• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Stuck in Paradise CS


A lecto

Imagination is the only weapon against reality
Well this is the CS page.
It would be great if you keep in mind that there shouldn't be too many with the same personality but otherwise have fun making your characters.
P.S.: You can have two characters if you can handle it.​

CS Template

*Realistic FC only*
Role and occupation on the island:
(passenger, staff or island native) (entertainment, bartender, cook, maid, receptionist, diving instructor, swim teacher, etc… anything you can think of within reason even lifeguards and helping out around the village, babysitting,...)

Distinguishing features or body mods: (tattoos, piercings, scars, etc...anything that stands out about them and such)

Relationships: (TBA after being accepted)
Personality: (list of traits or paragraph+)

Biography: (at least one big paragraph or more)

Quirks: (optional)

Trivia and Other: (here you can add anything else you want like theme songs, fun facts, important info that isn't on the CS, other photos, relatives,... Optional)
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Lucas Wise

  • Arsenii-Savitckii-Model-2015-Shoot-005.jpg
    Lucas J. Wise
    Passenger turned bartender once he landed on the island.


name... margo belrose
nicknames... rose
gender... female
age... 22
sexuality... bisexual

height... 5'7
weight... 130lbs
ethnicity... puerto rican
body mods...
x x x
x x x
features... freckles
margo belrose
let the sea set you free

by ocean_rose 2 days ago
likes... starry nights, elephants, surfing, wildlife, exploring, waterfalls, adventure, traveling, cave exploring, diving

dislikes... poachers (not necessarily on the island), bullies, violence, disrespect for nature, pollution, habitat destruction, ignorant tourists, cheapskates

habits... messes with hair when nervous, goes swimming/diving if stressed, plays with her necklace when embarrassed or shy

fears... dying from sickness, the island getting ruined by modernization, poisonous spiders

occupation... margo is a tour guide if you will. she often will take small groups of tourists on various adventures and helps show off the beauty of the island in a way that won't hurt it by the tourists going through it. she does a variety of things, but her tours are reviewed as fun and always a great way to spend a day.

role... island native

by ocean_rose 3 days ago
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla varius congue neque, quis rhoncus neque blandit et. Aenean ipsum leo, efficitur nec ex quis, mattis fermentum odio. Morbi semper sem sem, sed efficitur eros tincidunt nec. Vivamus interdum orci nec odio mollis eleifend at ac enim. Proin quam lorem, maximus vitae maximus quis, placerat eu dolor. Duis aliquam varius felis, sit amet luctus magna ullamcorper non. Sed convallis orci at mi volutpat, tempor tristique mi finibus. Proin auctor sem nec orci mollis, sed tincidunt enim gravida.

Suspendisse placerat ultricies lacus, in commodo tellus dapibus nec. Phasellus lobortis nisi ac iaculis maximus. Sed odio elit, imperdiet at arcu eget, iaculis rhoncus ipsum. Vivamus vulputate sed quam sit amet consectetur. Vestibulum feugiat sapien enim, et lobortis lacus tempus sed. Quisque placerat convallis felis ut efficitur. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Proin dapibus nisi nisi, ac imperdiet eros fermentum a. Phasellus maximus odio lectus, at auctor metus feugiat fermentum. Fusce facilisis lacus neque, ut hendrerit libero pellentesque eu. Fusce id dui vel arcu rhoncus malesuada. Praesent tempus semper lacinia. Suspendisse aliquet ex a ante laoreet, ut tempor turpis molestie. Vivamus a interdum lacus, vitae aliquet ligula. Praesent cursus risus non ultrices accumsan. Phasellus lectus quam, ultricies ac iaculis a, efficitur nec justo. Proin non nunc tincidunt, sollicitudin lectus quis, pretium ex. Nulla non massa eros. Nam sem quam, varius quis lobortis in, ullamcorper in urna. Sed condimentum id enim nec porta.

Mauris non est elit. Curabitur orci enim, laoreet ultricies felis in, ultricies molestie neque. Morbi viverra odio a ex ornare hendrerit. Vestibulum nulla velit, fringilla tempus pretium vel, sollicitudin quis metus. Etiam ultricies et dui non gravida. Duis quis urna ante. Ut eleifend enim lacus, consequat fermentum magna accumsan non. Phasellus pretium, nunc sit amet luctus ornare, dui erat pharetra ante, vitae sollicitudin augue ex id ligula. Ut suscipit libero eu eros condimentum, eget sollicitudin ipsum aliquam. Etiam a sem felis. Quisque ipsum orci, volutpat lacinia faucibus ac, maximus vel quam. Nullam ullamcorper velit sed purus consequat, nec convallis tortor luctus.

by ocean_rose 5 days ago
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla varius congue neque, quis rhoncus neque blandit et. Aenean ipsum leo, efficitur nec ex quis, mattis fermentum odio. Morbi semper sem sem, sed efficitur eros tincidunt nec. Vivamus interdum orci nec odio mollis eleifend at ac enim. Proin quam lorem, maximus vitae maximus quis, placerat eu dolor. Duis aliquam varius felis, sit amet luctus magna ullamcorper non. Sed convallis orci at mi volutpat, tempor tristique mi finibus. Proin auctor sem nec orci mollis, sed tincidunt enim gravida.

Suspendisse placerat ultricies lacus, in commodo tellus dapibus nec. Phasellus lobortis nisi ac iaculis maximus. Sed odio elit, imperdiet at arcu eget, iaculis rhoncus ipsum. Vivamus vulputate sed quam sit amet consectetur. Vestibulum feugiat sapien enim, et lobortis lacus tempus sed. Quisque placerat convallis felis ut efficitur. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Proin dapibus nisi nisi, ac imperdiet eros fermentum a. Phasellus maximus odio lectus, at auctor metus feugiat fermentum. Fusce facilisis lacus neque, ut hendrerit libero pellentesque eu. Fusce id dui vel arcu rhoncus malesuada. Praesent tempus semper lacinia. Suspendisse aliquet ex a ante laoreet, ut tempor turpis molestie. Vivamus a interdum lacus, vitae aliquet ligula. Praesent cursus risus non ultrices accumsan. Phasellus lectus quam, ultricies ac iaculis a, efficitur nec justo. Proin non nunc tincidunt, sollicitudin lectus quis, pretium ex. Nulla non massa eros. Nam sem quam, varius quis lobortis in, ullamcorper in urna. Sed condimentum id enim nec porta.

Mauris non est elit. Curabitur orci enim, laoreet ultricies felis in, ultricies molestie neque. Morbi viverra odio a ex ornare hendrerit. Vestibulum nulla velit, fringilla tempus pretium vel, sollicitudin quis metus. Etiam ultricies et dui non gravida. Duis quis urna ante. Ut eleifend enim lacus, consequat fermentum magna accumsan non. Phasellus pretium, nunc sit amet luctus ornare, dui erat pharetra ante, vitae sollicitudin augue ex id ligula. Ut suscipit libero eu eros condimentum, eget sollicitudin ipsum aliquam. Etiam a sem felis. Quisque ipsum orci, volutpat lacinia faucibus ac, maximus vel quam. Nullam ullamcorper velit sed purus consequat, nec convallis tortor luctus.

by ocean_rose 6 days ago
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla varius congue neque, quis rhoncus neque blandit et. Aenean ipsum leo, efficitur nec ex quis, mattis fermentum odio. Morbi semper sem sem, sed efficitur eros tincidunt nec. Vivamus interdum orci nec odio mollis eleifend at ac enim. Proin quam lorem, maximus vitae maximus quis, placerat eu dolor. Duis aliquam varius felis, sit amet luctus magna ullamcorper non. Sed convallis orci at mi volutpat, tempor tristique mi finibus. Proin auctor sem nec orci mollis, sed tincidunt enim gravida.

Suspendisse placerat ultricies lacus, in commodo tellus dapibus nec. Phasellus lobortis nisi ac iaculis maximus. Sed odio elit, imperdiet at arcu eget, iaculis rhoncus ipsum. Vivamus vulputate sed quam sit amet consectetur. Vestibulum feugiat sapien enim, et lobortis lacus tempus sed. Quisque placerat convallis felis ut efficitur. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Proin dapibus nisi nisi, ac imperdiet eros fermentum a. Phasellus maximus odio lectus, at auctor metus feugiat fermentum. Fusce facilisis lacus neque, ut hendrerit libero pellentesque eu. Fusce id dui vel arcu rhoncus malesuada. Praesent tempus semper lacinia. Suspendisse aliquet ex a ante laoreet, ut tempor turpis molestie. Vivamus a interdum lacus, vitae aliquet ligula. Praesent cursus risus non ultrices accumsan. Phasellus lectus quam, ultricies ac iaculis a, efficitur nec justo. Proin non nunc tincidunt, sollicitudin lectus quis, pretium ex. Nulla non massa eros. Nam sem quam, varius quis lobortis in, ullamcorper in urna. Sed condimentum id enim nec porta.

Mauris non est elit. Curabitur orci enim, laoreet ultricies felis in, ultricies molestie neque. Morbi viverra odio a ex ornare hendrerit. Vestibulum nulla velit, fringilla tempus pretium vel, sollicitudin quis metus. Etiam ultricies et dui non gravida. Duis quis urna ante. Ut eleifend enim lacus, consequat fermentum magna accumsan non. Phasellus pretium, nunc sit amet luctus ornare, dui erat pharetra ante, vitae sollicitudin augue ex id ligula. Ut suscipit libero eu eros condimentum, eget sollicitudin ipsum aliquam. Etiam a sem felis. Quisque ipsum orci, volutpat lacinia faucibus ac, maximus vel quam. Nullam ullamcorper velit sed purus consequat, nec convallis tortor luctus.

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Violet Liora Sullivan

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Name: Jay Kapule
Nickname/s: None so far.
Age: 22
Height: 5'10
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Role and occupation on the island: Island native - owns a bar and two huts he rents out to tourists.

Distinguishing features or body mods: He has a small tribal tattoo on his shoulder blade. When he smiles he has small dimples.

Relationships: TBA​


Adventurous, creative, loyal, helpful, good listener, free spirited,...
- Impatient, impulsive, can be harsh, sarcastic, avoids work sometimes, when talking to friends he overshares sometimes,...

Nature, animals, music, surfing, dancing, beach celebrations and events, homemade trinkets, decorations and souvenirs (especially making them himself), walks in the jungle or on the beach, exploring, diving, swimming, climbing, reading,...

Too many tourists in private parts of the island, most drugs (he thinks weed is okay but hates other drugs), judgemental people, littering on the beach, people hurting animals, being stuck inside for too long, having to break up physical fights,...

Being locked into a small room (it makes him freak out), being unable to breathe, being lonely, being cheated on,...

Drums his finger when waiting, fingers his necklace when thinking, snorts once when he laughs.


View attachment 463212


Jay was born on the island to a native father and a tourist mother. Him being an only child put a lot of expectations and pressure on his shoulders and he was always told he would someday take over his father's business. In the beginning the young boy tried very hard, learned everything he could and looked up to his parents wanting to be just like them, hardworking and a real support to the rest of the people on the island.

When Jay turned fifteen he found out his parents weren't as perfect as he had been thinking all his life. His father was cheating on his wife with countless tourists which led to her taking a lover of her own. Jay's mother left with a tourist soon after that. For him who was more of a romantic that distorted his opinion of his parents and he stopped trying to be who they wanted him to be and instead started following his heart.

Jay opened his own small beach bar that soon became popular despite his occasional laziness. He made enough money to buy two small huts to rent out to tourists so he started slacking off a little bit but that doesn't mean he doesn't give his best when he's on the job. Jay knows many secret and less secret places around the island so he sometimes offers tourists that he takes a liking to or who make an impression on him tours to some of those places.​

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♫ ♪
Name: Brent M. Abel
Age: Twenty-one
Height: 5'11"
Gender: Man
Sexuality: He likes men.
Role: Singer

Distinguishing Features: His skin is tan and his face is clear, thick eyebrows naturally sculpting his face. Eyes of hazel, and lips so sweet. Hair is brown and usually long, and kept free from harsh chemicals. Brent has taught himself how to sing, and prefers to harmonize in groups. When speaking, he has an eccentric way with his words.

Relationships: (TBA after being accepted)

Personality: There is no question that Brent is likable for his honesty, but he has many emotions. He is thankful that he does not let anger or sadness cause problems, for he would rather console the people in his life. His desire to make people laugh and stay keen on funny jokes helps him feel intrinsic to keeping his relationships strong and healthy.

Brent believes in the empowerment of women, and is generally protective of them. He is shy when trying to charm another man, but is getting better at dates the more he goes on them.

Likes: Fruit, plant life, emojis, cute clothes, rain storms, poetry, singing and animals.
Dislikes: Mean people, trickery, and losing in certain video games.

Biography: His father chose not to be a part of his life, although his mother definitely was. Her name is Paula, and she raised Brent in Paris. She owns a company that sells tree seeds and other earthly goods. When Brent was younger, he greatly admired his mothers beautiful orchards in their backyard. They had some of the best produce around, and Paula soon began selling her food at the local market.

Brent was always by his moms side, but he began to rebel in his teenage years. He attended many parties, and started singing when he wasn't in school. Although he didn't graduate high school, his internet videos of him singing caught some attention. The boss of Island Entertainment contacted him, and Brent began singing in a group. Most of their music videos were filmed on the island, but the group disbanded after one album. However, they get together for fun, and perform special galas on the beach or within the serene jungle of the island.

He loves life on the island, and invokes others through encouraging acts of kindness. His music is diverse, but it is cheerful with a bit of flair. Lately he has been wanting to experiment with live instruments, rather than dance beats.
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Name: Sawyer Redmond Matthews
Nickname/s: Red
Age: 19
Height: 6'3"
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Role and occupation on the island: Sawyer was a passenger and on the island plays his guitar often and has some survival skills from Boy Scouts

Distinguishing features or body mods: Has a mandala tattoo covering his shoulder

Relationships: None
Personality: Sawyer is a very laid back kind of guy. He loves to help whenever he can and is quite the extrovert. However, if you do happen to catch him in a bad mood you do not want to get on his bad side, often times the only people who are able to calm him down are his best friends. Sawyer tends to be a little pushy without realizing it and has a bad habit of being too competitive sometimes. He does not like working unless he's doing something he loves, he loves to enjoy life, let loose, and go to parties no matter what he has to do the next day. He wants to find his meaning in life but while doing it, he wants to have fun.

Biography: Sawyer was born in West Valley City, Utah, his mother died shortly after giving birth. His father did a good job of raising him but Sawyer still longs for that female touch of things. Sawyer was about 8 years old when he started becoming interested in traveling, his father didn't fully support his interest, he wanted him to stay with him and run the car shop, but let him do his thing, wanting him to find what he loved and do it. The first time Sawyer left his town, he fell in love with the different places, the feeling, everything. Sawyer's dad let go of the thought of Sawyer taking up the shop and let him travel the only limitation being money. At age 15, Sawyer started working with his dad at his shop, after work he went into the city and saw a flyer posted about a round trip through multiple states, he took one and went to go show his dad. Sadly they didn't have enough money, Sawyer was devastated and kinda lost his love for traveling, content with staying in his small town in Utah. Now Sawyer has grown up and is out of school, he's determined to do something with his life besides stay in one place his whole life.

- Eating
- Kids
- Sunsets
- Partying
- Swimming
- Cars

- Snakes
- Mornings
- Cats
- Small Spaces
- Death
- Greedy People

Fears: Sawyer is claustrophobic and also fears being poisoned by a snake and/or spider
Quirks: Sawyer loves to eat but sometimes can be picky about things. He also says some things without thinking first

"Live with no excuses, travel with no regrets."
Name: Dev Masterson

Age: 21

Height: 6'0"

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Role: Dev was a passenger, and he was in a rock band as a singer. He has also worked as a mechanic for years.

Biography: Dev grew up in Los Angeles, California and received a standard education at a public school there. He got into the party scene and eventually made a cover band with some of his friends that covered things like ska punk, like sublime, to alternative so-cal music like the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Incubus. They got popular and started getting a couple of gigs. Eventually, they wrote some stuff of their own, and their first album was a hit. He was visiting his family, in the pacific, and was making his way back to the States for a tour after their first album. He was also attending community college to become an auto mechanic.

Personality: A very outgoing pacifist and optimist that only tries to help

Likes: Alcohol, parties, music, singing, drums, hard rock, ska, reggae, the beach, summer, cars

Dislikes: The cold, authority, bossy people, claims

Fears: being alone, being hated

Quirks: has a very unique style and will not change what he likes, never hides his interests

Mila Barlow
by ethereal


Name: Mila Louisa Barlow
Nickname: Mila
Age: 21
Gender: cis female
Sexuality: "probably straight" is how Mila would define it
Role and occupation on the island: as a recent island native, Mila fled her life and uncertainty about the future to work freelance as a designer while following her dreams, learning to surf, practice yoga and practicing more island fit activities while hoping to find out more about herself


Eye Color: darkbrown
Hair Color: blonde
Height/Weight: 162 cm (5'3") / 53 kg (117 lbs)
Distinguishing features or body mods: pierced ears (lobe and upper lobe on both ears, and a helix on her right side)


Likes: ✔ Learning and researching ✔ Cooking and baking ✔ Astrology ✔ Pink skies
Dislikes: ✘ Lack of space and alone time ✘ Sports ✘ Shallow people ✘ Cilantro
Personality: Mila was born as a Virgo sun, Pisces moon and Sagittarius ascendant. This means Mila is a true perfectionist and very hardworking and that she always prioritizes well being above everything else. That being her own well being, that of her loved ones and that of the planet. There is a willingness to explore and experiment inside Mila, as she feels the world is filled with adventure, new things to experience and most of all, hope. Mila is a dreamer, an imaginative soul with depths of emotions she does not even understand herself.
Bio: Mila has always been a hardworking girl, striving for the best and a true Virgo, which is why she decided to try to make the cut. Her parents are quite supportive, the only barrier in her life has been Mila herself, as she tends to be overly critical. She grew up with her Dutch mother and British father, older brother and younger sister in a small village near Amsterdam. She is therefor bilingual (English and Dutch), and grew up learning French and German as well. Her level for the latter two however are minimal, which is something Mila would like to change on the island. She studied Design in London after growing up in the Netherlands, and worked for a few years at a design company. However, this did not entirely satisfy her as she felt like she was not learning anything new, and decided to travel and work freelance.
Fears: failing, being disliked, appearing dumb
Quirks: snacking between meals, humming/singing to herself, tucking hair behind ears, doodling
Other: more photos here

Relationships: N/A [until accepted]

©SociallyAwkward + edit by ethereal
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Farrah Sessou


Full Name: Farrah Sessou
Nickname(s): None
Age: 24
Height: 5’8
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Role & Occupation: Former passenger and current doctor
Distinguishing features or body mods: Earlobe piercings

When others first encounter Farrah they see her as a serious and somewhat snobbish person, especially if they're in a work environment. They're somewhat right about her. When it comes to work or other important things Farrah is very serious. She doesn't tolerate foolishness and is somewhat of a perfectionist. She likes to be in control so that things will run more smoothly for her. Given the environment that she grew up in Farrah tends over overwork herself. She rarely takes breaks even if her health is at risk. The young woman couldn’t remember the last time that she didn’t had a vacation.

She’s someone who follows her head rather than her heart. Farrah likes to think things through, she isn’t someone who lets her emotions control her. Bluntness is another trait of hers. Farrah is an honest individual who doesn’t like to beat around the bush. Despite her serious personality she can be suprisingly kind. To those close to her she’s a little more mellow. Her loyalty is hard to gain and hard to lose. She’s protective of her loved ones. Farrah carries herself with grace. She’s a fierce woman who doesn’t back down from a challenge.

History: Farrah was born to two successful parents. Her family was well known for their wealth. Her mother was a brain surgeon and her father a lawyer. They raised their little girl to be the best that she could be. She was somewhat spoiled by her father, much to her mother's dismay. She was sure that it didn't go to her baby girl's head. Farrah was enrolled into a private school where she excelled in her studies. As she grew older it was clear that Alana was as gifted as her parents. She managed to keep her grades on point. In high school she was popular. She went through the typical teenage drama that a teen went through at her age. Alana didn't let it affect her school work though. Eventually she graduated at the top of her class and went on to become a doctor like her mother.


Likes: Wine, R&B, Sunbathing, Crossword puzzles, Mystery novels, Cats
Dislikes: Laziness, Dogs, Not getting anything done, Beer, Most insects, Country music
Fears: Dogs
Quirks: Pacing, Running a hand through her hair, tapping her fingers

coding; allrightsreserved deer deer

Name: Zachary καρχαρίας
Nickname/s: Cutie, Zack.
Age: 21
Height: 5’8”
Gender: Male
Appearance: Black hair dyed violet at the end (like a pinker shade of violet) and long thick bangs over the right eye. Copper colored eyes, scar on right eye from above the upper eyelid to below the lower eyelid, tan skin, full lips, a square face shape, except with a slightly sharper jawline. Wears a classic tuxedo, except with a golden sequin jacket and bow tie.

Sexuality: While he could be romantically/sexually interested in a woman he identifies as homosexual.
Role and occupation on the island: He is a passenger, formerly unemployed and stays unemployed.

Distinguishing features or body mods: scar on right eye from above the upper eyelid to below the lower eyelid.

Relationships: (TBA after being accepted)
Personality: Rude, Flirtatious, Acts crazy.

Biography: Zachary never really knew his parents, as he was in an Orphanage for most of his childhood. He never ended up being adopted, and just left when he was old enough. He has had the same aspiration/ambition for a lot of his life, at least the general idea of it. He’s always wanted to be on T.V, and when he found out about the occupation he’s wanted to be a Game Show Host. Although, most if not all of his ideas have been rather, unorthodox.

Zack has wanted to do things like torture, and anything involving death. After many years, close to when he left the Orphanage, he had settled on what he wanted to do specifically. Currently, he has been recording videos on a little camera of..disturbing violent content against others. He deludes himself with the idea of being a Game Show Host, which is obvious in his videos if you can stay mentally okay watching one.

He got caught once, although he wasn’t caught with anything more than assault and battery. He only got three years, and in that time he was too crazy to care. Zachary even had the delusion that he made friends, although he only met one person called Duncan who he had a obsessive crush on. If he hadn’t been released when he was though, he might’ve tried or even succeeded in escaping on his own. Once he was released, he continued making his videos.

Becoming slightly better, and even just having made a video killing a few daisies and nothing else, he decided he needed to bring on his dark side again. Though he had something else in mind instead, Zack ended up going on on Luxury Cruise where he actually kinda got better. Not what he wanted, and he kept getting annoyed at himself and honestly just wanting the cruise to be over. Being stranded, however, was not what he had expected or hoped for.

Likes: Reality T.V, especially game shows.
Dislikes: Most women, (especially attractive women) and anybody that he feels is superior to him or gets more that him.

Trivia and Other: His voice is like the combination of a game show host and The Joker’s voice.

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