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Realistic or Modern Status: It’s Complicated (CLOSED)

The stutter concerned Daniel - Mason didnt have feelings for him, did he? "Mace. I think right now is a very good time for you to be completely honest with me."
Daniel couldn't say anything for a few moments, and when he did, all that came out was, "Oohhhhh...." More silence. "Oh dear...." That explained a lot.
“Yeah. You happy?” Mason asks, sighing. He wanted Daniel to say more than just “oh dear” because it made him anxious.
"I am happy to know your secret, but rather concerned for you. You must have kept that a secret for a very, very long time," Daniel pondered aloud.
“Yeah. I kind of liked Jax since I met him in high school, but I realized pretty quick that he’s straight and I don’t have a chance. But I can never shake this crush,” Mason says.
"That's awful, I'm sorry," Daniel said, ever the empathetic one. "I'm sure you've tried everything you could to stop wanting him, too."
“Yeah. And I tried everything to stop being gay, too. Neither plan worked,” Mason says, doodling absentmindedly on his homework. “what do I do?” He asks quietly.
"Well of course you can't stop being gay, numbskull," Daniel scoffed. "I think you should tell him. Even if he can't return your feelings, dont you think he has a right to know? And you've already tried everything else possible."
“I don’t know... last time I checked, he’s not too accepting of LGBT,” Mason says. But would it be different since they’re friends..?
Daniel hesitated, then said, "Yeah, Jayk isn't the most open-minded of guys." He was surprised Mason still had feelings for Jayk, all things considered.
Mason sighs. “Maybe you’re right, maybe I should tell him. I just have to gather the balls to do it first.”
"Mace, the sooner the better, dude." Daniel was fairly certain that no matter what happened, Jayk would reject Mason, and probably harshly, so it was better to do so sooner than later.
“I can’t, what if he doesn’t wanna hang out with us this weekend then?” He thought about it, and decided maybe dealing with drunk Jayk again after all of this wasn’t the best idea. “Well... I am going to the gym with him during the week...”
“Why did I have to be gay? Why cant I just like girls like every other guy?” Mason muses, though he knows it’s not “like every other guy” but it sure feels like it.
"Alright, talk to you later," Daniel said, then hung up with a sigh. Ainsley called him a few minutes later, much to his surprise.
"Uh, yeah. Ainsley... It would not work between you two. He thinks you're awesome and all, but... Yeah.' Daniel said

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