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Fantasy Steam and Sand: Steampunk Wild West

Shit don't make my character do that, she'll vomit all over your lap. :D

By the way, just a heads up - originally it was her father who was suppose to join the crew (just a suggestion - we can even say that he employed all guns-for-hire), so everyone was suppose to expect a scientist in his late 50s instead of a young crazy woman.

I hope as much was noticeable from my way too long character sheet :'D
[QUOTE="Aughto von realname]Mounts are for the weak!! WALKING IS THE WAY OF THE STRONG

Have fun walking 2.5k+ miles across America.
[QUOTE="Aughto von realname]As a matter of fact I will, Maybe I'll get to wrestle with a raptor or something

I'm going to one-up you then; I won't have a mount either. In fact, I'll make the journey walking on my hands!

You'll see.
[QUOTE="Aughto von realname]You seem to have an overflow of Sodium Chloride my friend is Something wrong?

Oh, you'll see. You'llllll seeeeeeeeeeee
Welp. With 3 hunters, one hunter/scientist, two bodyguards, and a mapmaker, I'd say we're pretty screwed if someone gets seriously injured.
An engineer is soon to come, don't forget the engineer!
[QUOTE="Aughto von realname]Wait I think I should Add geologist into the mix because Imma go dig me some gold!!

Do it just for the obligatory "Disappointing 30 cents worth of gold" scene
Sizniche said:
I'm going to one-up you then; I won't have a mount either. In fact, I'll make the journey walking on my hands!
You'll see.
He actually did it, the absolute madman.
Sizniche said:
I'm going to one-up you then; I won't have a mount either. In fact, I'll make the journey walking on my hands!
You'll see.
Ha I need not mechanical appendages walk for me therefore you have yet to one up me
[QUOTE="Aughto von realname]Ha I need not mechanical appendages walk for me therefore you have yet to one up me

Your character's an orphan.
Well, if worst comes to worst my character can give out health potions! Healing wounds though... not much luck.
inFamousCheese said:
Welp. With 3 hunters, one hunter/scientist, two bodyguards, and a mapmaker, I'd say we're pretty screwed if someone gets seriously injured.
Thankfully we have a doctor now! Because my character thinks she can mend wounds. Emphasis on THINKS. You may or may not be better bleeding to death. It's a 50/50 gamble.
[QUOTE="Aughto von realname]Ahem I believe the word you are looking for is a self made man that don't need no parents

Whatever, catch a ride or get left behind, m8

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