formerly pearly whites had to endure another procedure, as they've been honed to have a slightly snaggly, vampire-esqe asthtetic to them. She purposely keeps her skin as pale as possible, avoiding going out into the sun without protection. Lastly, Avant meticulously crafts her eyelashes. Her thin frame only adds to the 'ideal' girl appearance.

"I can't tell if I wanna eat you or play with you. Maybe both. Both sounds good."

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How to recognize me:

Name: Harleen Van Sant; Harley

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Position: Tailor

Physical Description:

Harley is of averge proportions but of somewhat notable height. She's weighing in at a healthy 178lbs. at a height of 5'10". She's a little heavier than most would guess after taking a look at her, which is due to her toned body. While she looks feminine and is far from incredibly muscular, she does possess definition, which shows especially at her upperarms, thighs and her midsection. The girl has an absolute ashen complexion, making her skin look almost like a light grey.

Harleen sports a pair of twinkling eyes, which are slightly larger than most people's, giving her a bit of a younger appearance. Her eye color is an odd, hazel-ish shimmer, which almost appears bronze-like. In contrast to her quite fascinating eyes, her hair is a monotone, bright white. Her snowy mane is always extremely long and open. Unless someone would ask her / command her to tie it up, she won't do it on her own.

As far as fashion goes, she's extremely simple. Harley appears to only own two outfits, though her predominant is avaible to her in at least two colors - teal and plain white. Almost all of the time, she wears a rather tightly fitted bodysuit, made out of what appears to be leather, though arms and legs consist of normal cloth. Those parts seem to be layered with different kinds of fabric, as they have an uneven density (parts of it are kind of see-through) and appear to possess an intentional patterns. Leather straps are woven into the piece at a variety of locations.

What would most closely resemble a "casual" attire for the closed-off girl, would fall somewhere inbetween hotel receptionist and steampunk. It consists of a plain black shirt, a onesie-like piece, which is shorts + suspenders in one
(reference), and socks that engulf almost her entire legs bar the top of her thighs. These socks have no soles though. She generally seems to be barefoot at all times.

The most notable of her... accessoires, would be the massive collar around her neck, carrying a set of chains, which, in turn, are usually connected to a set of wristcuffs. They are long enough not to restrict her flexibility or movement, but their weight can slow down her movement. While this has trained her physical strength, it drags her agility down a little. Harley seems to wear these voluntarily, as she can indeed open them, and has taken them off before too.

A rather odd component of her appearance is that she appears to have stitches sewed into her hands, fingers and lower arms, though there does not seem to be any scar tissue underneath them.


Her standard/fighting attire

What makes you tick?


- Physically strong

- Does not accept defeat until she's literally, physically unable to resist

- Somewhat creative and highly adaptable

- Extremely loyal once she trusts someone

- Skillful with needle and thread

- Can use all three forms of Haki, though she only truely utilizes the Busoshoku type, with which she's skilled enough to harden and blacken a small part of her body. The Kenbunshoku and Haoshoku type are only used inadvertedly, for example when she's extremely scared or pressured.


- Seems to be exhausted a lot of times

- Can be intimidated incredibly easily by using her past

- Lacks any and all comedic timing, and, on the off-chance she makes a good joke, is oblivious to it

- Becomes attached to people much too quickly

- Often guillible once some sign of comfort or love is expressed towards her

- Aside from the previous scenario, it's hard to gain her trust


? Drawing

? Gentleness

? Romance (?)

? Loyalty

? Food

? Being told what to do

? Proving herself

? Families

? Reading


? People that are funnier than her

? Devil Fruits (and most users)

? Too much noise

? Slave owners

? Feeling neglected

? All kinds of birds

So who are you really?


"Can... you just hold me for a second?"

Harley is a rather quiet person. She's often just sitting around, seemingly doing nothing. A lot of times, she can space out entirely, needing to be yelled at almost, to grab her attention. This is especially bad when she has shut herself off by concentrating on drawing something, which appears to be one of the few activities she seems to like enough to actually persue them regularly.

The girl has an overwhelming and borderline-insatiable need for recognition, love and acceptance. Truthfully, Harleen is very needy, yet naive in terms of love, be it romantic or platonic. She's quick to get attached to those who show her affection, and can act like an infatuated puppy a lot of times. This is one of the few things that also completely take away her usually reserved, self-preservation centered attitude, instead making her easy to manipulate and to exploit. Oddly enough, Harley's completely aware of her behavior and how harmful it can be, but she's not willing to become cynical towards romance and love, which may be a result of her somewhat desperate need for a motherly figure in her life.

She often comes across as a bit... out there. The aforementioned "spacing out" may not throw people off immediately, but it's unfortunately amplified by her tendency to become incredibly tired, even lethargic. This has been a trait of hers ever since she was young, and it seems to stick around for the long run. These intense spikes and drops in energy often wear her down, mentally. When low, she's usually extremely sleepy and acts like a small child. This can mean that she becomes more endearing and sweeter, but it can also make her unpleasant and fretful. This contrasts heavily with her "fully charged" side, as she is either noticably cruel to those who present opponents, in whatever mundane, irrelevant way they may appear "oppose" her, or incredibly somber, quite and obedient, almost.

While even her normal personality seems to be considerably quiet, timid and uninvolved, she becomes extremely vocal, hyped up and competetive once a situation of conflict is present. Harleen talks a lot of smack during battles, is incredibly drawn towards the fight itself and shows a much more confident version of herself. Due to her past, she's not, at all, beyond stealing, threatening, blackmailing or even killing those who present a source of danger to her. However, she won't under any cirumstance, participate in torture or let it happen on her watch, as the images of it happening, and the feelings from those moments still haunt her. This is also the reason why she has abandoned her old family name and adopted a new persona - a rather shakey attempt at seperating her past from herself, and start as a fresh person, though this hasn't exactly been a sucessful experiment.

She's not exactly a terrible human being at her core, but she certainly has a solid amount of flaws, and can most definitely come across as unlikable. This is often a source of unhappiness for Harley, as she tries extremely hard to behave well and appeal to those who she likes and values.

A rather weird quirk of hers is, that she's particularly quick to be sour, whenever someone points out her noteworthy inability of being funny. While she certainly has some slapstick-esque qualities to her behavior, she's completely oblivious to any and all comedic potential she has, and is awful at intentionally joking. Many people are surprised by this, given how seemingly indifferent and quiet she usually is. but it remains to be a bit of a sensitive topic for her.

Harleen has the unfortunate habit of sewing thin thread into her skin, particularly her hands and fingers. It's somewhat of a self-punishment process for her, though it seems to be theraputic and not particularly hurtful to her at the same time. When asked, she can't quite explain why she does it, though an obvious assumption is that it somehow relates to her history with fabrics and sewing while captured.

Lastly, Harley is a deceptively gluttonous eater, often asking for seconds or thirds. This partly manifasted due to her twisted application of value towards food, partly because she simply seems to have an above average appetite. In any case, a good cook can win her over quite easily.



"I won't go back to this. EVER!"

Age: 0 | Hello world.

Harleen Van Sant was born on a somewhat mild spring day, on a small island, Blanch Island, somewhere in the North Blue. The population there was small, but happy. Despite the rampant slavery within the North Blue, Blanch Island was never struck by it, and it's sizable but, in relative terms tiny population could sustain itself easily through the thriving fishing. Those who know about the island, which aren't many, instantly recognize the girl as a citizen, as the island is famous for it's population's snow-white hair, much like the name suggests. Originally, her name was Harleen Ashwater, though not a single person she is in contact with today is aware of this. The Ashwater's, now consisting of her parents Carmine and Clara as well as the infant girl, were relatively modest merchants, mostly dabbling in the culinary business. They were well regarded amongst the citizens, though nowhere near being important in any shape or form. They simply were long-term active business people who were perceived as friendly and respectable. Harley grew up in a steady household and never truely lacked anything, though their lifes weren't exactly luxurious or easy whatsoever.

Age: 9 - 14 | We didn't deserve this.

The years went by, and Harley grew up to become a well-mannered, polite little girl. Despite her regular down phases, in which she barely took in the words of those around her, and sometimes even missed school entirely, she seemed like a somewhat bright, happy child. However, things would change shortly after the girl celebrated her nineth birthday. A crew of slavedrivers had sailed towards the little island, effectively shutting off any and all means of escape. While they allowed the town to exist in it's usual state, the city had become a puddle of intimidated people, shrouded in fear for their lifes. Instead of earning money for themselves, or growing food for their children, about 80% - if not more - was now claimed by the criminals. The island lacked proper means of defense, and barely anyone on it was trained to fight. The poorly equipped and, quite frankly, out-of-form police was mowed down quickly. Even those who possessed some sort of skill were either outnumbered or, if things got too heated, struck down by the leader of the pirates. A cruel man, coated in a set of bandages, almost like a mummy. He seemed to inherit abnormal powers, as he could seemingly control his body in way that allowed him to transform into a beast that could probably haunt even the bravest men's nightmares. Eventually, resistance was gone, their bloodied and dismembered bodies used to warn any fool who dared to even think about resisting.

This type of life would go on for a few years. Every now and then, a group of brave young men and women planned and banded together in secrecy, preparing to overthrow the opressive gang of pirates that gorged on the island's population like the parasites they were. However, none of them was ever successful. Their make-shift weaponry, the overwhelming malnourishment that plagued all of the enslaved, the lack of experience... something was always the problem, leading to almost annual massacres in the middle of the street, and in broad daylight. Needless to say, the remaining citizens were more than terrified, if not constantly grieving to an extent. Their overall insignifcance seemed to crush even the last bit of hope that, one day, the marine or really, anyone else at all would come to their rescue.

After about five, maybe six years living as unassuming as humanly possible, at least under such conditions, the island started to deterioate and wither away. Too many farmers lacked the strength to go about their businesses, people were weak, sick and simply unable to provide the unrealistic demands. This lead to further violence, in turn further decimating the workers they could abuse, thus sealing the ultimate decline of the once idyllic town. This newly perceived realization seemed to hit the slave drivers a little slower than the suffering population, but eventually, they did indeed read the signs. And so, they decided to abandon the island. Those who annoyed them were murdered, those who were deemed pretty or useful enough were rounded up and taken to their ship. A last revolt followed, mostly by those who cracked at the thought of losing their loved ones, their wifes, husbands, siblings and children to such terrible monsters. The attempt was a little more promising than those before it, as desperation and the collective determination lend this last uproar a bit of additional strength, but once more, the might of the captain's devil powers struck down any hope.

Age: 15 - 17 | Saltwater Prison Hell.

Within weeks, the town was eradicated. Those who still lived, Harley and her mother amongst them, were forced to come with them. Chained up and enslaved, they now lived on board of the large ship. Either these devil incarnations were the sneakiest pirates alive, or they had some sort of pull with the marines, whatever it was, somehow, the giant ship was never chased, never spotted and certainly never liberated from the murderous slave drivers. About a year into their time on sea, her mother could not take the routine anymore. Her age and the serious lack of nutrition over such a long period of time took their toll. The woman collapsed and died shortly after. Now, Harleen lost the last bit of safety, the last bit of comfort, and it greatly affected how she'd experience the rest of the time that they were traveling across the occean. Another two and a half years of terrible treatment went by, 'causing Harleen to become more and more deranged, in a way.

She constantly cut herself off, mentally, to reserve some sort of sanity. The hard work and constant abuse granted her with the ability to take quite some pain, but the mental wounds wouldn't heal so easily. Just like all the other slaves, Harleen was tasked with cleaning, cooking and rowing (when needed, and sometimes even when not needed) almost nonstop around the entire clock. Her only true breaks were inhumanely short periods of sleep - something that was particularly troubling with Harley's history of lethargic attacks, and may have worsened them to top it off - and when she was tasked with sowing the crew's clothes. The bronze-eyed girl was part of a rather small group of female hostages who were, occassionally, freed from the standard chores all slaves had to do, to take care of other areas. Harleen showed particular skill with needle and thread, eventually even fully tailoring suits for the captain and his immediate subordinates. Nevertheless, a mixture of incredible anger, hopelessness and simple fear filled her up entirely.

Age: 18 - 19 | I've lost myself.

Finally, the crew had found it's next destination. The little island, the so called Plastic Resort, designed for the wealthiest of the wealthy. It was supposed to be an escape for those who could afford it, and those who needed it to get away from the center of attention. A secret haven for the wealthy and influential, if you will. The nature of the place made the capture a laughably easy task. Raided of their absurd amounts of money, the formerly rich joind the rank of slaves. It was here, that, out of boredom, the slave drivers set up tournaments, in which they forced those they deemed expendable to fight each other. Sometimes to death, sometimes just to a knockout - though even these "less dangerous" fights often 'caused severe problems for the weakened slaves.

However, Harleen proved to be quite the force when presented with such an all or nothing situation. The build up
hatred, hurting, anger... it all finally had an outlet, a way to be focused and relieved. And the girl grew with each fight. While she started by decimating the equally starved women, she quickly got presented with the less-abused, rich citizens of the resort. They were considerably less malnourished, and their bodies just proved that they had to endure this status for a shorter time. Nevertheless, Harley absolutely destroyed them, even killing a few in the process. Though this wasn't intentional, the pressure of the situation and her incredible anger drove her half insane once she stepped into the make-shift arena. In fact, these incredible experiences even 'caused her to eventually become in sync with the Busoshoku Haki, turning her fists black at the time. While she unintentionally utilized the other two types to evade and scare off her opponents, this was the one she truely was aware and in charge of. Fight after fight, she won and won again. In fact, the young teenager girl who fought like a maniac became quite the attraction amongst the slave drivers, who then allowed her to get a little more food, get whipped a little less. Nobody, not even the girl knew, that her strength partly came about because she subconsciously used her powers, the powers most people possesed, but only few honed. It only fueld Harleen's frenzy. The newly found food aided her in actually gaining back some muscle, some fat, some strength, quickly leading to her destroying any and all opponents even more visciously. Eventually, she got herself some relief by taunting and yelling at her foes. In her mind, they were what stood between Harley and survival. And it drove her to be that much more fierce. Eventually, she barely even felt punches and kicks anymore, and she seemed to intimidate her opponents without even laying a finger onto them.

A years of this went by, until, finally, some business partners of the wealthy residents became suspicious. The annual payments hadn't come in and were overdue. Because of this, a fleet was send to scout what happened. The scouts observed the island and quickly witnessed the hostages. While slavery may have been legalized within the North Blue, money talked louder than laws. The marine was notified, and, given that quite the influential residents were amongst the slaves, a small fleet was sent. It was a gruesome battle, but the ever powerful marines overpowered the pirates and killed every last one of them easily. After the last man, the devil fruit powered captain, had fallen, it was over. It was finally over. They were free.

Age: 19 - 22 | I don't know what to do...

Harley was gathered in the middle of the town, along with the other formerly captured people. Barely any of the people from Harleen's home were there. One, two familar faces. The rest were dead, some through her own hands. The marine made sure to that no pirate was left, as complaints about the sudden involvement would cause greater trouble, then drove off, pleased with their success. Eventually, a team of doctors came by, hired by those who had owned the resorts - and now owned them again - and the completely terrified, out-of-touch high society made sure to endulge in as much comfort as possible. New residence workers were brought in and over the course of two years of restauration and re-organization, the island was going about its business again. Understandable, given that they now truely needed the resorts' original purpose - relaxing, recuperating and forgetting. Harleen, however, had no idea where to go. After the first few weeks of rebuilding everything, she requested to be kept. At first, most of the decision makers were reluctant, remembering her cruel deeds in the slave battles. However, Harley would soon show her obedient side, ignited by the promise of shelter and care that she'd receive once she worked for them. Being a slave was, essentially, all she knew, and these people seemed nice enough. The few who dared to oppose her sticking around were quickly met with a murderous glare, one that send shivers down their spines. Some even passed out. It comes as no surprise that her hiring was a rather easy decision soon after. Harleen provided substantial help over the years long process of restructuring the island, and then remained as a servant for another year.

Age: 22 - 23 | I guess I'll just do as they say. Forever.

Harleen was happy, if that was a phrase one could ever use again, refering to her. Her job allowed her a comfortable bed, regular food and, in comparison to the cruel monsters that had held her captive, incredibly nice people to serve. It was somewhat harmonic for a while. Though the girl felt empty inside, at best, she slowly relearned to interact with people, and live, in a way. It was then, that she started to draw. It helped her mellow down in privacy, and feel a sense of pleasure for once.

The rich citizens seem to have, for the majority, worked through the trauma, and returned to their decadent, unlikable selfs. In fact, after the first three years of re-embarging in enjoying the resort, some havestarted to organize new fight clubs, inspired by the memories of Harleen's battles. Flying in skillful fighters from the larger cities, these fights are much more regulated, and resemble modern mixed martial arts events, in a way. However, for Harleen, who was persuaded to compete as well, it was more of a flashback, sending her into hour long panic attacks once she's through.

Nevertheless, she blossoms every time the bell rings. Her now healthy body is trained, and her movements are swift, precise and rarely predictable. It seems like her unintentional Haki returns in these fights, as many of her opponents become deeply startled by her mere presence, while Harleen's body seems to be particularly sturdy. This, of course, is only because none of the fighters are TRUELY dangerous opponents. They are relatively normal people, who practiced a sport. Harleen, on the other side, is not even aware of her gift, let alone able to consciously (or skillfully) use it. But the pressure and rush of stepping into a fight seems to work well enough as a regular trigger. The girl was now more of a show attraction on the island.

After about 12 months of this, however, she simply couldn't take it anymore. The trauma that flared up after every fight was too great. The resort, now an off-the-record protection zone, enjoyed a healthy influx of merchants and other visitors. Eventually, one of the visitors took notice of Harleen's blackened fists and requested her to come with him. She mindlessly accepted, just yearning to get away.

Age: 23 - 25 (now) | I just want some guidance...

The man who had taken an interest in Harleen was a skillful fighter, and part of a protection crew over in the West Blue. His name was Allakus Cabery, and he had traveled across the Reverse Montain and to the North Blue to scout slaves. To Harley's surprise, Cabery revealed that he found slaves to be excellent fighter material, as they often hog their anger. Allakus invited her to come with him, to be trained properly and to search for a purpose in preventing such fates as her own from happening again. The girl wasn't sure what to think of it, but felt obligated to accept. Cabery and his crew took her into the West Blue, where she was provided with a bed, some food, and, most importantly, guidance. Now made aware of what her powers were, and how to use them, Harleen started to master her Busoshoku little by little. She was now able to harden parts of her body at will, though this seems to only work with her arms so far. The results in the rest of her body are far less developed. Similarly, her Kenbunshoku and Haoshoku are far from fully fledged. She's clearly faster and more evasive in a fight than those who don't use Haki (or other powers) at all, but her Kenbunshoku is in more of a beginner's phase. Her Haoshoku Haki, on the other hand, caught her newly aquired master's interest quickly. Allakus explained to her that this ability is rare, and only a few select souls out of several million people possess it. As he himself did not have it, he was not sure how to train her on how to use it. However, thanks to Allakus, she is now aware of its mere existence, which has already helped considerably. Harleen has trained enough to now be able to intimidate weak-willed people intentionally, though she can't do this with powerful, confident opponents, nor did she master the attack aspect of it yet.

Age: 26 - (now) | Can I recover?

Harleen had spend two years in the temple, training with the other students. Her impressive progress with the Armament Haki, as well as the pure bonus of even being taught of the powers she possesed, she was feeling a vaguely familar sense of being pleased. Her trainer, however, wasn't quite this positive, as he found her progress to be lacking, overall. Quickly, Harley felt like she had once more disappointed, and decided to leave the temple. The West Blue was entirely unknown to her, outside of the temple's immediate surroundings, and so she decided to beg close by ships to take her with them. After plenty of rejections, she decided to attempt to threaten them into using it her Conquerer Haki, which, after a few failed attempts, has brought her onto the ship of a small fisher crew. There, she was brought to a little island close by. Once again, however, she struggled to make any sort of connections or relationships, instead feeling uncomfortable under the judging eyes of its citizens, once they laid eyes on the girl and her chains. After merely two weeks, she once more set out to leave. Slowly, hopeless creeped into her. After overhearing a conversation about an avoided, scary little island called Cananinaml Island, she decided that maybe there, a freak like her would find some sort of peace.

Devil Fruit:

"I hate them..."

Fighting Style:

Harleen fights rather wildly. Her movement is that of a barbarian who can move considerably fast. Her speed is heavily increased without the chains, as she is so used to move with the extra weight, she experiences an intense boost once relieved of it. While she fights rather patiently, as well as skillfully, on the defense, dodging incoming attacks with speed and prediction, her offense is a primal mess. At best. Coined by wildness and unhinged anger, her power is high, whereas precision or tactic lack heavily.

Her extreme success in the fighting pits on the Plastic Resort has led many people, slave drivers and residents alike, to take notice of her strength. Her fighting style has since been coined as S?banto Unleashed. While she's quite speedy and can dodge much better than your average, untrained human through her Observation Haki, she primarily relies on simply taking and tanking hits, presumably because she's used to the physical abuse. Harleen will harden her body through the Busoshoku Haki and simply take punishment until an opening becomes avaible, which she will usually use and finish the fight with a single, Haki-aided blow. This "technique" of tanking and, eventually, countering with one huge strike has received the name Battlefield Solitute. Ever since joining the temple of Cabery, she has been trained in dodging hits, which has changed up her fighting style considerably, though it's not rare for her to fall back into old behavior, especially when her opponent is weak enough to afford such a tactic. On the rare occassion that Harley drops her chains, she becomes much, much faster, and will focus on putting her evasion training to use. It seems like the girl experiences a state of discomfort without her chains, which is why she generally refrains from doing so, but if the occassion occurs, she will dodge hits using her newfound speed and her Haki knowledge to let her opponent tire themselves out. After being forced to fight this way against a wild animal by her captors, this technique has been dubbed Unhinged Tempo Style.

What's in your bag?

Harleen posseses nothing except the clothes that she wears, the collar and chain set from her slave days, a stack of books she has been given to by the people she serves on the resort, and a few old looking needles and thread.

What do you want?

Harley doesn't really aspire any typical goal. She deeply craves finding someone who'll accept and love her, to give her a sense of comfort for once. However, she's not entirely sure this is even possible. Instead, she more actively persues to prove herself. While the aftermath of her fights deeply disturb her, the moment she is in the battle gives her a sense of purpose and power, which is a feeling she desires a lot. Lastly, her perception of devil fruit users is heavily sullied by the slave driver leader. Though she doesn't consciously and categorically hate every person who possesses such abilities, she holds a grudge against them and wants to kill those that use them for similar purposes.

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Basic Information



Full Name: Giles RivenNickname: The HalfsleeperAge: 17Gender: FemaleHeight: 5'7 ft.Hair Color: ChestnutEye Color: Purple


School File
Are you an EAT, NOT, or NEW student?:


Are you a weapon or a meister?:

Meister (With a weapon)




If a weapon, what type of weapon are you?:

The Greathammer is Zallen's weaponform. Its handle is considerably longer than the angle above suggest, roughly being three and a half meters in overall size, with the top makes up a little below 55 cm.

Personal Items:

- A set of ties.


Important Facts::

- Can become very obessive during missons.

- Gay as a window but entirely unclear how flirting or relationships work.

- Cries a lot, though never really weeps or loses it. Just tears streaming.

How many years have you attended the DWMA?:


Preferred fighting style?:

Riven uses her deceiving strength to surprise opponents with agility and quick reversals, usually aiming to finish the fight as quick as possible. Not one to goof around, neithergenerally nor in battle, Riven picks her spot with great patience and then aims to take her foes out with one overpowering blow.



My Strengths Are:

- "I listen."

- "I... Can take a lot of abuse."

- "Erm... I have really good reflexes, I suppose..."

- "I follow orders pretty much always."

- "I... The... Bl-black blood...

My Weaknesses Are...

- "Zallen scares me,"

- "A professor once said I lack survival instinct."

- "I-I... I'm kinda bad with girls. Cute ones, I mean..."

- "Ahem! Some people say I spend too much time finding weird stuff. Like, noticing instects. That kinda thing."


Riven is a very quiet young girl, generally trying to keep to herself. Generally speaking, she fails fantastically in trying to accomplish this though. Her curiousity tends to lure her out into some sort of interaction most of the time, whereas the remaining occassions are taken care of by a variety of reasons. Riven is hopelessly prone to be smitten with whatever cute girl she comes across, something that generally starts of with heavily avoiding any and all contact, only to stumble over her words when she can't hide her infatuation anymore. Truely, throw her a wink or touch her shoulder every now and then and Riven becomes a flustered mess, blushing enough to turn crimson red - Despite the black blood! And if that still doesn't take care of it, there's always Zallen, who made it a habit to tease and taunt Riven for being unsociable until she gives in and attempts to make friends.

Speaking of friends - Arguably Riven's best ones are undoubtedly her prescious bottles filled with delicious spirits of all sorts. Having grown up with Salem, a heavy drinker who'd neglect her enough not to prohibit her from snooping around the cupboards, Riven came in contact with alcohol from an early age and has never had much of a reason to turn her back on drinking. Of course, alcoholic minors are generally not very approved, but with a case so severe, cold turkey is no option. As such, everyone, down to the last stepmother, has encouraged Riven to gradually lower her consume. Zallen knows that's probably not happening. Zallen isn't a snitch though.

Inbetween Riven's mixture of stoicism and quietness, there doesn't appear to me much else inside her mind. Riven's amethyst eyes, as piercingly glowing they might be, seem empty, striving for a sense of purpose or belonging. Not much appears to affect her, be it insults or attacks. Though Zallen's consistent torment clearly shows that it's not an impossible endeavour to get a rinse out of her, it seems to take a lot of time and effort to get inside her head. It probably helps Zallen that he already is - literally. One of the few things that make Riven squirm at any given moment is being called Giles. It deeply upsets her, for reasons she can't even explain herself. It certainly isn't "because it's a boy name", but she can't quite say what else it is.

Tell us what you like:

- Alcohol.

- Bleeding.

- Sharing her bed with others. (Not in a lewd way)

- Playing with other's hair and having her hair played with.

- Talking to herself.

- Hurting those she believes to be evil.

Tell us what you don't like:

- Zallen.

- Her first name.

- Zallen being mean to her.

- Being nude in front of others, partially or otherwise.

- Crying.

- Zaaaallleeeen!


Giles Riven's birth is a sinister question mark to all but those that witnessed it - With the exception of herself, of course. A billowing darkness without content up until Riven's earliest recollection of life makes it an impossible task to determined just exactly where she came from. Hell, ever her name's potentially a fake one, given that there's no way to confirm it really was her parents' choice. In the end, it all starts when somewhere along Riven's second birthday - Her first memory.

A man. Round belly, dark muddy clothes and glassess like a welder. His old face, half burried in a grey beard, unkempt but soft looking. What could be described as some sort of steampunk scientist Santa Clause fusion, was actually the person to find a little package - A baby, wrapped in a towel. Amidst the rainy night, he brought the carriage to a halt after catching a glimpse of the pastel colored fabric standing out against dark browns. His face, coated in the shadows of the woods she was left in while the rain fell relentlessly. That is Riven's first memory. She'd soon find herself inside the chariot, thunder and rain dominating the soundscape for hours, until the movements slowed down, and a pair of arms reached for the little girl. The man, Doctor Salem, a brilliant but reclusive and not very respected scientist, brought Riven inside his home. Not an ordinary one, mind you. His mansion like estate, a divide of luxurious interior and experimental leftovers, offered a sight to behold.

Salem was obsessed with finding technology to destroy witches. He never discussed his past with anyone enough to make a solid guess, but witches seemed to present a gigantic thorn in his eye. His life's work, while impressive, failed to support his aspirations. Until now, anyways. Riven, now a prospect of success, fueled Salem's desire and ignited a flame of diligent work inside of the man. Decades of encounters with a variety of witches and their tools aiding him in his research, Salem eventually conducted a most peculiar experiment. A dangerous one nontheless.

Days went by. Then weeks. A few months, even.

Aaaand... Success! Riven didn't feel it quite yet, but the result of the complicated procedure she has been put through were being pumped through her veins this very moment. The black blood coursing through her body, Riven was subjected to tests, training and disciplinary actions in order to make her an efficent weapon against the target - The Witch's Order. And progress was made. Riven would grow up to become a skilled combatant with efficent weaponry at hands. Except it all came with a price - Zallen.

Riven's black blood, possessing all the typical attributes it was supposed to, also brought along the consciousness haunting the girl's body. Though inseperable and granting Riven to access an internal armory at all times, Zallen's personality was a sadistic one, craving to break its host's spirit. While Zallen's weapon form provided Riven with strength and enhanced her lethal capabilities, the pesky beast bullied her whenever possible.

Years passed, with Riven continuing her conscientious training, becoming stronger and stronger. Salem was quite pleased with the results, finally sensing a success in his crusade against the witch order. It was almost comical, really. The year he estimated to complete Riven's training would find his demise just moments before finding his own end. Ironically (even moreso) he'd run into his death as blindly as he was blind to his adoptive daughter's tormenter, Zallen. No amount of irony would prevent fate from unfolding, however, and so Salem, on a trip into through the extensive woods surrounding his domecil, came across a little group of witches and was mercilessly eliminated.

It took Riven a day or two to grasp that Salem wasn't coming back, but there was little grieving involved. Frankly, the girl never liked her caretaker much, thanks to her power's downside. Making her way through the woods unscathed, the girl ventured through a nearby community. There, Salem had an awful reputation, quite possibly exceeding what he deserved. Word had gotten around quick - The doctor had been killed by witches. And as ashamed as she was of it, Riven felt gratitude towards the witches. The deadly sirens she was trained to kill from her infant years onwards had released her from captivity. Sure, Zallen was still there... But not even his bullying prevented her from understanding the consequences: She was free.

Ever since, Riven (and, of course, Zallen) strayed through the land, eventually arriving in Death City. Afterall, a famous town, littered with myths surrounding even the ground it was build on. Naturally, under Lord Death's ever present watch, her existence was not to remain secret for long. Black blood stains...

How do you feel about the DWMA?

- "The professors seem nice. They are to me, at least. I don't know really. It's fine. As long as they like me..."

Why have you joined the DWMA? What motivates you?

- "I didn't really have anywhere else to be, I don't think. It doesn't seem... Killing bad people. A bed. I don't think there's anything better out there. For me anyways...".

What are your goals while attending the DWMA?

- "I don't have any goals... I'm sorry..."
Zarren, the Weapon

Zarren is the personality living inside of Riven. More specifically, inside of her blood. Being around his host since she was two and a half, both share most of their memories and have influenced each other while growing up. When outside of Riven's body, Zarren is either in his weapon form, taking on the shape of an intricately designed warhammer, or takes on a feline appearance with faint humanoid features. Inky black like the blood that gave birth to him, Zarren can interact in his cat-like form by "growing" out of Riven's shoulderblade.


Zarren has, against all the odds of a genius (but arguably insane) "father" and a quiet, introverted host (he refers to Riven as his sister), a bit of a stereotypical fratboy/dudebro mentality. He constantly yells in his hoarse, high-pitched voice, flirts with every girl he sees though he very much knows he physically can't ever leave Riven's body, is extremely competetive in whatever he does, including everything Riven does, and thinks learning is, and I quote: "For suckers!"

His moral code is very much shaped by traditional values in the sense that he believes in things such as snitching being a deathrow-worthy offense, a guy showing feelings is a ridiculously lame thing or that most women's ability to lead is questionable at best. Weirdly, he appears not to have any issues with Riven's sexuality, maybe due to the fact that they've been together since Zallen's creation. In any case, he's a generally unlikable personality, regularly showcasing his short temper, fits of greed, gluttony and, most obiously, the way he constantly teases Riven in rather hurtful manner.

Zarren calls pretty much everyone either dude or bro (and variotions of it, like bruh or brah) unless he wants to trick them for some reason. He also chews loudly. What a douchebag.
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t h e | h u n t e r


name: star de la hoz

race: human

age: 29

gender: female

height / weight: 5'7"ft. / 134lbs.

place of birth: ???

  • -


Student #??


Nashiro Freyja Inoue







Best Subject:



Shiro often chews on her thumb with her incisors exclusively. Despite playing guitar and drums, as well as expressing a punky mindset, Shiro actually loves hip hop music and often raps absent-mindedly. (and more or less off-beat)







Blood Type:


Worst Subject:



Her parents disowning her or something of similar nature, due to the regular arguments she and her mom have over her grades. Fittingly, homelessness is also a fear of hers, as is general poverity. Never gaining approval and acceptance is a big fear of hers.



? Snowboarding

? Snakes

? Music

? Cold weather

? Overly gaudy US rap

? Animal cruelty

? Trumpets

? Scandinavian stereotypes

? Teachers

? Getting dirty
Theme Song:



personal file


If sticking out your tongue for a few seconds only to retreat and curl up into a lethargic, unmotivated ball of gloominess had a name, it'd be Nashiro. She's rebellious, which includes typical teenage drama, being argumentative, rude and occassionally obscene, but lacks the drive to stick with her 'screw-it' attitude, which results in her deflating into a puddle of... "bleeeergh..." Often, especially when scolded and/or discouraged, Nashiro will flat out slump onto her desk, sulking.

Generally speaking, though, Nashiro is more on the adventerous side of the spectrum. She taught herself to ride down snowy slopes with great elegance (and daring), and occassional spurs of scholaric brilliance are entirely fueled by her dad's promise to buy her a proper board should she regain her main campus status. She can be very affectionate, and is adorably excessively proud of her pet snake, a rosy boa she calls Lilly. Lilly is male.

Nashiro is a self-professed animal lover and follows a strict vegetarian diet. Though she isn't dismissive of those with "normal" tastes, it's not exactly a rarity for her to fire the occassional snide remark either.

Despite primarily having picked up drumming as well as some questionable guitar "skills", her favorite type of music is actually hip hop. The tackier, the better. As such, Nashiro often carries herself with a bit of swagger and will act out a little peculiar. It's fair to say that she's a bit of a flashy personality, enjoying to show-off.

She seems to thrive in environments that grant her both freedom as well as a challenge, but is quick to give up on things or lose motivation.

Preferred Method Of Killing:

Nashiro's fondness for science has enabled a penchant for explosives as well as chemical warfare, such as gasses or potions. An ideal combination are bombs which release poisonous gas, laced darts or something of similar nature. Due to her severe struggles with math, both performance-wise, as well as motivation/effort-wise, her calculations are often a little off, leading to incidents ranging anywhere from comical to catastrophical.


Being a biracial isn't exactly the easiest thing to do in Japan. As such, the half-Japanese, half-Finnish girl grew up with her (un)fair share of prejudice and hardships. However, Shiro thrived in tense routine, and ultimately became a product of her environment: A proud, stubborn and undeniably dilligent young girl. Life at home was dictated by a steady back-and-forth of parental duties (which includes scolding Shiro over subpar grades or misconduct) and the unwavering cohesion of a family made of one third Asian worker's class, one third white mom, and one third biracial, little monkey.

Academic prowess was mirroring domestic life; i.e. a constant up and down Shiro always felt like she had to study extra hard in order to achieve particularly good grades, so she'd get what should rightfully be hers. And, occassionally, the work showed. Ranging from topscores to upper fifth scores, Nashiro Inoue was a top student for most of elementary and the early stages of higher education. However, as with most teenagers, Shiro developed her own quirks. Coming into her own, both socially as well as personally, interests shifted. And not only did her work ethic suffer from the changes the young teenager went through, Shiro viewed skipping class, being rude or purposely disrupting class as acts of defiance. As sticking it to the man. Accordingly, her grades dropped.

In recent months, Shiro's overall situation shaped up to take yet another turn for the worse. Her parents, disappointed with not only her attitude but the factually bad grades in most subjects, grew stricter, and even when she escaped the drama at home, attending class just became an aversion. Her enthusiasm sucked dry, Shiro became somewhat quiet and moody, her performance slowly slipping into utterly disastrous spheres, causing a spiral of "bad grades = trouble at home = low motivation = bad grades" and so on. It came as it had to; Shiro got drafted into E class.

Reason For Being In Class 3-E:

Mild cases of misconduct as well as consistently sinking grades (which are directly related to the aforementioned beheavior) lead to Nashiro's relegation into Class 3-E



Zoey Gibson

Character Information

  • NAME: Zoey Gibson

    ALIASES: Rookie Witch

    BATTLE-ID: Black-Ribbon-31

    DATE OF BIRTH: 31st of October (17)

    PLACE OF BIRTH: The Under, Orre

    SEX: Female

    DESCRIPTION: Zoey is a lanky young woman with soft features, and is often accredited as having a peculiar appearance. Possessing fair skin and curious green eyes, her natural look makes her eccentric sense of fashion pop further.

    She dresses in a faux-lolita style mixed with European influences. Her dresses are usually adorned with laces. Zoey almost always incorporates small black bows into her attires, and regularly wears chokers.

    Her vibrant green hair is styled into two large pigtails with scraggly strands falling down on each side of her face.

Ophelia Shuppet
Cursed Body
  • Knock Off
  • Screech
  • Shadow Sneak
  • -
  • -

Micolash Deino
  • Tackle
  • Dragon Rage
  • Focus Energy
  • Earthy Power
  • Bite

Name Pokemonname
  • Move 1
  • Move 2
  • Move 3
  • Move 4

Name Pokemonname
  • Move 1
  • Move 2
  • Move 3
  • Move 4

Name Pokemonname
  • Move 1
  • Move 2
  • Move 3
  • Move 4

Name Pokemonname
  • Move 1
  • Move 2
  • Move 3
  • Move 4

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NAME Mohnhaupt, Senneth Maren

SEX Female

AGE 19

DATE OF BIRTH 17/07/1955

PLACE OF BIRTH Pendleton, West Area


HEIGHT 173cm


Senneth possesses a toned body without any excess fat whatsoever. She retains a conventionally feminine appearance due to her large eyes, natural hip width, her narrow shoulders as well as her facial structure, which includes a short, narrow nose, famously high cheekbonesand a fine mouth, but she attained an unusual level of definition. Her cerise hair never goes beyond shoulder length, and she is known for wearing it open, in messy strands despite her otherwise so orderly appearance. Senneth is and has been considered to be very attractive since her mid-teens by her classmates, and later, colleagues alike, but due to her personality, such opinions are of no relevance to her, and compliments mostly simply irritate her.

Rarely seen outside in anything but her military attire, Senneth takes pride in maintaining an immaculate and canonical appearance. Rarely does she leave the house in casual clothing. Senneth has no real personal style when it comes to fashion, rather than simply wishing to be dressed properly and feel clean and good about her clothes.

Due to attack she was a victom of in her childhood, Senneth's most apparent and most distinctive feature are her Automail legs and arm. A triple amputee, Senneth received top of the line prosthetics upon enrolling in the Amestris Academy, all of which had to be changed several times over the years, making her quite experienced with enduring pain and relearning even the basics to an extent. The metal legs and her left metal arm lend her a fierce appearance, which intimidates even those who haven't got to known her rigorous personality yet.


Military Rank

First Lieutenant


The Armory Alchemist (former, inofficial, colloquially)


Senneth is a student of the game and has thus trained diligently all skills a soldier should have. She's a prodigy when it comes to hand-to-hand combat, and is in peak physical condition. Her movement evasive and her footwork is remarkable. Combined with a solid fundation in various martial-arts, she is well regarded in physical combat. She is also proficent in using firearms. Comfortable with most handguns, rifles and cannons, she is a jack of all trades, rather than a specialized gunner, and thus takes a backseat when a sniper is required.

Senneth has received training with swords but seems to lack skill, motivation or both. This may stem from her experience with alchemy, for personal reasons or for sheer disinterest. Senneth's short-lived career as a student of alchemy centered around transforming metals. She studied how to transmutated her automail prosthetics and has reportedly succeeded in incorporating them into her offensive skillset. However, her stint with alchemy was of trivial length, and after returning to her conventional ascend through the military ranks, she has never attended the official State Alchemist exams. Though her moniker lives on through word of mouth, Senneth is an ordinary solider.


If Alchemist, what can you do as of the start of the roleplay?

● Scythe Dance - Transmutating both of her automail legs, Senneth was able to reshape them into lethal blades, which pose great danger when combined with her excellent footwork.

● Technique 2

● Technique 3

● Technique 4

● Technique 5

OTHER SKILLS Senneth has a driver's license, but is known to be a terrible driver. Even Senneth herself prefers to abstain from taking the driver's seat.


Senneth was born into a small family of poor merchants in Pendleton, Healthy hands were needed at all times, and the tensions between Amestris and Creta, directly next to the small border city of Pendleton, and so Senneth had to mature quickly. Despite the struggle of poverty and the hostile environment, the Monhaupts retained a positive outlook of life. This, however, would change shortly after Senneth turned nine years old.

An escalation on Amestris's side of the border occured. A small group of Cretian extremists had forced their way through and began occupying a small Amestrian settlement, organizing further extremists to flood the area. Soon, Amestris found itself faced with a potential invasion. It was clear that something had to be done, and qick, but taking action became difficult due to the peace-politics and public perception. A swift, lethal strike in the region was deemed the best solution, as Pendleton received little attention from most of Amestris. The attack destroyed various settlements and claimed the lifes of most inhabitants. Amongt the few survivors was Senneth - Unconscious, lying in the debris of her former house, bloodied, deprived of all limbs bar the right arm as well as suffering a hearing impairment. Against the orders of the Führer, a State Alchemist named Collin Ziegler, who was part of the attack squad, saved the girl, unable to leave the child to die.

Upon their arrival in Central, Ziegler hid Senneth behind the facade of a local orphan who got attacked by muggers. She received medical treatment, including a set of Automail prosthetics, and was enrolled in the Amestris Academy for Alchemy and Peaceful Relations. She awoke from her coma a month later, and Ziegler hurried to visit, hoping that she would not remember what happened and adopt the life that the military's records now assigned to her. To his relief, Senneth curiously inquired about what had happened and thanked him for rescuing her. She quickly assumed her role in school, and proved to be a diligent and responsible student. Little did anyone know, the now well-regarded student and sure-to-be State Alchemist lived a lie, and knew it.

Senneth indeed remembered her past. The attack. And Ziegler's involvement. And so, while maintaining a facade of respectability, she plotted her revenge. Fueled by hatred, she would make it through years of faking it. Years later, er graduation came closer, and so did her vengeance.

Senneth had used her position as a prim and proper student to get involved in the preperations for the graduation ceremony. There, with the Führer and many State Alchemist present, a bomb she had worked on in secrecy would go off. She knew innocent people would get hurt or die, but blinded by her grief and her grudge, she rationalized her doing and went on with her plan. As she planted the bomb, however, Ziegler caught her in a chance encounter. The both of them were petrified and dumb-founded once they processed the situation, and Senneth, knowing she had no way out, surrendered under a tirade of insults and tears. To her surprise, however, he did not attack or restrain her. Instead, he shed a few tears and let his head fall down. He understood, quickly.
"I'm sorry." he said, as he kneeled before her and apologized over and over, before begging her to take only his life instead of those of her innocent classmates.

His selflessness and genuine sorrow snapped her out of her fit of rage, and she managed only to ask him what would happen next. The two spoke for what seemed like hours, right there in the dark chamber, amidst crates with food, and streamers, and Senneth's bomb. He assured her that he would never reveal what she had planned, for as long as she promised not to hurt anyone but him. She agreed, reluctantly. She opted out of attacking him, too, and let Ziegler dispose of the explosives. Senneth graduated, and, Ziegler staying true to his words, nobody ever found out about her terroristic intentions. Since then, though her contempt for the previous Führerthe very military she now serves is still alive, she has dedicated herself to her career as a State Alchemist, wishing to prevent attacks like those against Pendleton.


Senneth greatly values discipline, self-control, and resiliency. Formerly driven by her intent to get revenge on those responsible for the murder of her family, she has developed immense psychological fortitude over years of maintaining her facade. She is unwilling to back down, and would rather endure injury or pain than back down or forgo something she deems worthy of committing herself to. Surrender and cowardice are the worst qualities imaginable to Senneth, and she does not respect or tolerate them from neither ally nor enemy.

Despite her tough exterior, Senneth has a healthy emotional range, made evident by the years of grief and anger during her stay in the academy, as well her ability to recognize Ziegler's genuine regrets, and, eventually, letting her grudge rest for the sake of prosperity. She eventually recognized that her abilities as well as her position enable her to ensure the safety of innocent citizens, rather than give into her hatred. Senneth has matured, both psychically as well as psychologically.

Though she is extremely persistent to follow the rules and have a certain level of order, she is also very competetive, which can cause an inner conflict, where she has to weigh her desires against one another. It is easy to provoke her when she faces such a moral dilemma, which has been the cause of her most comedic moments since arriving at the academy.

In line with her high discipline and diligent behavior, Senneth is somewhat of a fitness freak and insists on a daily routine to uphold her physical health. She will not accept any sort of reason to interrupt or even keep her entirely from working out unless there's an absolute emergency. Much to the chagrin of her subordinates and colleagues, she is hellbent on the idea that others would benefit off of such a regimen as well, and can overshoot when it comes to "encouragement". Even her higher ups aren't entirely safe from her enthusiastic preachings about sculpting one's body, though her orderly side usually keeps her from going overboard.

Senneth Mohnhaupt


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