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Realistic or Modern Summer Camp - Camp Walala - Character Thread



I like to roleplay and use my imagination!
This is the character thread for the Summer Camp - Camp Walala Roleplay. Post your character in this thread before you begin roleplaying.

Please provide the following information about your character.

Reminder: All characters should be a human, and the roleplay takes place in the present day.
Description of characters look/appearance (hair color, height, hairstyle, skin color, etc.):
Camper or Camp Staff?
Why they chose/wanted to come to camp:
How many times has your character been to this camp before? Or is this their first time?
Anything else you'd like to add about your character (optional):

*Campers are usually between the ages of 8 and 15. However campers as old as 18 are allowed, and campers may not be under the age of 8. Camp staffers have to be at least 18 and can be pretty much any age older then that.
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Name: James Turner
Age: 14 (I'm 18 in real life, but my character is 14)
Description of characters look/appearance: Black hair that is down to his shoulders, Height is 5'2" currently (at his age he is still growing).
(Honestly my character pretty much looks like I do in real life right now, minus facial hair and I'm a bit taller lol)
Camper or Camp Staff? Camper
Why they chose/wanted to come to camp:
He wanted to come to this summer camp because it offers a lot of his favorite outdoor activities, is one of his few opportunities at his age to be on his own and away from his family for an extended period of time, and camp is usually just a really enjoyable time for him.
How many times has your character been to this camp before? Or is this their first time?
This is his first summer at this camp.
Anything else you'd like to add about your character (optional):
When it comes to the outdoors and summer, he likes hiking, mountain biking and swimming. (This camp offers all of those things, except mountain biking).
He also enjoys trying some of the other activities offered at camp, although he does not do them much or at all back at home (such as archery and making crafts).
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Name: Rosé Song
Age: 15 (i am 19 irl but meh character is 15 so...)
Description of Character’s look/appearance: she has brown hair that fades to blond highlights and is 5’ 6” currently
Camper or Camp Staff? Camper
Why they chose/wanted to come to camp: had nothing to do this summer so she decided to come here
How many times has your character been to this camp before? Or is this their first time? Their first time
Anything else you’d like to add about your character (optional):
Name: Rosé Song
Age: 15 (i am 19 irl but meh character is 15 so...)
Description of Character’s look/appearance: she has brown hair that fades to blond highlights and is 5’ 6” currently
Camper or Camp Staff? Camper
Why they chose/wanted to come to camp: had nothing to do this summer so she decided to come here
How many times has your character been to this camp before? Or is this their first time? Their first time
Anything else you’d like to add about your character (optional):
Now that you have provided this information about your character, feel free to start roleplaying.
Name:Ashley Emmerson
Description of characters look/appearance: he has band skin, wavy black hair that goes slightly above his neck and brown eyes. His always has dirt on his clothes because he likes to collect bugs, people think he is weird. he's 5'3
Camper or Camp Staff:camper
Why they chose/wanted to come to camp:he was bored
How many times has your character been to this camp before:first time
Anything else you'd like to add about your character (optional):he's a closeted gay
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Name: Jack Cartwell
Age: 14
Description of character's look/appearance (hair color, height, hairstyle, skin color, etc.): He has messy blonde hair that is cut fairly short. He is around 5'4 and is almost always seen in hoodies and skinny jeans.
Camper or Camp Staff?: Camper
Why they chose/wanted to come to camp: He wasn't doing anything else this summer and he kind of just wanted to get away from his home life
How many times has your character been to this camp before? Or is this their first time?: First time
Anything else you'd like to add about your character (optional): He's bisexual (with a slight preference for guys) and never met his father. He's almost always seen with a sketchpad or notebook as he loves writing and drawing.

Description of character's look/appearance (hair color, height, hairstyle, skin color, etc.): He has messy blonde hair that is cut fairly short. He is around 5'4 and is almost always seen in hoodies and skinny jeans.
He also has blue eyes :^)
Description of characters look/appearance: he has band skin, wavy black hair that goes slightly above his neck and brown eyes. His always has dirt on his clothes because he likes to collect bugs, people think he is weird. he's 5'3
Camper or Camp Staff:camper
Why they chose/wanted to come to camp:he was bored
How many times has your character been to this camp before:first time
Anything else you'd like to add about your character (optional):he's a closeted gay
Since you have now provided information on your character, feel free to begin roleplaying!
Name: Jack Cartwell
Age: 14
Description of character's look/appearance (hair color, height, hairstyle, skin color, etc.): He has messy blonde hair that is cut fairly short. He is around 5'4 and is almost always seen in hoodies and skinny jeans.
Camper or Camp Staff?: Camper
Why they chose/wanted to come to camp: He wasn't doing anything else this summer and he kind of just wanted to get away from his home life
How many times has your character been to this camp before? Or is this their first time?: First time
Anything else you'd like to add about your character (optional): He's bisexual (with a slight preference for guys) and never met his father. He's almost always seen with a sketchpad or notebook as he loves writing and drawing.
As you have provided information on your character, feel free to start roleplaying whenever you'd like!
Name: Elsa
Age: 13
Description: 5'3, skinny, long black hair, blue eyes.
Camper or Staff? Camper
Why they chose/wanted to come to camp: Nothing to do. Hoping this will give opportunity to meet new people and have fun too!
How many times has your character been to this camp before? Or is this their first time? First time.
Anything else you'd like to add about your character (optional): Nope
Name: Xavier o’hera
Description: 5’10, black messy hair, green eyes, skinny
Why they choose to come: His parents couldn’t take care of him so they put him in the camp.
He is here for the first time
He’s bi sexual never been in a gay relationship, he usually likes to where white jackets and black pants he loves to climb stuff.
This is the character thread for the Summer Camp - Camp Walala Roleplay. Post your character in this thread before you begin roleplaying.

Please provide the following information about your character.

Reminder: All characters should be a human, and the roleplay takes place in the present day.
Name: Temora White
Age*: 14
Description of characters look/appearance (hair color, height, hairstyle, skin color, etc.): She has short fiery red wavy hair that sits at her shoulders. She has blue/green eyes with flecks of brown. She is currently 5'0 but still growing. She is normally seen in a Navy blue hoodie with the word Alaska across the front of it and black leggings with knee high brown boots. She wears earrings that dangle it looks like the moon on one and a sun on the other with black gems in each. She is pale with freckles all over her face.
Camper or Camp Staff? Camper
Why they chose/wanted to come to camp: Friends ditched her.
How many times has your character been to this camp before? Or is this their first time? First time
Anything else you'd like to add about your character (optional): She is bi but is closeted. Her parents were killed.

*Campers are usually between the ages of 8 and 15. However campers as old as 18 are allowed, and campers may not be under the age of 8. Camp staffers have to be at least 18 and can be pretty much any age older then that.
Also quite sorry my oc thing is so long- Ive never role played on rp-nation before so excuse my weirdness- {I have had experience role playing before so hopefully if I can join ill be ok-}
Looks good to me. Now that you've provided information about your character, you are welcome to start roleplaying!
Name: Elsa
Age: 13
Description: 5'3, skinny, long black hair, blue eyes.
Camper or Staff? Camper
Why they chose/wanted to come to camp: Nothing to do. Hoping this will give opportunity to meet new people and have fun too!
How many times has your character been to this camp before? Or is this their first time? First time.
Anything else you'd like to add about your character (optional): Nope
As you have provided information on your character you can start roleplaying!
Name: Xavier o’hera
Description: 5’10, black messy hair, green eyes, skinny
Why they choose to come: His parents couldn’t take care of him so they put him in the camp.
He is here for the first time
He’s bi sexual never been in a gay relationship, he usually likes to where white jackets and black pants he loves to climb stuff.
Looks like you've already started roleplaying. Just wanted to say your character information looks good and your welcome to continue roleplaying.

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