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Futuristic Starpath: Burning Sails [IC] [CLOSED]

Both of the band members soon after heard their stomachs growl from starvation. All that combat can produce an empty stomach alright. They went towards the mess hall and somewhere near the kitchen was Shelby wearing an apron cooking something up. Grommy left his coat back at his room, showing off his black t-shirt as both sat down.

Grommy and Nara waved at her, "Hey there Shelby. What are you up to now? We've managed to get Mr. H, but I can't say it wasn't difficult." Nara asked twiddling her thumbs. She remembered seeing a few members get injured from the fights, bullet holes and burns. Grommy made a circular motion to his stomach, mouth watery.

"Yeah a lot of people got hit back there. Anyways, what's for lunch today?" Grommy asked.
"Warning. Structural integrity compromised. Seek imminent engineering assistance." The warning lights in Olivia's cabin blared in her face, near-blinding her as she came to dock with the pirate freighter. The fighter was badly bruised by the battle-- but, hey, it could've gone worse. Considering it was a slapped-together combat freighter and two fighters up against a fully-decked destroyer. Shell holes and plasma burns pockmarked the surface of the fighter, which limped away from the battle along with the Mordred. Olivia emerged from the hatch in the cargo bay's floor, falling to her knees, and heaving for breath as she clutched her thighs, the adrenaline still fully acting on her body. "We did-- kffh, kfgh... We did it..." She might be cocky, but being alone against a destroyer that has a propensity for annihilating enemy fighters? That struck her nerves something fierce... She felt something bubble up in the bottom of her throat. "I feel sick..."

Once the woman had finished expelling all that adrenaline from her body, she figured it'd be best to change out of her work clothes, and have a shower. Jeez, the medbay sure is a popular place this time of year. Unsurprisingly, she was kinda peckish after the whole ordeal. So, it's not surprising that Olivia too would emerge at the mess hall, leaning over the counter, and cradling her forehead in a hand. "Is there anything back there that's not gonna make me feel like I'm gonna fucking die?"

She also saw the other two at the other end of the counter, giving a cursory nod. It's only proper to be polite, after all.
That's how pirates work, right?
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"So how do you feel?"

"You're enjoying this?" Petar angrily asked Vincent as he looked up from his position. The attack was something the Gold dust didn't want to repeat. Atlas had just shrugged off the slugs as if they were bug bites and yanked him like he was a kid yanking a stuffed toy and promptly performed a spine-buster on the hard metal bellow. And then he got stomped on like like the big man was trying to put out a fire and peel of shit off his boot. The experience was still not the worst he's ever had, but enough to remind him what happens in this line of work. It wasn't pretty.

"Easy now. You start exerting yourself and you're gonna be in a world of hurt." The priest conveniently ignored the question. He didn't want to admit it out loud, but he did enjoy the pirate having some hardship. "Doc said you have some broken ribs and your sternum is fucked too."

"And you're here for my last rites?"

"If you got confessions, I can do that too. I'm on the medical staff, so I'm checking in on you." Vincent chuckled "Besides, you don't look the repenting type."

"You know, this one time I was ten I made a friend of mine eat shit because I said I'd pay him a thousand credits. Baluk believed me. Didn't pay him a thing."

"That was not a confession." Vincent responded, unamused.

"Yeah, you're right. I'm not the repenting type." The mercenary replied while and looked at the priest again, a cheeky grin forming on his face.

"Right. Just shut up and wait till the doctor checks you out of here." Vincent grumbled and looked through the data displayed on the monitor next to Petar.
Shelby crawled back out of the pantry with a faded plastic container in hand, filled with similarly faded rainbow sprinkles. It was stuffed near the back with some candy that had expired, but sprinkles were always good. Or so she had been told. She tried some of them and found them to be neither soft or crunchy, which was good enough. Half the taste was presentation, after all. What was the point if food was good but didn't look good?

"Oh, hey guys!" Shelby called to Grommy and Nara. She held up the container of sprinkles like it was a golden idol liberated from a jungle temple. "I'm making the best cupcakes ever made! So... that will be lunch." And maybe dinner, I did make a lot.

A moment later the timer went off for the oven and Shelby put on a pair large oven mitts and pulled out the two trays of baked cupcakes, which was forty total. Now came the boring part where she had to frost them all, but she had to wait for them to cool off. She noticed Olivia show up, too, and Shelby pointed at the still warm and unadorned cupcakes.

"Super special cupcakes," she said, as if that was all that needed to be said. "Gimme like fifteen minutes and they'll be allllll done!"
Cupcakes for lunch? That sounded weird, Nara thought. But on the other hand they were super special cupcakes so maybe these will turn out pretty good. Grommy scratched his chin, cupcakes for lunch huh? Looks like burgers aren't on the menu today then. They waited nonetheless, making small talk.

"Wouldn't hurt to invest in more cooking ingredients for our cook here once we get paid. I imagine Shelby can cook us up some pretty mean hot wings." Nara rubbed her hands together.

"The ship itself could use a lot of decorating: vending machines, posters, even a chapel for our priest here. I wonder if more people can join up with the Reavers someday." Grommy stated, earning a nod from Nara.

The little radio sitting on the med-bay counter plays its music as Typhon goes to work on his patients; disinfecting, mending, suturing, and cauterizing wherever needed. First up was Vance.

"I told you I'm FINE doc, I promise. The others need more attention than me."

Typhon had an angry remark in mind to tell him, but Vance was telling the truth. The little scanner device showed only a small amount of fracture and injuries around his body despite the punishment he went through, but even those wounds are healing rather quickly. 'This isn't normal. This isn't normal at all.' thought Typhon, looking back and forth between Vance and the scanner with a perplexed look on his face. He fixes his eyes on Vance one more time "...Come and see me later when I'm finished with everyone else." A sampling is in order.

Next was Karina. Daniel had already tended to her, so there isn't much he needs to do other than double-check Daniel's work. The medic did a good job of fixing her hand, and even used those fancy-ass nanites to seal the wound too, but Typhon still feels pressured to make an addition.

"Twice a day," he tosses a small container full of little antibiotic tablets. "Don't skip."

Petar would've been next, but the injuries to his ribs would require surgery, a very time consuming process. For now, he gives him some painkillers to deal with the pain until Typhon's free to operate on him. "Petar, I'm going to have to cut you open. I sure hope you don't mind my bony old fingers slithering around the inside of your body." he says, waving his fingers next to his head. "And try not to take any deep breaths."

The case with Shuren is also much of the same. He's also still dealing with back pain even after Daniel gave him an injection of nanites. He's next in line for surgery after Petar.

Jackson requires it too to mend his broken leg. Typhon sat him down while a sling had been placed around leg to keep it in the air.

As for Renate, she insisted she need only stitches. The wound, as it was, wasn't very visible; but Typhon made sure to check regardless. He repeats the same procedure he had done to Yolandi earlier as they were both synthetics, soldering iron and all. The iodine swab and disinfectant were the finishing touches.

"Job's done." he replies as he moves on to his next patient: Shun.

Oh dear. Typhon still has distaste for Shun and is still quite bitter about him coming to Nathalie's defense. The particular insult towards his proficiency as a doctor made quite a deep incision into his pride, and remembers it very well. Nevertheless, it'd reflect poorly on him if he didn't at least try to attend to him.

"Shun..." He hesitates a bit before continuing. "... Why, I'm flattered you would even consider my services even after our... confrontation, though I'm unsure if there's anything I can do about that." He gestures towards the damage on his suit. "You will want to see Zadra. She's more equipped to deal with this sort of thing than I am."

Though really, he just wanted him to go away.
Cupcakes? Olivia felt a lurch in the pit of her stomach as she heard the news they'd be having. Uh. Cupcakes, for lunch. It took all of her willpower to not show a physical reaction, save for her free hand covering up her mouth. She took a couple deep breaths behind that same hand. "I, uh. Isn't there anything back there in the fridge you can just throw into the microwave?" ...Wait a second, that probably sounds bad. "--It's just I feel like crap right now and, ugh. Really don't want to make it worse." That and the whole thing that cupcakes really do not make up a substantial meal on their own.
Even without the usage of his mind-reading, sarcasm was an easy inflection to pick up on when it came to conversations. As far as the cyborg Ayr was concerned he did not wish to be adversaries to the resident surgeon, though he knew he was not the only medical personnel on the ship. Yet still it would seem that Typhon would not let certain things go. Only slightly rolling his shoulders he replied to the doctor with a nod at first, then giving a slight bow.

"I had a suspicion that I might have to see someone more mechanically inclined, given the damage is to the cybernetics rather than any internal organs." he reasons. "I was merely observing how you got along with all of the injured. Tending to so many patients at once is no easy feat, surely." Shun said calmly, not bothering to stoop to his level in terms of attitude. Petty disputes, really, there were far more important things to focus energy on.

"I will go see what Zadra has to say. Be seeing you, and best of luck." he said before he turned on his heel and stepped out into the hallway. He would see Zadra, though it was possible folk would bump into him on his way to the armory.
"You alright Lieutenant? The big man packs a mean punch I'll give him that."

Karina glanced up from the bottle Typhon had given her as Vance walked up and spoke. "Indeed. He's likely been enhanced in some way...or was produced to be as he is." she stated. It was no secret that YsCom loved to experiment in the field of robotics and cybernetics. All the drones and enemies they had just faced in the mission were prime examples of that. There was the possibility that this 'Mr. Atlas' that they encountered was made in a factory instead of a vat. She popped the cap off the bottle in her hand, before swallowing a pair of tablets from inside before closing it. "Hopefully he was killed in the fall. Otherwise, we'll likely be seeing him again in the future."

She then looked back up from the bottle, examining Vance for a brief moment. "You heal quite rapidly. Lucky you." she stated a bit bluntly. She then glanced over to Renate and Vixaya nearby. "Excellent work with Mr. H. You performed better than most of the Naval Troopers back home when it comes to defending VIPs." she said. Especially since it was Renate alone defending him, and not a pack of armed and armored troopers.

Lauren made her way down into the central hallway of the Mordred, limping most of the way due to her ankle. She had sprained it attempting to evade Atlas' swings, though she still ended up getting backhanded a few times and slung against the inner walls of the corvette. Thankfully she didn't lose her saber. Her hand rested on it as she limped, in almost a defensive posture, as Shun walked past her. Soon enough, she had to stop for a moment. Her ankle genuinely hurt. Fuck, I might actually have to have the doc look at it. She grumbled to herself as she rested against the wall of the tunnel.

Zadra made her way down to the engine room. During the battle with the destroyer, the Mordred suffered some significant hull damage as well as some damage to the internal systems. Nothing major, but it still needed to be fixed. There was also damage to the fighters, especially Olivia's. She'd have to check with Pearl and Yolandi about fixing it all. Loudmouth seemed fine, though. Crazy little robot. He managed to totally avoid being hit by Atlas during the fighting. Likely because he was too busy cutting those drones helping Atlas to pieces with that chainsaw of his.

Soon enough, she saw Shun enter the engineering bay. "Hey there! Need something?" she said, pausing where she was near the ship's warp core.

"--It's just I feel like crap right now and, ugh. Really don't want to make it worse."

"Aww...first time going toe to toe with a destroyer?" said Aesha, with a bit of a chuckle at the end as she arrived in the lounge. "You get used to it. I've helped destroy three of 'em." She strolled over to the fridge nearby, reaching in and drawing out a beer before turning about. "There's burritos in the freezer if you wanna microwave one." she said, before looking to Shelby and her cupcakes. "Do you mind blending two of those into a slush or something? We Upyri can't have solid foods. Stomachs and such aren't the same as you humans."
Shun stood at attention as he entered the engineering deck, looking to Zadra quietly as he waited those few moments for his presence to become known. As she addressed him he took a single step forward and nodded. "Yes. I am in need of your expertise. Some of my augments suffered damage in the mission despite my best efforts. There is no organic damage in need of healing, yet now my cybernetics are now operating under optimal efficiency." he explains rather flatly.

"While I have extensive knowledge on most of my systems, performing such intricate repairs with telekinesis is both taxing and dangerous. Would you be so kind to assist me with this issue?" the cyborg asks rather politely.
Enhanced and factory made... sounds more like a robot than a living thing. Vance thought to himself as Karina spoke.

"Hopefully he was killed in the fall. Otherwise, we'll likely be seeing him again in the future."
"I'll be sure to keep an eye out for him. Lookin' forward to a rematch." Vance chuckled as he walked off from the medbay.

As he walked through the Mordred, he saw Lauren leaning back on the wall, seemingly in pain, and went over to her. "Captain." he said with a salute. "You alright? Sorry I couldn't do more against the big man back there. Never faced a man that durable before, only machines."
"The Upyri can't eat solid food?" Nara uttered as she turned towards Aesha. "I never heard about that before. We haven't really explored the Galaxy like other people so it's weird you guys have to blend your food down into a liquid." These new terms reminded Nara she had to catch up on looking about current news and fads.

"I imagine they have a lot of veggie blenders back at the Upyri homeworld then. Can make a lot of credits with those businesses." Grommy wagered.
"Aww, first time going toe to toe with a destroyer?" Olivia responded by shooting her fellow pilot a glare, before rubbing the bridge of her nose. "Yeah, well, it's different between taking on a destroyer with a squadron plus backup, and taking on a destroyer with one wingman and an old piece-of-shit freighter that's probably not worth its weight in the metal it's built with." A grimace overtook her face as she looked slowly over to the freezer. "...Frozen microwave burritos? Shit, dude, if I wanted those I'd just save myself the time and go back to throwing up in the bathroom now."
Aesha nodded as she looked to Nara and Grommy. "Yeah, most food gets blended down into a liquid form and sold. Solid stuff doesn't agree with our bodies, and we end up puking it back up. If you're not eating actual food, then you're drinking serum, synthetic blood...or the real deal." she said, before feeling around on her person. She eventually dug into her back pocket, and pulled out a sealed vial of a yellowish liquid. "Serum's got all the good stuff that the Upyri need from the blood of other creatures and people, without the gunk." She held it up so that they could see the vial, before putting it away. "Its sort of taboo to drink actual blood. There's some nuts that still do it, though, or the super rare type that can only drink the real thing. Some sort of allergy to the synthetic stuff and the serum."

She glanced to Olivia. "Of course, our cousins over in Sol space lovingly refer to us as 'space vampires'." she said, with a grin which exposed her fangs. She then commented on Olivia's statement. "Well maybe we can find a pizza joint somewhere and order out. We got the cash now."

"While I have extensive knowledge on most of my systems, performing such intricate repairs with telekinesis is both taxing and dangerous. Would you be so kind to assist me with this issue?"

Zadra nodded, as she looked Shun over from where she was standing. "Alright. I'll have to get Pearl to help me out. She's more technical than I am. I deal more with ships and robots and such." She looked around the engineering bay, before spotting Pearl messing with a terminal on the upper level. She called out to her, and waved her down once she got her attention.
"Ceetainly." The Ayr gave a nod of understanding, confinuing to stand rigid as he patiently waited for Pearl to assist. "The damage is minor, as I stated. I could come back at another time if either of you are busy. Far be it from me to burden those who keep the ship operable with such a comparatively miniscule issue."
The mission was successful, and Jericho got a chance to show some of his skills. But due to the time constraints they were put on, as well as the multiple dangers that both Scalpel and Hammer team had to face, Jericho could not show off as much as he wished to. But no matter, he managed to do his job well, and there was nothing he could complain about at the moment. He actually enjoyed the job, and working with Nathalie was fun.

He was currently resting on his bunk after tending to his own wounds. Not that many, but still. Escorting the VIP out was quite dangerous. He was wondering what to do now? He couldn't be anti-social and fry his circuits out with overcharge modules. He thought about going to the kitchen and talking to Shelby and anyone else in there, but then he thought of something he noticed during his mission.

Jericho got dressed back in his flamboyant clothing once again, before strolling out of his room. He walked down the hallway to find that Lauren wasn't in her room. He didn't need to look far through the ship to find where she was, however. He found her resting against the wall in the central tunnel between the bridge and lounge. "You okay there, darling?" he asked, with a surprising concerned tone. "Good thing I found you. I wanted to talk to you...but...do you need me to get you to the androsynth doctor guy?"
I sure hope you don't mind my bony old fingers slithering around the inside of your body.
"Now why did you have to put it like that?" Petar felt creeped out but wasn't sure what contributed to it more. The statement or the enthusiasm behind it. "How long is it gonna take?"
"As long as it needs to." The jingling of several blades, scalpels, and needles as Typhon unfurled a bag full of them served as punctuation. "Daniel, I may need your help on this one."
Daniel gave Typhon a thumbs-up, after finishing his checkup on Yolandi nearby (whom was sitting in a chair off to the side.) She seemed to be in much better shape than she had been after the station battle. Daniel soon moved over to a sink, washing his hands and scrubbing up in preparation for the surgery.

Lauren rolled her ankle a few times as she rested against the wall, making sure it wasn't broken. Still hurts like all fuck. She groaned, before looking over to see Vance coming up the lift from the cargo bay. He stepped out and noticed her, before approaching and speaking.

"You alright? Sorry I couldn't do more against the big man back there. Never faced a man that durable before, only machines."

"Eh, its fine. We'll kill the fucker later if he somehow survived that blast and fall. Nice to see you heal quick, might use you as a pointman in the future." she said, with a chuckle. She then thumbed over her shoulder. "Go check on our cook. Thought I smelled something burning when I came through the lounge."

Once Vance had departed, she looked back down to her ankle. She wished she had his healing powers. Take a blade to the gut, or a gunshot to the back, and be right as rain minutes later. What was he, some sort of mutant? A super soldier? She cast the thoughts out of her mind as she heard another voice a few moments later.
"Good thing I found you. I wanted to talk to you...but...do you need me to get you to the androsynth doctor guy?"

Lauren glanced over to see Jericho. She shook her head rapidly. "Just sore is all. Had to bob and weave to fucking dodge that big guy, but still got whacked a few times. Anyway, what'd you want to talk about?" she asked, her hand still resting on her saber on her hip.

Soon enough, Pearl arrived next to Shun, darting to various positions around him to examine each and every inch of his cybernetic form. Almost like a bird. She seemed to have various technical tools with her as well, a bag in one hand while another was fixed to what appeared to be a belt on her hip. Zadra stood nearby, her arms folded as Pearl eventually got to work mending the damage to Shun's form. Not even five minutes later, she was done and off, returning to the upper levels of the engine room. "She's certainly fast, I'll give her that." remarked Zadra, watching as Pearl ascended up to the floor she had been on previously.
"No wonder why Sol calls them space vampires, because in a way they are," Nara said, "Makes me wonder why those twins thought we would be the guys suited for the job." She wondered. Grommy nodded, noticing Mr. Atlas and those two drones of his. So who were they fighting in the first place?

"I don't think it's the last time we're going to see those guys Nara. People like that hold a lot of grudges since money talks. Maybe we can look up a politics map to see what are we actually looking at next time." Grommy suggested. He certainly had a point, and it was no excuse for the both of them to plead ignorance from here on out. The battle meant it's not going to get any better.

"You're probably right. Not to mention I gotta check to see if the internal systems are damaged when we got back. Hull damage definitely," Nara turned to Aesha who seemed like the person experienced around the Milky Way, "Anyone got an influence map or some sort to study for? I'd like to figure out who controls what for the next job." Nara politely asked.
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Jericho still looked at the captain slightly worried, but decided to not annoy her with minor things. "Well, first of all darling, I wanted to talk to you about...Lucy." Jericho looked about for a moment, to make sure nobody was listening in. "That cute little thing might be more circuit fried than we originally thought." He crossed his arms and rested his back on the wall next to her.

"She's now saying something about being a God...and she sounds very serious about it. Normally, I'd ignore that sort of stuff, as annoying as it is, but...I fear she might be a risk for future missions." He raised his hands. "I hate to be nosy and all that, to be honest, but I bring you this because I am legit worried that Lucy will try some...really fucked up shit."

"And second of all...since me and Nathalie did an amazing job escorting the VIP out of danger...how about a raise?" he said, in a joking tone. But Lauren probably was able to tell he was being completely serious. "I mean...escorting a VIP is not easy! Especially for an assassin such as myself. Its far easier to kill things than keep them alive!"
"Easy enough." said Aesha, digging in her jacket pocket and drawing out her holotablet. She tapped on the holographic screen a few times, before holding it out to Nara. "Just bring it back whenever you finish lookin' at it." On the screen was a large picture of the galaxy, with zones of it shaded different colors and labeled to signify the political influences of each of the galactic factions. Sol, Yscom, the Federation, the Kanads, Sanghvi, Death Vigil, and so on. "We're around here. And this area is the Renegade Quadrant." said Aesha, pointing out where Sielia was before moving her finger about to circle the the quadrant.

Lauren nodded as Jericho spoke of Lucy. What is it with my family and encountering people with god complexes? Starvis, Mordecai, Jester, and now Lucy. "I only know four people that are close to being gods, and she ain't one of them. If things get out of hand, then things will be dealt with. For now, just keep an eye on her. And tell her I said to stop bringing body parts on board and leaving them lying around. That shit rots and stinks the place up. And tell her to stop converting the ship's electronics into fucking minions. I went to make toast the other day, and the little bitch shocked the fuck out of me." she finally said, waving her right hand at him for a brief moment.

Then he spoke of a raise. Lauren gave him a blank look, knowing full well he was serious. The joking tone wasn't helping in the slightest. "The last time someone got pushy about getting paid extra, he choked to death on a credit chit. Don't be that kinda guy. You get paid the same as Thighs. No more, no less." she replied. "I'll offer you extra cash for special shit, but that's it. Otherwise you're paid just like everyone else in this crew."
"Neat, thank you." Nara said as they stared at the holotablet. Grommy pointed towards where Aesha's finger was at. "So this is the Renegade Quadrant. You got guys called the Frontier Militia, Crimus Empire and the Achaemenid Kingdom on this map. I think I read on the news the Crimus Empire and the Achaemenid Kingdom were in a trade deal. I think it was fuel for weapons or something?" Grommy said. Then Nara pointed somewhere below the Quadrant, staring at the big influence.

"I found the Elysian Commonwealth and jeez, they practically have all of this space. No wonder why we always hear about them this often. And we were just down at Eta-Tau." She mentioned, tapping her index finger.

"Hey that Ayr Empire looks like a meatball." Grommy pointed out trying not to chuckle. Nara widened her eyes, realizing this. She went back to Elysian Commonwealth and spoke "Yeah you're right. Hey, the Commonwealth looks like South America but backwards." She gave a cheeky smirk. Speaking of South America, they switched over to the Sol System Government and were worried how big they got over the centuries. They were hoping they'd get to travel on Earth peacefully. There were other influences like the Kercan State, the Seltran Alliance or Malmar Caste. The Turstani Space also.

"Probably a good call on Lauren to pick a place far from the community then." Nara stated, still observing the map.
Jericho pouted a bit at Lauren's response about the raise, but he then shrugged and gave her a little smile. "Is the choking part a promise?" He then moved away from the wall, and patted her on the shoulder. "Just joking. I get it. I shouldn't push my luck. Just tell me when you need...you know, the 'special shit' done. Okay, darling?" He gave her a little wave, before strolling away in the direction of the lounge. Inside, he saw that Shelby had cooked cupcakes. He also saw Grommy, Nara, Aesha, and Olivia standing nearby too. "Hello there, darlings! What're you all doing?" He sat down near the kitchen counter, while looking to Grommy, Nara, and Aesha. "Is that a map?"
"Yo Jerry. Yeah we're just looking at a political map of some sort. We're waiting on Shelby to bring out these special cupcakes of hers." Grommy responded as he turned to Jericho.

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