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States' RPs

I shall start then!

Jasper frowned slightly as he waited for his partner to come back from a break. They needed to get a move on if they wanted to find who they were looking for and he was making it impossible to move quickly.


(I don't know exactly were to start this one, any ideas?)
Jasper blushed lightly at the nickname. "'S okay" he assured "Let's just get goin' again" he looked out the window, needing to look away to clear the faint color on his cheeks.



Jasper struggled to stay on his feet as he was drug into a building and down through the hall ways. He had been taken from his station by these Germans and they were probably going to lock him up now.
Georgia chuckled. "What's the blush for, Jas?" He teased.


Abigail looked around the house, walking down the hallway. No one was paying her any mind...
Jasper rolled his eyes "Stop callin' me Jas" he replied, though in all honesty he liked it


Jasper spotted her as he was drug down the hall and he grinned, winking at her
"Nah, I think I'll stick to it," Carter responded, giving a hearty chuckle. "Your code name ain't as fun to say."


She tilted her head, following the men. "Hallo."
Jasper sighed "Texas ain't fun? 'S a pretty interestin' name ta me" he replied "an usually 's common cursory ta not call someone by a name they don't like, but I guess yer gonna keep doin' any how"


The two paused to look at her for a moment, greeting her back but keeping a fright grip on ther American.

Jasper smiled at her despite how beat up he was. He had to make a good first impression after all
"Of course.." Jasper rolled his eyes "Yer an asshole, ya know that?"


The soldiers explained to her that he was an American prisoner before starting to drag him off again
"Of course," he stated, smirking as he poked his forehead. "Ya gonna get yer arse in gear or what? We have two armed an dangerous ladies to collect."


"Let him go," she said, frowning.
Jasper chuckled "I am in gear, I'm waitin get you ta get us outt here so we can find 'em!"


The two soliders frowned at her and kept walking away with the American.

Jasper smiled weakly at her, trying to make her less worried about where ever they were taking him to now
He smiled and started driving, lookin around. "I'm guessing you want their specifics, right?"


"I'll scream," she threatened, glaring at the soldiers. "He may be American, but at least he's actually making eye contact with me."
Jasper nodded "Yeah, what'd the locals tell ya?" He asked


The soldiers talked to each other in low whispers for a moment before roughly shoving Jasper toward her. They then left
"The blonde one's a jewel thief, working with the other one. They took out their associate, another male; code name Missouri, a few weeks ago."


She took his hand. "Let's fix your face."
Jasper looked a bit shocked at this. "So they're murderers as well" he said "Great.." He never liked dealing with people like that. They were usually more dangerous than those who had never killed before. "They give ya any idea where they'd be at?"


He nodded and smiled a little when she spoke to him in English. "Yeah, alright...thank ya" he said
Jasper nodded and looked around at passing buildings and people. "Alright then" he said, keeping an eye out for anything suspicious


Jasper smiled back and did his best to stand up tall like he didn't hurt at all
Jasper spotted her and nudged Carter "Someone just went inta that alley" he said


He winced slightly when she touched any of them but stayed still to let her treat them
Carter smirked. "Hop out and pursue. I'll drive around to the other side."

The woman looked around once, trying not to act suspicious.


Abigail smiled a bit once she was finished. "You're not a human, are you?" She asked softly.
Jasper nodded and got out of the car, casually walking off down the side walk and toward the alley


He laughed lightly "What on earth would make ya think I ain't?" He asked, tilting his head slightly. He wasn't, but he wouldn't just flat out admit to it of course
She smiled as she sat down on a bench. She checked the jewels carefully.


"You'd be dead if you weren't a country or state or something."
Texas strolled into the alley and stood in front of her "Do you have the stuff?" He asked her


Texas blinked "Yeah that's true" he agreed "Hi, I'm Texas"

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