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Fandom Suikoden: The Stars of Destiny

Shin Positron Laser

Guardian of the Old Ways
Welcome to the Character Section.

Please adhere to all the rules in this section of the RP.

To Create a character please see the Post below.

Before posting your character here, please post it in OoC thread for approval by the GM.

List of Currently Active Characters

Character Rosters



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Character Sheet

Character Role: ( Main, Side, NPC )

Main: Main Characters are the ones that will be used more often than others. Points, Combat and story progression will mostly be done by these characters. Main characters can be downgraded later on.

Side: Side characters see less action but can be used to further sidestories of your main characters. Side characters can be upgraded as we go along.

NPC: Because of the nature of gathering 108 stars of Destiny, some characters can be NPC's, which can include family members, pets etc.

Character Name: Full Name

Alias: Nickname, Titles etc.

Gender: Male, Female, Genderless

Race: Please choose from a starting list HERE

Age: Please choose an age between 0-50. Specialized characters will be allowed more.






Body Marks:



2 Positive Traits:

2 Negative Traits:

Place of Birth:

( please select the birth place according to the character you are designing. Some Races will need specific areas while others can be vague enough to be placed anywhere. The use of the map is appreciated. )


Personal Items:

(Things you would carry on a daily basis.)

Runes Artes:

( This is only for characters that you want to use for combat purposes. )

( Please choose runes that are made available to you at this time )

lvl 1

lvl 2

lvl 3
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"The Little Librarian"

- Character -

Character Name

Oire "Patia" Evorika Ler'yeral


Patia, Little Librarian, Angel, Assistant to the Mayor

If you want to piss her off: Kiddo, Squirt, Patty, Shorty, Puny




Winged Horde




Archivist, Assistant to

Height & Weight

Height: 5'5" || Weight: 118 lbs

Hair & Eyes

Hair: Purple || Eyes: Purple

Body Marks

Two large scars on her back and ugly burns on her hands, which she always has covered with brown gloves.

- Personality -

- Personality -

Patia is a kind, easy-going young woman who loves to help others whenever she can. She is always willing to give out a helping hand if they accept it. Not one to judge based on the past, she truly believes in second chances, especially since she is living one. Trusting and responsible, she doesn't try to pawn her jobs off to anyone else and although she is quite a space case she doesn't give up if she messes up the first time.

She naturally attracts people with problems who seek her understanding and advice. Happy to give advice she hardly ever takes it herself, even if it is for her own good. Rarely impulsive, she always thinks before acting. Something she sometimes wishes she could improve upon. She admires those who can jump into a situation head on with no thought. They only thing she dives head first into is sweets, which she loves to eat. Patia is a very agreeable girl she is considered warm, empathic, tolerant, forgiving, open-minded, adaptable, and altruistic. However, having such a kind nature people are inclined to take advantage of her sympathetic nature.

Positive Traits

~Empathetic - Patia is a very empathetic girl. She can easily understand the differing viewpoints of other. Which does not only make her adaptable, but very good at negotiation. Her empathy also makes her quite kind and understanding to others. Motivating her to help others and do her best at her job.

~Smart - Patia is what we call, "book smart." After quite literally living in a library for the greater portion of her life, she has read a lot of books. History, literature, arts, science, alchemy, fantasy, poetry and more, she's read them all in hopes to figure out her past. However, she ended up learning a lot about the village and the world outside of this village.

Negative Traits

~Clumsy as F#@*! - Patia is insanely clumsy on her fee, mainly because she isn't used to wearing shoes. Apparently the price she pays for anonymity is clumsiness. She constantly trips over herself and other objects. Prone to getting hurt a lot, she is at least good at patching up a wound.

~Spacey - Poor Patia is somewhat of a space case. She isn't forgetful just sometimes isn't really here. Her mind is up in the clouds thinking of flying again. Usually people have to tell her something at least twice to make sure she was paying attention. Although , there are times where she has to either try to figure out what was said or ask them straight up. Ending up flustered and embarrassed very time she has to ask. She crumbles under pressure, especially during social events or speeches.

- History -

- History -

Orie, now known as Patia, had a fairly normal life as a Winged Horde. Her life was fairly normal because she was born with albino wings, which was unheard of at the time. However, she was still accepted by her community. She grew up before they were driven from their home in the mountains. It was peaceful, everyone took to the skies using the mountainous region and large black wings to glide through the air. She loved her life with her parents and sister, wishing that it would never change. However, all things change and unfortunately this one was a change filled with blood. Humans and their ever expanding territories made their way to the mountains and fought against the Whinged Horde to drive them away.

Hundreds fled while thousands were slaughtered, unable to stop the site of the intruding humans. Her father stood to fight against them but was quickly brought down. Her mother did her best to escape but Patia's wing was injured and she fell to the ground. Captured and detained she was tortured to reveal where the escapees went. Patia unfortunately had no idea where, but was tortured anyway. Her hands were burned in scalding water and her wings torn out of her back for trophies. She had given up, fully expecting to die then and there.

Suddenly her hope came in the form of her sister who came back to rescue her. Patia's sister was taken and her first wing torn off, however, with the new found hope she did her best to fight back. The two worked together fighting off their attackers until they were backed against the edge of a cliff. Both jumped off, but with neither of them being able to fly they quickly fell. Patia knew that even with one wing her sister could glide to safety so she did the only thing she could, she let go.

Falling she hit a variety of things as she fell to the ground, hitting it hard. It was a miracle that she was still breathing after such an ordeal. She was found by a traveler, who was returning home, and brought her with him. There he and the townspeople took care of the young girl until she awoke. Patia was conscious and healed, yet missing pieces of her memory, like where she was from, and who certain people were. She did however, remember her family and that they were gone.

Lost and alone she felt the kindness of the people of the village and decided to repay their generosity. She helped in the village as much as she could, doing odd jobs and charity for others. In her free time she went to the town library and read a book every day, trying to learn more, and see if she can jog her missing memories. One day the town's archivist asked her to become his apprentice and the girl happily accepted. Quickly picking up the job she was also asked to work for the Village Elder as an assistant and with approval from her master took the job happily.

- Other -

Personal Items

~A tote-bag to carry all her books in.

~Lots of books, of all kinds.

~A small staff, to reach those pesky high books.

~A first Aid kit, because she is really really clumsy.

~A small bag of sweets to give out to others.​

Runes Artes

True Wind Rune (hopefully) If not then the Cyclone Rune

More Pictures

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Character Role: Main

Character Name: Frieda Vulfsheim


Character Image:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/1448487494878.jpg.b6654dfccdc9d2adab9ca80017ce81d2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139452" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/1448487494878.jpg.b6654dfccdc9d2adab9ca80017ce81d2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Gender: female

Race: Human

Age: 19

Occupation: Carpenter

Height: 5' 9"

Weight: 154 lbs

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Green

Body Marks: Freckles just below eyes, spanning her cheek and bridge of the nose.


2 Positive Traits:

Cautious: A young woman who is not always keen on believing there is a pot of gold at the end of every rainbow, came about by finding several of those rainbows ended in a manure pile. To good to be true, to good to be trusted, hard to con this woman.

Meticulous: A method to the maddness, if there is a way to get something done, then come hell or high water she will get it done.

2 Negative Traits:

Stone faced: Her unchanging reaction to most things that happen can make people feel uneasy or think she simply does not care. Her voice always an even tone, and her gaze always a stern one.

Slow to adapt to a change in ways, what isn't broken doesn't need to be fixed. What is, shall be.

Place of Birth: Windemere

History: Windemere is all this young woman has known, the woods around her were enough of an adventure even for her younger self. An obedient child, shy and reclusive, she took to her grandfather's work as other's do to friends. Her grandfather is the only family she had known for most of her life, her mother but a single shadow in a distant memory, beautiful golden hair, emerald eyes, a warm smile, a cold wet rain... but that is all she can recall. Her grandfather never talked about his daughter, nor did she ask about her, even though she was temped many a time.

Perhaps it was a gift of fate that she took to woodwork with such ease, for come the winter of her 14th year, he had passed due to illness. Leaving her to an empty house and a craft to master. The next 5 years she spent her days working, paying little attention to the village save for what needed fixing, and whom would pay her for it. Through this she had her trade, and a amount of money she could live with.

She still goes into the woods sometimes, to hunt down good wood, or perhaps simply to.. wander... for reasons she can never really explain.

Personal Items:

Woodcutting axe: A handy tool that has been in her life since she got it from her grandfather, holds an edge and has quite the weight to it, yet Freida wields it like it was in her hands since the day she was born.

Small pouch of money: Always good to have some on hand.. and kept in a safe place.

Woodcarver's knife, a pretty sharp knife, meant to carve wood. Hence the name.

Runes Artes:



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cb5a5547a_ErikFarmfield.jpg.3a9f1a5ed88968107a8e0de085c42a5c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139493" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cb5a5547a_ErikFarmfield.jpg.3a9f1a5ed88968107a8e0de085c42a5c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Character Role: Main

Character Name: Erik Fields

Alias: N/A

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Age: 16

Occupation: Farmer

Height: 5’7”

Weight: 125 lbs

Hair: Light Brown

Eyes: Brown

Body Marks: N/A

Clothing: Blue jacket, grey pants, leather gloves.


2 Positive Traits:

Diligent - Raised on a farm, Erik understands the importance of good, honest work. He will always finish his work on time, no matter what kind of work it is.

Gregarious - Erik enjoys talking to people, and can find something to talk about with just about anyone.

2 Negative Traits:

Crude - Erik’s common sense can be a bit lacking in some areas. Growing up on a backwater farm with four brothers and no sisters, he never had much need to learn good manners or to act refined.

Over Talkative - If ears could truly be talked off, Erik would have left hundreds in his wake. The boy would yammer all day if he could, according to his father.

Place of Birth: The Fields Fields, his father’s farm. Only a few miles from the town, Erik generally travels back and forth a few times a week.

History: Born to a large farming family, Erik has lived a monotonous, meager existence. The youngest of five brothers, he has often borne the brunt of his siblings’ jokes and pranks. His oldest brother has become a royal knight, the next oldest a hunter, and the next two are content to continue running the farm. Erik felt he would go stir crazy living on the farm for the rest of his life, so he has decided to take a page out of his father’s book and become an adventurer. Having trained with the sword pretty regularly for the last three years, he is just waiting for the right opportunity now. Despite his rather secluded existence on the farm, he travels to the nearby town often, and has several friends and many more acquaintances among the townsfolk.

Personal Items:

Rusty Longsword - Erik’s father was a novice adventurer back in his heyday, before he settled down on the family farm. He gave Erik his own old sword on Erik’s thirteenth birthday, and has instructed Erik in some basic sword drills.

Runes Artes: N/A



  • Erik Farmfield.jpg
    Erik Farmfield.jpg
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Character Role: Side

Character Name: Millenicus Yeldor Torrenial Helbram

Alias: Village Elder, Old Man Mills, Mayor

Character Image:


Gender: Male

Race: Elvish

Age: 1014

Occupation: Mayor of Windemere Township

Height: 6'-4"

Weight: 169 lbs


Eyes: Grayish

Body Marks: Tattoo on the right side of his neck


2 Positive Traits:

Impartial: He treats all races the same. He judges town matters fairly.

Patient: Having lived a long time he has come to understand how to wait and never show a complaining attitude.

2 Negative Traits:

Unchanging: He is set in his ways and find it difficult to change as the years pass by and the people of the town pass by through life.

Wrathful: Very few things can really break his patience, however when something does, his wrath is nearly uncontrollable to the point where he either faints, explodes of magical energy or worse.

Place of Birth: Heimdall, Sanctuary of the Elves

History: Millenicus was born in the Sanctuary of the Elves. For a hundred years he dwelt in this protected land. He desired to journey the outside world where only very few elves have done. Although asked to stay he ultimately bid farewell to his birthplace leaving all behind and without the burden of his own family to care for. Hundreds of years passed and his journeys showed him the harsh and unforgiving world around him. Around the time he was in his 700's he decided to purchase a large swath of land surrounding a river from the Kingdom of Welwyn. For the next hundred years he would build one house every year until there were 100 homes on his land. Along the way people would come out to see what a lone elf was doing and he would always offer to these ones a chance to stay and gain ownership of a house he built.

In his 800's, his village soon became a township, and the Royal Assembly of Nobleman appointed Millenicus Mayor of the town.

Personal Items:

Walking Staff also a

A book of the affairs of the Township of Windemere


Runes Artes:
Character Role: Main

Character Name: Kvothe Ruh

Alias: Kote (yes I really had to put that in here :3 )

Character Image:


Gender: Male

Race: NayKobolds

Age: 35

Occupation: Innkeeper

Height: 5 ft

Weight: 128 pounds

Hair: Orange.

Eyes: green

Body Marks: none


2 Positive Traits:

* Hardworking: He is up early preparing for the days work, and late to bed after the last visitor to the inn went to sleep.

* Sociable: Easy to talk to, the way he holds himself even invites people to talk to him.

2 Negative Traits:

* Strong-willed: When he has his mind set to something he will do it.

* Blunt: even though he is quite social he is still straight to the point about things.

Place of Birth: Nay Island

History: According to his parents he was born on Nay Island, the home of his kind. Although his parents traveled away from there when he was still young. He has seen quite a bit of the world through his young eyes, but it all just seemed like a hassle to him. His parents decided to stay in this town for a couple of years, aiding the previous innkeeper in managing the inn. As Kote made it clear that he would stay his parents decided to continue traveling. His siblings went with them, and so he was left alone to take care of the innkeeper, and the inn. It has been six years now since the innkeeper passed away, and no word has reached him about what his parents were up to so far. Who knows he might meet up with them again someday.

Personal Items:

Whatever he takes with him when he leaves. (The inn has a small collection of items as payment from those who didn't have the money)

Runes Artes:
Character Role: Main

Character Name: Larsa Shouken

Alias: Strider

Character Image:

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Age: 31

Occupation: Guardsmen/Warrior

Height: 6'0''

Weight: 190lbs

Hair: Blonde

Eyes: Grey

Body Marks: Has one massive scar he received a long time ago that goes across his chest.


2 Positive Traits:

--Vigilant: He takes his job seriously enough that there has not been too many 'attacks' at night and has kept the peace more than once, he has earned trust of the Villagers and is well known to mostly everyone.

--Trustworthy: He is trustworthy to a fault. One can trust the safety of his own family to Larsa and not worry about what could happen......

2 Negative Traits:

--Reclusive: Despite his reputation, and his willingness to protect the Village, he always usually keeps to himself. This manifests in the form of him always on duty, and he rarely goes to his own residence, instead opting to sleep near the Village gates or whatnot. This kind of makes his hard to approach, but almost everyone is fine with this, though they wish he would be more open with himself.

--Sullen: He almost always seems a bit sad, almost in a melancholy fashion. People have noted how he sometimes stared into the distance as if thinking about something saddening. he was asked several times before, but he simply told them that it was nothing.

Place of Birth: TBD

History: Larsa at one time lived somewhere else, his family was three brothers and two sisters. One sister and Brother were older than him with the rest younger. Though, people did make fun of his first name due to it not making sense with his last name.

He lived a peaceful life until he eventually got old enough to go out on his own for a long time moving place to place eventually finding himself and staying at Windemere/

Several years before arriving to Windemere an Incident that he refuses to discuss had occurred, that same incident being the one when He got the horrific scar on his chest.

For now, he remains shrewd about the details of his life before.

Personal Items: He wields a katana as a weapon. He wears a necklace that seems to be homemade, out of a seashell.

Runes Artes:

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