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Fantasy Steam and Sand: Steampunk Wild West

Guys I'll probably be out for the next 12 hours please don't go too far without me! <3
[QUOTE="Winged Destiny]Other: Jewel gets annoyed very easily. So annoy her and you might end up dead.

We start soon, don't worry. I'm gonna give a few more hours to see if the WIP character sheets get finished, then we can get going.
Sounds awesome, but I don't think I'll be able to get on tomorrow. My family's taking me on a boring lake day or something for the day. I don't even know.
Huor Spinks] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/289-sora/ said:
We'll be in the next country by the time you get back ^^
Well you guys are already certainly in a different country from me, so I don't see how moving a bit would cripple the RP ;)

On a side note: I was just worried the RP would really take off since it has happened to me before that I left for a while and then... Lo and behold 3 people jacked the RP from 0 to page 10.

I know I'm no boss of you, thankfully, but nothing kills a group exploration RP like half the group going their own way.

Sora said:
Well you guys are already certainly in a different country from me, so I don't see how moving a bit would cripple the RP ;)
On a side note: I was just worried the RP would really take off since it has happened to me before that I left for a while and then... Lo and behold 3 people jacked the RP from 0 to page 10.

I know I'm no boss of you, thankfully, but nothing kills a group exploration RP like half the group going their own way.
I know what you mean. I think that a few people having individual stories and adventures is fine, but you should try and rejoin and keep the group united.
[QUOTE="Fishman Lord]I know what you mean. I think that a few people having individual stories and adventures is fine, but you should try and rejoin and keep the group united.

I would even suggest keeping the solo-ing to a minimum until the characters get to know eachother and have a reason to CARE whether someone is or is not with the group.

Otherwise it's just like

"Mike is gone because he saw the pterodactyl from his dreams and chased after him"

Sora said:
I would even suggest keeping the solo-ing to a minimum until the characters get to know eachother and have a reason to CARE whether someone is or is not with the group.
Otherwise it's just like

"Mike is gone because he saw the pterodactyl from his dreams and chased after him"

Exactly. These solo quests need to have buildup and reasoning, and have proper weight behind them.
Sora said:
Well you guys are already certainly in a different country from me, so I don't see how moving a bit would cripple the RP ;)
On a side note: I was just worried the RP would really take off since it has happened to me before that I left for a while and then... Lo and behold 3 people jacked the RP from 0 to page 10.

I know I'm no boss of you, thankfully, but nothing kills a group exploration RP like half the group going their own way.
I actually had that happen to me in another roleplay. Due to time differences and work, I could only be on on certain times of the day, when I next log on, practically everyone is already there at the location we're supposed to be and myself and my guild were still stuck in our Guild Hall.

Plus, my character was the Guild Master and they could not leave without my character anyway, so I felt guilty about holding my group back. It... wasn't a fun experience.

[QUOTE="Fishman Lord]Exactly. These solo quests need to have buildup and reasoning, and have proper weight behind them.

I agree. This roleplay is team-based, isn't it? Then it would not be much fun if we were all off doing solo quests.
Seriously guys, I think that we can all agree judging by our CSs our characters won't be short of troubles with each other for a while so for the sake of plot and laughs we might wanna stick together.

I seriously cannot wait to have my character tell Jewel ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING about triceratops mating season and the details in which they vary from other ceratopsid dinosaurs. Those levels of annoyance I could reach...
My character is a compulsive talker as well. Between us both, Jewel would either kill us or kill herself haha.
[QUOTE="Huor Spinks]My character is a compulsive talker as well. Between us both, Jewel would either kill us or kill herself haha.

Oh snap I can just imagine Luciano and Agnes sitting on a bench, with Jewel between them and going on about SCIENCE and CHEMISTRY and BOTANICS and whatnot. By the time we get to the acid hydrolysis of glycosidic bonds in polysaccharides her neurons will figuratively snapp.
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Sora said:
Oh snap I can just imagine Luciano and Agnes sitting on a bench, with Jewel between them and going on about SCIENCE and CHEMISTRY and BOTANICS and whatnot. By the time we get to the acid hydrolysis of glycosidic bonds in polysaccharides her neurons will figuratively snapped.
We must make that happen. -nods-
@Sora you said 'a man in mechanical suit isn't hard to miss'. Don't you mean 'is hard to miss'?
I hope you don't mind I made my character call everyone out. I thought it would be easier for the sake of names and to establish that we are now officially a group of explorers that will have to work together. It will also help everyone make an opening paragraph and I think we can all safely assume that if one doesn't make a post by the time everyone introduces themselves they will be left behind to find another witty way in which to join. Or just expose themselves by being awfully late! xD

Either way it also seemed like a reasonable thing to do before going off. Might want to know who came and who didn't before taking a roadtrip to a world of death.

Sizniche said:
@Sora you said 'a man in mechanical suit isn't hard to miss'. Don't you mean 'is hard to miss'?
Oh my I am so sorry, yes it was a little typo (obviously). I think I was originally thinking of writing something else and forgot to change it! Will edit right away.
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Sora said:
I hope you don't mind I made my character call everyone out. I thought it would be easier for the sake of names and to establish that we are now officially a group of explorers that will have to work together. It will also help everyone make an opening paragraph and I think we can all safely assume that if one doesn't make a post by the time everyone introduces themselves they will be left behind to find another witty way in which to join. Or just expose themselves by being awfully late! xD
Either way it also seemed like a reasonable thing to do before going off. Might want to know who came and who didn't before taking a roadtrip to a world of death.
Are you going to call each individual person or do we just respond now?
Sizniche said:
Are you going to call each individual person or do we just respond now?
Just respond of course! I forgot to make it clear -you can "play" my character enough to read out your name. No need to wait for me in between posts. I'll only come back in the end to call out people missing. Go for it! :D
@Sora Thousands of dollars is a bit much by 1880's standards, pay in this time even for an important venture like this would probably be about two bucks a day, maybe a five dollar bonus for rare flora and fauna. A hundred dollars a day would basically be like paying a modern dock worker as much as a brain surgeon.

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