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Fantasy Stone Cold [Kingdom RP/ACCEPTING]

Face Claim: Light peach skin, chocolate brown eyes, naturally pink lips, dark brown, wavy hair that stops a little above her waist.

Full Name: Anna-Maria Clarke

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Race: Human

Sexuality: heterosexual

Rank/Occupation: Singer

Married/In A Relationship/Single/Divorced: Single

Mother: Amelia Clarke

Father: Rory Clarke

Siblings: James Clarke and Joel Clarke

Other Family: Nana/Molly Clarke. Anna-Maria and her brothers' dearly loved grandmother.

Personality: She is a kind and adventurous spirit. She can usually be found singing a song nearly wherever she goes, though she has a shy nature she can be bold at times too. Her family was not very social when she was little so she grew up to be a bit of a social introvert and had very few close friends. She is usually calm but sometimes a bit sensative and hides herself away when she cries, usually wanting to forgive and forever forget the problem. She also feels a sort of longing in her heart but doesn't know what is missing, it could just be missing her family.

She is also intelligent and usually takes in her surroundings well, also being a book lover and isn't as naive as some people may think.

Likes: She loves music and books, and the color blue mostly.

Dislikes: Spiders, she's a bit aracnaphobic, her trust being broken for it is fragile and once it's gone she won't give it back.

Weapon: Her bare hands and a dagger she usually keeps in a drawer by her bed.

Powers (Optional): A little bit of healing magic and can sooth people with her voice, she also has a strong bond and understanding of animals.

Animal Companion: Lionel, a messanger dove and Lumio the Ferret

Medical Problems/Disabilities: None

Other Information: Nothing I can think of ._.

(Sorry, I should have said tis before but I might make little changes to Anna, and maybe other little details to this CS but nothing too big, and usually before they're made apparent in the rp. Thank you for understanding)
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Standing at the reasonable height of 6’2, with honed figure, peak of it’s very fitness, Lazarus is somewhat intimidating with mysterious persona and appearance. The Rangers of the North, also known as the Hunters of the North, were the descendants of the Knights from the lost kingdom of Arnor. Their menfolk ceaselessly patrolled the boundaries of supernatural and humans and were by necessity skilled with the sword, bow and spear. The Rangers are grim in life, appearance, and dress, choosing to wear rusty green and brown. Openly dressing with a silver brooch shaped like a pointed star. Weathered, tanned features lay beneath the dark exterior, cupped and accentuated by ebony brown locks of hair that reaches the top of his shoulders. From this, peers two incredibly blue irises, glacier in shade; managing to strip even the bravest man down to the bone with a glare. A sturdy, stubble covered jaw bordering on light beard, underlies two sharp cheekbones adding structure and shape to his already striking character. Broad-shouldered and strong, with large calloused hands, from years of weapons and laborious life of which has been lived. Strengthened calves, made outstanding by close fitting and worn leather boots. Tunic, trimmed by golden illustrations of bygone days. Alas, upon his back, arms and chest is scars hidden under layers of runic tattoos and inked protection from some spells and hexes. About his neck, hanging various amulets and charms proven to ward off certain spirits and tracking seers. Nevertheless, his position as ‘Huntsman’ and species ranger, means Lazarus’ lifespan is extended to near immortality.

Full Name:

Lazarus Dúnedain





Date of Birth:









Married/In A Relationship/Single/Divorced:








Other Family:

Distant cousins to the North


Mysterious and dark, might sound like the bad start to a cliche novel-- alas, Lazarus is anything but. Even though his remarkable patience, violence can be witnessed explosively at the times called for fury and anger, to which he will sadistically unleash his utmost potential of training and ability. With a tough love attitude, it’s hard to know whether he appreciates you or hates you to the very depths of your soul. Usually known for brooding, and glaring intently from across rooms, Lazarus has high walls built to keep prying eyes away, even more so the lack of social ability other than formalities or chats about the weather. Yet, he finds less interest in women than you’d expect, with little intent of sleeping around, but getting his job done, and done well. The ability in which he possesses is incognito and inconspicuous hiding, where he is able to be overlooked by anyone, simply by honing his body language, accompanied by the charms and magical incantations inked over his skin. He loves unoften, cares little and is somewhat born and bred to kill. Immortality takes its toll, dulling empathy and emotion as years pass. Even at his grand unknown age, is Lazarus losing what gives him humanity. Or what’s left of it. It is, by law his job to accompany the royal family as somewhat bodyguard, and guardian. However his extensive teachings and knowledge may be, Lazarus is gaining wisdom one step at a time. Opening his mind to the universe about him. Forming strong opinions and even stronger friendships, that are earned through respect, war and change. To become his ally is something not taken lightly. To be trusted is unthinkable. To be loved, impossible?


Weapons and contraptions for war, the mechanisms of such intricate pieces

Warmth of a fire, beneath a dark sky and open land.

Being in control of a situation

Having the respect of his forefathers, and those around him

The early morning sun

Crisp winters


Cowardice, lack of perseverance in hard times

Unrighteous wrong, with little redemption for actions

Laziness; Sloth

Flirtation (The root of lust)

Lies, told in guise of truths

Standing by in situations that might or might not call for aid.


Sword named: Flesh of Forebears

Yet also has a bow, and plethora of daggers

Powers (Optional):

Agile and strong, with fae-like abilities such as enhanced strength, sight and smell. His footsteps also incredibly light, and almost indistinguishable from the tapping of tree branches.

Ages incredibly slowly, and will most likely hit his old age at near enough eight hundred

Inconspicuous and incognito hiding, in which a simple incantation is muttered. Having most unable to remember his face or appearance. Some completely bypassing him. Otherwise, in situations, he’s often able to hide himself using body language and expression.

Healing knowledge through plant use and battlefield surgery techniques. Never mind a hospital, Lazarus is more comfortable stitching himself up in a field.

Resilience towards magic, although this partially comes from the runic tattoos and charms he adorns.

Healing comes slightly faster, yet is no miracle. He can be killed, just like any man.

Animal Companion:


Medical Problems/Disabilities:


Other Information:

Born into powerful bloodlines of old, Lazarus has decades upon decades of prideful champions and skilled fighters, weighing down his shoulders. Attempting to please the royal family and honouring tradition. As a ranger and huntsman, he was gifted immortality by the fae of the north, whom offer every trainee, who passes the intense and agonising training regimes a sip of their blood. This also enhances combat, the ability of sense and strength-- but more importantly wisdom. At the age of 20, he was offered to stay and study alongside them, most of which his fellow trainees declined; Lazarus leaping at the chance to expand his mind through the universal way of magic and intelligence. Another twenty years passed, at the youthful looking age of 40, where he left to rejoin his ranks amongst the huntsmen.


Face Claim:

Golden hair, light brown eyes, slightly crooked nose and thick eyebrows are what call attention on his face. He has full pink lips. With a muscular build, he stands at 6'3. He has a little beard growing.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.b20ab768e783649ff4a0cc1604378a3e.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142977" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.b20ab768e783649ff4a0cc1604378a3e.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Full Name:

Guilerme Hetarius Partines Germann





Date of Birth:

02/09/... What year again?






Assassin/ Contract Killer

Married/In A Relationship/Single/Divorced:



Wanuza Hernandes Felipe Hetarius


Frank Guilerme Partines Germann


Guilha Guilerme Germann (Dead)

Other Family:



Astrien is nice, and very convincing. He loves to tease, and make friends. Since he is an Incubus, he loves to seduce others. It is very easy for him. A touch here, a flirt there... Astrien can be very easy to tick off. It's easy to see him annoyed, but few have lived to tell what he's like when pissed. He becomes violent, and tears through anything in his way.


Almost everything. Except roaches.


Almost nothing. He hates roaches.


Weapon Gauntlet

Curved double sword (x2)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.a6337ba755a31f4540fb65b017e79e9d.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142986" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.a6337ba755a31f4540fb65b017e79e9d.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Powers (Optional):

Since he has horns, forked teeth, tail and wings, he uses magic to hide them.

Inhumanly strong.

Seductive aura.

Animal Companion:

Saber Tooth.

He doesn't fight, but can get Astrien out of fights if he's too hurt.

Medical Problems/Disabilities:

Astrien has lost most of his sanity. He has a voice in his head which tells him things. And, sometimes, you can catch him laughing hysterically to himself.

Other Information:



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HumansArentReal said:


Standing at the reasonable height of 6’2, with honed figure, peak of it’s very fitness, Lazarus is somewhat intimidating with mysterious persona and appearance. The Rangers of the North, also known as the Hunters of the North, were the descendants of the Knights from the lost kingdom of Arnor. Their menfolk ceaselessly patrolled the boundaries of supernatural and humans and were by necessity skilled with the sword, bow and spear. The Rangers are grim in life, appearance, and dress, choosing to wear rusty green and brown. Openly dressing with a silver brooch shaped like a pointed star. Weathered, tanned features lay beneath the dark exterior, cupped and accentuated by ebony brown locks of hair that reaches the top of his shoulders. From this, peers two incredibly blue irises, glacier in shade; managing to strip even the bravest man down to the bone with a glare. A sturdy, stubble covered jaw bordering on light beard, underlies two sharp cheekbones adding structure and shape to his already striking character. Broad-shouldered and strong, with large calloused hands, from years of weapons and laborious life of which has been lived. Strengthened calves, made outstanding by close fitting and worn leather boots. Tunic, trimmed by golden illustrations of bygone days. Alas, upon his back, arms and chest is scars hidden under layers of runic tattoos and inked protection from some spells and hexes. About his neck, hanging various amulets and charms proven to ward off certain spirits and tracking seers. Nevertheless, his position as ‘Huntsman’ and species ranger, means Lazarus’ lifespan is extended to near immortality.

Full Name:

Lazarus Dúnedain





Date of Birth:









Married/In A Relationship/Single/Divorced:








Other Family:

Distant cousins to the North


Mysterious and dark, might sound like the bad start to a cliche novel-- alas, Lazarus is anything but. Even though his remarkable patience, violence can be witnessed explosively at the times called for fury and anger, to which he will sadistically unleash his utmost potential of training and ability. With a tough love attitude, it’s hard to know whether he appreciates you or hates you to the very depths of your soul. Usually known for brooding, and glaring intently from across rooms, Lazarus has high walls built to keep prying eyes away, even more so the lack of social ability other than formalities or chats about the weather. Yet, he finds less interest in women than you’d expect, with little intent of sleeping around, but getting his job done, and done well. The ability in which he possesses is incognito and inconspicuous hiding, where he is able to be overlooked by anyone, simply by honing his body language, accompanied by the charms and magical incantations inked over his skin. He loves unoften, cares little and is somewhat born and bred to kill. Immortality takes its toll, dulling empathy and emotion as years pass. Even at his grand unknown age, is Lazarus losing what gives him humanity. Or what’s left of it. It is, by law his job to accompany the royal family as somewhat bodyguard, and guardian. However his extensive teachings and knowledge may be, Lazarus is gaining wisdom one step at a time. Opening his mind to the universe about him. Forming strong opinions and even stronger friendships, that are earned through respect, war and change. To become his ally is something not taken lightly. To be trusted is unthinkable. To be loved, impossible?


Weapons and contraptions for war, the mechanisms of such intricate pieces

Warmth of a fire, beneath a dark sky and open land.

Being in control of a situation

Having the respect of his forefathers, and those around him

The early morning sun

Crisp winters


Cowardice, lack of perseverance in hard times

Unrighteous wrong, with little redemption for actions

Laziness; Sloth

Flirtation (The root of lust)

Lies, told in guise of truths

Standing by in situations that might or might not call for aid.


Sword named: Flesh of Forebears

Yet also has a bow, and plethora of daggers

Powers (Optional):

Agile and strong, with fae-like abilities such as enhanced strength, sight and smell. His footsteps also incredibly light, and almost indistinguishable from the tapping of tree branches.

Ages incredibly slowly, and will most likely hit his old age at near enough eight hundred

Inconspicuous and incognito hiding, in which a simple incantation is muttered. Having most unable to remember his face or appearance. Some completely bypassing him. Otherwise, in situations, he’s often able to hide himself using body language and expression.

Healing knowledge through plant use and battlefield surgery techniques. Never mind a hospital, Lazarus is more comfortable stitching himself up in a field.

Resilience towards magic, although this partially comes from the runic tattoos and charms he adorns.

Healing comes slightly faster, yet is no miracle. He can be killed, just like any man.

Animal Companion:


Medical Problems/Disabilities:


Other Information:

Born into powerful bloodlines of old, Lazarus has decades upon decades of prideful champions and skilled fighters, weighing down his shoulders. Attempting to please the royal family and honouring tradition. As a ranger and huntsman, he was gifted immortality by the fae of the north, whom offer every trainee, who passes the intense and agonising training regimes a sip of their blood. This also enhances combat, the ability of sense and strength-- but more importantly wisdom. At the age of 20, he was offered to stay and study alongside them, most of which his fellow trainees declined; Lazarus leaping at the chance to expand his mind through the universal way of magic and intelligence. Another twenty years passed, at the youthful looking age of 40, where he left to rejoin his ranks amongst the huntsmen.


Supermegabrenda2 said:
Face Claim:
Golden hair, light brown eyes, slightly crooked nose and thick eyebrows are what call attention on his face. He has full pink lips. With a muscular build, he stands at 6'3. He has a little beard growing.

View attachment 315963

Full Name:

Guilerme Hetarius Partines Germann





Date of Birth:

02/09/... What year again?






Assassin/ Contract Killer

Married/In A Relationship/Single/Divorced:



Wanuza Hernandes Felipe Hetarius


Frank Guilerme Partines Germann


Guilha Guilerme Germann (Dead)

Other Family:



Astrien is nice, and very convincing. He loves to tease, and make friends. Since he is an Incubus, he loves to seduce others. It is very easy for him. A touch here, a flirt there... Astrien can be very easy to tick off. It's easy to see him annoyed, but few have lived to tell what he's like when pissed. He becomes violent, and tears through anything in his way.


Almost everything. Except roaches.


Almost nothing. He hates roaches.


Weapon Gauntlet

Curved double sword (x2)

View attachment 315972

Powers (Optional):

Since he has horns, forked teeth, tail and wings, he uses magic to hide them.

Inhumanly strong.

Seductive aura.

Animal Companion:

Saber Tooth.

He doesn't fight, but can get Astrien out of fights if he's too hurt.

Medical Problems/Disabilities:

Astrien has lost most of his sanity. He has a voice in his head which tells him things. And, sometimes, you can catch him laughing hysterically to himself.

Other Information:

both passed feel free to start
Face Claim: Grizzled, battle-hardened man. Looks as if he's gone out of his way to be in every war or battle he could.

Full Name: Teige Kron

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Date of Birth: Unknown

Race: Human

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Rank/Occupation: Last of the known brainwashed soldiers of the "Green Ones"

Married/In A Relationship/Single/Divorced: Single

Mother: Unknown

Father: Unknown

Siblings: Unknown

Other Family: Unknown

Personality: Born soldier, can adapt to any situation.

Likes: War, seeing things in the bigger picture.

Dislikes: Being alone, peacetime

Weapon: Orange-hilt Claymore

Powers (Optional): Can see what his bird sees when needed.

Animal Companion: Horned Lark he calls "She'alti'el"

Medical Problems/Disabilities: Is irreversibly brainwashed, whatever the "Green Ones" said, he will do, and won't stop until it is done.

Other Information: Is a skilled soldier and siege leader.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/knight.jpg.733e9253ef2b56888bdf142241784cdd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143265" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/knight.jpg.733e9253ef2b56888bdf142241784cdd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Something like this...



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Face Claim: See profile pic

Full Name: Josh Kastellan

Gender: Male

Age: A few thousand years old, he can't remember

Date of Birth: He can't remember

Race: Demigod

Sexuality: Heterosexual


(Currently) Vigilante and bandit

Married/In A Relationship/Single/Divorced:Single

Mother: Maria Ven Kastellan (deceased)

Father: Poseidon

Father in law: Damien Darog Kastellan

Siblings: None

Other Family: None

Personality: TBR







Evil people

Weapon: A sword given to him by a sorcerer that can help him channel his demigod powers

Powers (Optional): Control over anything water related, can talk to horses, Pegasi and aquatic animals. Eternal youth, can die from fatal wounds

Animal Companion: Pegasus named Pegasus

Medical Problems/Disabilities: None

Other Information: He gained his eternal youth by completing tasks for Zeus. He is very well known and has many stories about him.

(Do demigods and gods exist in this universe? If not, I can remove those parts)
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Lavinia Fiametta Emilline Darkore




Date of Birth:

July 7th






Princess/Runaway (From another kingdom)

Married/In A Relationship/Single/Divorced:



Renee Clarissa Pierce (Deceased)



Allor Viktor Darkore


Allen Allor Darkore, 21

Shizuka Raven Pierce

Other Family:



Lavinia was a beautiful person, not in looks, though she was pretty enough. It was like God had planted a seed of perfect caring in her soul and it was ripping her apart as it grew. Every time she saw the imperfections of the world for humans, animals and the environment it was like a vice to her head. The pain built inside her until anxiety took her prisoner. How was she to change what she saw? What was the good of enlightenment if there was no way to make a difference? Volcanic frustration balled inside her, only exploding around those she felt safest with. She ripped into her mother for every hair-line fault while her mind created reasons for the pressure in her head, attributing blame to friends and family.





-Her brother


-Loud noises

-Her father




Powers (Optional):



(will update later :0)

Animal Companion:


Lying is the only rush you need.


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Face Claim:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-18_14-25-5.jpeg.ce0c79c436f49e51e8ee4738e755e5b6.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143790" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-18_14-25-5.jpeg.ce0c79c436f49e51e8ee4738e755e5b6.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Full Name: teal evergood

Gender: female


Date of Birth: july 13

Race: human demigod, soon to god

Sexuality: she will take anybody cause to her love has no boundaries

Rank/Occupation: demigod adventurer

Married/In A Relationship/Single/Divorced: single

Mother: ???

Father: ???

Siblings: ???

Other Family: ???

Personality: stereotypical anime hero personality


-spicy food






-broken swords




katana of the six elements

(normal form)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-17_19-58-35.png.44da11f2d0a1536b24a77f3429902fcb.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143559" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-17_19-58-35.png.44da11f2d0a1536b24a77f3429902fcb.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

left to right

(fire form)

(water form)

(earth form)

(wind form)

(dark form)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-17_20-0-14.jpeg.70c29160dd3ba23d5c53fdf4de548b4d.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143561" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-17_20-0-14.jpeg.70c29160dd3ba23d5c53fdf4de548b4d.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(light form, middle one)

(water earth wind fusion form, left one)

(dark fire fusion form, right one)


Powers (Optional):

teal can summon skeleton minions

teal has emotional effects like those in anime

Animal Companion: skeleton spear man

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-17_20-4-38.jpeg.63b5e47da80116afdcbb425512ce1649.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143563" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-17_20-4-38.jpeg.63b5e47da80116afdcbb425512ce1649.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

pet weapon:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-17_20-5-8.jpeg.b0acc6e4d3cb808efb37e91ac7392656.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143566" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-17_20-5-8.jpeg.b0acc6e4d3cb808efb37e91ac7392656.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Medical Problems/Disabilities: none

Other Information: hates being called weak
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-17_19-58-27.png.ce8aa931a29b9de88bfa147f2fdf263e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143558" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-17_19-58-27.png.ce8aa931a29b9de88bfa147f2fdf263e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-17_20-0-5.jpeg.17a80f3d94f170d75971f027bc1fef17.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143560" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-17_20-0-5.jpeg.17a80f3d94f170d75971f027bc1fef17.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-17_20-4-27.jpeg.18239b7e59a20fe843457cd232ed78cd.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143562" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-17_20-4-27.jpeg.18239b7e59a20fe843457cd232ed78cd.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Face Claim: She has bronze colored hair and Jade green eyes

Full Name: Jade Sabina

Gender: Female

Age: She is said to be between 18-25 years old

Date of Birth: November 12th

Race: Vampire

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Rank/Occupation: Royal female mage who later became a healer because her friend became ill

Married/In A Relationship/Single/Divorced: She was in a relationship long ago but she's single now

Mother: Queen Victoria Sabina

Father: Unknown

Siblings: Emily Sabina, Zeke Sabina

Other Family: Unknown

Personality: She is kind to people that she learns to trust, but if anyone crosses her, she will become very angry and they will regret it. She can come off as anti-social around strangers, but that is only because she is shy around them. She can be spunky when she is trying to get a point across.

Likes: Some flowers, wands, silver, crowns,most blades

Dislikes: Acid chemicals(she had a mishap once),being alone, human blood(she's cursed)

Weapon: She has two blades that look like a silver crescent moon. They have handles made of onyx and the blades are made of silver and another type of metal. She can also use weapons that archers use.

Powers (Optional): She uses her own energy to heal people and she can cast spells that include the ones that deal with the spirit realm.

Animal Companion: A lone white wolf

Medical Problems/Disabilities: She has a curse on her that will not let her drink human blood. She needs red fruits and wine to survive

Other Information:
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You don't know how to let go.


Alek Allor Darkore






Date of Birth:

December 12th







Soon to be King

Married/In A Relationship/Single/Divorced:



Fiametta Lynne Darkore (Deceased)


Allor Viktor Darkore


Lavinia Darkore

Other Family:



There was something about Alek that drew people to him. I guess it didn't hurt that he was a good looking boy; but it was more than that. He was quiet, but not out of painful shyness. It was a reservedness, like a conscious choice to observe the lie of the land before he got involved. Yet he wasn't stand-offish, her remained friendly faced and welcoming in body posture. It wasn't like he sat down one day and planned to be like that, it's just the way he was. I never saw him go out and deliberately make a friend, they just came to him. There was nothing threatening about him, nothing at all. He was an easy listener, a good audience, giving encouraging feedback laced with intelligent comments. He worked hard, he got his work done. Only once in a while would he sink into a sulk over getting some school work wrong, it didn't happen to him often, and he had poor tolerance for the feeling when it did.


-His sister




-Being a prince




Powers (Optional):



Animal Companion:


Medical Problems/Disabilities:

Weak since birth


((i just decided to do a character ref for him ;3;))


Face Claim:
Piercing blue eyes, and feathery black hair, usually in a mess. Pale.

Full Name: Crow Terminus

Gender: Male

Age: Could be anywhere from 17 to 25.

Date of Birth: The 27th of September

Race: Seems human.

Sexuality: Bisexual, but prefers females.

Rank/Occupation: Traveller

Married/In A Relationship/Single/Divorced: Single.

Mother: None (sorry about the underline there.)

Father: None.

Siblings: Also none

Other Family: Where'd they all go? He has none.

Personality: Varied. He could be kind, or he could be cruel. Generally he's quiet and thoughtful, observant, and there's always an underlying sleepiness and sadness about him. If he decides he likes someone then he'll try to win them over.

Likes: Cats, food, weapons, alcohol, girls, guys he finds attractive, books, stories, travel, sleep, some flowers, cooking, big dogs, adrenaline

Dislikes: loss, being mutilated, watching people die, bering unarmed, stuff that people generally avoid.

He's skilled with bladed and ranged weapons, but can improvise anything as a weapon. He prefers to use his trusty long-handled longsword and daggers, as well as a crossbow and some throwing knives.

Powers (Optional): Strength, speed, agility, quick reflexes, enhanced senses, fast healing.

Animal Companion: A big raven. Ravens are already pretty big, and this raven is bigger.

Medical Problems/Disabilities: An aversion to most poisons. Newer wounds will bother him for a bit.

Other Information: He's decently well known, or at least, people know of him. Generally they don't believe that Crow is the one that there are rumors of, he's tall, but looks thin. Generally people hear rumors of a giant monster who looks like a man. Not this quiet, skinny guy, too bad he shares a name with that Crow...
Here's my oc. Some things I'm not going to change and things I will

??asic ?nformation

Character's Name: Gerrant Artemidoros


Gender: Male

Age: 25 (actual age is the hundreds or thousands, he lost count after 100 years)

Date of Birth: April 19th

Race: Hybrid Dragon.


Hair color/style: Gerrant's hair is a burnt gold color but his hair is cut short in the front but the back is long so its braided in the back.

Eye color: A silver blue with a mix of amethyst and gold

Build: A bit on the lithe side but he has muscles

Face claim/image(s): (Will find a picture when I find one)


Personality: Gerrant is a person that's laid back and down-to-earth but he doesn't hesitate to glare at someone or get angry if they tick/piss him off. He also is quite the mother hen if he knows someone quite well; being overly protective and huggy.

Likes: Gerrant isn't one to turn down various forms of fruits, books on almost any subject, and dancing to music.

Dislikes: Gerrant would rather stay away from alcohol, sugar, and a certain plant; he'll not say which one. He despises those who are arrogant, haughty, and or just cruel.


Rank/Occupation: Wanderer/Dancer

Weapon: A number of weapons are stored in a magic pseudo-space pocket, that he cannot access unless the situation calls for it, so he carries a long sword named Vu Kun; Dawn's Light.

Married/In A Relationship/Single/Divorced: Single

Family:He rarely keeps in touch with his family but last he heard from them was when he actually wondered into his sister's territory and almost got killed for being in it. Its also a touchy subject for him.

Weapon and Magic

Type: He rather keep the type of magic he uses secret. Its the same as with his family, a touchy subject.

Weapon: A number of weapons are stored in a pseudo-space pocket, that he cannot access unless the situation calls for it, so he carries a long sword named Vu Kun; Dawn's Light.


History/Bio: Gerrant will only tell few things about himself. He wasn't always a Hybrid dragon. In fact, he was raised by a human family but they died of natural causes, aka old age. Hi biological family took him back in after he had buried his human and that's where he shuts up.

Miscellaneous Crap

Animal Companion: A sabercat named Vokun


Medical Problems/Disabilities: Gerrant would know if this is a medical disability or not but....if he ingests alcohol, sugar, or a certain plant, he either becomes the devil in disguise, a blabbering idiot, a curiosity incarnate, or a complete udder idiot that comments on anything he first sees; mostly commenting on his hands/fingers.

Other: He sometimes forgets to not eat anything with sugar or drink alcohol

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Face Claim:


Full Name:

Rowan "Rin" Carter





Date of Birth:

17th October






Assassin/bounty hunter/does illegal jobs etc.

Married/In A Relationship/Single/Divorced:

Her husband is dead.







Other Family:



Rin is fairly unorthodox for most women, she often seen as scary with few looking to take her on. she usually laid back and easy going with a rude and sarcastic sence of humour that can often get a few scowls. But her laid back easy going ways are making the fact that she is always on guard and ready to take on whatever comes her way and is picky about who she lets close to her. The young woman is funny despite how little she talks, to Rowan actions speak much louder than words do. They can range from a caring or grateful pat on the shoulder to a slap across the cheek. Her senses of morality makes her question everything although she is the most likely to do the hard things and take the dark roads for the benefit of others, but her mortality has no effect on her lack of mercy towards people, if there is a reason. Her anger often comes across and cool and calm with an icy touch, much like the phrase "the calm before the storm".


Rin was brought up in odd circumstances since she was born the way she is. When a young parent abandons a child at a convent they believe they're child is safe in a place of worship, but not every convent is really a place of God. Some seem like a such a thing on the outside but on the inside they deal with much darker things. Nuns are never what they seem. Not that they weren't still people of God, they just worked differently. The proof of their worship to the main on the sky has been burnt into her skin in the form of a brand that depicts a quote from the bible about God's wrath, "God is a righteous judge, and a God who feels indignation every day."


Liquor, money and cigarettes.


Being used, cons and certain types of people.



Powers (Optional): n/a

Animal Companion: n/a

Medical Problems/Disabilities: blind in her right eye. (As you can see the scar in the image)

Other Information: n/a
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Full Name:

Victoria Delaria





Date of Birth:

August 8th


Fallen angel




Traveler/Bounty hunter

Married/In A Relationship/Single/Divorced:








Other Family:



She is overall random towards different people, to some she is kind, others rude.. And she becomes easily jealous over many things..


-Cute things



-torturing people she dislikes


-being tortured


-getting her feelings hurt

-being confused

-creepy tiny things...


She adapts to weapons easily, but uses her twin daggers that are sheathed, and hanging from her waist..

Powers (Optional):

Can make fire emit from her body

Animal Companion:


Medical Problems/Disabilities:


Other Information:


(Sorry if I didn't write enough...)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/League-of-angels-wallpaper-1920x1080-09-1440x900.jpg.3b7eff2f7b66bbd64cc5d42544fabc45.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="146574" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/League-of-angels-wallpaper-1920x1080-09-1440x900.jpg.3b7eff2f7b66bbd64cc5d42544fabc45.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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