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Fantasy Steam and Sand: Steampunk Wild West

Sizniche said:
@Sora Thousands of dollars is a bit much by 1880's standards, pay in this time even for an important venture like this would probably be about two bucks a day, maybe a five dollar bonus for rare flora and fauna. A hundred dollars a day would basically be like paying a modern dock worker as much as a brain surgeon.
You have a good point there, I really should have done more research on this topic. I'll change it.
[QUOTE="That One Bruvva]Hey, you're creepy machine dood with big hands, I'm manic inventing dood. With a chicken walker.

I trump you both, I'm a human with legs
[QUOTE="That One Bruvva]Hey, you're creepy machine dood with big hands, I'm manic inventing dood. With a chicken walker.

Creepy? That's a bit unfair to Gravedigger. Also, we essentially fill the same role; you're just better at it than me, and I'm more well equipped for emergency engineering situations.
Sizniche said:
Creepy? That's a bit unfair to Gravedigger. Also, we essentially fill the same role; you're just better at it than me, and I'm more well equipped for emergency engineering situations.
Specializing in guns? I admit, maybe putting a specialty in engineering's something I can pare back on, maybe to just light things, but the big focus is on guns. Lots of guns.
[QUOTE="That One Bruvva]Specializing in guns? I admit, maybe putting a specialty in engineering's something I can pare back on, maybe to just light things, but the big focus is on guns. Lots of guns.

Even the mechanics on that chicken walker are well beyond poor old Gravedigger, I mean look at that thing!
[QUOTE="Winged Destiny]Well, I can tell Jewel will be very pleased for this journey.
"Yay talking yay everyone woo yayy."

The serial introvert engineer and the orph--ahem, I mean, 'self-made man' are the two biggest conversationalists for some reason
Sizniche said:
Even the mechanics on that chicken walker are well beyond poor old Gravedigger, I mean look at that thing!
It's actually rather flimsy. Sure it LOOKS big and has a gun, but it's made for speed, not for lifting anything heavier than a person with maybe a backpack's worth of supplies. Put it up against anything trying to ram it and it'll crumple like it's Endor, and anything biting it that's about its size could bend those legs or snap them clean off.
Fellas what do you think about the idea of having a main-vehicle sort of thing. Like a sauropod (maybe Camarasaurus) very heavily loaded with supplies sort of like:


I know the elephant above is more like a tourist attraction but to give an idea - the dinosaur could have 'decks' on its back and carry supplies on sides of its body. The above picture was more to give an idea.

Or it could be even dragging a large caravan with intricate machinery.

In fact the whole thing could even just be a steam-powered tank of some sort (I wasn't able to find a good reference) so we give our engineer...s(?) a place to work.

What do you think? Any ideas?
Sora said:
Fellas what do you think about the idea of having a main-vehicle sort of thing. Like a sauropod (maybe Camarasaurus) very heavily loaded with supplies sort of like:

I know the elephant above is more like a tourist attraction but to give an idea - the dinosaur could have 'decks' on its back and carry supplies on sides of its body. The above picture was more to give an idea.

Or it could be even dragging a large caravan with intricate machinery.

In fact the whole thing could even just be a steam-powered tank of some sort (I wasn't able to find a good reference) so we give our engineer...s(?) a place to work.

What do you think? Any ideas?

Airship, or a zeplin
[QUOTE="Aughto von realname]Airship, or a zeplin

Or maybe a large walker like:

Sizniche said:
Oh my god gravedigger would have a blast in that thing
Exactly! I thought it would be cool to have a portable base and give him a place to work and really show off his skills. Also we need something where food and supplies for potentially 11 people could be stored.

Edit: I'll have us move and leave the potential "mothership"/base/mechanical walker/airship open. Let's say for now that whatever it is we still have to pick it up in the next outpost where it's being prepared and it may or may not be there depending on what we agree on. I don't feel comfortable throwing in mayor elements like that, seeing as I'm not the GM ^^''

@Fishman Lord

So for now our characters have what have on them I guess :)
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Sora said:
Exactly! I thought it would be cool to have a portable base and give him a place to work and really show off his skills. Also we need something where food and supplies for potentially 11 people could be stored.
Edit: I'll have us move and leave the potential "mothership"/base/mechanical walker/airship open. Let's say for now that whatever it is we still have to pick it up in the next outpost where it's being prepared and it may or may not be there depending on what we agree on. I don't feel comfortable throwing in mayor elements like that, seeing as I'm not the GM ^^''

@Fishman Lord

So for now our characters have what have on them I guess :)
Want want want want want want want
[QUOTE="Aughto von realname]Wait no carts?

Well, I never noticed anyone but my character having a cart really... do they? Mine had a small chart with her that is basically like a portable laboratory. You can say your gentleman ended up in that one and wait until Agnes finds out her things may have gone missing xD
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SdrawcabDaer said:
Can I join? What are some still needed jobs?
You can join! More scientists and mappers are welcome, but you can be anything that would be helpful on an expedition like this.

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