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States' RPs

Cecelia smiled back brightly


Russia lifted his head to look up at him. His left eye had started to bruise and he looked pretty pathetic right now. "Is not your fault"
"I was busy" she giggled

"We've noticed" Jasper laughed


Russia shook his head, not able to say anything else before a nurse caught ther attention "She's out of surgery now" she said "But she's still just barely stable.....you can come see her if you want, but it's a bit upsetting to see loved ones with all the equipment she's hooked up to" she warned gently
She laughed. "In gonna get some chips."


She sniffled, opening her mouth to speak. Her speech ran together and was slurred, which seemed to make her even more upset as she spoke. "I just... W-wanted someone to like me. I wanted to have someone besides DC that thought I was worth their time..."
"Okay" she said happily


Russia shook his head "You're worth everything, Kansas" he murmured "But you need to rest now" he smiled gently "Getting all worked up won't do you any good"
She went to the kitchen.


She looked down. "I... I just w-wat to talk to yoo.... Soary for getting u-upseet... My miind and may mouf arent... On good tairms."
"Yass! You're the best!" Cecelia giggled, sitting up again

"Thank ya, babe" Jasper smiled


Russia kept holding her hand, still feeling guilty for all of this
"We should all go and do something fun"


"I was going to try and get you to go on a date with me..." He blushed "But everything went very wrong.."

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