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Fantasy Steam and Sand: Steampunk Wild West

Fishman Lord




Appearance(description or picture):

Backstory(2 paragraphs minimum):



Occupation(what they add to the expedition):

Mount(dinosaurs allowed):


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Konnichiwa, pardner.

Name: Delsin Blackshaw

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Appearance:Delsin's face is rough with several faded and fading scars. He keeps his facial hair at just stubble because no cowboy is complete without it. He is 6'4" with a fairly muscular build. Delsin's hair is jet black and reaches the bottom of his neck. His outfit is a mixture of the traditional garb of our world's cowboy and samurai. It consists of a long, grey duster over your typical samurai armor that's been heavily customized and adjusted to suit a gunslinger. The armor is a dark red and is worn over regular clothes. He has a red sash around his waist. His hat is your typical cowboy hat, black in color. On the crown of the hat is a maedate (the horn things on a samurai helmet), golden in color. Instead of a bandana he wears that samurai face guard that looks like the lower half of a face. Delsin wears a plain leather holster on his right leg. He wears his daisho across his lower back, slanted toward the ground so he can unsheathe his swords more easily.

Backstory: Delsin was born to an Oriental family in a town on the frontier of the West. You might be think that's a very strange name for someone of his heritage. As it turns out, that isn't his real name. It all began many years ago, 15 to be exact, when Delsin was a young man. A deadly plague cropped up and infected the populus of the small town, including Delsin's parents. Luckily, Delsin didn't contract the disease, because he's the protagonist and that would be inconvenient for the plot. There was a treatment, but it was very costly and only the wealthy residents could afford it. Delsin had heard stories of groups of men that would perform jobs for large sums of money. So, grabbing his father's daisho and an old duster, Delsin set out to join a band of guns-for-hire.

In a nearby town he joined a group that was tasked with guarding a caravan. After the job was done, the group decided to stick together, and for roughly six months they roamed the West, performing the odd job here and chasing a bounty there. During this time, the group taught Delsin how to shoot a pistol and, as it turns out, he was pretty talented with a gun. The group disbanded after one last job, and after everyone had said their farewells, Delsin returned home and, having earned enough to pay for the medicine, nursed his parents back to health.

All was well. His family was okay. But Delsin wasn't satisfied. Why should he stop what he was doing? It was the most exciting six months of his life, and it did pay very well. Delsin decided he would continue life as a gunslinger and, after stealing more of his father's property, this time a suit of armor that had been handed down through the family (and then promptly dismantling it so it would fit under the duster), Delsin gave himself a new name, a combination of one of the members of his old posse and a famous outlaw at the time. Delsin journeyed across the land, becoming a gun-for-hire, a mercenary, and everything else that is synonymous with those words. It's been 15 years, and Delsin has been contacted by a man named Richard Wright to protect an expedition to chart the West. Hopefully it pays well.

Personality: As cowboys and samurai are both viewed as holding honor and duty above everything else, it'd be a wise assumption that Delsin does the same. He has a very calm and laid back attitude, even in the most hectic of scenarios. Some would say that a person holding a gun in your face and maintaining in a smooth tone is more intimidating then if they were yelling and screaming. Despite his nature, Delsin does tend to rush into situations without thinking, and is inclined to shoot first, ask questions never. Sometimes literally.

Skills: Delsin is a master swordsman, as his father had been training him since he was very young. In the 15 years of wandering the West, Delsin has become the epitome of a gunslinger. He's an expert on the quickdraw and can nail several targets in rapid succession. Challenging him in a duel would be suicide, as would engaging him close quarters.

Occupation: Gun-for-hire.

Mount: A fine horse taken from his last bounty, as his old horse was nearing the end of its run. He has given it the name Akiro.

Equipment: A daisho consisting of a katana and a wakizashi, his custom clockwork revolver, and, of course, reserve ammunition, stored in two bandoliers slung around opposite shoulders.

Other: He is a bit of a perfectionist, and it took him several days of making adjustments to his outfit until he was content with how it looked.

His blades, his shooting iron, and his steed:



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Name:Johnathan McCullin

Age: 31

Gender: Male


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/1455949993459.jpg.3a8190165b6e961eadb9a7ff87001a56.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140897" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/1455949993459.jpg.3a8190165b6e961eadb9a7ff87001a56.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Backstory: The son of a shoe maker and a whore, Johnathan McCullin had a lived a hard and challenging early childhood. His early memories were of an orphanage where he learned how to read and where he found his fondness of books. However as years went by the orphanage was closed down and Johnathan ,no older than 3 years old, was thrown into the streets along with many other children however unlike the other children the boy refused the slow death of starvation and began working his way out of the streets and into a higher means of living which started with him selling papers for the local press. After a couple years of starving himself near death and birthday breads he finally managed to get a better paying job as a courier of letters and managed to buy a meager collection of book where he began teaching himself the art of cartography though he didn't make much headway as he was to occupied with maintaining his squalid lifestyle that is until he met Gram Hamilton a well known explorer during one of his deliveries though they did not become friends until Johnathan was caught tampering with Gram's stew which Johnathan bettered by tenfold thus the two came to an agreement that Gram Will teach Johnathan his trade along with pay him while Johnathan will make his meal along with undertaking the daunting task of teaching Gram how to cook.

Their arrangement between the two went on for a couple of years and Johnathan learned how to fence, Survival skills, and the art of map making whilst Gram remained clueless in the culinary arts though the two became rather close however their friendship did not last long as Gram was in his twilight years thus at the age of 12 Johnathan lost his first benefactor, his only friend, and mentor though . Though it was not all to bad as the explorer left him with a bit of money his trademark hat which was too large for him at the time and a saber which was nearly taller than he was though he kept in nonetheless though he still had to move on and thus he looked for work once more where he landed himself a place in a ship where he refined his art by playing the role of the navigator whilst his fellow crew members taught him how to effectively use a gun as they sailed around the word for a decade or two until Johnathan left the service of the ships captain to find better paying work far off into the west.


Despite being a self made man he isn't much different from your average person as the only difference between him and the average person is his tendency to distance himself from animals due to past experience.

Skills: Cartographer, Gunslinger, Survivalist, Navigator, Fencer, and Cook.

Mount: He walks the way of the strong, Emphasis on walking

Equipment: A Bag filled with meager supplies, a cheap revolver he had recently bought, A Sabre, And the clothes in his back

Other: His hat is worth a carriage full of gold to him

Occupation: Survivalist, Mapmaker, Bodyguard, Cook, Navigator.



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Name: Jewel Archer

Age: 27

Gender: Female


Her eyes are gray.


Jewel was born an explorer like her parents. They often traveled, but when she was born, they stopped traveling and stayed in a town for four years. Jewel grew up, being sneaky and sometimes having to steal food. Of course, their parents would go on another expedition alone without Jewel, but left someone to watch her. She was left with Sydney Ream, an unmarried girl perhaps in her twenties. She looked very kind.

Jewel absolutely despised her. She felt Sydney was secretly plotting something, or just being cruel. She was left with her for at least two weeks. They said they would be gone for three weeks top, but they were returning a week early. Jewel didn't really care if anything were wrong, being the four-year-old she was, and only cared about being with her parents again. Her parents finally returned. Jewel felt blessed. Finally, she could ditch Sydney and hang out with her parents. Well, one of her parents. Her father was the only one to return.

Her father gave them the news. Their expedition had come to an early end when they were attacked by a T-Rex. Her mother tried to get it away, but only doomed herself. Her, and a few other members of the group, had lost their lives to the terrible dinosaur. The town mourned for a week, but lost hope.

Years passed, Jewel's father decided to teach her how to cook during the years. After Jewel had mastered cooking, her father decided to lend her some equipment and teach her how to hunt and the ways of exploring. Her and her father now went on adventures together, hunting dinosaurs and animals of all sorts.

Jewel finally reached age eighteen, and her father had gotten awfully sick. Jewel held off venturing and hunting so she could help her father. He rested all day, and Jewel decided to go see if she could get some medicine or herbs.

Her father passed before she returned. Jewel was very upset. Her mother and father had died and were no longer there for her. She instantly felt alone and continued wondering about what she would do. It was terrible. She decided to continue hunting and exploring. She sold the house and spent years exploring.

She managed to find a friendly, young velociraptor. At the time, she was twenty-three. Jewel hadn't come up with a name yet, but had already fallen in love with him. He was adorable. They traveled together until they met up with a larger velociraptor, which just so happened to be his mother. The mother was protective and tried to attack. Jewel couldn't kill her. Instead, she did what any coward would do: run. To Jewel's luck, she made it safely away, leaving the velociraptors together and reunited.

At the age of twenty-five, Jewel found a gray Mustang roaming around a pond. She decided to call it Sterling, and would often sketch her in her journal. After Sterling felt used to being around her, Jewel got some horse equipment and Sterling became her mount. Nothing much happened in the next two years, which leaves us where we are.

Personality: Jewel is neutral, she's neither good nor bad. She's swift, but also very sneaky. She also takes her time with things instead of trying to finish quickly. Jewel sometimes will act sarcastic, but not all the time. She's fierce, yet protective.

Skills: Being a hunter, she is great at hunting, identifying animals/dinosaurs by mind, remembering things, and being quick and quiet. Jewel also is talented in cooking and drawing, which she'll sometime sketch some dinosaurs or animals in her journal.

Occupation: Hunter and explorer

Mount: A gray, female Mustang named Sterling

Equipment: Double Barrel Sawed Off Shotgun:
, The Volcanic Repeater:
, and Vibro-Glaive
, then some maps and a journal.

Other: Jewel gets annoyed very easily. So annoy her and you might end up dead.

(Sorry if it's a bit a long!)
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Name: Mark Winberri

Age: 32

Gender: Male


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.46631c32280967b80ebacda21b6b1830.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="141047" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.46631c32280967b80ebacda21b6b1830.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Backstory: Mark was born in the Canadian Rockies, as a citizen of the British government. Life was hard in the mountains, and he, alongside the other children, were forced to learn to live in a harsh environment. He learned to hunt the mammoths and such that roamed the area, and be able to fight off predators. He learned how to fish with improvised materials as well. By 20, he was an expert.

When he was 22, he left to live in the more southern Colorado Rockies, which were part of the western land of opportunity. He traveled from town to town on the back of his Allosaurus. Whenever winter came, he would retreat to southern Utah and wait it out. He joined the expedition to earn a little fame and cash.

Personality: Mark isn't particularly shy, but he isn't particularly gregarious either. He can be laid-back and jokey when he wants, but more often he's serious and thinking of plans and memories.

Skills: Great at hunting and identifying dinosaurs and other ancient animals. He also knows some about edible plants. As a hunter, he is great with his gun and his machete.

Occupation: Hunter

Mount: Allosaurus

Equipment: A clockwork assault gun, a machete, a black leather outfit and hat, a skinning knife, and a book of dinosaur identification.

Other: He has a tiny bit of knowledge about piloting Russian Airships after being forced to take over the flight of one when the pilot had a heart attack.

His gun:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.eaa93f8c05ad4faf9b7da180532f66fe.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="141072" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/image.jpeg.eaa93f8c05ad4faf9b7da180532f66fe.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Agnes Wright



Appearance(description or picture):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cb85941e5_OCAgnesWIP.jpg.5a5b5bcebb4cd409a118b7bb7b9fb0e3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="141056" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cb85941e5_OCAgnesWIP.jpg.5a5b5bcebb4cd409a118b7bb7b9fb0e3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Backstory(2 paragraphs minimum): Agnes grew up in Toronto as a daughter of a well-known British scientist, more specifically, paleontologist, Richard Wright. In his prime he became the leading authority in dinosaur research and it just so happened that his only daughter took more interest in the large lizards, rather than frilly dresses and tea parties, much to the dismay of her mother.

Ever since she could read, her father taught her everything she wanted to know and sure enough, bright little girl soaked up the knowledge like a sponge. By the age of 16, she had already gone out hunting for dinosaurs with her father, learning how to wield a sniper rifle while improving on her scientific knowledge.

Her parents never saw eye to eye, especially when it came to her upbringing and education, causing Agnes to distance herself from her mother while focusing on the research she and her father worked on.

For this exploration it was originally her father, who was asked to join as a leading paleontologist, however even such great minds are not exempt from trivial accidents such as falling down the staircase. Due to his broken femur, Richard Wright was forced to send in a last minute replacement - his daughter.

Poise of a lady, yet mouth of an old fisherman. Agnes is coy and lovely until she opens her potty mouth. Not to say that she is a bad person, however her morals may come off as rather... skewed. She absolutely adores the sight of gore, blood and violence and of course - DINOSAURS, because who could forget DINOSAURS! Her wild and untamed curiosity often leads her to discover things better left alone, but being prone to improvisation and gifted with a fair amount of wit, she can usually save her skin.

Upon meeting her one would think that she can hold up a rather pleasant conversation, but don't you dare show any interest in dinosaurs or any other long-extinct flora and fauna, because if you do, you may find yourself buried under an avalanche of her ramblings.

Although she can pretend as such, Agnes is far from shy and usually states her opinions (positive or negative) upfront, yet without any malice. If a person is being a prick she will point it out, but in a matter-of-fact way.

Through her mother's influence she grew fond of taking care of others by performing trivial tasks, although her nosy attitude may end up annoying more secluded individuals. Being a woman of several words, but few gunshots, she avoids violence at all costs and has a knack for soothing arguments.

Explorer / dinosaur hunter /scientist

Her main skill is her vast knowledge of dinosaurs as well as her expertise in zoology and botanic, making her a vital member of the exploration group. She CAN shoot a gun, but that's about as far as it gets. If given time to concentrate, she can nail down a dinosaur with her sniper rifle with a fair amount of accuracy, but other than that, her gunman skills are lukewarm average. However, using her knowledge of herbs and some chemistry, she is capable of brewing poisons and potions to dip the gunpowder with, resulting in amusing effects. Though being far from a doctor, you can let her stich a wound if there is really no better option available.

Her cooking skills are marriage worthy, even though her attitude is not.

Mount(dinosaurs allowed):
A male Parasaurolophus (she has him pull a small wagon with her on-the-road lab)


A notebook, some ropes, some random small junk, a collection of poisons and potions and of course a revolver and a sniper rifle:



Other: She must not under any circumstance come anywhere near any alcoholic beverages. Let's say she is sort of a herbalist for a reason and keep it at that.

Also, she is a compulsive smoker and has a big tobacco plant she takes everywhere with her. Do not touch that tobacco plant. Your food will be poisoned.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/OC.jpg.3cd329512c9e99c868593543d8409c99.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="140918" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/OC.jpg.3cd329512c9e99c868593543d8409c99.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Rex Scale

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Appearance(description or picture):

Occupation: Hunter and a sort of wild life expert.

Backstory(2 paragraphs minimum): Rex was only five years old when his parent who were studying dinosaurs in wild when they were killed by a wild T-Rex. Rex was saved and adopted by a local tribe who took pity on the child. He learned how to hunt, skin, sneak up on, avoid and many other thing about dinosaurs and other animals during the time he lived with the Tribe.

When he turned 22 he left the tribe to explore the world. He worked as a bounty hunter and big game hunter when he needed money. He did well and got the nickname "T-Rex" for killing a T-Rex with just he bastard sword, but he was severely injured by the fight and it took months to fully recover. Then when the government was putting together people for the expedition he was contacted to joined it. He of course accepted the offer.

Personality: Rex is glass half full kind of guy, alway trying to keep spirits up and telling stories of his hunts. He isn't very smart except for when it comes to hunting and animals but other than that he can barely read or write. He also likes to drink and have fun with companions. He loyal to people he considers his friend or companions and would even risk his life for them.

Skills: hunting, swordsmanship, tracking, very brave, strong willed and knowledgeable about dinosaurs and other wild life.

Mount(dinosaurs allowed): A big dark red Velociraptor

Equipment: a bastard sword, a short sword, a heavy single shot shotgun, a flask of moonshine, and a hunting knife.

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Name: Charlotte Dyer

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Appearance(description or picture): Charlotte has brown eyes and strawberry blonde hair that is nearly always worn in braid down her back. She has pale skin and a tendency to burn, causing her long sleeves and a hood almost everywhere she goes.

Backstory(2 paragraphs minimum):



Occupation(what they add to the expedition): Mapmaker

Mount(dinosaurs allowed):




Name: Victor Santiago

Age: 36

Gender: Male


Backstory: Victor was born in Cuba to a poor family



Occupation: Spanish interpreter, fisherman, and boatman

Mount: Horse (can't afford a dino yet)


Name: "Gravedigger"

Age: Unknown, 20-29 age range.

Gender: Unknown, voice implies male.



Role/Occupation: Engineer

Backstory: Gravedigger is a largely enigmatic person. What few details are known about his early life are often sparse and inconsistent. The first concrete accounts of his life begin in the Ohio Valley territory near an unnamed settlement, where he was reportedly found unconscious in a muddy bank of the Ohio River.

Gravedigger claimed to be an amnesiac, with no memory of his life, his home, or even his true name. After being pulled onto a steamboat southbound for Cincinnati, Gravedigger showed an immediate aptitude for engineering when the steam engine broke down halfway to their destination. The company that owned the steamboat hired him soon after to work for them. Gravedigger would soon quit to find details about his past, to no avail. Gravedigger agreed to work as the engineer during this trip in hopes of finding some obscure clue about his past along the way.

Personality: Gravedigger is a rather nervous person, and is often easily startled. He often stops and starts his speech abruptly, yet rarely ever stutters. He rarely trusts anyone, and never takes off his gear, even to sleep.

Skills: Gravedigger has experience with a wide variety of mechanical devices, as well as basic architecture and constructions. His specialties are hydraulics and clockworks.

Mount: Gravedigger uses his Arm-pack as a mount, opting to use them as transport to rest his legs.

Equipment: Gravedigger comes equipped with a metal pack sprouting two giant metal arms that make use of hydraulics and steel pulleys which gives them the ability to lift several hundred pounds. The arms, however, are useless as weapons or to swing weapons, as the arms move fairly slowly. The arms are useful for carrying mid-sized steam engines and larger mechanical components. The pack includes a helmet that protects his head, neck, and collar from shrapnel and flames. Gravedigger also comes equipped with a flame retardant suit in the event that a steam engine explodes. The suit also acts as mild padding against blunt strikes. Finally, Gravedigger carries a fairly sizable toolkit.

Other: Gravedigger has never been sick for as long as he can remember.

(Too cliched?)
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  • Name: Luciano Jaimes

    Age: 28

    Gender: Male

Name: Al

Age: 40

Gender: Male

Appearance(description or picture):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-7_21-14-57.png.57e4fc90e5d5ab52fbe0d0832cac8cfe.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="141008" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-7_21-14-57.png.57e4fc90e5d5ab52fbe0d0832cac8cfe.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Backstory(2 paragraphs minimum): Al grew up out in America to the east in a small settlement known as skunk water gulch With his father a doctor and mother a hunter. When he was 12-22 Al tried his best to get good grades especially in medicine and biology because he wanted to be like his father while his mother taut him how to shoot guns. He got a overall b-. Years later Al graduated medical school and for a time worked in a hospital until he heard of a expedition to the west. So he purchased some new clothes, medical equipment, Took his mothers pistol that was given to him on his 19 birthday and headed out to join the expedition. Al was always fascinated with the west and always wanted to explore it but never could due to no merc would do it for a reasonable price would accompany him. That was until now. Now he could explore the west and he wont let this opportunity go to waste.

Personality: Al is Kind to anyone he meets especially his patients, He is determined to save his patients. Al is a insomniac due to a failed surgery of a young child and never forgave himself for it and has lost sleep ever since.

Skills: A expert surgeon, able to tell what type of plant he is looking at without a book

Occupation(what they add to the expedition): Doctor

Mount(dinosaurs allowed): none

Equipment: Medical equipment, Medicinal herbs, books about medicine, poison, plants and his mothers pistol

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-7_22-2-23.png.a35db71b6fa314d59f9184ad6096a96b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="141019" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-7_22-2-23.png.a35db71b6fa314d59f9184ad6096a96b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Is this ok or should I edit it?

@Fishman Lord



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If I liked your post, you're accepted! I've held off on accepting most the W.I.P.s, so don't worry if those didn't get accepted yet.


Katya Slavac





Appearance(description or picture):


(Both of her arms are fake)

Backstory(2 paragraphs minimum):

Kat was brought up in odd circumstances. When a young parent abandons a child at a convent they believe they're child is safe in a place of worship, but not every convent is really a place of God. The Russian house of God seemed like a such a thing on the outside but on the inside they deal with much darker things. Nuns are never what they seem. Not that they weren't still people of God, they just worked differently. The proof of their worship to the main on the sky has been burnt into her skin in the form of a brand that depicts a quote from the bible about God's wrath, "God is a righteous judge, and a God who feels indignation every day." They trained the girl from a young to be a professional hunter of everything, including people, and she has become highly skilled. However as Kat grew up she had other ideas that the nuns did not plan and at the age of fourteen she'd had enough and that was the first time in her life she'd ever killed willingly. In her escape Kat stole a pterodactyl and still has it to this day. At age twenty Kat had already earned herself a reputation and a few people had become jealous...that's why she's not got real arms. But the others are worse off, since then the Russian has been traveling doing jobs as more of a cross between an odd jobs woman and assassin.


Kat is fairly unorthodox for most women, she often seen as scary with few looking to take her on. she usually laid back and easy going with a rude and sarcastic sence of humour that can often get a few scowls. But her laid back easy going ways are making the fact that she is always on guard and ready to take on whatever comes her way and is picky about who she lets close to her. The young woman is funny despite how little she talks, to Katya actions speak much louder than words do. They can range from a caring or grateful pat on the shoulder to a slap across the cheek. Her senses of morality makes her question everything although she is the most likely to do the hard things and take the dark roads for the benefit of others, but her mortality has no effect on her lack of mercy towards people, if there is a reason. Her anger often comes across and cool and calm with an icy touch, much like the phrase "the calm before the storm".


-Long and short range combat.

-street smart.

-Good at tactics.


-nimble fingered.

Occupation(what they add to the expedition):

Assassin, however will also do other things that involve danger and aren't for the faint of heart.

Mount(dinosaurs allowed):




The weapons she is carrying, basic food and water in a back pack and these:







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Name: "Chesco" [Real name Francesco Mardini]

Age: 28

Gender: M


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Chesco.png.b0ccbee4fccd9eee9051d9f07235eb0c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="141322" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Chesco.png.b0ccbee4fccd9eee9051d9f07235eb0c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Backstory: Chesco was the son of the ringmaster of a traveling dino circus, but he would only learn until much later that he wasn't the only one. His father was a chronic womanizer, having slept with every showgirl on the caravan and as a result, had many bastard children while remaining unmarried. His own mother was ashamed of this detail and, alongside several other showgirls, sued him for every penny he owned. When they won, they ejected the old ringmaster and began running the circus on their own. Chesco, looking the most like his dad, was one of the showrunners.

That said, though, he wasn't too satisfied with the carnie business. Though he had a good voice and was talented at getting attention, he wanted to do something more rewarding. Thus, when he gathered the money, he left his home and went to a university in New York where he learned the "holy" art of machinery, with a special focus on guns. Combined with his flair for showmanship, he naturally decided on becoming an arms dealer, selling his wares of automated gun turrets and aim-assisting backpacks and the like. While not every invention he has is an unprecedented success, he always finds something to laugh about them. What better place to sell them than an expedition to uncharted territory?

Personality: Like his father, Chesco is a loud, obnoxious man. Unlike his father, though, he isn't quite as greedy or lascivious, and actually has a slight fear of being swarmed by women. His appreciation for guns and machines harbors almost on the unhealthy, but it makes him an incredible gunsmith. He doesn't mind laughing at some of the failures along the way, but it's unwise to presume superiority without the proper qualifications.


  • Inventive gunsmith
  • Skilled tongue
  • Determined to sell anything to anyone.

Occupation: Arms Dealer

Mount: Considering his lack of dino-training skills, Chesco has opted for a mode of transportation more fitting in his field - A walker. Though not much taller than a velociraptor, this steam-powered two-legged wonder of science is rated to be as fast as a horse, but far easier to maintain (the inner mechanisms are shielded from dust and sand). As for armaments, Chesco only has a machine gun mounted on the top, but he's equally capable of dismounting it and firing his guns from on top.



  • Toolkits for guns
  • Hat - it belonged to his dad, though it fits him a bit big.
  • Though Chesco always brings enough guns to sell to anyone (and he will insist on selling them just so he has room to build more), he has a few key guns he'll never sell.
    A matching pair of pepperbox pistols named "Roma" and "Remy". Though they only hold 6 shots each, they're perhaps the most extensively altered tools of his armory, capable of firing next to any bullet he can find, and each bullet filled with anything from dragonfire to acid.
  • A hunting rifle with an extended hunting sight. Single-chambered, but the range is without equal. It's only able to fire a single type of bullet though.
  • His first big invention, it's a modular automated sentry. Though it's got limited ammo, it can mount near anything from machine guns to flamethrowers to even firebomb launchers.
  • A taser cane. The shock's not enough to actually harm someone, but it's enough to scare a grabby dino. Also a bit of a holdover from the family business.

[*]His current wares for sale:

  • Roving wheeled bombs. They need to wound up, but it's easier to control than throwing!
  • A portable flamethrower. The thing's still a bit bottom-heavy though.
  • Briefcase full of fireworks. Supposedly they can all fire at once...supposedly.

Other details:

  • Though Chesco's a technical wizard, his skill at dino-training leaves a bit to be desired. He can definitely train anything smaller than him, but when it comes to raptors and up, he prefers to deal with them by being as far from them as possible.
  • Has a slight fear of being swarmed by women. Especially attractive ones. He's not afraid of dealing with them though; after all, the circus his dad once ran was taken over by the showgirls.
  • Chesco fears the Russians are out to get him. They once tried to steal a prototype of his (according to him), and he beat up what he thought was a government spy. He'll try to keep as far from the Russian government as possible, but he'll still try to sell within the empire.



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Name: Jekkel the wanderer

Age: 19

Appearance: The guy on the left


Backstory: Jekkel came from an indian descent. He was raised in rather big tribe called The Grey Wolf. (This tribe is similar to the Cherokee Tribe.) At it’s time It was a very prosperous. The tribe owned so much land and this land was rich with resources. The tribe was not as advanced as the outsiders (That's what they called the cowboys) They were able to master metalworking, But they were still having a tough time wrapping their mind with steamworks and gunsmithing. The only thing the Grey Wolf tribe knew was you need gunpowder and they had plenty of gunpowder. As time went on And the outsiders wanted their land. Their resources their power. One day a clan of bandits these bandits had at least one thing in common they were wearing a badge. This badge was a bull but the pull had revolvers for horns. They came along with their advanced weaponry and killed everyone. The Gray wolf tribe had twice as many people but yet they were only able to take out half of the clan. As the dust settled there was a young boy, A boy named Jekkel, He was confused, scared, angry and filled with sorrow. His family killed in front of him. His clan wiped out in one day. Everything he knew was taken from him. All he had was a carved stone from his parents and a tomahawk. This is where the story of Jekkel begins but that is a story for another time.

Personality: Jekkel is usually nice and tries to stay on the brighter side. He is as stubborn as a bull with his own opinion. He is sensitive with certain topics. Jekkel is always looking for a bit of fun.

Skills: Parkour. Aiming. Blueprints.

Occupation: Inventor, Adventurer,

Mount: His legs, He can ride a horse but does not own one.


One Tomahawk (Hanging from his belt.)


One Revolver (On his side)


Uno Rifle (on his back


And one knife. This is in his boot

[QUOTE="Sir Jake]Name: Jekkel the wanderer
Age: 19

Appearance: The guy on the left


Backstory: Jekkel came from an indian descent. He was raised in rather big tribe called The Grey Wolf. (This tribe is similar to the Cherokee Tribe.) At it’s time It was a very prosperous. The tribe owned so much land and this land was rich with resources. The tribe was not as advanced as the outsiders (That's what they called the cowboys) They were able to master metalworking, But they were still having a tough time wrapping their mind with steamworks and gunsmithing. The only thing the Grey Wolf tribe knew was you need gunpowder and they had plenty of gunpowder. As time went on And the outsiders wanted their land. Their resources their power. One day a clan of bandits these bandits had at least one thing in common they were wearing a badge. This badge was a bull but the pull had revolvers for horns. They came along with their advanced weaponry and killed everyone. The Gray wolf tribe had twice as many people but yet they were only able to take out half of the clan. As the dust settled there was a young boy, A boy named Jekkel, He was confused, scared, angry and filled with sorrow. His family killed in front of him. His clan wiped out in one day. Everything he knew was taken from him. All he had was a carved stone from his parents and a tomahawk. This is where the story of Jekkel begins but that is a story for another time.

Personality: Jekkel is usually nice and tries to stay on the brighter side. He is as stubborn as a bull with his own opinion. He is sensitive with certain topics. Jekkel is always looking for a bit of fun.

Skills: Parkour. Aiming. Blueprints.

Occupation: Inventor, Adventurer,

Mount: His legs, He can ride a horse but does not own one.


One Tomahawk (Hanging from his belt.)


One Revolver (On his side)


Uno Rifle (on his back


And one knife. This is in his boot


Remember to read everyone's posts and stuff before joining so you know what's going on!

  • the_gunslinger_by_gizthegunslinger-d65kztl.jpg

    Name: Roland

    Nickname: The Gunslinger

    Age: 32

    Gender: Male

    Sexuality: Straight

    Height: 6'3"

    Class: Hunter

    Appearance: Roland has brown hair and red/brown eyes. He has a scar on the right side of his face that runs through his upper and bottom lip. When he goes without shaving, he looks about ten years older. He has many scars on his body, but the most prominent is the large scar that spans diagonally across his chest. He wears either a large red poncho, or a dark brown leather duster.



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