• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern || Summer Nights || cs



𝘢𝘬𝘢 𝙈𝙄𝙉𝘼 !
?? · ( character sheet ) · ??

|| full name ||
|| role ||
|| age ||
|| date of birth ||
|| ethnicity ||
|| sexuality/pronouns ||
|| likes & dislikes ||
|| quirks ||
|| body modifications ||
|| personality ||
|| short biography ||

notes ;
` short biography should be one paragraph or a list of major events that would be important for us to know
` due date for character sheets is undecided due to some things going on the gm's life so do not feel rushed
` nothing on this character sheet is optional. you must have all components but you may add more if you'd like
` no overused faceclaims allowed. be creative.
` the more creative & detailed your character sheet is, the greater your chance is of being accepted.
` mobile friendly codes only since i am on mobile
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[class=xyz] padding: 7px; Height: 185px; Width: 150px; transition-duration: 0.5s; z-index:-1; color:transparent;[/class] [class name=xyz state=hover] background-color: whitesmoke; opacity:0.6; color:gray; width:190px; height:185px; [/class]
[div class=xyz]
"Cheerleaders are angels. We're the only humans who can fly."
[div class=xyz]
"I am not a shopoholic. I am helping the economy!"
[div class=xyz]
"Life isn't perfect, but your outfit can be."

name: brenna byers
nickname: bb; bren
age: 17
birthday: august 27
gender: female; she, her
orientations: heterosexual
grade: junior
role: cheerleader

face claim: candice accola
voice claim: candice accola
ethnicity: caucasian
distinguished features: her laugh, loud and bubbly
body mods: ear piercings; belly piercing (she takes out for cheering)
height: 5'5
weight: 137lbs
build: athletic
hair: blonde
eye color: hazel
clothing style: stylish; x x gif

quirks: wearing a hair tie on each wrist (unless she's competing/cheering at a game); talking very fast when she gets excited
likes: cheering; socializing; parties; little dogs
dislikes: popcorn; bees; getting trashy wasted; losing
fears: gaining weight; losing out on a cheering career; being alone

Brenna is your typical cheerleader. She's loud, bubbly, and always wants to be in charge. Being head cheerleader, she usually is. She can yell like the best of them, and sometimes yells at her friends without meaning to. She talks very fast when she gets excited, and uses her hands and everything. She's a motherly figure, always wanting what's best for those she cares about and scolds them when they do something stupid. She's the first to point out when someone is doing something that can hurt them, and has been described as uptight. She loves parties more for the socializing aspect rather than the drinking aspect-- she rarely drinks, in fact.

She's very active in her school life-- there's a dance? She's probably in charge. There's an event of any type? You can bet Brenna is gonna be there. Outside of school, she's rarely home to just sit and veg in front of the TV. She's either cheering, volunteering, or with her friends.

Brenna's parents were two entirely different people from the jump. Looking back and hearing stories, Brenna wonders how her mom ever fell for a man like her dad. Brenna takes after her mom in the fact that she'd head cheerleader and is very active both in school and her community, whereas her dad is more like a couch potato. They split when Brenna was a child. Her dad loves to crack open a beer and sit in front of the TV, and can do so for hours. When Brenna was young, she visited him alot, and more often than not ended up bored and finding something to do herself. Now that she's older, they don't talk as much.

She's kept pretty busy with school and volunteering and whatnot, but she always makes time for her friends. Its her junior year of high school, and college looms in the distance. She wants to get a cheering scholarship and become a professional cheerleader for one of the NFL teams. She doesn't personally care about football so it doesn't matter to her which one, but it's what she wants to do. She usually steers clear of the 'bad' kids in school, not wanting them to 'taint' her good image.

Code by apolla apolla
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[class=container] height: 310px; width: 360px; margin: auto; background-color: white; overflow: hidden; [/class] [class=box1] height: 250px; width: 200px; background-color: white; margin-left: 140px; margin-top: 40px; position: absolute; border: 1px solid lightgray; overflow: hidden; [/class] [class=image] height: 140px; width: 160px; margin-top: 55px; margin-left: 20px; position: absolute; opacity: 0; transition: 1s; z-index: 1; background-image: url('https://i.gifer.com/7rnO.gif'); background-size: cover; background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat; [/class] [class name=image state=hover] cursor: default; [/class] [class=personality] width: 80px; height: 20px; font-size: 10px; font-family: 'Arial', sans-serif; font-weight: bold; color: black; opacity: 0; position: absolute; background-color: transparent; margin-top: 168px; margin-left: 5px; transform: translateY(-10px); transition: 1s; z-index: 0; pointer-events: none; letter-spacing: 0.5px; [/class] [class=history] width: 80px; height: 20px; font-size: 10px; font-family: 'Arial', sans-serif; font-weight: bold; color: black; opacity: 0; position: absolute; background-color: transparent; margin-top: 168px; margin-left: 40px; transform: translateY(-10px); transition: 1s; z-index: 0; pointer-events: none; letter-spacing: 0.5px; [/class] [class=extra] width: 80px; height: 20px; font-size: 10px; font-family: 'Arial', sans-serif; font-weight: bold; color: black; opacity: 0; position: absolute; background-color: transparent; margin-top: 168px; margin-left: 65px; transform: translateY(-10px); transition: 1s; z-index: 0; pointer-events: none; letter-spacing: 0.5px; [/class] [class=gallery] width: 80px; height: 20px; font-size: 10px; font-family: 'Arial', sans-serif; font-weight: bold; color: black; opacity: 0; position: absolute; background-color: transparent; margin-top: 168px; margin-left: 85px; transform: translateY(-10px); transition: 1s; z-index: 0; pointer-events: none; letter-spacing: 0.5px; [/class] [class=slide] transform: translateX(0); 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  • full name: McKayla Selene Ocampo
  • nicknames: Mickey
  • age: 18
  • gender: female
  • sexuality: pansexual
  • height: 5'6
  • dob: april 21st
  • ethnicity: filipina
  • body mods: several ear piercings
[/div] [/div] [div class=content2] [div class=image2][/div] [div class=para]
  • Likes: the rain, landscape photography, roses, superheroes, mellow music, carnivals
  • Dislikes: mosquitos, big cats, horror movies, heights, drugs (never used 'em), the dark
  • Quirks: She has the tendency to forget things easily, if you tell her something, be prepared to repeat it. She zones out quickly. Despite her age, Mickey loves everything Disney. She doesn't haul it but she'd take a trip to Disneyland every day, any day. She does have an obsession with dolphins, though. When she's anxious she's more likely to blurt out a random word or make a strange noise to disrupt her thoughts.
  • Personality: Mickey’s a relaxed individual, as relaxed as someone can be with the chaotic thing that people call life surrounding them. But she doesn’t mind, she’ll take what she can get when she can get it. Not to say that she gives up easily and doesn't try. In fact, Mickey is quite the opposite. She does what she has to if it means she’ll get what she wants. Which probably makes her sound like some evil disney villain full of manipulation and.. Evil-ness. But she’s not. She just thrives to work hard and succeed. Which isn’t bad. Especially considering that when it comes to people, friends, family, and love - she just wants to have fun and make sure everyone’s smiling.
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height: 20px; font-size: 10px; font-family: 'Arial', sans-serif; font-weight: bold; color: black; opacity: 0; position: absolute; background-color: transparent; margin-top: 168px; margin-left: 40px; transform: translateY(-10px); transition: 1s; z-index: 0; pointer-events: none; letter-spacing: 0.5px; [/class] [class=extra] width: 80px; height: 20px; font-size: 10px; font-family: 'Arial', sans-serif; font-weight: bold; color: black; opacity: 0; position: absolute; background-color: transparent; margin-top: 168px; margin-left: 65px; transform: translateY(-10px); transition: 1s; z-index: 0; pointer-events: none; letter-spacing: 0.5px; [/class] [class=gallery] width: 80px; height: 20px; font-size: 10px; font-family: 'Arial', sans-serif; font-weight: bold; color: black; opacity: 0; position: absolute; background-color: transparent; margin-top: 168px; margin-left: 85px; transform: translateY(-10px); transition: 1s; z-index: 0; pointer-events: none; letter-spacing: 0.5px; [/class] [class=slide] transform: translateX(0); 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  • full name: Ezra Francisco Ramirez-Bautista
  • nicknames: Ez, Easy
  • age: 18
  • gender: male [he/him]
  • sexuality: bisexual
  • height: 5'11
  • dob: july 19th
  • ethnicity: cuban-american
  • body mod: tattoos
[/div] [/div] [div class=content2] [div class=image5][/div] [div class=para]
  • Likes: Videography, modeling, smoking (blunts + cigars), oldies jams, spanish music, festivals/carnivals
  • Dislikes: Large insects, being near the edge up high, lots of blood, cheese
  • Quirks: He has an obsession with the color yellow, he'll freak out and go on a rant of compliments if you wear it. When telling a story he'll sidetrack and begin telling another story. He can't go anywhere without some type of camera. He always wants to model or have a model when he's somewhere that gives him inspiration.
  • Personality: If you ask Ezra, he would personally tell you that he was born in the wrong time period. That his soul belongs more in the 60s or 70s. He's an oldies kinda guy who likes to relax and live in the moment. To express himself in any way possible. He wants to have fun and feel free. He's your happy-go-lucky artistic kid. Never once has he ever insulted someone. Mostly due to the fact that he's either too relaxed to pay attention or because he couldn't care less. Sure, he's been upset with people, but he's never gone out of his way to fight anyone or have any sort of issue. He wants everyone to be happy. Maybe he's sort of like a hippie that wants to go to a drive-in movie and a local standing diner.
[/div] [/div] [div class=content3] [div class=image6][/div] [div class=para] Ezra's father, Mateo Ramirez, had moved to Washington D.C. from Cuba at the age of nineteen. He wanted to go to a professional journalism in the capital of the United States to get his degree and, well, go on to be a journalist. At the school it was where he'd met a young woman named Selena. It was love at first sight in a philosophy class. Well, that's a bit of a stretch. Mateo sat in the back of the class, preparing to go to sleep - but when he heard the intelligent words that left the beautiful young woman's mouth, it had him at awe. Immediately all he wanted was to have her attention. Only her attention. He'd asked her out, well, to 'study'. They did actually study but they also got to know each other. From then on it was perfection. Of course they had their ups and downs but as they got older, as they got married, they'd decided there was nothing wrong with having a child. They had their own lovely house in the suburbs. They were happy. Which was when Ezra came around. Ezra was the spitting image of them in many ways. Growing up he was a calm child (surprisingly). By the time he entered kindergarten, his parents were expecting another child, and Mateo had afterschool art clubs. Which meant there was always a painting or small clay bowl sitting around the household that he'd made. There was never a time where Ezra wasn't interested in the arts. He tried theater, he didn't really like it. Painting and drawing was fun but it wasn't what he'd consider his go-to. As he got older, Ezra learned two things. Firstly, he'd put his little sister, Amelia, before anything else. She was five years younger than him and so the eighteen year old would only ever do what was best for her. He'd protect her. Secondly, he was good-looking. He had an interest in photography and other arts. So, he became a model. And a photographer. Sometimes he'd paint. Sometimes he'd make short films. But he loved his camera. [/div] [/div] [div class=content4] [div class=g4][/div] [div class=g5][/div] [div class=g6][/div] [/div] [/div] [div class=credit]code by wonhae[/div] [div class=name]the artist[/div] [div class=tabcontainer] [div class=tab1]i.[/div] [div class=tab2]ii.[/div] [div class=tab3]iii.[/div] [div class=tab4]vi.[/div] [/div] [div class=personality]personality[/div] [div class=history]history[/div] [div class=extra]extra[/div] [div class=gallery]gallery[/div] [/div]
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Completed: Druggie
Violet Liora Sullivan

  • 189702afc66e9809d5b58f69c20c173c.jpg

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The Class Clown

"Everything is funny,
as long as it is
happening to somebody else"

Full Name > Beckett Camden Lahey
Nicknames > Beck
Role > The Class Clown
Age > Eighteen
Gender > Cisgender male; he/him
Sexuality > Bi-sexual
DOB > 14th May
Ethnicity > Welsh

Hair Colour > Light brown
Eye Colour > Blue
Height > 5'11" (180cm)
Weight > 150 lbs (68kg)
Body Type > Toned
Body Modifications > Tattoo; grandma's name and rose above on inner left wrist.
Distinguishable features > Freckles.

Likes > Music; his taste is vintage and prefers artists that were popular during the 1980s and 1990s, dogs; specifically german shepherds, green tea, English Literature, basketball, weed, comedy and actions films, painting.
Dislikes > Thunderstorms, being touched; Beckett detests being shown physical affection and especially dislikes his hair being played with or neck being touched, feeling nauseous, being alone, studying, his father, mustard, odd textures such as wet socks.
Quirks > Counts stairs, he refuses to wear the colour orange, is superstitious, is allergic to strawberries.
Virtues > Humourous, caring, confident, imaginative, knowledgeable, quick-witted.
Vices > Disrespectful, inefficient, reckless, resentful, stubborn, obsessive.
Description > If one must describe Beckett, then 'humorous' is, foremost, the first word of many. Beckett enjoys fooling around with fellow students, this may consist of: throwing paper balls at the teacher or other students, writing crude remarks on the board when no one is watching, passing notes with jokes about other people, etcetera. Unfortunately, his humour is not limited to light-hearted comments. He does cause offence with what he chooses to do and say; for Beckett, the response and recognition outweigh the upset he inflicts. Humour is his chosen method of escapism, it allows him to forget of pain or torment he currently feels and mask it behind a joyous laugh and adrenaline. Howbeit, even though he sometimes uses others pain to uplift himself, Beckett does care about people. The care he has is focused on those he is close to. Where he would laugh at someone he offended, with his friends, he will sincerely apologise and regret the actions taken. Beckett thinks that only a few deserve his care and loyalty due to the belief that if he allows too many people this treatment then he is placed in a vulnerable position. The vulnerability is seen as weakness and the last thing he wants after the injustice that life delivered to him as a child. 'Confidence' is a third useful term for Beckett. To hold the title of "The Class Clown", one must have a certain degree of confidence. Willing to talk to anyone and everyone, Beckett strives to make them laugh and at least produce a smile on their face. He does not stray from confronting others and will defend himself or friends if necessary, however, he prefers to avoid it which is ironic because his jokes will find a way to infuriate at least one person. Beckett's favoured pastimes are reading and writing. These correlate with his keen mind and imagination, and instead of listening in class, his thoughts will be captivated by a vast world and gripping story. A teacher will use a simpler term - daydreaming. Beckett would prefer to do something that is beneficial - in his eyes - than be bewitched by a video game and waste his day. Imagination is an important component of his jokes and humour, able to use a various amount of banter. It is, without a doubt, unexpected that Beckett will be knowledgeable because of his lacklustre work ethic. This will give someone a bad impression, but it does not represent his intelligence. If Beckett decides to work hard, then he will earn a good grade with ease. Alas, it is not often, and he was behind in a few classes throughout his education; but one must give credit where it is due and commend him for the odd time he is successful. His intelligence plays hand in hand with his ability to make an amusing quip and not think too much into it. It is not suggested to engage Beckett in an argument as he will leave you bewildered with his unpredictable and witty remarks that will either amuse you or annoy you.

Where there are positive traits in someone, there is negative, and Beckett is plagued with negative traits. Due to the nature of his humour, it is possible for him to be disrespectful. He will disrupt lessons, anger teachers and other members of the class when he craves validation. Some of his jokes can be considered disrespectful to certain people, they are not: racist, homophobic, transphobic or anything of that sort - Beckett despises those jokes. They can be offensive if he makes fun of someone's new hair colour or if they seem to have put on some weight. Beckett does not necessarily mean offence in what he says but also does not realise the offence that it can cause and chooses to ignore it. As said before, his work ethic is lacklustre and overall, he is not the most efficient worker. If it is not something that Beckett is interested in, he will not put the effort in. This is obvious when he manages to read a book in a matter of hours yet fails to hand in an assignment. Beckett wants to choose what he enjoys doing and if something feels forced (or a chore) then any enjoyment dissolves which will ultimately lead to him not doing it. Whether it is because he is lazy or genuinely does not care about school is unknown to his peers, but the answer is the latter. One will also comment on Beckett being reckless. Give him any dare: licking a car tire, running in front of traffic, eating a ghost chilli, anything you want, and he will do it. He does not seem to have awareness of what he is doing a lot of the time and therefore he is placed in dangerous situations. Beckett does not think before he speaks and will respond out of impulse and almost always hurt someone in the process. Furthermore, Beckett just about scraped an adequate upbringing. He was treated in an abysmal way by his father and sometimes by his peers who found it entertaining to hurt him - emotionally and physically. This treatment caused Beckett to have a bitterness towards different students. He will not trust someone unless he is assured that the person is trustworthy, and they must provide evidence to support the idea that they are reliable and honest. Beckett does not outright show this resentment as it is primarily internal, but it is still there. Additionally, if Beckett has an opinion of someone, one should expect it to be improbable for him to change it. The majority of the time, he believes that he is correct, and advice given to him is heard but not listened to him. This is hypocritical as if not listened to, Beckett will become aggravated, but hypocrisy is not a defining trait of his. Things need to be done his way otherwise he will reluctantly agree to do them and the chance of him not using one hundred per cent effort is unreasonable or he will give a straightforward 'no'. If Beckett manages to develop an interest, then he will be riveted by it, reaching the point of obsessiveness. For example, if he is a reading a book, then he will refuse to answer people, he will not allow others to touch him or the book until he has finished reading. However, the obsessiveness is not bound to what he is interested in. If Beckett was to notice a spot on his skin then he will solely focus on getting rid of it, belittling himself and his appearance and convincing himself that he is ugly for developing such a hideous volcano on his skin.

Born on the 14th May, Beckett was the younger of two siblings - having an older sister. His father, George Lahey, was a police officer and his mother, Imogen Lahey, was a teacher at a local primary school. The family lived in Anglesey, Wales. Growing up, he was always required to arise in the early hours of the morning to do chores for his father. Despite receiving lower than the recommended amount of sleep and in turn, falling asleep in class, his father did not care. Discipline was seen as a necessity, but the man did not understand the fine line between discipline and abuse. He would ridicule Beckett, blaming him for minuscule mistakes that had not been committed by Beckett at times. The abuse focused on the emotional side but slapping and punching the boy became apparent as he grew older; while this happened, his mother watched. Beckett's sister was a few years older but suffered similar treatment though not as worse. School was an improvement for Beckett, he was mischievous but, relatively speaking, a polite and kind boy. Making friends was not hard but he preferred the comfort of having a small group. As some kids experience, Beckett was teased during his younger years. Thanks to his father's despicable behaviour, Beckett was underweight and because of his small frame and stature, he was an easy target. Beckett would be tripped up in the corridors, having objects thrown at him when sitting with his friends, what you would expect from a bully. However, Beckett was gifted, and to his parent's delight (especially his fathers) he succeeded in school and would usually be at the top of his class. His father's happiness relied on his children's success in school and if not accomplished, the abuse would return until done so. Beckett spent a big portion of his childhood sitting by himself reading or writing short stories. He also enjoyed watching comedians on television. For Beckett, comedy played an important role in his childhood. He could spend hours watching stand-up comedy, laughing until his stomach hurt and he needed to switch it off. The thought of being able to entertain such a huge audience was outstanding and unbelievable to him. Comedy was a way for Beckett to distract himself from the negativity that engulfed his life. As he grew up, he realised that amusing others would not only improve their lives but his too. So class time turned to either daydreaming or attempting to provide humour for an otherwise, dull classroom. It had been considered by him, but it did not affect his quality of work and he still managed to achieve sufficient grades for his family. This 'Class Clown' persona gave Beckett an outlet and did increase his popularity, not by a lot, but enough to lower the amount of teasing to a bearable amount. At the age of fourteen, his father died from an unexpected heart attack in his sleep. After his father's death, the three remaining family members moved from their seaside house. The sudden death made Beckett experience a sense of serenity; which is not something his boasts. His main source of torment had been removed from his life. However, as his father was what he aimed to please with his grades, now that he was no longer there, Beckett saw no means to continue being top of his class. Notwithstanding the fact his grades lowered, he still tried to entertain the class. Formal complaints began heading to the principal's office and his attendance deteriorated. His mother's mental health soon deteriorated as well, becoming depressed. His sister had moved to college so Beckett was forced to care for her which he was reluctant to do after her response to her husband's abuse. Beckett's ability to take care of himself had not been lost, as he worked out often to help not fall into the same state his mother did. His interest in reading and writing increased, but so did his love for comedy too. More time was spent doing these things now that he did not work for his father constantly and had free reign to do as he pleases. Beckett does aspire to become a writer or a stand-up comedian, not too interested in heading to college, the writing would be focused on screenplay because of his deep love for comedy and action films.

Full Name > Beckett Camden Lahey
Nicknames > Beck
Role > The Class Clown
Age > Eighteen
Gender > Cisgender male; he/him
Sexuality > Bi-sexual
DOB > 14th May
Ethnicity > Welsh

Hair Colour > Light brown
Eye Colour > Blue
Height > 5'11" (180cm)
Weight > 150 lbs (68kg)
Body Type > Toned
Body Modifications > Tattoo; grandma's name and rose above on inner left wrist.
Distinguishable features > Freckles.

Likes > Music; his taste is vintage and prefers artists that were popular during the 1980s and 1990s, dogs; specifically german shepherds, green tea, English Literature, basketball, weed, comedy and actions films, painting.
Dislikes > Thunderstorms, being touched; Beckett detests being shown physical affection and especially dislikes his hair being played with or neck being touched, feeling nauseous, being alone, studying, his father, mustard, odd textures such as wet socks.
Quirks > Counts stairs, he refuses to wear the colour orange, is superstitious, is allergic to strawberries.
Virtues > Humourous, caring, confident, imaginative, knowledgeable, quick-witted.
Vices > Disrespectful, inefficient, reckless, resentful, stubborn, obsessive.
Description > If one must describe Beckett, then 'humorous' is, foremost, the first word of many. Beckett enjoys fooling around with fellow students, this may consist of: throwing paper balls at the teacher or other students, writing crude remarks on the board when no one is watching, passing notes with jokes about other people, etcetera. Unfortunately, his humour is not limited to light-hearted comments. He does cause offence with what he chooses to do and say; for Beckett, the response and recognition outweigh the upset he inflicts. Humour is his chosen method of escapism, it allows him to forget of pain or torment he currently feels and mask it behind a joyous laugh and adrenaline. Howbeit, even though he sometimes uses others pain to uplift himself, Beckett does care about people. The care he has is focused on those he is close to. Where he would laugh at someone he offended, with his friends, he will sincerely apologise and regret the actions taken. Beckett thinks that only a few deserve his care and loyalty due to the belief that if he allows too many people this treatment then he is placed in a vulnerable position. The vulnerability is seen as weakness and the last thing he wants after the injustice that life delivered to him as a child. 'Confidence' is a third useful term for Beckett. To hold the title of "The Class Clown", one must have a certain degree of confidence. Willing to talk to anyone and everyone, Beckett strives to make them laugh and at least produce a smile on their face. He does not stray from confronting others and will defend himself or friends if necessary, however, he prefers to avoid it which is ironic because his jokes will find a way to infuriate at least one person. Beckett's favoured pastimes are reading and writing. These correlate with his keen mind and imagination, and instead of listening in class, his thoughts will be captivated by a vast world and gripping story. A teacher will use a simpler term - daydreaming. Beckett would prefer to do something that is beneficial - in his eyes - than be bewitched by a video game and waste his day. Imagination is an important component of his jokes and humour, able to use a various amount of banter. It is, without a doubt, unexpected that Beckett will be knowledgeable because of his lacklustre work ethic. This will give someone a bad impression, but it does not represent his intelligence. If Beckett decides to work hard, then he will earn a good grade with ease. Alas, it is not often, and he was behind in a few classes throughout his education; but one must give credit where it is due and commend him for the odd time he is successful. His intelligence plays hand in hand with his ability to make an amusing quip and not think too much into it. It is not suggested to engage Beckett in an argument as he will leave you bewildered with his unpredictable and witty remarks that will either amuse you or annoy you.

Where there are positive traits in someone, there is negative, and Beckett is plagued with negative traits. Due to the nature of his humour, it is possible for him to be disrespectful. He will disrupt lessons, anger teachers and other members of the class when he craves validation. Some of his jokes can be considered disrespectful to certain people, they are not: racist, homophobic, transphobic or anything of that sort - Beckett despises those jokes. They can be offensive if he makes fun of someone's new hair colour or if they seem to have put on some weight. Beckett does not necessarily mean offence in what he says but also does not realise the offence that it can cause and chooses to ignore it. As said before, his work ethic is lacklustre and overall, he is not the most efficient worker. If it is not something that Beckett is interested in, he will not put the effort in. This is obvious when he manages to read a book in a matter of hours yet fails to hand in an assignment. Beckett wants to choose what he enjoys doing and if something feels forced (or a chore) then any enjoyment dissolves which will ultimately lead to him not doing it. Whether it is because he is lazy or genuinely does not care about school is unknown to his peers, but the answer is the latter. One will also comment on Beckett being reckless. Give him any dare: licking a car tire, running in front of traffic, eating a ghost chilli, anything you want, and he will do it. He does not seem to have awareness of what he is doing a lot of the time and therefore he is placed in dangerous situations. Beckett does not think before he speaks and will respond out of impulse and almost always hurt someone in the process. Furthermore, Beckett just about scraped an adequate upbringing. He was treated in an abysmal way by his father and sometimes by his peers who found it entertaining to hurt him - emotionally and physically. This treatment caused Beckett to have a bitterness towards different students. He will not trust someone unless he is assured that the person is trustworthy, and they must provide evidence to support the idea that they are reliable and honest. Beckett does not outright show this resentment as it is primarily internal, but it is still there. Additionally, if Beckett has an opinion of someone, one should expect it to be improbable for him to change it. The majority of the time, he believes that he is correct, and advice given to him is heard but not listened to him. This is hypocritical as if not listened to, Beckett will become aggravated, but hypocrisy is not a defining trait of his. Things need to be done his way otherwise he will reluctantly agree to do them and the chance of him not using one hundred per cent effort is unreasonable or he will give a straightforward 'no'. If Beckett manages to develop an interest, then he will be riveted by it, reaching the point of obsessiveness. For example, if he is a reading a book, then he will refuse to answer people, he will not allow others to touch him or the book until he has finished reading. However, the obsessiveness is not bound to what he is interested in. If Beckett was to notice a spot on his skin then he will solely focus on getting rid of it, belittling himself and his appearance and convincing himself that he is ugly for developing such a hideous volcano on his skin.

Born on the 14th May, Beckett was the younger of two siblings - having an older sister. His father, George Lahey, was a police officer and his mother, Imogen Lahey, was a teacher at a local primary school. The family lived in Anglesey, Wales. Growing up, he was always required to arise in the early hours of the morning to do chores for his father. Despite receiving lower than the recommended amount hours of sleep and in turn, falling asleep in class, his father did not care. Discipline was seen as a necessity, but the man did not understand the fine line between discipline and abuse. He would ridicule Beckett, blaming him for minuscule mistakes that had not been committed by Beckett at times. The abuse focused on the emotional side but slapping and punching the boy became apparent as he grew older; while this happened, his mother watched. Beckett's sister was a few years older but suffered similar treatment though not as worse. School was an improvement for Beckett, he was mischievous but, relatively speaking, a polite and kind boy. Making friends was not hard but he preferred the comfort of having a small group. As some kids experience, Beckett was teased during his younger years. Thanks to his father's despicable behaviour, Beckett was underweight and because of his small frame and stature, he was an easy target. Beckett would be tripped up in the corridors, having objects thrown at him when sitting with his friends, what you would expect from a bully. However, Beckett was gifted, and to his parent's delight (especially his fathers) he succeeded in school and would usually be at the top of his class. His father's happiness relied on his children's success in school and if not accomplished, the abuse would return until done so. Beckett spent a big portion of his childhood sitting by himself reading or writing short stories. He also enjoyed watching comedians on television. For Beckett, comedy played an important role in his childhood. He could spend hours watching stand-up comedy, laughing until his stomach hurt and he needed to switch it off. The thought of being able to entertain such a huge audience was outstanding and unbelievable to him. Comedy was a way for Beckett to distract himself from the negativity that engulfed his life. As he grew up, he realised that amusing others would not only improve their lives but his too. So class time turned to either daydreaming or attempting to provide humour for an otherwise, dull classroom. It had been considered by him, but it did not affect his quality of work and he still managed to achieve sufficient grades for his family. This 'Class Clown' persona gave Beckett an outlet and did increase his popularity, not by a lot, but enough to lower the amount of teasing to a bearable amount. At the age of fourteen, his father died from an unexpected heart attack in his sleep. After his father's death, the three remaining family members moved from their seaside house. The sudden death made Beckett experience a sense of serenity; which is not something his boasts. His main source of torment had been removed from his life. However, as his father was what he aimed to please with his grades, now that he was no longer there, Beckett saw no means to continue being top of his class. Notwithstanding the fact his grades lowered, he still tried to entertain the class. Formal complaints began heading to the principal's office and his attendance deteriorated. His mother's mental health soon deteriorated as well, becoming depressed. His sister had moved to college so Beckett was forced to care for her which he was reluctant to do after her response to her husband's abuse. Beckett's ability to take care of himself had not been lost, as he worked out often to help not fall into the same state his mother did. His interest in reading and writing increased, but so did his love for comedy too. More time was spent doing these things now that he did not work for his father constantly and had free reign to do as he pleases. Beckett does aspire to become a writer or a stand-up comedian, not too interested in heading to college, the writing would be focused on screenplay because of his deep love for comedy and action films.
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the princess; completed



by lemon__tree 6 hours ago
Q: What's my name?
A: My name is Kira Dolan

by lemon__tree 10 hours ago
Q: How old am I?
A: I am 18 years old actually

by lemon__tree 1 day ago
Q: What's my gender?
A: Female

by lemon__tree 1 day ago
Q: What's my sexual orientation?
A: I am bisexual

by lemon__tree 1 day ago
Q: What's my ethnicity?
A: I'm Vientmese and French

lemon__tree 2 days ago
Q: What are my pronouns?
A: She/her please~

by lemon__tree 6 hours ago
Q: How tall am I?
A: I am around 5'7

by lemon__tree 10 hours ago
Q: How much do I weigh?
A: I weigh around 130 pounds

by lemon__tree 1 day ago
Q: What's my hair color?
A: My hair is a natural black color but looks dark brown in certain lighting

by lemon__tree 1 day ago
Q: What color are my eyes?
A: They are like an olive green but I wear brown contacts sometimes

by lemon__tree 1 day ago
Q: What's my style?
A: I have a style that focuses on a lot of pastels and popular aesthetics. xo xo xo

lemon__tree 2 days ago
Q: Do I have body modifications?
A: I have a few ear piercings but other than that I don't have any more piercings. But I do have one tattoo

by lemon__tree 3 days ago
Q: What are my likes?
A: Pastels, fruits, photography, Instagram, social media, traveling, Japan (used to live there lol), dogs, soft things, glasses, colored contacts, body appreciation, color yellow, retro video games if you want to call them that.

by lemon__tree 3 days ago
Q: What are my dislikes?
A: Smoking, getting too drunk, bullying, drama, violence, isolation, body shaming, pointless fights, being referred to as useless, people blaming others, pointless excuses

by lemon__tree 3 days ago
Q: Any hobbies?
A: I do a lot of vintage styled videography and photography, I'm also learning to make clothes, I do a lot of interior design/decorating in my own house, and I paint a bit because why not

by lemon__tree 3 days ago
Q: What are some of my quirks?
A: I tend to play with my hair when I'm taking tests, I stress eat a lot, twisting hair ties around my fingers when nervous, and I tend to get really red when I lie or so I'm told.

by lemon__tree 3 days ago
A princess no doubt. She has money and a reputation that can't afford to be tarnished by pointless things. In the past, Kira was known for her slightly stuck up personality where she wouldn't really talk to those who she didn't think would be good for her. She was picky and had a certain harshness to her words when people challenged her at school over things like drama and whatnot. However as time passed, it helped soften her out. Now she's not exactly giving everyone flowers and hugs everywhere she goes, she has considerably become a much more approachable person. Now this may be due to what's happened with her friends and at home, but she'll never admit to it.

Kira is an outgoing girl in general and has a sweet personality to those she is close to. She is adventurous and spontaneous as she enjoys doing new and fun things. Her love for aesthetics and good photo ops means that she often goes on extremely fun and beautiful adventures. She has a good sense of humor and gets along with most people. When she's with her friends she is able to let down her guard a bit more and is able to be much more open with them and just have fun and enjoy their company. She doesn't like to be mean but she will be harsh if she feels threatened or needs to stand up for herself or her friends. She doesn't have a short temper, but she has a front that is meant to protect her feelings and not leave her vulnerable to those who she doesn't trust.

In terms of romance and things of that sort, she's not exactly clueless but she isn't very experienced. Her ideas of love are very by the book and she thinks that a fairy tale is there for everyone. Since that is in fact very unreasonable, she tends to keep those thoughts to herself as she doesn't want to be made fun of but also she doesn't want to put any pressure on her own relationship. She is a very gentle girl when dating someone and tends to be considered a pushover and deals with a lot of things that she really shouldn't have to deal with no matter what the situation.

by lemon__tree 3 days ago
She was born on December 23
Youngest of five, two older brothers and two older sisters
Her father is in international business so they moved to Japan when she was 10
She was really sickly as a child and her immune system is still very weak
Her parents were separated for three months before getting back together
Her sister married while they were in Japan and is currently living there with a family of her own.
They moved back to the States a few years ago because of Kira's grandmother's health
Her grandmother passed away this year
She developed an eating disorder in freshman year but has been trying hard to get over it/deal with it this year

by lemon__tree 3 days ago
actively tries to learn a new langauage whenever she can
has a dog named hiro

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|| full name ||
Serena Handen

|| role ||
Party Animal

|| age ||

|| date of birth ||

|| ethnicity ||

|| sexuality/pronouns ||

|| likes & dislikes ||
Likes: Parties, Drinking, Pot, Cocaine, Puppies, White Pizza, Goat Cheese, Pineapple

Dislikes: Debby downers, Goody-Two shoes, Olives, "Hard" drugs, Pineapple ON pizza, pork products, yellow mustard, birds

|| quirks ||
Licks her teeth when shes thinking

|| body modifications ||
Earrings, Belly ring, Turtle tattoo on her shoulder blade (ow)

|| personality ||
Serena is always considered the "party animal". When she was younger it used to get her in trouble a lot, with peoples parents wanting her to settle down at sleepovers, but now that she was "all grown up", she was the life of the party. Nothing ever happened without her being invited, and her attendance was important for the biggest of parties. She knew how to make it a good time for anyone who wanted to have one. That being said, she always felt negatively towards people who wanted to be "good" or "pure", as they'd ruin her buzz. She is a loyal girl when she puts her mind to it, but if you're not someone she cares greatly for she'll probably slip up somewhere. She tries to live carefreely, and doesn't put too much pressure on herself to be perfect.

|| short biography ||
Serena's parents weren't always rich. Up until about 7th grade, they were actually quite poor. But Serena's company took off what seemed like overnight, and there was practically money coming out of their ears in a few short months. Being that they were poor, you might think that they would use their money wisely. Well, instead of doing that, they all went a bit "off the wall" with their spending. But, this isn't a story of loss. No, they kept making money. And they keep making money. They have more money than they could ever spend, at this point, and boy, do they live like it.

Just being 18, Serena already has her own apartment, paid for by Daddy of course. She lives alone, puts everything on her credit card and magically at the end of the month it is wiped clear again, ready for the next month of spending. She's never needed to get a job, and in turn she did actually try on her schoolwork. Serena was a partier, but she wasn't stupid, and she knew if she wanted to keep living her luxourious lifestyle, she would need to keep doing well in school.​
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born into a rich family, carlise is the third born of a five children family. Being the middle child she was able to get away with most things mainly cause she had little to no attention in her life. Being the middle child she was always overlooked and ignored by her parents. She was diagnosed with mild depression for three years which lead to her almost committing suicide via overdose. After her failed attempt, she tried finding ways to cope with her depression and one day she was at the beach with her friends when she saw a group of skaters doing tricks for money. It intruiged her and inspired her to try skateboarding, she immediately took a liking to it and began practicing more and more ignoring the many times she injured herself. After her suicide attempt her family mainly her parents have been checking in on her with everything she does hoping she never does anything to threaten her life anymore. She still gets away with most things but she's glad now that she has value in her life.
chill vibes
carlisle jones // code by pasta
haha no
Carlisle Jones _____ ,18 _____ ,cis-female _____ , pansexual _____ , african-american.swedish _____ , skater _____
5'6 _____ , 135lbs _____ , dark brown hair _____ , hazel brown eyes _____ ,


A relaxed and calm young lady, carlise doesn't like confrontation and starting drama with anyone. She enjoys life after her failed attempt at suicide and doesn't take her life for granted period. She likes to smile and see people give off positive and happy vibes and is someone who people can have a great time with. She is a firm believer in smoking weed to bring peace and tranquility into peoples lives.
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Completed: Nerd​
Alexandre Vitalis Sterling

  • a2a236194abcb6f7843afe01b4b663f9.jpg

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*insert stereotypical song lyric here*
|| full name ||
Jae-Ho Moon
|| role ||
The Emo
|| age ||
|| date of birth ||
April 10th
|| ethnicity ||
|| sexuality/pronouns ||
Homosexual He-Him
|| appearance ||
He is short at around 5'5 and light at 100lbs. He has dyed hair and black eyes with fair skin. His body type is thin. He tends to where big baggy hoodies and skinny jeans to enhance his overall loner look. He needs glasses but doesn't wear them. He also does have a few self harm scars near the elbow of his right arm but they are mainly on his thighs, normally covered by his underwear.
|| likes & dislikes ||
+Night Time, Weed, Guitar, Ice Cream, Dogs
-Early Mornings, Nicotine, Medication, Candy, Snakes
|| quirks ||
He's left handed. He fidgets as he cannot keep still.
|| body modifications ||
He has both his lip and ears pierced. He dyes his hair a lot, normally when he's high and wants change.
|| personality ||
Jae was a loner; a kid who is always by himself or on the outside of a group not talking. For a few months some ignorant assholes even thought he couldn't speak English. He has always been seen as a weirdo ever since he moved to town. He didn't mind it, in fact he preferred it that way. He liked to be left alone. It was easier that way. His outward persona didn't stop people from being interested in him though. He was quickly labelled the most sort after loner at school. People just thought him to be mysterious and they wanted to get close to him to try and figure him out. He didn't get it. He just wanted to be left alone.
|| short biography ||
Jae was the first son of two restaurant owners. They lived in Canada and had a successful buisness. Jae was a top student, he was well-known and well-liked. Along with his baby brother, life seemed to be great.

That was until the accident. He doesn't tell anyone about it. He doesn't even talk with his parents about it. One day, when he was 13, he and his 7 year old brother were cycling to their friends' house. They were really happy and really excited but Jimin was cycling too fast and was going too far forward. Jae could have told him to slow down ages ago but thought nothing bad was going to happen. The car came out of nowhere. Jimin died at the hospital. They had his funeral and his body was cremated. Him and his mother and father each recieved their own section of the ashes. While the parents both eventually spread the ashes, Jae never could. He blamed himself for his brother's death and still does.

They moved away soon after Jimin's death. They closed down their restaurant and moved to a new town where they could start afresh. Jae tried counselling but they kept trying to get him on medication and he didn't want that. He started smoking weed to calm himself and that helped a lot. His attitude on life changed. His grades dropped but he didn't care. Why should he? He tried too hard anyway. He just stopped caring as much about the things he used to. He still played guitar but that was because he had to otherwise his parents would sell his equipment. He didn't want that. He doesn't play in front of people though. He doesn't like showing room much to people. He doesn't want to lose anyone again.
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name : kehlani ramirez
date of birth : september 11th
: american
pronouns. :
sexuality : heterosexual
eye color :
hair color :
height : 5'5
weight :
body type
: slender/fit
piercing on her upper lip and a sleeve

role: the popular
likes: cheesecake, candy, dance class, hanging out with friends, swimming, singing, parties, making new friends, strawberries, starry skies , writing, reading, soda, her family, animals, tattoos, piercings, being confident, staying clean, staying fit, exercising, cute boys
mean people, judgmental people, nauseating smells, bullies, not getting exercise in her schedule, getting sunburned, pain, violence, sexist people, being forced to do something she doesn't want to do, feeling dirty
quirks: bites her lip when nervous, rubs her temples when angered
extra: kehlani is very self concious about her weight but she will never show it.

personality: despite the fact of her past, she somehow managed to stay perky. she isn't your stereotypical bitchy and slutty popular girl there. as a matter of fact she's the exact opposite. she likes to see people happy and she will always be the first one who welcomes you into the school. she isn't really into all the sex, getting drunk, and partying like no one is watching scene. she likes to keep calm and relaxed. but that doesn't mean she is just a huge buzzkill with no fun life. she likes to have fun, its just that unlike all the other people in high school, she sticks to her limits and boundaries. kehlani isn't one to get involved in violence but she does have some anger issues. no one believes it (since nothing has triggered her yet...key word YET), but hey if you wanna test her patience go ahead.

biography: . . .
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Name: Trent Oakes
Age: 18
D.O.B: 10/28
Role: The Jock
Ethnicity; Canadian
Pronouns: He/Him/Them
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Eye Colour: Green
Hair Colour: Dark Brown
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 190 lbs
Body Type: Muscular/Fit

Likes: Working out, Parties, Traveling, His Dog, His Truck, Being outside, Tacos, Movies, Swimming, Music, Airplanes, Watching Sports,
Dislikes: Being Sick, Rain, School, Feeling lazy, Losing, Sharks, Salty Foods, Romance Movies

Personality: Trent is all about sports, that is on his mind basically 24/7, he seems to always have his mind in the clouds thinking about what he can do to make himself better and to improve on his game. Other than that Trent is a pretty laid back guy, he finds that his friends seem to influence his behavior half the time, making him to seem more rude and mean than he really is. Trent can be a bit of a sore loser, doesn't matter what he is doing whether its a game or just a debate, he doesn't take a loss well. Trent is caring, he cares about his family and tries his best to make them proud of him, he tries not to fall too far off the deep end when it comes to parties with his friends. Although he hates school he tries his best to get as good as grades as he can so he can get a decent scholarship. He finds himself being a bit of a loner most of the time, when he goes home he just goes into his gym and works out or goes outside and practices. He definitely is a perfectionist, when it comes to his athletic ability, he will practice what he may have done in a game over and over again until he fixes it. At first glance Trent may seem tough and rude but once you get to know him, you will see how laid back he actually is.

Bio: Just looking at him one may not realize his backstory isn't as picture perfect as it seems, starting off with his birth name not even being Trent. He was actually born as Connor, to a single mother who was struggling enough as it was to get a long, now with a newborn she was trying her best to raise him, but once she got into a heated argument with her landlord he called child protective services on her and her baby was taken away. For the next 10 years Connor was moved around more than a dozen times, Once he turned 10 he made a close friend, Jordan, he spent a lot of time with him and the two became very close. Seeing as how Jordan's parents were looking into adoption to expand their family, They found Connors files and decided on welcoming him into their family. Connor then decided to start a new and asked if he could legally change his first name to Trent, the court agreed and now that is what he goes by. Adjusting to his new life and new family was a bit tough for Trent at first, His family now had to move to a new place because his father had gotten a new job. His mother decided to get him into sports, she introduced him to soccer which he wasn't a big fan of, then various other sports and most of them he liked. It helped to keep him grounded or at least that was what it felt like, He slowly started making friends and got more and more into the "Jock" category once he hit high school. He went out to parties and such, but never went too crazy with the drinking or the drugs for that matter. He practically threw his passion into working out and which ever sport season it was. Things had seemed to be going perfect, until the night his brother had gotten into an accident and succumb to his injuries a few days later. This drove him into mania practically, he spent hours upon hours in the gym and working out, his parents became so concerned that they took his car away to attempt to help him.​
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