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Fantasy Stone Cold [Kingdom RP/ACCEPTING]

"Well...stealing is wrong but I guess I see at a sort of Robin Hood type thing. But honestly, I don't think I do really care."
She ducked and spun around to see what was happening. Her eyes widened as she saw the spy, drowning. "Don't kill her!" She screamed.
ChronosCoded said:
"Great. Now. I'm just going to ask you one question." His eye slowly looked up at the person spying on them and back to the girl in front of him. "Would you kindly duck so I don't spray you?" He whispered. Without even caring, he concentrated on the water near him. His father was able to do this without concentrating, but he was a god, he created water out of nothing all the time. Question was, could he? His legs started to get tired, but it was working. Soon, a ball of water was hovering in his hand. He shot it at the person spying on them, it got bigger as it got closer. He then willed the water to create a sphere of water around the persons head. Which, it did. The person had a sphere of water surrounding their head and it was floating just because he wanted it to. This would most likely drown them, or make them run out of air and beg for mercy. He hoped it was the second choice.
Rin felt fuzzy for a moment as it encased her head, however she did not panic or beg. Instead she simply focused on holding her breath, the girl had grown up with a lot of discipline so she find this easy. With her eyes closed she controlled her self and calculated how long she could make what little oxygen she had last. He would lay her go he didn't have killer in his eyes or smell of death.

Gerrant groaned as he sat down at a tree near the castle. While it wasn't nice to leave the gates encase someone came out to see him, he needed to sit down. He didn't know of the conflict going on nearby but Vokun did. She was cautious of the conflict flowing over to their location.
ChronosCoded said:
He couldn't kill someone who was just spying. He wasn't like that. He'd never do that. Instead he did something else. "Get her Pegasus." He let the water that encased her head go. Pegasus, being the quick beast he was, flew up to her, grabbed her by her shirt with his mouth and dropped her onto the ground. "Sorry about the whole drowning thing. I'm not a killer. Although there are plenty of stories about me." He pulled his sword out. "So, who are you and why were you spying?"
She didn't land oddly or anything in fact her feet were fairly steady considering he tried to drown her, "I'm here in business and I make it a point not to tell people like you my name." She pushed damp ginger hair out of her face in a way that made her blind right eye visible. Despite being hand blind her eyes were cold and expression was hard like stone.

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ChronosCoded said:
"Look, I wasn't trying to hurt you. That was an expression of untrust. I wasn't going to drown you anyway. I'm sorry." He said in a sad tone. "What kind of business? And what do you mean by, 'people like you?'"
"Look sweetheart, it's my business and not yours." She told him plainly, Rin didn't like people Boeing too much, "and by people like you I mean people to drown others."

Rin knew he was lying but also knew he wouldn't have killed her ifs stupid thing like this. Not that he'd be able to kill her in the first place, she rolled her eyes, "stop acting like the righteous anti-hero," he was feeling sorry for himself and she disliked that. He wasn't the only murderer around this place abs he had to learn to try and deal with what he's done.

(He sounds like the Doctor :P )

She watched him go with pity and sympathy in her eyes, not saying a word. She didn't know what to say. She didn't know what to do.
(Whovians for life <3 I knew the moment I read that quote above the wizard thing that you were a Doctor Who fan)
The princess would blink and was kind of shocked by what just happened before mumbling. " Well that was interesting... Anna, would you like to join us for dinner with your... Friend?" She offered and tilted her head curiously.
"I don't know your highness. I don't wish to get you in trouble. I've heard enough horror stories and they just make me sick." She said with sympathy in her eyes. Lumio climbed up and sat on Shizuka's shoulder, squeaking with his head tilted.
Crow's been smiling for quite some time, he seems quite happy with his current situation. He tilts his head to one side, as if he's listening for something. His smile grows the smallest bit, as a breeze begins to pick up, and a faint flapping can be heard above the trees.
shi would sigh at Anna and turned to Crow. "suit yourself Anna, how about you?"
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She'd blink and merely nod. " sure, but it's best if we eat in my chambers as its safer and we won't be spied on. I shall show you the way then go off to get the food." She said before yawning and ruffling her hair.
Crow nods, raising his voice over the increased wind. "I'll come, but do you have anything to feed my companion?" Crow gestures behind him as a giant black bird lands behind him with a loud impact, talons gripping the ground. Its wings go quiet, the wind dying down.
She'd nod. "we have sunflower seeds and poppy seeds which we use to make certain breads."
Crow smiles. "That works, ravens are omnivores, if you have any corpses or trash or even living people you wanna get rid of, my raven here will eat it." Crow pats the giant thing's beak as it leans down.
"I uhm... No... Just stay away from the ashes in a purple jar in my room." She was slightly shocked but got over it fairly quickly before starting to walk back inside the castle. "well, you lot coming or not?"
She'd nod and open the castles black iron doors, walk up four flights of stairs, down two corridors, up another flight of stairs until she got to her tower, opening the first door on her left as the door opposite was her private bathroom.

The room was big, the wallpaper purple and the carpet a Russian blue colour. A dark oak four poster bed was in the middle, roughly about queen size, with a bedside tabld that held a black lamp on it with a picture of her family. A floor length mirror stood next to a vanity that was littered with jewellery and some make up along with other things, besides that she had some other random things and her window overlooked the forest.
Crow looks around, his bird too big to fit through the first doors, he murmured something to the feathery beast, and it left as Crow followed the princess. Now he stands with her, looking around. "Nice room, but are you sure you should have a strange man in your boudoir?" Crow grins.
She walked back into the castle with them, Lumio hopping off Shizuka's shoulder and climbing into the little pocket Anna made in her dress to hold him. She took a different turn than them, heading to the servants qaurters. She took a few turns and walked down a hallway to a room big enough for two or three people, as she was meant to have roomates but had none. She sat down on her bed, lumio climbing up her arm as she gave him a piece of chicken.
"Honestly, I'll eat most things, may I see the kitchen to see what I could make?" Crow asks this confidently, still with that tone of voice that makes it seem like he's watching the world around him with amusement.
Jade was on her own for the first time in her life after she refused the royal crown. She ended up escaping her own castle because of all the people who were spreading rumors about why she refused the crown. The real reason was the hassles of having to clean up the dirt hill that her family had created and dealing with the townspeople who weren't satisfied with anything. She decided to pack up and leave her homeland to find her own path in life since she already had the power to do so. After two days of wandering, she finally stumbled upon a castle and breathed a sigh of relief. "I hope I can stay here for a while. It's freezing out here" She decided to get herself out of the cold and knocked on the door until it opened by itself, causing her to tumble right in. "ooops."

(hope this isn't too long. whoever wants to can reply.)

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