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Fandom Still Here... (Undertale RP) Need Canon Characters!

There we go! Sorry, I thought for some strange reason, that question was applied to people who were going to be Sans or Papyrus. I'm stupid. *cries softly*

Name: W.D. Gaster

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Race: Skeleton

I'm on mobile rn so I'll describe him. (Tbh I prefer descriptions anyway) he wears a black suit with a large overcoat. However, due to his state of being trapped in a pocket dimension, his mass is volatile, so if he's not careful he may dissolve into a puddle of goop. His edges appear faded when outside of his room; he is also invisible, unhearable, but not undetectable. He also finds it difficult to make contact with objects, as he phases through them.

After years of being trapped between dimensions, he has grown bitter and envious of the ones who are free; and just lonely in fact. He has a soft side, however, and will do anything to protect Sans and Papyrus (are we doing Dadster AU? I think it adds nice depth of character)
Powers: Gaster Blasters, Bone attacks, Blue Soul Mode, Karma Retribution, Teleportation. His attacks are most powerful in his pocket dimension. He is intangible in the real world.

Crush: N/A

Other: Sans is older. Also, they have no recollection of Gaster.

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BartekStu said:

Name: W.D. Gaster

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Race: Skeleton

I'm on mobile rn so I'll describe him. (Tbh I prefer descriptions anyway) he wears a black suit with a large overcoat. However, due to his state of being trapped in a pocket dimension, his mass is volatile, so if he's not careful he may dissolve into a puddle of goop. His edges appear faded when outside of his room; he is also invisible, unhearable, but not undetectable. He also finds it difficult to make contact with objects, as he phases through them.

After years of being trapped between dimensions, he has grown bitter and envious of the ones who are free; and just lonely in fact. He has a soft side, however, and will do anything to protect Sans and Papyrus (are we doing Dadster AU? I think it adds nice depth of character)
Powers: Bone attacks, Blue Soul Mode, Karma Retribution, Teleportation. His attacks are most powerful in his pocket dimension. He is intangible in the real world.

Crush: N/A

Other: Sans is older. Also, they have no recollection of Gaster.

Hmm. I think we're all good! Accepted! @BartekStu

Name: Sans (A second name.. Lol see what I did there? 'Cos.. You know.. Sans means without in French..)

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Race: Skeleton

Blue hoody, underneath which is a plain white shirt. He wears black shorts, and pink fluffy slippers.

Sans would do anything to protect his brother. His easy-going attitude and joking demeanour hide his depression and feeling of helplessness over knowing what happens in the resets and not being able to do anything about it.
Powers: Gaster Blasters, Bone Attacks, Karma Retribution, Blue Soul Mode, Teleportation/Clever Knowledge of Shortcuts

Crush: N/A

Other: He also should be the oldererererer

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BartekStu said:

Name: Sans (A second name.. Lol see what I did there? 'Cos.. You know.. Sans means without in French..)

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Race: Skeleton

Blue hoody, underneath which is a striped blue and white shirt. He wears black shorts, and pink fluffy slippers.

Sans would do anything to protect his brother. His easy-going attitude and joking demeanour hide his depression and feeling of helplessness over knowing what happens in the resets and not being able to do anything about it.
Powers: Gaster Blasters, Bone Attacks, Karma Retribution, Blue Soul Mode, Teleportation/Clever Knowledge of Shortcuts

Crush: N/A

Other: He also should be the oldererererer

Okay. Accepted, as well. Just a few things.

I didn't know that Sans had a striped blue and white shirt? Though, what's worn underneath his hoodie is left a mystery, as his normal sprite shows him without anything underneath, while his battle sprite shows him with a plain white shirt. Just making an observation, is all.

And if you're doing more than one CS, you don't have to put who is older in the Other section.

That's all!
Daisie said:
Okay. Accepted, as well. Just a few things.
I didn't know that Sans had a striped blue and white shirt? Though, what's worn underneath his hoodie is left a mystery, as his normal sprite shows him without anything underneath, while his battle sprite shows him with a plain white shirt. Just making an observation, is all.

And if you're doing more than one CS, you don't have to put who is older in the Other section.

That's all!
True, I misremembered. And I put the age thing there just to make sure.

BartekStu said:
True, I misremembered. And I put the age thing there just to make sure.
Yeah, nobody really knows any of the Canon Character's ages. At least, not to my knowledge.

Name: David McManus

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Race: Human

He has blond hair with a combover, and wears glasses which make him appear far older than he actually is. He wears a white shirt with millimeter thin vertical stripes of navy with the sleeves rolled back; black, comfortable jeans, a golden watch, and regular running shoes coloured black.

He is calm, cunning, and calculated. Ruthless and MERCY-less, he will do anything to get his way. He is also an egomaniac and thinks higly of himself. He can easily manipulate people, and rarely betrays his emotions, usually wearing a stone, stoic face.
Powers: Naturally present human DETERMINATION.. and determination. Great strategic abilities, but can be easily foiled by his ego.

Crush: N/A

Other: He also has a sister which may or may not factor in later on..

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BartekStu said:
Thanks! ^^ I'm kind of hoping to make my character an antagonist to this story, of course, later on.
That, you'll have to ask @MaskedBeauty about. They're the one who's made the plot and whatnot, so for now, I can't let you do that.
I'm back! @Daisie , thanks for taking care of things while I was gone! I just looked through all of the forms and agree with you desicions! And @BartekStu , you can indeed have your character an antagonist! Just remember, no killing without permission, unless it's a monster that isn't played by anyone and is not a main character.
Name: napstablook

Age: uknown

Gender: male

Race: ghost


(I'm actually working on a drawing with mettaton and blooky right now :P )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/1466312951630-289573966.jpg.b16e1a595a003a5fe4cb47e86d4b52dc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136012" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/1466312951630-289573966.jpg.b16e1a595a003a5fe4cb47e86d4b52dc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Napstablook is a very dour individual, with low self-esteem and an introverted attitude. As seen in battle, Napstablook will cry during the fight, which might indicate some form of depression. Despite this, Napstablook is shown to be courteous to others and often employing self-deprecation and apologizing for any inconveniences to be polite.


  • Napstablook starts crying magic tears that fall at a curved trajectory before falling straight.
  • Napstablook starts crying long, wiggly tears that change direction upon approaching the walls, eventually falling once they are above the protagonist's SOUL.
  • Harmless gray text that says "REALLY NOT FEELIN UP TO IT RIGHT NOW. SORRY." This always appears on the second turn and does not appear afterward in the battle.


None really


Cousin to mettaton and mad dummy

He's a music artist



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MaskedBeauty said:
@mewbot5408 Im so sorry, but we already have a Blooky! Gosh, I really need to keep up with updating the front. But either way, good form and great drawing!
Hmmm. I guess I was too late to get one of my favs xp I guess I'll make a oc...you cool if I still do a ghost style character?


Age: uknown

Gender: female

Race: ghost


(Here's a cute drawing of my oc doing karaoke hope you like her)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/1466319048116-1681309520.jpg.6afbd55d539fc761d1bdf5ee0c527cad.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136038" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/1466319048116-1681309520.jpg.6afbd55d539fc761d1bdf5ee0c527cad.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Rather upbeat and cheerful, loves to have fun definitely likes hanging out with friends. She's very friendly and rather sweet. She dislikes those who are mean and fighting bothers her. She's also very confident in herself and persistent even if the odds are against her favor. Melody Can even luagh at herself when she messes up.


Melody's power is singing magic, her attacks come in notes which could be dodged easily. If she uses her special attack its basically just a loud boo which is pretty much harmless except it might surprise the target to stun them temporarily for a few minutes.




She's a music artist and singer, she loves videogames. She lives in waterfall in a green house.

Plus,: sans is older :P



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MaskedBeauty said:
@mewbot5408 I love your OC! But I'm afraid you have to make one final check to the rules before I can accept your lovely form.
Lol I already know what I forgot to put and I just fixing it while you were posting.... Had to edit it but I think its good now :P
Name: Darlene

Age: 34

Gender: Female

Race: Monster



Personality: She is a rather cheerful and happy woman. She's the mother of Sans and Papyrus, and Gaster's wife. She loves really much her sons, and tries in every way to bring back her husband.


  • Bone summoning
  • Gaster Blasters
  • Soulkinesis
  • Bad time mode (Increases the speed, strength and range of her attacks. Example: Shooting bones like a Gatling Machine Gun, can be activated when in rage or her sons are in danger)
  • Power of Puns

Crush: Her husband, of course, Gaster-

Other: Nope.

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