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Stony and Hulkeye

"I suppose you're right...How about that nice place with the patios and paths? Then, after dinner, we can go for a walk." Steve suggested, putting the fruit away. "And you know that we're going to be the same way when our baby comes."

Bruce nodded, ready to get out of the house and have a special night before his omega gave birth. "Sure. Do you want to?"
"Sure, that sounds pretty nice." Tony agreed, releasing his mate a moment to stretch out his limbs. "Let Clint and Bruce know and find out when they wanna meet up."

Clint nodded his head, knowing this may as well be his very last night out. "We might as well, I doubt I'm going to be going anywhere for awhile after this."
Steve smiled and kissed his mate before relaxing against the counter. "We were thinking the place with the paths. Are you guys cool with that?" he called out.

Bruce nodded in agreement. He knew that Clint wouldn't be able to leave the house after that week. The pregnancy would just be too hard on his body for it and after, Clint was going to want to stay home with him and the baby. "Are you okay with that place?"
"That's good. How about we meet in the lobby im about twenty minutes?" Clint questioned, smoothing out his shirt where he stood before looking at Bruce for approval.

"That works. See you soon." Tony turned towards his mate, grabbing his wrist and pulling him back towards the bedroom. "Alright, babe, better get dressed real quick."
Bruce smiled and nodded. His mate looked nice, his pregnant belly fitting nicely in the shirt. He looked very good and very pregnant. "Perfect. Can you help me pick out what I'm going to wear?" he asked. The doctor wanted to keep his omega distracted a bit so he wouldn't stsrt thinking things about how he looked.

Steve rolled his eyes as he was tugged into his and Tony's bedroom. He looked through their clothes and quickly picked out nice clothes for both of them. Nothing too extravagant, but it was nicer than their casual dress. "Put these on." he told his alpha, throwing the clothes at him before getting changed.
Clint smiled softly and nodded, walking with his mate to their bedroom. He went to their closet to find something for his mate to wear, picking out an ordinary shirt and a blazer. After getting the alpha dressed, Clint ran his hands down his chest. "I love it when you get all dressed up nice. I miss wearing clothes that didn't make me look like a balloon."

Tony obediently got changed into the outfit his mate selected for him, knowing better than to argue with him. Plus, he hated picking out his own clothes, though he sometimes gave Steve a hard time. Like now. "You do know I'm a big boy that can pick his clothes oht, right Steve?"
"Hush, Clint. You look nothing like a balloon. You look like a beautiful omega who is carrying an equally beautiful baby. You have nothing to be self conscious about." Bruce said, kissing his mate. He checked himself out in the mirror and after giving it his approval, he turned back around. "Let's go."

Steve rolled his eyes as he straightened out his clothes in the mirror before turning to do the same for Tony. "You're like a little kid sometimes, you know that?" The blonde fixed Tony's hair a little before patting his chest and giving him a kiss.
"I'm just saying. I love feeling her as apart of me, but she makes me feel a bit bloated." Clint laughed, linking arms with his mate as they walked towards the elevator. He held onto his pectoral, sighing softly. "Tonight will be fun, it's been so long since we went out."

"Well, I hope you get used to it. You've got one inside you now." Tony teased, nipping his mate's ear as he went up alongside him, an arm around his waist as they walked towards the elevator. "They'll be more childish than me, y'know."
Bruce chuckled and let Clint's arm slide through his. "I don't think bloated is the word." he said, looking down at his mate. "I'm glad you're excited. I want you to have a good time out with friends." When they got to the lobby, the other couple was already there.

"Yes, but if I'm only pregnant with one, why do I have two children?" Steve walled in sync with his alpha, his steps a bit faster because of the height difference. It wasn't hard to keep up with Tony now and he was actually comfortable with his pace.
"What do you mean by that?" Clint asked with a raise of his brow, rubbing his stomach as they entered the lobby.

"You don't have two. Just a mate that's young at heart." Tony grinned teasingly, walking over to meet with Clint and Bruce who were across the lobby. "I'm almost surprised you two wanted to go out," Tony chuckled, "I thought Clint might be wore out."

Clint shook his head. "I wanted to go out before I got too close to my due date."
"In my medical studies, I've never heard of a baby coming from a mother that is simply bloated." Bruce teased before Tony and Steve came closer. "Clint has energy to rival yours, Tony. You better watch what you say because after the baby comes, I won't stop my omega from attacking you."

Steve laughed and gently pushed Tony towards the other couple. "Why wait? I'm sure Clint can take him." Steve turned and looked at Clint. "Please take him!" The blonde playfully begged.
"I'm just saying, that's how she makes me feel sometimes." Clint snickered at his mate's and the other couple's antics and shook his head. "Please, I can barely walk down the stairs without getting outta breath. But thanks for the confidence boost." The omega laughed.

Tony looked a bit offended that he was practically thrown under the bus. "Thanks for the back up, guys."
Steve rolled his eyes and kissed Tony. He wrapped his arms around the man's shoulders. "Oh, stop. Even though your pouting is very cute, we didn't mean it. Come on." He turned towards Bruce and Clint. "Let's head to the restaurant."

Bruce nodded and rapped his arm around Clint's waist as much as he could. He enjoyed the weight he felt, a secret smile creeping onto his lips. "Yeah, let's head out." he said, leading Clint to where their driver was waiting with the car.
Soon they were all piled into the car and were on the short ride to the restaurant. When they arrived Tony helped his mate out, an arm wrapping around his waist as he led them inside.

Clint went to the door, waiting for Bruce to help him climb out before leaning against him while they walked towards the entrance. "Are we eating in or outside?" He asked curiously.
"I was thinking outside. It's very beautiful tonight." Steve said. It was a nice warm temperature with a cool breeze, perfect weather for being outside.

Bruce nodded in agreement, gently guiding his mate inside the restaurant. "It is very beautiful. The next week or so is supposed to be humid and hot." As they waited to be seated, Bruce held his omega close, examining the people in the building.
Clint hated the sound of hot and humid, knowing it was going to be anything but comfortable with how big he was. When they were seated Clint scooted his chair close to his mate's, taking the menu and looking it over.

Tony pulled the chair out for his mate when they were seated before taking the spot next to him, looking around at the atmosphere. "You picked a good one, Steve. Nice job."
Bruce shared the menu with Clint, his arm wrapped around his omega as they looked through the food options. "The steak sounds like something you'd like. It has the seasoning I usually put on the things I make you."

Steve smiled and picked up his menu. "The food here is so good. I think I'll have the salmon. That sounds delicious." The blonde was happy that his alpha approved, his omega side purring with pride.
"Hah, you know me too well. I was thinking about that before we even got here." Clint licked his lips hungrily, more than ready to order. "What are you going to get?" There was a huge chance Clint would steal off his mate's plate if it was something he liked...

"I'm thinking lobster," Tony grinned, rubbing his mate's knee beneath the table. "Eh, maybe not really actually. I don't know what I want...recommend me something, Steve."
"I was thinking about getting the pork chops. I haven't had those in a long while." Bruce knew Clint was going to steal some of his food, so he wanted something big and that they would both like.

"How about the...seafood plate? That way, we can share." Steve liked the thought of having seafood varieties on once plate. It was obviously too big for him or Tony to finish alone, so he figured they could share.
The waiter soon brought bread and their drinks, and Clint was the first one to go for a piece, moaning in pleasure when he took a bite. "This is really good. Nice and warm." He gushed to the others, maybe a little to enthusiastic about bread.

"Yeah, then we can share dessert." Tony winked at his mate, taking a long sip of the cocktail he was brought. "Though I don't know if you'll be willing to." Tony joked.
Bruce swallowed thickly at the moan his mate gave. The doctor had tensed up and was biting back a groan. Why was his omega such an incredible turn on? To distract himself, he picked up some bread also. "That is good."

Steve nudged Tony in the ribs with his elbow before taking some bread. His reaction was identical to Clint. "This is really good. " he agreed, taking another bite with a moan just like the first time.
Tony smiled keenly at both omegas, glancing in Bruce's direction with a knowing glance as he nudged his foot under the table. He was pretty damn sure the guy was pent-up, seeing as he was practically drooling over Clint moaning about some bread. "I can tell everyone really enjoys the bread."

Clint nodded his head, sipping the drink the waiter brought him in the mean time. "It's fresh. That's always the best."
Bruce looked at Tony and nodded as hit foot was nudged. He straightened up and cleared his throat. It took him a bit, but he finally calmed himself down enough to be normal again. "Is everyone ready to order?"

Steve nodded, leaning against his mate. He was enjoying himself a lot and they hadn't even ordered yet. The omega was happy they could all go out together while they still had time. "I'm ready."
When they all had their orders in, Clint helped gather the menus to hand back to the waiter. Then he rested back in his chair, hands rubbing soothing circles into his stomach. "So, do you guys have any baby names you like? Me and Bruce have been reading through all those baby name books, there are some interesting ones."

Tony stroked his chin and pointed out, "Oh, yeah. I believe we decided on Anthony Jr if it's a boy, and Antonia if it's a girl. Isn't that right Steve?"
"No, that's not right. I haven't really thought of any as contenders. I do like names that start with 'j', though. They're soft, but strong." Steve answered. He was considering Anthony, but he didn't want his child to think they had to live up to the name. It wouldn't be fair.

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