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Fantasy Successors- A Story Of Gods On Earth ( Characters- Version 1 )



New Member
Host Played Characters

Character 1

Name: Elias Aston

Successor of: Life and Health

Successor Item: Crown of Creation

Info: Elias has no idea why he has been chosen to be The Successor of Life, Life is supposed to be the leader, but he is no leader, no one even knows who he is at his own school, now all of a sudden a crown arrives at his door step and he has to the power to heal almost anything and a girl he barely knows comes up to him telling him she knows about all of it now he is expected to unite all the Successors and put a leash on The Successor Of Death when he or she is chosen, he is sarcastic and even though he rarely gets scared he isn't ready for it

Character 2

Name: Rain Reyes

Successor of: Knowledge

Became Successor: 2 years 1 month

Successor Item: Journal of Aristotle

Info: Rain has always been smart, A+ student every year, but not as smart as she has been in the past 2 years she seems to know absolutely everything about everything so much about some things it's a little disturbing, There is a very simple reason for that, She is The Successor of All Knowledge, She knows who every single Successor is even though all of them have kept it a secret, She isn't very good at keeping her secret let's just say that

Character 3

Name: Erin Donovan

Successor of: Beauty and Love

Became Successor: 2 years 7 months

Successor Item: Locket of Vanity and Compassion

Info: Erin was born with stunning good looks and so was her little sister Joyce but Erin always looked a lot better, " Oh your real parents of looked like angels ", Her foster parents would always say to her, But actually her parents were pretty average looking, nothing spectacular it was always a wonder to her, maybe she had eyes watching over her and apparently she was right, due to her beauty she has always been popular and everyone listens to what she has to say she can get any boy ( or girl ) she wants, some times she uses it to her advantage before she became a Successor she manipulated and lied so much she couldn't keep track of her lies, But ever since she gained that power she has tried to become a better and it has worked, even though her former reputation haunts her

Character 4

Name: TBD

Successor of: Death, War, Darkness

Became Successor: Not Yet Chosen

Successor Item: Steel Ax of Unrelenting Torture and Despair

Info: This will be the Main Villain of the Series, Yes he is a Successor and will have to work with the others but Death is Sadistic, Cruel and unhinged, when he arrives don't expect him to play nice

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