Stranded [Legendless & TheRoleplayingDovah]

"Nah." Jennifer told Cecilia. "But i don't mind listening to any you have." She said to her whilst remaining lying down. She didn't notice that the other woman was moving closer to her and was glad that she had made her laugh. Laughter was what they needed, she believed. "So, do you know any?" She said to Cecila whilst staring at the sky with her hands behind her head.
"Scary stories? Yeah. When I was a kid we'd go camping a lot and so I picked up a few." Cecilia meant it as a joke but if Jennifer was willing to listen she wouldn't mind telling one. "Okay but if you have any nightmares it's not my fault."

"So the story is called Vault Door and it's about this boy who gets locked inside a tomb," she started. She had heard this one through a friend as a kid but she liked it. "So this boy gets a summer job working in a cemetery despite his fear of dead bodies. Even after a week the corpses still freaked him out but he didn't have to go near any. His job was digging graves, sweeping, polishing and cutting grass. Okay stuff. The scariest things for the boy were the vaults. Families would buy them and when they died all the members would be placed inside coffins inside the vaults they owned. Pretty freaky to think about.

"Things were going fine until one day while he was sweeping a vault, a gust of wind blew the door shut. He was trapped in there with the dead bodies. It was his nightmare come true. He screamed and screamed but no one heard him. There was a window but it was too high for him to reach. So he decided to stack the coffins in order to climb them. It was going well, he got them stacked and he climbed up okay until he reached the top coffin. Suddenly his foot goes through and he felt a sharp pain in the leg, probably from the wood and nails. He thought he might fall but he managed to get himself out the window. He limped to the undertaker's house and got himself to the hospital.

"The doctor asked how he got those injuries and the boy said from some wood. The doctor told him 'Those aren't cuts. They're human bite marks.'"

Cecilia paused and looked to Jennifer. "The end."
"I'm sure you would make be feel better if i do have nightmares." Jennifer told Cecilia and listend to her story. "Not that scary." she commented and felt thirsty. She sighed and sat up to look at Cecila. "I hate asking this but do you have any water left?" She asked her.
"Yeah well at ten years old that freaked me out," Cecilia said. She didn't know too many stories now. Right now it seemed she was in the beginning of one. 'Yeah just think like that. You'll sleep well.'

Cecilia looked down at her water bottle and passed it over. She didn't have too much left but she'd feel bad if she didn't share.
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"Thanks." Jennifer said as she accepted the water. She drank a small amount of it and passed it back to Cecilia. "I think I will." She said to her as she laid down on her back and placed both hands behind her head. "Can we look for more water tomorrow? I'm out and i don't want to end up drinking the rest of yours." She said to the woman.
Cecilia took the bottle back. She didn't think Jennifer drank as much as she really wanted to. Finding a stream would be nice, she thought taking a drink herself. It would be much easier than finding food at least. Good thing she still had some granola bars on her. Also they could last without food for a long time than without water or liquids.

"I think we should just sleep and see if tomorrow is better than today," she said, laying down near to the woman. She didn't touch her but their bodies were still close. She was glad for the dark so she didn't see her slight blush. "Looking for water would be good."
"It would." Jennifier said and turned her head to look at the woman. She saw that Cecilia was near her and believed that she just wanted to be near her to avoid feeling lonely. "Hopefully, we'll find one before you run out of water. If not, don't worry about me." She said to Cecilia and looked back at the sky.
Don't worry about her? Cecilia didn't think she could do that. She was raised to help others if they needed it and this was definitely a time where help was needed. She needed it too but she'd feel guilty if she only looked out for herself.

"Hopefully we're find the way back," she said softly. She sighed and closed her eyes wondering if maybe when she woke this would have been a dream. With her luck probably not but it was a nice thought.
"Hopefully." Jennifier said as she looked at the sky. "Night, Cecilia." She said before closing her eyes and falling asleep a few minutes later.
Cecilia did not sleep well. She tossed and turned and most likely crashed into Jennifer's nearby body. At one point in the night she thought she saw something and heard something else but she was too tired to fully understand and by morning she felt it was a dream. What had happened was she saw a bright light overheard above the trees. It moved around as if looking for something but when it came too close to the sleeping woman it vanished. Then she thought she heard the sounds of laughter and shouting. A branch snapped. Someone saying something nearby but she couldn't understand.

She woke almost with a fright as the morning sun was just barely making it's way across the sky. She noticed she had become slightly entangled with her companion and removed herself quietly with a blush. She drank some of her water trying to figure out what the dream meant as she waited for Jennifer to wake up.
Jennifer felt the other woman crashing into her as she slept and suspected she was having a nightmare. "Cecillia, it's alright." She gently told the woman after being woken up by her but after a few minutes of havign no reply, she knew it would be hard to wake her up and didn't want to spend potentially hours tryign to comfort her due to how tired she was. She went back to sleep.

She felt Cecilia becoming slightly entangled with her in the morning and believed that she had hugged her out as a way to comfort herself. "Bad dreams?" She asked the woman as she slowly woke up as Ceilia drank some water.
Cecilia looked down at the ground the water bottle still in her mouth. She wanted to talk about what happened. How it seemed both surreal and real at the same time but she didn't want to sound crazy. She placed the water bottle back into her pack and tried a smile.

"Yeah. I guess maybe the scary story got to me after all. I'm not really good with situations like these."
"Want to talk about it?" Jennifer asked Cecilia whilst feeling thirsty. She crossed her legs and brushed some leaves from her hair as she waited for Cecilia's response.
Cecilia thought about it. She looked up at the sky picturing the lights she had been coming from it. Maybe she was dreaming about aliens? Who knew.

"It just kind of felt like I was being watched. Like someone was looking not for me, but at me. Trying to see what I'm doing and what I'll do. It was pretty creepy." She shivered thinking about it.
"That's a bit odd. Prehaps it's just being lost that is causing it." Jennifer said to Cecilia before trying to hug her in an attempt to comfort the poor woman. "Let's try to find a stream today." She said afterwards.
Cecilia was surprised by the hug but she leaned into it gladly. It was probably being lost that was doing this to her. She wasn't good with stressful situations and this was a bad one.

"Yeah sounds good." She had no idea how to locate one but maybe they'd get lucky. She stood and brushed the dirt off, trying to decide a direction.
"Hopefully, we'll find one." Jennifer said as she hugged Cecilia. Afterwards, she brushed the dirt off her jeans and said "So, let's go find a stream." She felt thirsty and really didn't want to use the rest of Cecilia's water. She hoped they could find a stream today.
Cecilia nodded. She started off in a direction at random. She wasn't sure how to go about searching for a stream. Maybe if they followed animals. Animals had to drink as well. And she was sure that they'd heard the water if they got close enough. The thought of dying of dehydration momentarily crossed her mind but she didn't dwell. That wouldn't happen for another day or so if they ran out of water today.

"At least it's peaceful here," Cecilia commented, not really to Jennifer but just outloud.
"It is." Jennifer said to Cecillia as she walked with her. She kept an ear and an eye out for any signs of a stream or a river that looked like it contained drinkable water. Her stomach rumbled and she ignored it to avoid depriving Cecilia of her food. "Wonder if there is a lake nearby?" She mused to herself.
"Oh if there is a lake nearby maybe we can bathe in it?" Cecilia wasn't prissy like some of her friends but she had just slept on the ground. Getting clean wasn't a priority but it'd be nice in addition to drinking water. "Maybe we can also find some berries or something. Do you remember learning anything about which types to avoid?"
"Bathing in it would be nice." Jennifer said to Cecillia as she walked with her. "I don't really know to be honest and knowing my luck, i'll get the berries that cause me to soil myself." She informed the woman. She hoped that they could find a lake to bathe in due to random bits of the forrest floor being stuck in her hair and the back of her shirt was a bit dirty as a result of sleeping on the ground.
Cecilia didn't like the sound of that. Soiling herself. Even with another person. She looked around for a moment trying to remember is she learned anything about edible foods. If they could find nuts that would be good. If only they could kill an animal to eat. Cecilia wasn't against killing a rabbit but she didn't know how or how to cook on once caught.

"I just hope we find something before nightfall. We only have so long before we starve to death. Although dehydration comes first I believe."
"So do I." Jennifer said to Cecilla as they walked through the forrest. "With any luck, we'll find a nice cool lake with drinkable water by the end of toda." She told the woman as she felt the need to go. "This is kinda embarrassing but i er... I need to go and, you know." She told Cecilla as she blushed slightly at the prospect of having to tell her that she needed to go to the toilet. She didn't want to risk losing sight of her and being lost by herself.
"Or a person," she muttered to herself. The thought of finding someone else was not as good as it sounded. Especially if they didn't know much easier. She looked at Jennifer when she spoke and her face warmed. She made a gesture of "go ahead".

"Ah. I'll wait here. Too bad there isn't any toilet paper. I don't have anything substitutes either. Sorry." The thought of knowing she'd have to do the same soon was not appealing.
"Thanks." Jennifer said as she walked to the nearest bush and went to do her bussiness behind it. After a few minutes, she returned to Cecilla whilst blushing a bit. "Sorry." She sheepishly said to Cecilla. She knew it was a bit awkard for both women and just wanted to move on. "If we do find a lake, i think we could sleep near it tonight." She said to the woman with a smile.

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