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Fandom Still Here... (Undertale RP) No Longer Accepting!


She would sigh, smiling and muttering, "You really are like your father..." She would then approach the machine, removing the blanket from it. It was an enormous chamber, "I think we might need Alphys' help."

Gabriel97 said:
She would sigh, smiling and muttering, "You really are like your father..." She would then approach the machine, removing the blanket from it. It was an enormous chamber, "I think we might need Alphys' help."

Sam's nodded. "mom.. why can't we tell Papyrus this?"
Gabriel97 said:
"He doesn't remember Gaster." She muttered, as she began attempting to fix the machine.
"there's no point." He sighed "The anoma- i mean, Frisk will come back and Reset everything again."
BartekStu said:
"there's no point." He sighed "The anoma- i mean, Frisk will come back and Reset everything again."

She would sigh too, looking at Sans. "I don't believe the anomaly will come ever again." She responded with a really serious tone, as she attaches a cable to an another,
Gabriel97 said:
She would sigh too, looking at Sans. "I don't believe the anomaly will come ever again." She responded with a really serious tone, as she attaches a cable to an another,
Sans raised his eyebrows, worriedly. "What do you mean? And how do you know?" He suddenly remembered "Oh crud! I need to go to the station! If frisk has returned, she'll be expecting me!" He teleported away before she could say anything.
Sans found that Karren had walked back to his station. She was sitting in his chair, with her feet up on the table. She was taking a bite of a greasy Grillby's burger. She looked over at him. "Hey, there you are. You're late.".

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Daisie said:
Sans found that Karren had walked back to his station. She was sitting in his chair, with her feet up on the table. She was taking a bite of a greasy Grillby's burger. She looked over at him. "Hey, there you are. You're late.".
Sans froze, caught completely of guard. "oh hi there"
"What?" Karren asked him. "Something wrong? You look chilled to the bone.", she punned to him, imitating his wink. "Paps would kill ya if he caught you slacking."

Karren gave a chuckle. "Hah... My relationship with puns is a love-hate type.", she said casually. "Either way, I thought you could use some company. Aaaand someone to make sure you don't fall asleep."

Daisie said:
"O-oh, hello there..." Napstablook greeted softly. "Nice to meet you.... I'm Napstablook... It will be nice to have another neighbor.....". He paused for a moment before seeming a little panicked, noticing that his headphones were still on. "O-oh, I'm sorry.. I was listening to you, I promise...", he yanked off the headphones to properly address this friendly new ghost. "I'm sorry.."

Karren caught sight of Sans walking through the snow, and she eventually decided to join the punny skeleton. "Heya, Sans. How's your day been?", she greeted, friendly. She looked around at the tall, snow-covered trees. "Hah, you know, in the whole year I've been here, nothing's really changed. Grillby's is the same. The library's the same. You and Papyrus haven't really changed, either. It's kind of a relief to be honest."

Melody just smiles brightly. "I didn't think you weren't ...no need to apologize. You didn't do anything wrong." She says floating over to hold her hand for him to shake. She tilts her head. "So you like music too?" She asked.
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Daisie said:
Karren gave a chuckle. "Hah... My relationship with puns is a love-hate type.", she said casually. "Either way, I thought you could use some company. Aaaand someone to make sure you don't fall asleep."
"mine is the love-love type. the actual love, mind you." Sans cut off, remembering the previous Genocides. He shook his head; he mustn't get distracted. i'm good. i wouldn't want to waste your time though. I won't fall asleep; promise " Sans said, giving his signature wink.
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"O-oh, yeah. I like music... I've made a few tunes..." Napstablook told her shyly, shaking her hand. "They're not great, though... They're lined up on the wall right there... In case you want to hear them. Or in case you don't....". He gestured over to the wall of his house where there were three cd cases. And a poster for a bake sale.


"Waste my time? No, I'm fine." Karren told him. "I have more time than you know. It's nice to waste it somewhere.", she said honestly. What was it with this girl? It seemed like she just didn't want to go away. "Trust me... I have a lot of time.", she informed him in a semi-serious tone.

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Sans furrowed his *brow* is she trying to tell me something..? well, if she isn't, i still need to get her to leave.. Suddenly, Sans grinned. "*welp, thanks for taking up the shift for me! i'm going to grillby's." if reverse psychology doesn't work, i'm outta ideas.
Karren widened her eyes a little bit. "Wait, you're not gonna push this off on me, are you? It's your job, bonehead!", she said to him as she panicked a little.

Daisie said:
Karren widened her eyes a little bit. "Wait, you're not gonna push this off on me, are you? It's your job, bonehead!", she said to him as she panicked a little.
Sans chuckled. "c'mon, you're not getting... cold feet are you?"
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Karren pinned her ears, but had a slight smirk on her face, even if she tried to hide it. "This is your job, Sans. I'm only trying to get you out of trouble. So take your post, because I'm not gonna. I'm going back to Snowdin."

Well that worked out.

Daisie said:
Karren pinned her ears, but had a slight smirk on her face, even if she tried to hide it. "This is your job, Sans. I'm only trying to get you out of trouble. So take your post, because I'm not gonna. I'm going back to Snowdin."
Well that worked out.

Sans was dangerously close to whooping and jumping a foot in the air at his plan succeeding. He kept grinning. "see ya later, then!" he said, waving.
Muffet was sitting at her stand, all the way over in Hotland. Nobody had come, as per usual. Eventually, she thought, someone will come! They have to! And then she could bathe in sweet gold, sealed in the longest limo! But.... Hope was starting to wither as nobody had showed up all day today. Even so, she kept smiling. Maybe she'd have to bring out her pet next time, if everyone was too stingy to pay. That always seemed to do the trick.

Daisie said:
"O-oh, yeah. I like music... I've made a few tunes..." Napstablook told her shyly, shaking her hand. "They're not great, though... They're lined up on the wall right there... In case you want to hear them. Or in case you don't....". He gestured over to the wall of his house where there were three cd cases. And a poster for a bake sale.

"Waste my time? No, I'm fine." Karren told him. "I have more time than you know. It's nice to waste it somewhere.", she said honestly. What was it with this girl? It seemed like she just didn't want to go away. "Trust me... I have a lot of time.", she informed him in a semi-serious tone.

Melody floats around to gaze up at the wall at the cds and nods smiling. " cool! I actually also do music myself....mostly singing." She chimes still smiling. She floated up to look at them better. "Oh wow!" She plays one and seems quite surprised but in a good way. "You made this?" She says looking back at him blushing. The music was actually pretty good.
"O-oh. That's pretty cool... I can't sing..." Napstablook told Melody, honestly, but also a bit sad. "Oh...Y-yeah... I made the music....Do...You like it..?", he asked, shy and humble. He looked up at her, awaiting her response.

David got up with a headache and a bad mood in a patch of golden flowers. He sat up, running his head, and looked around. The room he was in was dimly lit, except by the sunlight shining in through the gaping hole he fell through.


@Queen Yukari
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