Showcase creepypasta oc :3


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HIIIII this is my characters ref sheet and stuff !!!!!!!



i luv him sm!!!!! and heres all his info!!!!!!!!

Full name: håkan akseli koskinen
Nicknames: kan, sel
DOB: 21/10
Age: 19
Height: 188cm
Weight: 59kgs
Blood type: O-
Section: B
Ethnicity: european
Nationality: finnish swedish
Gender: male
Sexuality: bisexual
Pronouns: he/him
Personality: antisocial, violent, and completely and utterly delusional. hes self destructive and beyond paranoid and he does anything and everything he can to avoid people. when forced to interact with anyone, his first reaction is always to get them away from him, his go to methods being self mutilation, screaming, and threats. he struggles with psychosis and hallucinations, and he perceives most as horrifying monsters rather than human.
Strengths and weaknesses: mental strengths consist of his honesty, creativity, persistence, and resourcefulness. he falls flat, however, with his short temper, impatience, insecurity, lack of empathy, and like.. you know.. cough.. as for the physical strengths and weaknesses, he's agile, has a surprisingly high endurance, and is pretty flexible. his weaknesses are his shit balance, coordination, and accuracy.
Fears: animals, bugs, people.. everything pretty much …
Likes: techno, drawing, his medication :3, writing, comics, mythology, bright lights
Dislikes: chewing sounds, social interaction (he is just like me for real), most animals, going outside, happy people
Hobbies: drawing, painting, playing synth
Habits: he bites his nails and the tips of his fingers, cuts, and rips out his hair. when he hears the sound of chewing or encounters something with an annoying voice he shoves whatever he can find into his ears. he taps his fingers when he's getting impatient, and when he's stressed his muscles kind of spazz out. also, hes a heroin addict and alcoholic, if that counts?
Backstory: he spent the majority of his childhood in foster care, his parents drug abuse being the cause for their loss of custody of håkan. however, in spite of that, he did manage to make the earlier years of his life pretty decent. he had his handful of shitty caretakers, but the majority treated him well. it wasn't until his preteen years where he started having problems.

most families were only willing to take young children, and the few that did take older kids were far less tolerant of them. he felt like he was treated more as a pet than he did as a son. soon, he stopped getting them entirely, and he ended up in a group home. the emotional neglect left him very spiteful and depressed, and the new and now very crowded environment didn't help with his mental state at all. the screaming, door slamming and constant fighting between both kids and owners drove him insane, and he was forced to learn how to defend himself. the home was very poorly run, and he quickly became reliant on violence for any kind of interaction.

he took out his anger towards his situation out on everyone else. he tried to fight with anyone who did so much as say hi. obviously, this made people kinda not like him a whole lot. he was gossiped about constantly and had a million different rumors spread about him. a slightly older and much larger kid got wind of one of the more heinous allegations, and immediately went to confront håkan. he never gave him the chance to defend himself, and he beat him so badly that he died for a moment. he was hospitalized and brought back, but it was like his mind stayed dead in a way.

he began having hallucinations, and his demeanor changed entirely. before, he was able to stand his ground and confront people. now, he began to isolate himself, and he seemed terrified of interacting with anyone. his psychiatrist explained it as a response to the trauama of getting fucking battered. when he explained the things he was seeing, it was blamed on new medications and concussion. he only spiraled from here.

he began to show suicidal tendencies. he would insist to anyone who spoke to him that he was dead, and fighting was replaced by cutting. any sort of confrontation was met with him screaming about how he was going to haunt his attacker, and would even escalate to him self harming in front of them often. he was in a new psychward every month, until he was placed back in a group home with significantly higher security. it was one that specialized in housing children with mental disorders and violent outbursts.

when he was 16, his violent tendencies seemed to come back, worse than they ever had been. his personality seemed to change once more, and it felt like he was going back to how he used to be. his caretakers were both afraid and pleased by this, as they were hopeful that this meant he was healing. but they couldn't have been more wrong.

his delusions had changed from suicidal to down right homicidal. rather than being dead, he was convinced that he was haunted by death, whatever the fuck that meant, and the only way to save himself was to end someone else. he tried to stab another patient in the neck with a spork. didn't work, obviously, and he ended up back in another hospital. his stay this time was much longer, nearing 3 months before he was finally released. instead of going back the the group home, he was going back with his parents. after going around 10 years with hardly ever seeing them. doctors were hesitant about letting him go, but the trial ended in the families favor, and he was finally coming home.

his family tried everything they could to make up for their many years of absence, half in guilt, half in hoping it could somehow fix him. he had only spent a month with his parents before they had to report him as missing.

hallucinations had gotten worse. before it was only seeing shadows and hearing whispers but now it was like everyone around him was a fucking monster. his parents were deformed and disgusting, fucking demonic, didnt even slightly resemble human beings. he spent every day in that house terrified. he slept with a kitchen knife under his pillow in fear that they would attack him. once he was given the opportunity to flee, he took it and never looked back. as months passed, it grew more extreme, and soon enough, it was everyone. there wasn't a single human being left in the world to håkan. he believed that a portal to hell had opened that he was the sole survivor of it all.

he hid out in the woods, terrified and desperate to survive. he found a gun in an abandoned shack, and stole the ammo for it from the monsters that tried attacking him (concerned strangers and police that are looking for him ^_^).

he was only able to last for so long before he was finally caught. he was arrested for the murder of 2 police officers and 2 rangers. he pleaded insanity and “won” the case.

Reason for admittance: insanity plea gone right!!! woop woop!!
Health issues: very poor. he has asthma, is partially deaf, and is very underweight. he is unable to breathe out of his nose properly due to having it being broken as a child, and has other problems with his lungs due to smoking. various addictions hes had have fucked his brain and damaged his kidneys and liver. he also suffers from epilepsy.
Mental illnesses/Disorders: schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, cotards delusion, major depressive disorder, bulimia, panic disorder, cptsd, generalized anxiety
Medications: pregabalin, lurasidone, escitalopram, vitamin d
Inventory: marker he stole :3
Appearance: håkan has long, straight blonde hair, blue eyes, and pale skin that is rough and covered in hardly noticeable acne scars. he has scars from self harm and both of his wrists, legs, and upper arms, and there are surgery scars both on the low of his back and under his ribcage. he is underweight, and his bones are prominent under his skin. he also has a slight limp when he walks and tends to drag his feet.

(ignore asylum stuff its from another rp im in .. hes still in the woods in cannon :3)

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