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Graded [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) – Our Battle Shalt Be Legendary!

This RP is part of the Isekai Hell universe. Check the links above to learn more about it.

Events take place directly after The Start Of Something New.

The goal is to have short RP detailing the legendary battle between the NPC Ethel and character Aria, with Aria fighting to gain the respect of Ethel (and of the guards observing their battle).

The character Regula Caelia shall be present as an IC spectator. Others may join if they desire to do so, but no additional plot shall be added for their inclusion (they'd have to just watch or entertain themselves amongst each-other).

Just Outside of Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Just outside of Capital Town: Stonewall.
Time: 16:00 Weather: Clear skies. A mild breeze.
Mentions: Aria RavenSong RavenSong

The air was a tad bit chilly, as a slight breeze went across the plains. A surprising amount of people had gathered on these fields just outside the city walls. It's where Ethel had told Aria to go as well, claiming it was the ideal location for their legendary battle. Aria would spot multiple townsfolk, some familiar faces, but predominantly unfamiliar ones. She'd only been here for a single morning, after all. The townsfolk had likely been starved for some entertainment and were eager to see what this new 'Marshall' had to offer in the 'epic battle' that Ethel had been loudly advertising up until now.

Most notable among all the spectators, was that there were more guards now. Some had been fetched from their homes by Sherwood, others had returned from patrolling the city's surroundings. All in all, Aria had quite the audience. Regula was also among their number, standing besides Rosalia. They were talking about something, but they kept their voices hushes, so Aria wouldn't be able to hear unless she'd approach them.

Meanwhile, Ethel was already standing at the ready. She'd gotten here early. The moment Aria arrived, Ethel called out.


“Aha, there they art, fiend! I commend thee for thy bravery! Not many wouldest dareth to face the great Ethel!”

She then turned to the crowd spreading her arms open with dramatic flair. “Behold, fine people of Stonewall! It is the mithril-legged fiend, my challenger! Our battle shalt be legendary! Thou shalt be shown a fight that'll shaketh this very nation on its foundations!”

She then pointed her sword at Aria. “With the gods and these people as our witnesses, let us repeat our oaths! Should thy win, I shalt place myself underneath thy command! Should they lose, thou shalt become mine noble steed! Doest thou agreeth?”
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A chilly breeze blew upon Arias face as she made her way closer and closer to the designated location. It was no surprise that many would be there, at least, everyone that would at some point or another be influenced by her authority should she win this contest. At last she came to a great clearing. Not a bad place for a 'legendary battle'. Aria thought, as she adjusted the leather gloves on her hand, before adjusting the one on her leg.

Her snow white hair swayed as her stern green orbs rested upon Ethel who cheered on boasting and hyping up the event. Aria was beginning to be a little amused, as a faint smile drew upon her lips. Perhaps the smile came from the thought of an opponent worthy of her attention. Surely, she must be good to command such influence upon the people of this town. A thought that seemed to come and go like the birds on her window at her home town of Highgrove.


Aria would notice Regula and Rosalia, suddenly her anxiety kicked in a little. Blinking maybe a little bit more than usual as the pressure to win settled into her mind. But she would take a deep breath and exhale, before nodding towards them, and turning to face her challenger. As anxiety made way to determination, Aria's called out towards Ethel.

"You'll find that I'm more than just brave, Ethel. I ask that you reconsider this foolishness."

Aria gripped at her katana's handle before drawing the familiar blade suddenly, with impressive control and balance she sliced at the wind to her side.

Aria's eyes widened upon making her repeat their agreement, then widening her stance she regained her composure "Hmph. I agree to these terms."

Deciding that since everyone here considered her a foreigner she felt compelled to introduce herself to the crowd that gathered, "Contrary to your demeaning titles, my name is Aria.. Marshal Aria Barlow, and all of these people you've gathered here today will witness your defeat."

She'd pull the katana down pointing at Ethel as both of her hands held the blade. "Prepare yourself!"

Deciding to make the first move, she charged with all of her might towards the knight. With a roar she closed the gap between her opponent to just within 30 feet of her dagger throw. She quickly evaluated where to best place the dagger, deciding to aim in between the broad sections of her plate armor. Bringing forth her rigorous training, all of the sword maidens movements were muscle memory. [Action 1]

Then she'd follow up with two melee slashes. [Katana C]. [Action 2 & 3]

  • Ethereal Blade - Fighting Style - Throwing Daggers D - Range 30ft E - Blight (Ethereal) F - Hot Shot F - Gear D (Throwing Daggers) - Steady Hands D - Pulls a dagger from her sash, imbuing it with fiery ethereal energy as she perceives a weak point on the target until before calling out her ability name to finalize the strike.- Grade D- 1 post cooldown (Energized D) 0/1
Just Outside of Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Just outside of Capital Town: Stonewall.
Time: 16:00 Weather: Clear skies. A mild breeze.
Mentions: Aria RavenSong RavenSong


Reconsider? Preposterous! Ethel would definitely not do such a dishonourable thing. “Thy words art uttered in vein, fiend!” She replied aloud. Her conviction was stronger than that. A broad smile adorned her lips when she heard Aria agree to the terms once more. That smile flinched ever so slightly when she got surprised by Aria's eagerness to make the first move...

The daggers managed to soar toward Ethel uninterrupted, yet just before they seemed to strike her, they bounced off against some form of barrier. “I am the keeper of the Stonewall, guardian of life!” Ethel called out, getting ready to intercept the next two attacks. Both strikes with the katana clashed against the barrier, but they didn't manage to pierce it. For the slightest moment, it looked like Ethel flinched at the ferocity of these attacks, but she quickly pulled herself back together. “Thou art no weakling, but thy attacks shalt not pierce mine defence!”

Aria Attack
D Precision (throwing weapons based off of precision) = 3 Effectiveness.
D Grade Daggers = 3 Effectiveness
D Grade Ability (Ethereal Blade) = 3 base + 1 blight = 4 Effectiveness
= 10 Total Effectiveness

Team-up Bonus for double Katana attack = +2 Effectiveness
Total = 12 Effectiveness

Ethel Defence
B Vitality = 5 Effectiveness
C Armour = 4 Effectiveness
C Ability = 4 Effectiveness
Total = 13 Effectiveness

C Cooldowns (Energised)
Barrier C / Selective C (0/2)

Having managed to defend, Ethel hoisted her sword up, ready to go on the offensive. “Thou shalt fall!” She yelled, as she swung her sword towards Aria in a mighty arc, ready cleave through her opponent's defences... only to lose her balance due to the combined weight of her armour and weapon and tumble forwards, falling flat on her face in front of Aria... (No counter-attack this turn.)
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Retili Loxinofican
Elvario Elvario RavenSong RavenSong

Retili assessed the battle from the stands. With his brief battle experience, he figured if Aria could stay mobile enough that Ethel had a difficult time attacking her the duel would go her way in the long run. Without knowing the fighting style of either he figured that the best way to defeat Ethel in her heavy armor would be to wear her out. That said this duel didn't seem to be being fought with training weapons, so there was a real danger of someone being injured or killed. He folded his arms as he took a seat in the stands to watch. Nearby his guards stood at the ready, though their weapons were being rested on the ground with pikes and guns held only partially in one hand. The opening strikes were interesting. Ethel clearly had some sort of barrier to an attack and Aria was definitely the better fighter. This was made clear when the so called "Keeper of Stonewall" failed to correct for the weight of her weapon and fell flat on her face, which couldn't have felt good in a full helm and plate armor. A slight smile touched his lips.

When Aria noticed the flying blades ricochet off the barrier surrounding Ethel, Aria gasped. She'd only ever seen magic like this since her last encounter, which was in the burning forest. Notably, the one named Rowan amongst their party. The sword maiden would, then follow up with two strikes, provoking the same futile effect upon the solid barrier. In a defensive stance, she began stepping back, bracing for whatever counter attack Ethel had at her disposal.

When the guard raised her sword to begin her charge, Aria's eyes widened with surprise as Ethel attempted a very risky swing at her, she would have attempted to teleport to dodge. But something didn't seem right about her stance in conjunction with the weight she had upon her in the form of heavy armor. Her opponent fell forward, flat on her face as the sword fell upon the ground with a clang.

Aria's head tilted, looking down at the fallen Ethel, then at the crowd, before looking down once more and tapping the tip of her sword against the guards helmet. Prompting a series of clink clink clink sounds into her skull. "On your feet soldier, not a good time to falter." Aria said sternly, while she remained on alert. It wasn't uncommon that fighters attempted to surprise their opponent by bluffing. Aria curiously searched for a sign of breathing, but it was difficult to notice through the heavy armor. "But may I recommend you change your stance, and instead of large, arced, wide swings, take a step forward with every slash. Your balance is off."

Aria figured at this point that the crowd wasn't exactly getting the spectacle they were promised, she attempted a smile but it was no use. She stepped away from Ethel, still facing her with katana drawn. "Hmm. Looks like I've won."
Just Outside of Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Just outside of Capital Town: Stonewall.
Time: 16:00 Weather: Clear skies. A mild breeze.
Mentions: Aria RavenSong RavenSong


On her feet? Hah! Preposterous. This was totally all part of her plan. Definitely. No doubt. Before the first hit could tap her helmet, Ethel sank into the ground, leaving only a tunnel in her wake (E ability). Indeed, she wasn't a one-trick pony! She definitely had at leats one more trick up her sleeves!

As she made her way through the earth, she got ready to attack Aria unseen and from below. Who'd need to swing swords when she could just launch herself sword-first out of the ground? Muahaha! She'd show this mithril-legged fiend not to underestimate her again! With force, she busted out of the ground sword-first, ready to hit Aria with a mighty attack from below!

Ethel Attack
Strength B = 5 Effectiveness
Sword C = 4 Effectiveness
Ability D = 3 Effectiveness base (+1 against vitality defence (penetrating) | +1 against speed defence (accurate).
= 12 to 13 Effectiveness

Aria Defence

C Cooldowns (Energised) (1/2)
[Barrier C / Selective C]
D Cooldowns (Energised) (0/1)
[Fighting Style [Keeper of Stonewall] D (Blind Fighter, Penetrating F, Accurate F, Incurable D, Knockback D (+4m, 1 action), Reach F (10 ft / 3 m)) - Special Movement [Upwards Lunge] F / Tunnelling D / Control Environment D / Supersense [Tremorsense] D] – 2 Actions total
E Cooldowns (Energised) (0/1)
[Tunnelling E / Control Environment E / Supersense [Tremorsense] E]

Regula Caelia

As she was watching the battle, she couldn't help smiling. She knew Ethel's strategy would de doomed against Aria. After all, she herself had been part of the process that'd make this a very infective way to attack her friend. “I'd almost feel sorry for the girl...” She mumbled, expecting Ethel's inbound doom.
Before Aria could tap at the guards helmet, she vanished into the ground like some type of gopher leaving a tunnel in her wake. Aria gasped, immediately realizing this guards foul trick. She'd take a few steps back, before intuitively activating [Pre-Cognition F] her mind accelerating as she began to experience the world with a couple of seconds of latency. [Action 1]

Just then, Ethel exploded out of the earth, but not before Aria had activated [Mithril Legs B - Jumping E] effectively jumping out of range. [Action 2] [Mithril Legs - Jumping E 0/1

She'd regain her stance and return on offensive, this time activating her spirit powers and infusing them into her next move. Taking the butt of her sword she'd strike at her opponents side, using [Ethereal Arrest] To immobilize the guard. [Action 3]
  • Ethereal Arrest - Fighting Style [Swords E] - [Incapacitating F] - [Teleport F] - [Steady Hands E] - [Focus F] - [Energized D] - Aria teleports to her target, striking a weak point to immobilize it. - Grade E - 0 Cooldown [Energized D] 0/0
Just Outside of Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Just outside of Capital Town: Stonewall.
Time: 16:00 Weather: Clear skies. A mild breeze.
Mentions: Aria RavenSong RavenSong

The moment Ethel went underground, Regula activated the [Tremorsense B] on her boots, wanting to continue to spectate both combatants even if one of them was hidden from sight. She was somewhat expecting Aria to do the same, but the sword-maiden took a different course of action.


As Ethel suddenly burst from the ground, Aria managed to jump aside in the nick of time. The sword's reach was almost trimming off Aria's hairs as the stab extended past its normal range. Ethel, in turn, spotted the knight's incoming counterattack, but was blinded by the sudden sunlight in her eyes after having tunnelled in utter dark just a while back. The best Ethel could do was to put up a quick barrier (E) to protect herself... which turned out to be just enough. Due to using the bud of her blade, Aria's katana bounced off of the barrier.

“Thy fiend! Doest thou useth even the sun against me!” Ethel called out, blinking desperately to get some of her sight back. “Thou shalt pay!” This time, she didn't make the same mistake as before. She'd teach this fiend! Having learned from last time, she wouldn't try to swing her sword in a downwards arc again. Instead, she'd hold her sword in front of her and charge straight at Aria! … except for the fact she'd left a tunnel in her wake. A tunnel she'd forgotten about and didn't spot due to her eyes still readjusting to the sunlight.

As she was about to rush at Aria, her left foot slipped into the recently-made tunnel, throwing her off balancing and sending her tumbling to the ground in front of Aria once more. “Ugh... Fiend!” She'd yell, before meeting the soil face-first once more. No counter-attack during this turn.

Ethel Attack
Strength B = 5 Effectiveness
Sword C = 4 Effectiveness
Ability D = 3 Effectiveness base (+1 against speed defence (accurate) -1 against precognition).
Total = 12 Effectiveness

Aria Defence
Speed A = 6 Effectiveness (-1 from Ethel's Accurate, +1 from precognition = 6 total)
Mithril Legs B = 5 Effectiveness
Ability E = 2 Effectiveness
Total = 13 Effectiveness

Aria Attack
Strength B = 5 Effectiveness
Katana C = 4 Effectiveness (/2 due to using the bud) = 2 Effectiveness
Ability D = 3 Effectiveness
(Note: E abilities are on cool-down due to Jumping E, but it has Energised D in it, so it can be counted as a D one, which just got off cool-down.)
Incapacitating effect = none (character grade too high for grade of incapacitating).
= 10 Effectiveness

Ethel Defence
B Vitality = 5 Effectiveness
C Armour = 4 Effectiveness
E Ability = 2 Effectiveness
Total = 11 Effectiveness

Ethel CD's (Energised B)
C Cooldowns (Energised) (2/2)
D Cooldowns (Energised) (1/1)
E Cooldowns (Energised) (0/0)
Barrier E / Selective E

Aria CD's (Energised D)
C Cooldowns (0/3)
D Cooldowns (Energised) (0/1)
Ethereal Arrest - Fighting Style [Swords E] - [Incapacitating F] - [Teleport F] - [Steady Hands E] - [Focus F] - [Energized D] - Aria teleports to her target, striking a weak point to immobilize it. - Grade D - 0 Cooldown [Energized D] 0/0
E Cooldowns (Energised) (0/0)
Jumping E
F Cooldowns (Energised) (0/-1) – two per post
Precognition F
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Retili Loxinofican
Elvario Elvario RavenSong RavenSong

Retili was surprised by the sudden cunning of the guard as he considered whether the attack was a ruse to set Aria up for a surprise. Her disappearing into the ground and the attack was a failure though, as Aria jumped out of reach. A flashing counter-attack from the newly minted marshall bounced off a barrier put up by the guard captain and Retili was hopeful that the battle was finally heating up. At least he was until Ethel stumbled into a tunnel and fell flat on her face again. The advisor shook his head as he watched the guard captain lay in the dirt of the field once again. He hoped that the Marshall would be capable of whipping her and her guards into shape. Otherwise he wasn't sure how this lot would defend against even a common thief, let alone something as dangerous as a monster.
Screenshot 2022-12-19 at 12.22.30 AM.png
Elvario Elvario conman2163 conman2163 RavenSong RavenSong
It was likely true that a bit of a thud could be heard as the [Large] golem walked through just outside of Stonewall. The construct wasn't really sure what he was looking for at this point, perhaps the next place where he could help more people like back at that last village. He'd probably need to get another what his civilization would have called 'offerings" soon. Since he had traveled a great distance prior and his system wasn't entirely at full efficiency yet it seemed. Perhaps it was to be expected after so many years of being inactive. He hadn't even been awake for that long in the grand scheme of things. Hopefully the systems would warm up soon enough.

The golem paused however when it heard the sound of fighting. There also appeared to be several spectators. The golem kept a distance from the crowd and looked over to see what was going on, not wanting to get too close in case it would cause problems. He was quite tall and the landscape was quite flat so that probably helped with the view anyway. There were also some people with armor who were armed which the golem knew well enough not to disturb if he could help it. For the time being. this seemed to be the safest option in this place that was still quite foreign from his time.
Ryan Kylieth

Ryan decided to step out of the smithy holding Gobán's orders under his arm in a leather case, he needed a breather after what just happened inside that building. The city looked particularly barren. Did something happen? After asking around, he discovered there was a duel between the current leader of the city and the Baroness' aide. Curious, he walked to the place instructed, and sure enough, there was a small crowd gathered spectating the duel. Ryan wasn't very battle savvy, but even he could notice that things weren't looking great for the guard leader. He also noticed that rocky mass staring at the duel from afar.

Regardless, he then looked at the crowd. Spotting Regula, and her other aide, he walked over to them. He had something to inform her, after all. "Excuse me, Lady Caelia?" he announced himself "Sorry to interrupt this... situation. But I have news for you." he paused for a moment "Remember how I told you I wasn't the local blacksmith?" Remembering what led to this, his face flushed with a light red "Well, I am now. In this case, there are orders that the local blacksmith wants me to do, he wants me to be his successor. And here..." He showed the key of the building to her "Is the key to the building" As he put the key away, he added "I suppose that officially makes me be at your service. If you think I can be of help, do let me know... Also..." He glanced at the blue giant looking at the duel "We have a... peculiar spectator, in case you're not aware of it"

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Jumping just out of range, she could almost feel the cold steel as it barely missed her face by a few inches. Due to the fact she was under the effect of her precognition she'd see her own reflection upon the broad side of the sword in front of her face which barely touched the ends of her hair. This was when Aria realized Ethel was really trying to strike her down. Somewhere in this little lady's mind, she'd convinced herself that Aria was an enemy. This wasn't a duel, this was quickly looking like a fight to the death.

When Aria landed on her feet, she grunted, a passionate rage welling within her, "Ethel! I will not hold back any longer! This is your last warning!" the sword maiden exclaimed as the guard appeared to gather her ability to see. But Ethel was indeed, a stubborn one, certainly her energy and dedication were respectable but she was obviously in need of training. But this wasn't a training situation.

Aria would go on the defensive as Ethel charged, but to much of her embarrassment the guard once again lost her footing and began to fall. Thats when Aria decide to charge, effectively going on the offensive.

The sword maiden saw her chance and would take advantage of the guards fall by suddenly teleporting to her opponents side, with a flash, Aria disappeared and re-appeared, katana drawn behind her before slashing upwards at the guards armor with a fierce roar. Perhaps with a bit of luck, it wouldn't prove fatal. [Lucky 3/4] [Action 1]
  • Teleport Strike - Fighting Style - Swords F - Teleport F 10ft- Energized E - Steady Hands E - Teleports within a 10ft distance of target before slashing target with equipped blade. Grade E - 0 post cool down [Energized D]
After the slash, she'd teleport to the opposite side of the guard; towards where she would be falling from the other side and follow up with yet another strike that was much more intentional, as she deciphered the best place to strike to paralyze her opponent. [Action 2]
  • Fighting Style [Swords F] - [Incapacitating F] - [Teleport F] - [Steady Hands F] - [Focus F] - [Energized F] - Aria teleports to her target, striking a weak point to immobilize it. - Grade F - 0 Cooldown
After the paralyzing offensive, Aria immediately continued her attack, raising her sword, the maiden would fake a follow up strike. Pretending to bring down the sword next, she would unexpectedly use her [Mithril Legs B] to launch a heavy kick into the guards body, with the intention to make her fall over. [Action 3]
Just Outside of Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Just outside of Capital Town: Stonewall.
Time: 16:30 Weather: Clear skies. A mild breeze.
Mentions: Aria RavenSong RavenSong

As more people arrived to spectate, the battle... didn't exactly heat up. Mostly due to Ethel being preoccupied hugging the ground for most of it. “Have at thee!” Came the muffled reply as Ethel was trying to get up and pull her helmet back properly, as it was now covering almost her entire face, having fallen forwards. It's why she wasn't in time to get another barrier up before Aria's incoming attack.

Aria wouldn't need her luck to save Ethel, however, as instead, she'd need to luck to pierce through the armour... which she succeeded in doing. With a loud ripping noise, she somehow managed to rip through some of armour and loosen it up enough to fall off, leaving Ethel without the plate-mail armour on her torso. The girl had good instincts though, as she immediately brought up her arms to try and defend with the plate-mail on those, only for the armour to slide off from her arms and legs as well, now that the torso piece wasn't holding everything together.

Aria Attack
Strength B = 5 Effectiveness
Katana C = 4 Effectiveness
Ability E = 2 Effectiveness + 2 team-up bonus from follow-up attacks + 1 from luck
Total = 14 Effectiveness

Ethel Defence
B Vitality = 5 Effectiveness
C Armour = 4 Effectiveness
Total = 9 Effectiveness (falling short by 5)

Aria attacks armour so damage goes there, Ethel armour B – 5 Grades => Broken)
B Vitality = 5 HP

Ethel CD's (Energised B)
C Cooldowns (Energised) (0/2)
D Cooldowns (Energised) (0/1)
E Cooldowns (Energised) (0/0)

Aria CD's (Energised D)
C Cooldowns (0/3)
D Cooldowns (Energised) (1/1)
E Cooldowns (Energised) (0/0)
Teleport Strike - Fighting Style - Swords F - Teleport F 10ft- Energized E - Steady Hands E - Teleports within a 10ft distance of target before slashing target with equipped blade. Grade E - 0 post cool down [Energized E]
F Cooldowns (Energised) (0/-1) – two per post
Fighting Style [Swords F] - [Incapacitating F] - [Teleport F] - [Steady Hands F] - [Focus F] - [Energized F] - Aria teleports to her target, striking a weak point to immobilize it. - Grade F - 0 Cooldown

“Thou hast not defeated me! Without mine armour, I hath becometh speed!” She claimed, as she got in a fighting stance once more.

Ezekiel Hayward

“THAT'S ENOUGH!” A man suddenly commanded from the audience that'd gathered.

Ethel was confused for a split second, then she turned and saluted. “Yes, sir!”

The man sighed, heading over to Aria, giving her a polite bow. “I'm sorry about that ma'am, she can be rather troublesome, but she means well. I'm also sorry about my late introduction. I was out on patrol to check for wolves that might've been living too close to one of our villages, which she was supposed to relay.” He shot a glare at Ethel, who'd immediately stammered back;

“I hath told them that thee and thine guards wereth patrolling...”

“Did she really do so?” He asked, clearly doubting her words. Ethel technically sort-off relayed that information, although she also made it sound like she herself was the guard captain, despite never directly claiming to be so and instead using her self-given titles for whatever reason.

“Regardless, I should introduce myself. I'm Ezekiel Hayward, Captain of guard of the Thorne... apologies, Caelia Barony. Ethel here is my apprentice. I would've introduced myself sooner, but you were already duelling and I wasn't sure if I should interrupt or not.”

He then turned towards Regula. “My apologies towards you as well, baroness Caelia. Please forgive me and my men for this shameful behaviour.”

Regula Caelia

All things considered, Regula was already glad that her suspicion was correct. Ethel wasn't the actual captain. She did doubt Ezekiel's words, wondering if he wasn't just observing from a distance out of curiosity, but decided to let it slide. “You're forgiven, but I expect you to cooperate with my knight from now on, so that I won't be seeing such a shameful display again.”

Ezekiel smiled a bit, turning back to Aria. “You heard the baroness. We'll be at your command, madam. How'd you prefer we address you by?”

Ethel, meanwhile, was clearly having trouble making eye-contact with anyone. If anything, it seemed like... were those tears forming in her eyes..?

Mentions: Ryan Rev IX Rev IX | Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Regula's attention was soon drawn elsewhere. “Yes?” She replied, a bit questioningly, as Ryan was bringing up an odd thing. She was silent for a moment, then used [Appraisal B] on Ryan. After all, how in the world would he have managed that without using mind-control or some other criminal activity? Even so, her appraisal came back clean. Just a Human, Blacksmith and Enchanter... “How in the world did you manage to do that?” She knew she was being unofficial and whatnot, but this was simply too weird to phrase a bit more carefully.

She sighed, having also noted the new spectator. “It's tough not to notice such a being.” She looked back at Ryan. “For now, I'd like for you to just keep an eye out on the quality of everyone's tools, both weapons and regular artisan tools. Anything metal or enchanted. I'm debating something for later, so I'll be doing the same myself. First though, I'll go greet our peculiar guest.”

Having said it, she headed over to Teuihua. “Good afternoon.” She wanted to add a 'sir' or maybe 'miss' but she honestly couldn't quite tell, so she figured she'd stop until she'd hear its voice to confirm one or the other. “No offence, but it's rare to see one of your kind wandering around on their own like this. Could I ask you what you're doing here?” To that extend, most of these Golems and Constructs were barely sentient workers, from what she'd gathered. Considering she already knew Pierre, she figured this one might be another exception and figured she'd risk talking to a barely sentient thing over risking to treat someone sentient as a machine.
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Screenshot 2022-12-19 at 12.22.30 AM.png
Mentions: Ryan Rev IX Rev IX Regula Elvario Elvario

The golem continued watching what was unfolding until he saw someone was referring to him. He looked over towards Regula after she approached unsure of who she was exactly. His immediate thought was that he hoped that he wasn't causing some kind of disturbance by spectating there. The golem was very aware that his size was far from standard, towering over everyone else who was present no doubt coming in over 13" and weighing multiple thousand of pounds which he doubted could be said for others who were currently there at the moment from what he could see.

Teuihua spoke back in a masculine intonated voice, "Hello, good afternoon. I hope that I'm not causing any problems" The golem's Mictlantecuhtlian accent/dilaect coming through which couldn't have been heard to many for amany years. Still not quite used to so many people approaching and talking to him like he was another person. Thankfully for Regula Teuihua was more advanced than some of the constructs seen in the the world that were created to simply follow orders given to them. Teuihua had higher had been given full sentience this was because something akin to a soul had been put into his body.

"No offense taken that is understandable. My name is Teuihua, and I was just passing through here, coming from the village called Windfall where I was assisting the local populous. After assisting them I went on my way from there in search of others. I saw the crowd gathering and wanted to see what was going on." All that Teuihua said was true, his voice matter of fact and to the point. Now that where he woke up in the ruins he wasn't sure what else he could do other than try to continue to fulfill his intended function in other ways.

Aria continued to hold her ground, watching as Ethel struggled with her armor until it finally all came clanking off of her into an iron mess at her feet. When Ethel boasted and continued to challenge Aria raised her sword, pointing at her. “Your move, Ethel.”

The sword maiden spund her sword around a bit before returning to a different offensive stance. Now a bit more confident, she’d storm towards Ethel, getting ready to begin putting bruises on her face when a booming voice suddenly exploded from the gathered crowd.

Out of instinct Aria teleported back to where she had begun her sprint, noticing the man coming forward, then glanced at Ethel when she responded. “Hm.”

Sword still drawn, she noticed this rather handsome gentleman come up to her and bow. Aria bowed slowly, letting the strands at the sides of her head fall forward from her ears, however she wouldn’t let anyone out of her sight. Aria didn’t know what to say, she looked on towards Regula before addressing the man. “I see.” She said, her voice softening up as she wiped her brow with the underside of her forearm, then putting away her katana at her side. Upoin noticing the possible confusion, Aria quickly connected the reasoning, “I.. do believe Ethel had possibly hinted at something regarding the matter. Nevertheless, she seemed to be speaking on behalf of the entire command here.”

After his introduction, Aria brought a hand over her chest in salute. “Greetings Captain, I am Marshal Aria Barlow. I am but Baroness’s Caelia’s sword. It isn’t me whom you should be apologizing towards.” Her voice was stern as she panted softly, then gesturing towards Regula, Ezekiel continued his explanation.

From the corner of her eyes she noticed Ethel looking down with disappointment, coming closer to Ethel Aria began, “Withholding information from a military superior is a crime close to treason.” Her voice was a bit cold. The sword maiden then held up Ethels chin to look at her, warming up as she soflty spoke. “However, in spite of that, I enjoyed our duel together.” Letting her go, she turned to the captain when his briefing with Regula had ended and referred back to Aria’s title. She’d come very far from her humble beginnings in Highgrove, part of her simply wanted to be ordinary, but if Linneus had shown her anything, it was that in order to create change, you must embrace your postion. “Marshal is my title, Captain. I’ll be expecting an attribute report and count of all the soldiers in our service here.” She seemed to stare at him for a moment, as his features appeared to stir something she wasn't familiar with, nonetheless Aria cleared her throat. "Theres so much work that needs to be done. We've delayed long enough."
Just Outside of Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Just outside of Capital Town: Stonewall.
Time: 16:30 Weather: Clear skies. A mild breeze.

Mentions: Aria RavenSong RavenSong

When Aria approached Ethel, the girl seemed to visibly shrink a little. In fact, when Aria went to grab her chin, she flinched, as if expecting to be slapped or punched in the face. If anything, Aria could feel her tremble a little when her chin was being held, clearly expecting Aria to still hit her at any moment. The defiant attitude was gone completely and her facade (she'd just been trying to act brave after her armour broke) was finally falling apart altogether. She only relaxed a little when Aria admitted she enjoyed their duel. “T-t-thank you ma'am... I mean, I thank thee humbly.” She tried to piece together the words.

When she was let go without being beat up, she managed to regain some confidence. “As I hath sworn, I shalt be at thy command. However, wouldst thou honoureth me with a chance to redeemeth myself once I hath gained strength?” For as much as Aria had won her respect, Ethel still considered her a rival.

Ezekiel Hayward

The captain nodded. “Very well, Marshall Barlow. I shall see what I can do, although do you wish for me to include or exclude trainees and militia members?” There, however, one thing he couldn't abstain from adding. “Although, ma'am, forgive me for speaking out of turn, but I'd have never expected to ever work under a Marshall so inspiring and beautiful.” He decided not to take any chances, instead giving her a bow and immediately following it up with; “Well then, I must go work on that report.” That's when he suddenly stopped in his tracks. “Before I forget, please be patient with Sherwood. He's an excellent scout, but he's got issues talking to strangers.” With that said, Ezekiel headed off in the direction of the town.

Regula Caelia
Mentions: Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Aria RavenSong RavenSong

Well then, 'sir' it was, for the freshly arrived construct. “There's nothing to worry around on that front, sir.” She said, trying to figure out his accent, yet failing to do so. Regula had no clue where 'Windfall' was meant to be, so it was likely not just outside of her Barony, but outside of the County altogether. Either way, the explained actions were more intriguing than the rest of it. “Ah, so you're a worker for hire? If you're still available, you've come at a perfect time. I've got a lot of things that need rebuilding and we could use some strength and manpower. What's your rate? Oh, if you require a blacksmith for maintenance or upgrades, I'd also be willing to do the work in exchange for your aid.” Truth be told, part of the latter was just selfishness, as she was really eager to work on more interesting projects (like Pierre had been) and this one was definitely of interest. If only she could enchant a body like that... Her mind was already going places. That said, she snapped out of it just before she started drooling. “Anyhow, please think it through.”

She then turned to Aria. “Congratulations on your victory, although I never imagined otherwise.” She then leaned in to whisper. “Although I'm glad you managed to handle the girl well. I'll admit I wouldn't have known the right amount of force to use myself.” All in all, Regula was mostly the type to go all-out and either annihilate stuff on sight or waste her opening move and burn in a fire.

Screenshot 2022-12-19 at 12.22.30 AM.png

Mentions: Regula Elvario Elvario
Teuihua couldn't say he had exactly been expecting all of that so up front. For hire? The golem still was rather unsure of how the world in it's current state worked. For the time being he wouldn't have a clue what the currencies were in a given area nor what an appropriate 'rate' was. Doing something that he was created to do didn't seem like something he needed to be compensated for in that way, as long as he had the food to function. During his years of operation prior his civilization hadn't ever paid him so this was all quite new to him.

"Oh, I couldn't expect a traditional salary to fulfill what my creators intended for me to do, even if I did I am not entirely sure about the nuances of commerce in this time.. I mainly require a place to be and occasional offerings. Working on my body would be another appropriate way, it's similar to what my creators would have done."

Of course there was a deal of trust that needed to be made for a sentient construct like himself to let Regula work on him like that, but so far his impression was good. Many people had been very nice to him so far. Even then he'd want to see exactly what he was doing and more of what she was like even if he was open to the prospect. By offerings Teuihua was referring to food since that's what he ran on to keep the systems working. It was an interesting process to say the least. He had been optimized originally not to require them often, and to get by on much less than what a biological being needed to maintain it's functions.

"As it sounds like you could use assistance I would be more than willing to help, I can come as soon as you need me, I haven't really figured out where I should be in this world now.." The golem continued sounding almost a bit sad in intonation towards the last part. Any place where people needed assistance rebuilding or doing the sort of work that Regula suggested it was in the realm that Teuihua could assist with, even if a large portion of his activity had been rather solitary protecting Mictlantecuhtlia from it's enemies. Without even knowing who Regula was exactly, he was more than willing to help, it was really all Teuihua knew after all.
"I'd be glad to have a duel again. But perhaps, next time without lethal weapons." She attempted a smile, before referring to the captain. "Both militia and trainee, once we have a count we'll issue summons and begin training. is to be trained to the same standard, knowledge, and practice."

She looked away only briefly before the captain made his sneaky compliment. Aria resisted a gasp, "Y-yes, you are dismissed." More of the strange feelings welled up into Aria's psyche, unable to really discern what she had just heard, not realizing her face getting rosy. She shook her head a bit and cleared her throat, regaining composure as she fixed up her hair a bit.

She didn't want to glance back, but when the captain spoke again she had no choice, or so she thought. "Noted. Thank you, Captain." This time it was a bit easier, perhaps his gaze has some kind of strange magic. She thought as she returned to Regulas side.

Her friend was deep in conversation before suddenly being deep in thought pausing a bit too lengthily as Aria glanced at Regula. As if to prompt the baroness to return to her senses, the sword maiden cleared her throat.

She'd turn to observe the golem as he spoke, his words were well chosen and his voice sincere. His humility really struck a chord with Aria, to which she'd tilt her head at with curiosity. "Well met sir! I am Aria, I couldn't help but hear you speak of your creators. Where are they now?"

Perhaps it was because she spoke up but Regula then made an inquiry of her own at the sword maiden, she leaned in to whisper along as well, "Thank you for placing your faith in my abilities m'lady." She replied, before a second comment. "That was I believe, my greatest struggle, nonetheless I hope to have her on our side. Its quite rare to meet someone quite as passionate. Sometimes, passion can decide a battles outcome."

Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Regula Elvario Elvario
Just Outside of Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Just outside of Capital Town: Stonewall.
Time: 16:30 Weather: Clear skies. A mild breeze.
Mentions: Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Aria RavenSong RavenSong | Ryan Rev IX Rev IX | Retili conman2163 conman2163

Regula Caelia

For a second, Regula wondered what in the world 'offerings' could include. She even feared the worst, such as blood, or children, or virgins. Luckily, the construct soon explained it was merely about food. Still, just to be safe, she checked Teuihua with [Appaisal B] and just noticed the standard things. Construct, Large, Golem. All things her normal sight had already noticed. Nothing notably criminal. Good enough. “You're sounding to good to be true, truth be told. Working for mere food and some maintenance? I'd be mad to turn down such an offer. I think there's a fair few things you'd be ideal for, removing rocks from agricultural land, transporting heavy materials to help fix up some things in town... I'll get you set-up soon, with a place to stay and a task.” Regula was pretty happy with this sudden development. A near-free capable looking worker just walking up to her like that? It was too good to be true, but she hadn't found a catch just yet, so she'd be giving at a go.

That left Aria. Ethel had given Aria a short word of thanks, before trying to make her way out somewhat unnoticed, likely embarrassed about her display. The captain had just nodded, before setting off to his job... but not without glancing back at Aria over his shoulder for a little longer than normal.

With that, the small crowd dissolved as quickly as it'd gathered. Some were happy to have had some entertainment. Some were disappointed they didn't push it further. Most at least respected Aria more, having seen her in action.

The End

[Title] One-Sided Victor – character was able to come out up top in a public battle, leaving little room for doubt about their superiority.
[Skill] Non-Lethal E (14 points) - Abilities with this technique applied will never kill the target(s). Grade of technique must be equal to grade of ability to properly mitigate its lethal potential.
Added to Fighting Style Swords E, obtained due to learning how to attack her target in non-lethal ways with her katana during the duel.
Isekai Hell Grade
Mentions: Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece RavenSong RavenSong Rev IX Rev IX conman2163 conman2163

With the duel being announced it was the word of the surrounding area. Many people due to the spectacular show have taken to dueling in the streets. While not all of these have ended badly, it has caused some issues in the area. But within the ranks of the guard, there is little doubt of Aria's strength in power though how she will command many do not know and respect is something earned through deeds rather than a duel. With that being said the local populace is satisfied that Aria has the strength and the skills to perform her duties. However, the duel is the talk of the city and many of the local populace were entertained by the duel.


Regula- 13 Points
Acquired Optional title- [Gregarious] - whether the character is among enemies or allies, they seem to know what to say or do that lets them thrive in the situation. A story or apt compliment, the character can make a good situation more fun or a bad situation more agreeable.

Aria- 9 Points
Acquired optional title- [Title] One-Sided Victor – character was able to come out up top in a public battle, leaving little room for doubt about their superior skills.
Acquired Skill [Skill] Non-Lethal E (14 points add to points spent and earned) - Abilities with this technique applied will never kill the target(s). Grade of technique must be equal to grade of ability to properly mitigate its lethal potential. Added to Fighting Style Swords E, obtained due to learning how to attack her target in non-lethal ways with her katana during the duel.

Rettili- 3 Points

Teuihua- 9 Points

Ryan- 3 Points
Acquired Optional title- [Body] - character has proven to be an entity that exists and takes up space. Character may or may not accomplish much. Character may be fairly forgettable. But there is no arguing they are a body taking up space and worthy of being acknowledged as an existence. If existence is ever questioned, this title proves the character exists.

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