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Fandom Steven Universe: Alternate Facet of Time - Character Sheets


Just a sweet transvestite
Alright folks! Almost time to get this show on the road! So, you should be able to copy+Paste a good chunk of your initial submission, but these character sheets will be rather expanded!

Now, for each sub-header, you may feel free to refer to the glossary immediately below this line for explanation. Do check the glossary before asking me any direct questions:

Welcome to the glossary!

Gemstone: Your name, silly!

Weapon: Seems pretty self-explanatory

*: Denotes a rank is available for Fusions only.

^: Denotes a specialized restriction

WEAPON & COMBAT ABILITY STATS: What do these mean?


RANGE: How far away can I hit them?

Rank 0: You cannot actively try to utilize this. They have to touch you for this to hurt them. Ex: Being very very spiky. Secreting a disturbing amount of sweat.

Rank 1: Point-Blank range. You won't be hitting someone outside your arm's reach with these unless you can stretch your arms real far.  Ex: A fist, a sword, a dagger, a boot, a shovel.

Rank 2: A fair bit of reach. You've got an extra bit of length between you and your target. Something to keep you out of harm's way while whacking at them. Ex: A spear, a halberd, a blade on a stick, a paddle-ball.

Rank 3: Medium ranged. You've got REACH with your baby. Rank 1 & 2 weapons have to work hard to get through the damage you can do! Ex: A whip, a boomerang, a shotgun, a flail.

Rank 4: Long range. You fight from afar. Rank 3's running to get in range and Rank 1 can't even see you. You're at your best either outside the fight, or on the move. Ex: A bow, a rifle, energy beams.

Rank 5*: No distance you can see is safe. If you can see it, you can shoot at it.

POWER: How hard can I hit them?

Rank 0: You could lightly rub someone with this. Aftermath of an all-out assault: Discomfort.

Rank 1: It stings. You likely can't poof gems on your own with this, let alone deal permanent damage. But these can stack up over time, and could potentially kill a human. Aftermath: Pain, provocation, nicking.

Rank 2: You can do some good damage. A good blow could send a target reeling, or maybe even deal some permanent damage. Be careful around humans. Aftermath: Poofing, chipping, light cracking.

Rank 3: You can hit HARD. With a few good blows you could easily poof another gem, and a well placed blow could easily crack them. Maybe even shatter them. Aftermath: Poof. Cracking. Potential shattering.

Rank 4: BOOM. Your impacts can be heard while outside the impact zone if you're going full force. This weapon is lethal if you use it to it's full force. Aftermath: Poof or Shatter.

Rank 5*: INCREDIBLE Power. You could clear large swathes of the battlefield with this weapon back in the rebellion, through the sheer scale of impact. Aftermath: Mass Poofing, potential crackings. Potential shatterings.

Rank 6*: Ya like that, little man?

VERSATILITY: How many different ways can I hit them?

Rank 0: This attack only goes one way. Probably only once. Ex: A spring-loaded trap, a directed burst of energy

Rank 1: There's not much room for creativity, but if you're focused enough, you won't need it. Ex: A club, a dagger, a hatchet, a shotgun

Rank 2: It's not just a mindless whack-stick! You can also likely use it to block or parry, and might even be able to do some maneuvering with it! Ex: A Longsword, a rifle, a shield.

Rank 3: You've got quite a few different ways to hit people, quite a few ways to defend yourself, and likely more than a few ways to mess with your enemies. Ex: A spear, a staff, gauntlets

Rank 4: It's exotic, versatile and likely le-thile! The weapon is a good defense, offense, and utility, and you make for quite an unpredictable opponent! Ex: A whip, nunchaku, a perfect sword in a master's hands

Rank 5*: You cannot be predicted! Your angle of attack cannot be anticipated! You're damn near impossible to see coming! You can counter almost any maneuver! Ex: A yoyo. An array of several weapons.

 Physical Capability Stats: What do THESE do?

STRENGTH: How tough am I? 

Rank 0: You are as strong as a human child. You'd struggle to carry my groceries.

Rank 1: You're fairly weak, for a gem. You can throw, lift, and punch much harder than almost any human could, but next to another gem, you're barely able to outmatch the average Pearl back on Homeworld.

Rank 2: You're rather average, amongst gems. You could easily lift a fishing trawler, or wrestle a live lion. You could tunnel through solid stone, given time and determination.

Rank 3:  Your strength is almost staggering. You could easily toss a fishing trawler, and with a little wind up, could easily do some heavy, permanent damage to any structure unfortunate enough to be in your path.

Rank 4:  You're a BEAST. You'd easily be able to handle almost any degree of heavy lifting, and are entirely capable of shattering another gem in your bare grip if you had the motivation. 

Rank 5*: They don't make'em any stronger than you. You could hurl a whale across the horizon.

AGILITY: How quick am I?

Rank 0: You probably lack limbs. If you have 0 agility, you are likely some sort of large, clunky vehicle.

Rank 1: Your movements are clumsy, or rather predictable. You likely use some sort of system to enhance your mobility, or simply take the approach to combat of acting the role of the mighty glacier.

Rank 2: You've got some basic agility. You can make some rather notable leaps, and can likely dodge or parry an attack if you see it coming.

Rank 3: You've got the reflexes of a cat. You're quite capable of dodging, strafing, and performing notable acrobatic feats with little to no time to prepare.

Rank 4: You are MOBILE. You're very easily capable of staggering acrobatic maneuvers, have an excellent sense of balance, and are very great at wild, unpredictable angles of attack.

Rank 5*: Your every motion, whether improvised or premeditated, carries an incredible degree of grace, and is reflexively the most acrobatic manner of movement

PRECISION: How good can I aim? How refined are my motions?

Rank 0: You are the walking definition of clunky. If you see around hole, you WILL put that square peg in there given the time and the muscle.

Rank 1: You're not the most graceful of beings, but you're capable of focusing on something when the need arises. 

Rank 2: You could aim an arrow if you had some time to practice. You might be able to dance to a good beat, but any real exact motions will require a lot of practice.

Rank 3: You're naturally graceful, and are capable of quick, refined motions. You could easily locate, and target the weak-points in an opponent's defense.

Rank 4: If you fight from afar, you're a natural marksman. If you fight up close, you're a gifted assassin. Flawless aim and a fluid motions, you move with elegance in every motion.

Rank 5*: You could flick a pressure-point with a pin from across the room. You could spot a black nile fly in a dark, grainy photo. Precision is your gift.

STABILITY: How much damage can my body take? 

Rank 0: Your form is unstable. You are likely on the verge of shattering as we speak, and are unable to maintain a proper physical form.

Rank 1: Your form isn't particularly stable. You poof easily, and likely have to rely on wit, agility, and skill to stay alive in a fight.

Rank 2: You're not exactly UN-stable, but caught off guard, or hit particularly hard, you will be poofed.

Rank 3: You're rather rigid. Poofing you would be quite a task, if you keep your mind in the fight. Your physical form is tough.

Rank 4: Without some sort of unfair advantage, your opponent might as well be trying to poof a brick of steel. Anything that could poof your physical form would likely shatter a lesser gem.

Rank 5*: You can take an ungodly amount of punishment. The diamonds would be impressed to see how much raw damage your physical form can sustain.

HARDNESS: How tough is my gemstone? 

Rank 0: You are a 1 on Mohs scale. You will crack, or even shatter, from even a mild degree of damage, or even potentially the pressures of being too deep below earth's surface.

Rank 1: A 2-4 on the Mohs scale. Your gemstone is frail compared to others, but you could still withstand a fair share of rough treatment.

Rank 2: 4-6 on the Mohs scale. You're able to take a good deal of punishment without getting your gem tarnished, outside of a particularly embarrassing slip-up, or a brutal opponent

Rank 3:  7-8 on the Mohs scale. You can withstand staggering amounts of pressure directly to your gemstone. It's likely no earthly force could shatter you.

Rank 4:  9 on the Mohs scale. Odds are you're a Corundum. A ruby or a sapphire. Almost impossible to shatter, even for the strongest of gems.

Rank 5^: The Diamonds where for the longest time, thought to be completely immortal. Pink Diamond has been erased from Homeworld's history to keep this thought intact.

TENACITY: How long do I take to regenerate, after being poofed?

Rank 0: Years

Rank 1: Months

Rank 2: Weeks

Rank 3:  Days

Rank 4:  Hours

Rank 5^: Minutes

For each sub-header (Weapon, Combat Abilities, Form Abilities, Gemstone abiltiies), you will be allotted as many points as you wish to divvy in each category. HOWEVER. I greatly encourage your character, and by extension yourself. If we have one gem with no flaws and all the perfect sage-like wisdom and an unbeatable body, with the ultimate weapon, not much point to this being a group  RP, is there?

  Each stat is maximized at Rank 4 for a single gem. If your gem is a fusion, the maximum rank for each stat is pushed up an additional gemstone within your character's body.

                                                     BASIC GEMSTONE INFORMATION                                                      


Gemstone Color:

Gemstone Location(s):

Preferred Height:

Preferred Build:

Preferred Attire:

Basic Appearance:

                                                         COMBAT CAPABILITIES                                                                       





Combat Abilities:

Example Ability A:




                                                                PHYSICAL CAPABILITIES                                                                

Form Abilities:




Gemstone Abilities:




                                                          MENTAL & PERSONAL DETAILS                                                          

General Demeanor:

(4-7 words)

Mindset in Conflict:

(Give a nice little description)

Domestic Mindset:

(What does she do with her day?)

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Gemstone Color: Slivery Gray

Gemstone Location(s): Left Foot


Weapons: Crystallized Boots


Preferred Height: 4'1

Preferred Build: Childlike but slightly muscular

Preferred Attire: Shown in Picture

Basic Appearance:




Combat Capabilities



Range: Rank 1

Power: Rank 3

Versatility: Rank: 3


Physical Capabilities


Form Abilities:

Strength: Rank 3

Agility: Rank 2

Precision: Rank 4


Gemstone Abilities:

Hardness: Rank 4

Stability: Rank 3

Tenacity: Rank 4


Mental & Personal Details



General Demeanor:

Galena is very fun-loving and confident. Rowdy and full of laughter, she is easily amused and very expressive about how she feels. Galena is also athletic and cunning and sometimes partakes in human sports, especially with soccer, which is her favorite one by far. When in combat she usually chooses brutality over strategy and due to her boots, she is a very strong and accurate kicker, however, her emotions are her prime weakness as her pride can lead to her wanting to taunt rather than battle, her hotheadedness can also be a problem as it is easier for her to let her guard down when she will refuse to do any dodging and just keep attacking. Galena is usually immature, and always does what she wants to do, which sometimes involves causing some hijinks.


Mindset in Conflict:

Galena's mind during battle can be very random at times due to her personality, but she always wants to poof her enemy somehow to prove herself powerful this is probably caused by her pride.


Domestic Mindset:

Galena's either training herself or being the most coolest mom to Steven, either way, she never spends any day without spending time with Steven or the other Crystal Gems.



She can be prideful and sometimes overconfident at times, this means she likely underestimates her enemies before learning about them the hard way.

Galena also has anger issues that can be really hard for her to control sometimes, which is not a good thing considering she just loses it when she had enough, she's the emotional equivalent to a wrecking ball when she's as angry as she could be, she'll just push everyone away and destroy anything that's in her path.
                                                     BASIC GEMSTONE INFORMATION                                                      

GEMSTONE(S): Apatite

Gemstone Color: blue greenish

Gemstone Location(s): neck and stomach 

Preferred Height: around 7 feet tall

Preferred Build: see picture 

Preferred Attire: see picture 

Basic Appearance:


                                                         COMBAT CAPABILITIES                                                                       

Weapon: Swarm of small directed shards 

Range: 4

Power: 4

Versatility: 5

                                                                PHYSICAL CAPABILITIES                                                                

Form Abilities:

Strength: 3

Agility: 3

Precision: 5

Gemstone Abilities:

Hardness:  3

Stability: 3

Tenacity: 4

                                                          MENTAL & PERSONAL DETAILS                                                          

General Demeanor:

 cold, logical, detached, aloof, and reserved.

Mindset in Conflict:

Apatite  would much rather stay far away from her enemies and simply use her shards to attack, if in a group fight she will hold her shards back until a decisive blow can be dealt. She unlike others has few qualms about shattering a gem should it be needed. To her a battle is something decided in a single moment never to be drawn out or fought with honor, you simply stop your enemy. 

Domestic Mindset:

Apatite tends to stay secluded from the others always having some experiment or device to work on, the details of which she is not willing to share. Still if caught outside her room for any reason she will go along with what is asked of her viewing it as the fastest way back to her room with minimal  chance of future interruption. If given charge of Stevens' education she will often lecture on science math and any subject that requires minimal interpretation or emotions.


 Her distance from others does not  make her very trusted. Her desire to work on her projects  has likely left a negative impression on Stephen. Her willingness to shatter gems going against rose quartz will has not earned her friends.  So to sum up her general flaw is she has done little to endear herself to others and seems to care very little for them giving them little reason to trust her. 

GEMSTONE: Angel Aura


Gemstone Color: Shades of Pink

Gemstone Location(s): Right Outer Thigh


Preferred Height: 5'8"

Preferred Build: Plump young lady

Preferred Attire: In Pic

Basic Appearance:



                                                         COMBAT CAPABILITIES                                                                       

Weapon: Can summon multiple Boomerangs and alter them to a degree

Range: Rank 3

Power: Rank 2

Versatility: Rank 4


Combat Abilities:


Example Ability A: Boomerang Bombs- Charging her Boomerangs to the point where they can explode upon contact after thrown

Range: Rank 3

Power: Rank 3

Versatility: Rank 2

                                                                PHYSICAL CAPABILITIES                                                                

Form Abilities:

Strength: Rank 2

Agility: Rank 3

Precision: Rank 3


Gemstone Abilities:

Hardness: Rank 2

Stability: Rank 2

Tenacity: Rank 3

                                                          MENTAL & PERSONAL DETAILS                                                          

General Demeanor:

Angel stands with an air of poise she takes no small amount of pride in, similar to her elegant speech craft. She acts in a way that seems to encapsulate the term precision, which also seems to embody her fighting style. Determined to stay organized and tidy, Angel is often irritated by those who lack those traits.


Mindset in Conflict:

Angel often retains her elegant and precise posture into battle, focused mainly on using as many details about her opponent and surroundings as possible to defeat her opponent. That being said, against insurmountable odds she may be prone to panic.


Domestic Mindset:

When not aiding Steven in unlocking his abilities, Angel often tidies up and organizes the temple. If she deems the temple clean enough, she may sometimes go on trips through the warp pad to other gem locations for short periods of time.



Angel Aura is easily unsettled by disorganized surroundings and may grow irritated  from constant exposure to such things. Angel Aura doesn't see humans as equals to Gems despite mellowing out over the years, with Steven being the exception. Despite having very versatile weapons, Angel Aura's form is not capable of taking much physical punishment. Angel Aura has residual muddled emotions concerning Rose, the two had had a rocky relationship at best back in the day, making her uncomfortable whenever the Rebel Leader is brought up.
BASIC GEMSTONE INFORMATION                                                      


Gemstone Color: Orange

Gemstone Location(s): Right Hip

Preferred Height:7'3

Preferred Build:Curvy and Toned

Preferred Attire: Mostly in white and gold crop top, long skirt
Bangles bracelets, multiple earrings. She prefers to go barefoot

Basic Appearance:View attachment 158937

                                                         COMBAT CAPABILITIES                                                                       





Combat Abilities:

Example Ability A:




                                                                PHYSICAL CAPABILITIES                                                                

Form Abilities:


Agility: 4


Gemstone Abilities:

Hardness: 1

Stability: 4

Tenacity: 1

                                                          MENTAL & PERSONAL DETAILS                                                          

General Demeanor:

Quirky, warm, packrat, mother hen, curious gem.

Mindset in Conflict:

She her body can take a beating if need be her stability is a contrast to her gems hardness. She uses her agility to keep the enemies attention on her and away from others (gem or human). She tries to make herself annoying to her enemies  getting in their face to strike and moving away quickly. As long as her gem isn't being aimed at she will take he hits.

Domestic Mindset:

If she's not adding thing to her collection/horde (cloths, jewelry,nicknacks, etc...) she spends her time with Steven being a bit of a mother hen. She has taken up cooking and making a theme of what culture the food originated from. This can divulge in a lecture for Steven on the where, when, and why. When not with Steven she enjoys traveling and talking to people or sometimes animals if they will set still long enough.


Amber has a tendency to blame herself when things go wrong going to the 'what ifs'. She internalizes her hurt feelings keeping them to herself and tries to put on a happy face. She has a tendency to gloss over the bad things that have happen. She can look absent minded at times while avoiding certain things and going off topic. It can be frustrating trying to get to the core of what is troubling her and she closes people out by diverting the topic. Her gem is also fragile while her body can take the hits her gem is another matter and recovery from poofing is a slow process.
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                                                     BASIC GEMSTONE INFORMATION                                                      

GEMSTONE(S): Sunstone

Gemstone Color: Orange-yellow-red

Gemstone Location(s):  On her chest, over what would be her heart

Preferred Height: Between an average Ruby and a Pearl

Preferred Build: Slim

Preferred Attire: A white and orange general's coat with golden trim, and a simple orange cotton skirt that's ragged at the bottom. Her boots are similar in color and design as her coat, and come up to her knees. She wears a red cape with a hood. Stars are prevalent on the buttons of the jacket and clasp of the cape.  

Basic Appearance: Sunstones tend to be short in stature, and lean in build, making this particular Sunstone just the right size. Most Sunstones bear orange-ish skin, with yellow eyes and bright red hair. They tend to have more childish features, and may look innocent at times, but that is on purpose so as to deceive their enemies. 


                                                         COMBAT CAPABILITIES                                                                       

Weapon:  Giant broadsword. The blade itself is about as wide as she is, and very much taller than her, with a handle as long as her forearm. 

Range: Rank 1

Power: Rank 3

Versatility: Rank 2

Combat Abilities:

Fire: Shoots orbs of fire at her opponents

Range: Rank 4

Power: Rank 2

Versatility: Rank 3

Flight: Tapping the clasp on her cape enlongates the fabric into full sized magical wings, granting Sunstone the ability to fly

Range: Rank 0

Power: Rank 0

Versatility: Rank 4

                                                                PHYSICAL CAPABILITIES                                                                

Form Abilities:

Strength: Rank 2

Agility: Rank 4

Precision: Rank 3

Gemstone Abilities:

Hardness: Rank 2

Stability: Rank 3

Tenacity: Rank 2

                                                          MENTAL & PERSONAL DETAILS                                                          

General Demeanor:

Overprotective, brave, loyal, honest, otherwise passive.

Mindset in Conflict:

She doesn't back down from a challenge, but isn't one to issue challenges to others, either. Sunstone's first loyalty is to Steven. Once Steven is safe, she will then worry about her fellow Crystal Gems. While fighting, she does not pull her punches, even in sparring, often swept up in the thrill of battle. She is very much a dueling gem, practically unable to concentrate on more than one opponent at a time. 

Domestic Mindset:

Out of combat, Sunstone is a shy and rather awkward gem, not really faring well socially, despite the time spent on Earth to perfect her communication skills. She tends to follow Steven around and do whatever he's doing, not willing to let him out of her sight for long. The quiet type, she doesn't talk much and observes everything with an odd curiosity. 


Sunstone's mental well being all depends on Steven. When he's hurting physically or otherwise, Sunstone flies into a panic. She's entirely at his beck and call, following him around like a lost puppy. Wherever Steven may be, you can be sure Sunstone will be there too. Despite siding with the Crystal Gems, it's almost like Sunstone never left Homeworld with the way she acts, as if she has no say in anything, simply a servant knight. She can be rather mindless in this sense, and seems to have little to no care for her own safety.
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                                                     BASIC GEMSTONE INFORMATION                                                      




Gemstone Color: Sky blue/Pastel blue

Gemstone Location(s): Just above her chest


Preferred Height: 4'3

Preferred Build: Pear above her waist, though straight under her waist.

Preferred Attire: Plaid shirt around her waist, turquoise shirt, with a flower crown made out of sky blue Hyacinths, black yoga pants, and sky blue high tops.

Basic Appearance:

(If it doesn't work, it shows a girl with deep green hair, sea blue skin with hints of dark blue, and orange eyes.)

                                                         COMBAT CAPABILITIES                                                                       


Weapon: Her weapon is a chain that has a scythe blade on each end.

Range: Rank 3

Power: Rank 1

Versatility: Rank 4


Combat Abilities:

Example Ability A: Blade swap; She holds a blade and swings the other, and once the other one comes back, she does the same thing, though on the other side.

Range: Rank 3

Power: Rank 1

Versatility: Rank 2

                                                                PHYSICAL CAPABILITIES                                                                


Form Abilities:

Strength: Rank 1

Agility: Rank 4

Precision: Rank 3


Gemstone Abilities:

Hardness: Rank 2

Stability: Rank 2

Tenacity: Rank 4

                                                          MENTAL & PERSONAL DETAILS                                                          

General Demeanor:

Mature, Introvert, Docile, Reticent, Considerate, Polite, Staunch.


Mindset in Conflict:

While she's fighting, her expression turns blank and her face can't be read. She analyzes the opponent's expression and how they react to different situations, and tries to find a way to defeat the opponent. Though when she's in trouble, or when her friends are in trouble, her expression can be read easily to what she's thinking.


Domestic Mindset:

When Zircon isn't fighting, or just sleeping, she's either at the beach, taking photos or drawing what's on her mind. If she isn't at the beach, she's on a computer, trying to work on her social skills.



Zircon has a habit of panicking when she thinks she's doing something wrong, or having a panic attack when the people she considers friends are in deep trouble. In these situations, she usually collapses onto the ground and freaks out, or cries. She wouldn't move her legs or arms and can't do anything; making her an easy opponent. When this happens, she tries to keep distance from the person the next day.
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I believe this rp is filled for gems just the last person won't post their Character here
I've never been in a SU RP ヽ(゚Д゚)ノ And besides, every RP I join dies  (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)

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