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Steven Universe OCxOC


Royalty Mate!

Nickname: Yu

Species: Gem Person

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Romantic Orientation: Biromantic

Height: 6’7”

Weapon: Iron Reaver Claw (Claw Finger Armor)

Gem Type: Jade

Synchronize Dance:

Likes: Meditation, Yoga, Human courts of law and justice, Winning at some sort of game, Lucky charms such as a rabbit's foot, Studying ancient China

Dislikes: Sudden interruptions, People blatantly disrespecting his rules, Losing to anyone, Anyone messing around with his clothing, Annoyances (Incredibly Loud People)

Hobbies: Reading, Yoga, Collecting lucky items and dragon statues, Studying the human’s system of justice and government

Talents/Skills: Peacemaker, Extremely fast due to the light weight of his gem weapon, Good with negotiating with people

Relationships: -The Crystal Gems [Enemies]

Relationship Status: Single and has a slight interest

Personality: Calm, Quiet, and Peaceful; Yu is what most people would call “diplomatic.” Never taking an interest in fighting, he soon started to study up on laws and various types of judicial services. Yu has always been a rather quiet gem with very little instances of anger. He has never been much of a social person, keeping to himself more often unless he needs to work with other gems. The gem is meant for luck and protection, which plays a part of how “lucky” Yu can be and his obsession with items humans consider lucky. As for protection, it goes more over to “friends.” If he was to ever see someone he had deemed as a friend in danger he would try to protect them to the best of his own abilities.
[QUOTE="Ember Thyme]I have three gems at the moment but I don't know who to use

The creator of this thread isn't on this site anymore, I guess. But I would love to roleplay with you :3

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