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Fantasy Stone Cold [Kingdom RP/ACCEPTING]


Through faith and fire, I'll be by your side.
The air became cold rather sudden as heels were heard against the ground, getting louder with each step. A pale girl around 17, with a black upside crescent moon on her forehead and skeleton markings on her lips and cheeks. Her luscious black curls in waves that ended to her hips. She wore a black dress that ended above her knees, leather on it with straps and silver buckles, black boots that came to her thigh and held a red and silver scythe. Her demonic red and black slitted pupils gazed around as she looked to the large building in front of her. It was her "home". She was a Princess, a Heir to a castle and lands, something she felt uncomfortable with. When she was young, merely 8, the kingdom was attacked, the Queen died and the King pressured her more. She became rebellious, she became the monster people created but somewhere in her, that little Angel with hope was still inside her, hoping to be free. She fell in love at merely 15, naive still, finding comfort in a Guard. The King found out and forced the Guard away to work elsewhere. Heartbroken and longing, She worked hard every evening to find the tracks to the kingdom to gain back her beloved. Sadly, Winter came and with it snow. It hid all the tracks and she lost hope. She trained herself to never get close again, build walls up. She wielded her Scythe, and became known as both Ice Princess and The Skeleton Reaper, taking hearts of those who did bad. As she walked to the gates, she glared at the two guards who fearfully opened the black iron doors. She stepped inside, ignoring maids and went straight to her room, locking the door and sitting on the bed, taking a photograph from under her pillow and stared at the 15 year olds in the picture, cuddling with smiles on their faces. A tear dripped on it before she rubbed her left eye and placed the photograph under her pillow again.
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As the Princess locked herself in her room, in the King's Court a strange performance was starting. A Jester clad in red and black silken uniform of his occupation was juggling what appeared to be six throwing knives, a smoke bomb and a fire cracker, much to the amusement of the King, Advisors and Nobles that were around. Judging by the giggly laughter of the Jester, he enjoyed it too. With a single flick of his hand, off went the fire cracker, landing behind the nobles before popping, scaring the nobles.

Judging by the looks of shock on everyone's face, and then the laughter, they enjoyed it almost as much as him. Icy blue eyes shifting over them, he whistled as in flew his graying crow, Doc. "Doc, another object from the middle pouch, if you, hehe, please?" He continued juggling the knives, although unknown to the rest, he's already cut his hand, one, two, three...fifteen times now. At least the gloves were red, else he'd have to stop the show.

With a small squawk, Doc plucked a firebomb out of the pouch and tossed it into the mix of items he was juggling, causing the Jester to chuckle. Now, if he were to toss this, he'd cause a small fire. At least he had a smoke bomb ready! He started walking around, simply moving his hand when the fire bomb dropped, hitting an Advisor's robes, setting it alight! Judging by the cursing guards though, he goofed up. He tossed the smoke bomb, catching the knives in his hands as he skipped and bounced out through the smoke,looking for a hiding spot.
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She'd get up and unlock her door, sneaking to the kitchens, she liked going there to bake secretly as her father forbid it. She'd decided to steal some food, crossing her fingers that there was a slice of fresh from the oven apple pie waiting for her, along with some egg salad sandwiches.

She had arrived a bit quicker than she had intentionally thought, and was now by the door, telling the cooks what she wanted. Some of them scowled and ignored her but two of them were familiar with her and kindly gave her what she asked for. She gave them a rare smile then walked back to her room, enjoying the meal and hiding the plates they were on under her bed so her father wouldn't know. The chambermaids had cleaned her room already so she knew they wouldn't come back in to snoop around.

Hearing the commotion in the throne room a floor down, she had decided to go and watch the Jester, who she was actually rather fond of and sometimes gave him baked goods or simply encouraging notes.
Sadly the Jester did not stick around very long. Odd how 'accidentally' setting an advisor on fire makes one wish to leave, isn't it? With a small flick of the hand, down went the gray sphere he juggled, cracking against the ground to spill the smoke from itself. Amongst the yelling, smoke, laughter and chaos the Jester slipped away. If the Princess noticed, he kinda waved.

Down through the halls, scaring the maids, the Jester cackled and bounced from wall to wall. Where was he going? Same place as always, one of the wine cellars, mainly to hide and help himself. Not like he hasn't done this before. He made life exciting for the King, else he'd have been executed long ago. Though his crow did remain in the King's Court.
Michael cautiously walked down the hall with a stack of papers in hand. He could hear the commotion coming from downstairs and he was scared to see what was down there. He knew it was the Jester's doing; that man was a walking magnet for disasters. And frankly, that scared Mikael just thinking about it. Chaos was something he hated more than anything. He kept walking toward his office, looking nervously around the hallway.

Farther down the hall, he could see the princess walk into the kitchen. She knew she wasn't allowed to cook, but she was a rebellious spirit that defied anything anyone told her to do. At that point, he knew it'd be futile to try and stop her so he sighed in exasperation and kept walking.

The commotion stopped downstairs.

Michael knew that was a bad sign. The jester would be coming out of the room soon and scaring everyone on his way out. He's been caught before by the mischievous man, and the memory was enough to send shivers down his spine. The office was in sight now and if he could just hurry up he'd be safe-

The jester popped out from behind a curtain and scampered off, presumably going to the wine cellar where he usually rested.

Mikael let out a sad squeak and fell down, dropping the stack of papers everywhere. Not only was he blindingly angry, he was red to the face out of embarrassment. He started jerkily rounding up the stray papers again, grumbling to himself about the Jester and his antics.

Emma had been in the castle for a week or so now, having been hired as a maid. Her necklace was tucked down inside the neckline of her dress, a plain grey shift, and her hair had been wrapped several times around in the same grey fabric, the way maids were commanded to wear it. She had two hidden blades, one sewn into her dress along the top of her spine, the handle giving reassuring pressure at the base of her neck, and the other was strapped to her calf, which was also wrapped in grey fabric. Both blades were coated in poison.

She strode along, carrying a basket of washing with a few other maids, chatting with them and laughing about some trick they'd seen a dog do earlier. They were walking down the corridor towards the courtyard when the Jester ran through the hall past them, right through their group, bouncing off the walls. Though the other maids were fairly used to it by now (or as "used to it" as you can be), Emma had never seen the man up-close before, and jumped fairly violently. "Watch yourself!" She spat after him, hitching her washing basket up on her hip again before continuing.

When they reached the courtyard, she hung up her washing, and looked around. She was careful, in her quick glances up, not to stare too long at the place where she had hidden her crossbow and daggers: a loose stone in the wall of a tower, one which took some superior climbing skills to reach.
After the Jester had disappeared, she had walked over to the Crow after bowing respectively to her Father who just merely gave a disapproving, cold glance. She'd had petted the Crow a few times, balancing the plates on her free arm before proceeding back to her room which was actually the highest tower in the white and grey stone castle. Once she got in there, she placed the plates on her white and gold lined drawer filled with paper, pens, and a few knick-knacks. She'd walk over to the window in her tower and looked out of it, to the dark forest beyond.
Loex sighed softly as he sat down in the wine cellar, carefully holding a bottle. With a bit of effort, he popped the cork and angled the bottle, slipping it into a small line in the mask, in-between the teeth of it to help cover it. Wasn't even large enough for the hole, yet he managed a small drink before wiping it off and recorking it. He didn't know when the guard will come to toss him in the dungeon for the day, and would not like to remove his mask unless he was certain no one would.

In a few minutes, his crow squawked as it flew in, signalling the arrival of the guard, causing Loex to sigh. "Fine, fine. I'll, hehe, come quietly. Lead the way oh noble guard so unimportant that name matters less than rank." He giggled, making fun of the guard, who managed a small chuckle as they exited the cellar. Of course, he wasn't really going quietly, everyone knew this. So without a care, he started bouncing, skipping and running up the stone stairs, giggling as the guard shrugged and walked away. It's not like the King really punished him. Only true rules he had were: No killing, no making fun of him and his daughter, absolutely no stealing, and make things interesting. So up the tower he ascended, for whatever reason. Maybe he'll scare some nobles or maids up here.
The young princess would groan, throwing her head back as she knew what was going to happen as she realised what would happen after the Jester's show. Her father would throw him in the cells. She'd sigh and tap her black painted nails on her window sill. "I'll just let him out later.." She'd speak aloud to herself.
Huh...not many things in this tower. A few doors, two of which had maids in them when he glanced in, giggling. Maybe this was an important tower? Ooo, maybe there's like a court wizard or something here. Something he didn't know, since he wasn't allowed to just explore beyond the ground floor, and on occasion , below the ground floor. Cells aren't fun to explore though...

With a small giggle and the protests of the maids, he bounced up to the door, knocking upon it. Now, why did these maids seem so deathly afraid of him disturbing this door?
She'd take her apple pie and flop on the bed in a unladylike manner. A tiny smile graced her lips after taking a bite of her apple pie. After eating the sugary desert she'd brush her teeth after, then look in the mirror at her hair thinking with a smirk. "What would piss dad off the most?"
(I hope no one minds me posting twice !) With each snip, long soft black locks would fall to the ground as she stood in the bathroom opposite her bedroom, the Princess would smirk although she was a bit upset as she cut at least half of a head of her hair disapprovingly short to the end of her neck, also known as some sort of bob. She'd finish her new hairstyle within a hour as someone knocked on the door which she had locked. Her eyes would widen in panic and she'd look at all her hair on the floor and call out nervously. "W-who is it?" Her father would punish her very strictly since it was forbidden that she could style her hair the way she wanted.
He vaguely heard someone answer, and chuckled. "Ah, so that's who, hehahe, lives here?" He giggled looking at the visibly paling maids, who were backing away. Seriously, the Princess wasn't that bad in his opinion. Then again, his opinion was a bit small and biased since he really only ever got her little notes of encouragement, or the occasional baked good, which, even if wasn't baked by her, was still a good Jester (Gesture, sorry, pun was unresistable.) "Helllloooo, Princess!"
She'd blink as she heard the Jester's voice then stared at her reflection in the mirror before giving a shrug, thinking that it would be fine as they'd all find out eventually. She'd step over the great pile of hair and unlocked the door, flinging it open, glaring at the maids who seemed to gasp at her new look and scurried off. She'd look at the Jester and graced a smile on her lips. "Hello Jester."
He took a small bow, giggling softly. "Hello Princess, nice, hehehe, hair style you have. Makes you, stand out." He straightened back up, adjusting his mask. "Did you do it yourself? Makes it all the more, hahaha, unique." He looked around the inside of the room, whistling slightly. Much better than his own lodgings, though that's definitely to be expected.
She'd blink and shut the door, leaning on the pure white and gold lined bath. "What do I owe the pleasure of?"
He seemed confused. Since when was his presence ever called a pleasure? "I was merely, hehehe, exploring the castle. Now I know why the King didn't, haha, want me exploring this tower." He sighed softly, leaning against the door, adjusting his mask a bit, getting a small blood streak on the side since his hands were a bit cut up.
She'd sigh and take his cut up hands. Her soft side coming out. "You're so reckless." She'd place her hands over the cuts and channeled her magic just over the skin of her palms. Her magic would slowly dry up the wounds and painfully closed them.
He winced slightly, tilting his head. "Why are you wasting your time on me?" He chuckled softly, distracting himself and lessening the pain. "Hehehe, I'm not worth using magic over." He sounded...hollow about that, even behind the false cheer in his voice.
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She'd raise a eyebrow. "I consider you a friend. I hope you consider me one too. That cheer was fake, I've been practicing fake happiness since I was 12. What is wrong?"
"Me? Not being happy? Hehehe, my oh my, aren't you a joker too..." He simply giggled, looking away from her. "As for being friends? I...think so, hahe."
She'd roll her eyes and mumble. "Think what you want but it was fake..." She'd go on her tiptoes as she was small and graze her fingers on his mask. "Take it off." She ordered.
At the mention of removing his mask, the giggling stopped. He backed away, glaring at her. "No! No no no! The mask must never come off!" Yes, he was yelling at royalty. He didn't care, the mask stays on, no matter what.
She'd frown softly and her voice went to a whisper. "Why not? Why are you afraid?"
He stopped, placing his hands over his mask, as if he was holding it on his face. "It's a...special mask to me." He twitched slightly, giggling softly. "Religious symbol, and a good cover, hehehe, for my face."

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