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Fantasy Starlight's Darkness Main Thread(Wolf RP Always Accepting)

Kender - Earth Wolf - Age:5 - Starlight Fighter
Kender glanced to Storm and then to Iah, "So what exactly do we do? The Shadow Pack is released and Storm is now a dark wolf I doubt the others of the pack would be okay with her taking over the pack. They would probably think she killed the actual alpha's..." Saying the words left a bitter taste in his mouth as he glanced to Storm with an apologetic look. He himself had thought the same thing, and he had been close to Storm. She was like a sister to him and he had been ready to put an end to her, even though she had been through so much already.

Storm - Dark Wolf - Age:6 - Loner
Storm shook her head, "Its fine Kender....I am stepping down from alpha, after what happened you guys should have been my first thought but you weren't. Instead I have brought the Shadow Pack down on you guys, thats why I feel I should step down from alpha." She looked over to Iah, "Iah...you are the only wolf that I could trust with them...Tell the others that I died and that you are taking over as should be. It's better than them thinking I turned against them...I am still with you guys though. I'll help with whatever i can when it comes to facing the Shadow Pack. After all you guys are my family and always will be." Her blue eyes stared into Iah's with pure trust and honesty.
Freydis Freydis
TheDarkLord TheDarkLord

Kiylo - Fire Elemental Wolf - Age:4 - Shadow Fighter
Kiylo padded back to camp and found Tez, "You needed me sir?" He asked bowing his head to Tez. Text nodded, "Yes, I want you to go and clear and solidify each of the dens. Runa has already done the Alpha's and Beta's den, now just the healers, hunter and afighter den need done." Kiylo nodded, "As you wish Alpha..." Tez stopped him, "Why do you smell like other wolves...." Kiylo paused, "A female from the Starlight Pack jumped me then some strange white wolf with yellow eyes came out of nowhere and took me off the female. The male concerned me though he was.... different but smelled semi familiar. Sort of like Zen, but that wouldn't make sense. Anyways I'll go get things done before the others come back to sleep."

Tez - Dark Wolf - Age:7 - Shadow Alpha
Tez watched as Kiylo padded for the healers den, he found it funny that the wolf figured that one should be done first. Even though they had no healers in the pack as it was. Tez frowned, they had eaten his brother the previous healer... he had been weak and had gotten hurt. For the pack Hito had told Tez to kill him, Tez had done it for the pack. To keep them together and alive, he had done a lot of things if given the chance he would change. But he couldn't, all he could do was do his best to destroy those who had put them in that situation. Giving those in the Starlight Pack a taste of the hell they had lived in, that seemed fair to him.

Ruki - Water/Dark Wolf - Age:4 - Shadow Hunter
Ruki padded for the hunters den but stopped when she saw Kiylo go and burn out the healer den, he then headed for the Hunters den doing the same. It left the den with a semi burnt smell but it sealed up any holes and also made the dens look pretty. She padded in her nose scrunched up at the burnt smell, but it could be ignored for the most part. Laying down on the slightly warmed cave floor she fell into a light sleep. The swelling in her leg still hurt but the pain was going away slowly as she rested. Perhaps she had just twisted it wrong and nothing was actually broken.

Selrin - Light Wolf - Age:4 - Starlight Hunter
She growled as the female wen off on her, "Hey it wasn't me who locked you guys away!!!! It was your first Alpha I can't say that I agree with how the first Starlight aloha treated those of the Shadow pack but still. From your attitude maybe he was right in doing so!!!" She bit the words out harshly, the small feeling of peace she felt fading into nothing. She didn't know who this male was or what kind of wolf he was but he was definitely an odd one. "Anyways I'm a hunter but when I saw that male I snapped he was new...as are you and now it seems I was right to snap." Lenny2000 Lenny2000 Freydis Freydis

Iah dipped his head in acknowledgement of Storms words, a hint of surprise in his gaze. He was never a wolf who expected things. He never expected or felt entitled to his rank, nor did he feel he was owed the Alpha spot with Storm stepping down, but he accepted and respected her decision. "Come back with us, Storm," he said softly. "All three of you," he added, glancing to Kiesso and Haldis. "We can make up some story if need be, that you three wolves need shelter. A good few of the pack already know you, Kiesso, and you, Haldis. It's believable that with the Shadow pack out you would want shelter, and if you brought a loner you were traveling with, that you vouch for..." Iah trailed off and sighed. He suddenly felt the weight of the responsibility on him, with the feeling of danger looming over them all. He knew it would come to blood. Blood was always spilled when darkness came.

Kiesso & Haldis

Kiesso glanced to Haldis when Iah was speaking. She looked down at her paws, but he couldn't miss the spark of hope. Kiesso felt guilty as he looked at the young elemental. She just wanted to belong still. He knew from the talks they had on long nights when neither could sleep that she wished she were part of a pack. But there had never been a good time and Kiesso... Hadn't wanted to be alone. He didn't want to let her go. He knew she would go on and do something great, but Kiesso didn't feel the pull of the pack that Haldis did. He sighed softly, knowing that if both the females wanted to go, he would go with. It was dangerous to be alone now.


Runa's lip curled into a snarl, before she barked out a laugh. "Kiylo is a fighter, as am I. He probably would have killed you, slowly, having his fun as he did. The Darkness has taken some of the wolves. We were in there for a long time. For some, it broke us, for some... it made us realize what was really important..." Runa finished softly. She considered the she wolf for a few moments, a strange look in her gaze. "My name is Runa," she said finally. "What is yours?"

The Twins

"Let me hide, sister," one spoke, and the second nodded, and the first stepped into the pocket of shadow the second had made. It was a strange, chill inducing sight. The pocket of shadow formed around the dark wolf, and the light wolf seemed to practically sink into the body of the dark wolf. The shadows settled and one wolf was left standing there, all dark, without a hint of the light seeping through.

Amunet, the Dark Twin

Amunet peered through the shadows around the camp, taking a look at the Shadow wolves. Once she decided she would enter, she seemed to appear right in a patch of shadow as if she had been there all along. She glanced around the camp again, since she was now there physically, and her gaze landed on the wolf giving orders, the Alpha.
She walked slowly forward, her stride confident as if she had every right to be there. "You are Alpha here, yes?" she said to him, more of a statement than a question.

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Kender - Earth Wolf - Age:5 - Starlight Fighter
Kender glanced to Jay, "If that's the case then about bout you and I head back to camp first and make sure there is room for them in the dens." He glanced back to Storm before deciding that was what he'd do at least. He wanted all of them to be comfortable, "Um...Storm, I know you've stepped down from alpha but what about becoming our healer...I mean you have always had a way with herbs and we could use that right now. Especially seems how the Shadow Pack is back, we will need a healer now more than anything."
TheDarkLord TheDarkLord

Storm - Dark Wolf - Age:6 - Loner
Storm glanced at Kender, "I... hadn't really thought on it." She looked towards Iah and then to Kiesso, wondering what either of them thought of the idea. She felt it would be a bit odd being in the pack and still being called Storm. Some of the wolves may not like her for the fact her name was her name. But she didn't want the rest of the pack to know she was still alive, that she was the cause of their strife. Kiesso had offered her a place with him and Haldis as a loner. Though Haldis seemed super happy about the chance to be in the pack. "I'll think on it and talk to Iah and Kiesso later about it..."
Freydis Freydis

Tez - Dark Wolf - Age:7 - Shadow Alpha
Tez turned as a voice came to him asking...no more so starting he was the alpha. His eyes landing on a black fur and bright green eyes she wolf. He chuckled sightly at the females confident stance, "You are either a loner or a fool, one doesn't simply demand my attention. But as you said I am the Alpha of this Pack. Now care to explain why you have so tactlessly required my attention she wolf." His head was held high as he stared at the female. He had to admit he liked her guts, but if she turned out to be an enemy. Well, then he was going to have some fun.

Kiylo - Fire Elemental Wolf - Age:4 - Shadow Fighter
Kiylo yawned slightly as he finished up the last den. This was tiring working having to use his fire and keep it under complete control. Last thing he needed was their homes being burnt down. He shook himself slightly his mind going back to the female he'd been toying with earlier. He wondered if Runa had finished the female off.

Selrin - Light Wolf - Age:4 - Starlight Hunter
Selrin was a bit surprised as the she wolf introduced herself, "Sel...Selrin..." She shook her coat of the dirt that had found itself a new home when the male had penned her to the ground. "I'm sorry, I know that does little to change the past. But for what it is worth, the things we have been told the first Starlight acted rashly. I know not all the dark wolves were trapped and I know a couple who are actually great." Her ears laid back as she gave Runa a sheepish look, "Not that I tell everyone that. They'd probably think I'm crazy....but as our Alpha always says. 'You can never judge a wolf by what they are but for who they are on the inside. And by what actions they take with the chance is given.' She is a very sweet alpha I'm sure once we find her, that we as two packs could possibly make amends. Then again maybe I've just been listening to Storm's hopes for too long. At one point she wanted to go set you guys free and she was going to but something stopped her all the sudden." Selrin sighed, "She had been acting strange for a while and now she's gone." Selrin straightened, "I mean only temporarily don't even think of attacking us cuz we will kick your butts!!!" Lenny2000 Lenny2000 Freydis Freydis
The Moonnight wolf sighs softly and then ponders away from the pointless fighting . There was no need for the tension and hate . As he went deeper into the forest he started humming parts of some upbeat songs to lighten up the mood,

The forest may seem cryptic and hollow with one vision and mental view but for the other it's a place of silent sanctuary for those with patience and solidarity. Finding himself still prancing In the forest he Starts singing parts of the song as he hums as it makes a amazing tune " and I'm the Shepard of this flock, to guide my righteous sheep, the one of moon is one you trust, so thank The mood it speaks through me ..." he chuckles eagerly before a familiar scent came to him ,

His once wagging tail stopped him as he looks beside him to find Ruki sleeping peacefully, his visions coming to him of serenity and him as to how it broke her heart in her eyes... he had no idea as to how far he travelled but he was glad he was not noticed by any wolf..

He looked at her wound and fixed it to the best of his potential to ease the pain, as he looked back to see she is asleep still he leaned down to lick her cheek before walking away back to the deep forest , swishing his tail happily
Ruki - Water/Dark Wolf - Age:4 - Shadow Hunter
Ruki felt something touch her cheek, her eyes fluttered open seeing a white wolf padding away. A white wolf, there weren't any white wolves in their pack. She stood up forgetting about her leg, though there was still a small bit of pain. It seemed almost better, it had to have been the white wolf. She started to track the wolf, it smelled familiar, but then again maybe she was just dreaming. There is no way a light world would heal her and then leave. Actually why would a light wolf venture so deep into the Shadow Packs land in the first place. Her curiosity peeked even higher, "H-hey?!?" She called out to the wolf as she slowly gained on it.
Lenny2000 Lenny2000

Iah nodded and smiled softly. "I'm glad you are alive," he said softly to Storm. "Despite everything, we could still use you around here." He gently pressed his head against her shoulder, gave it a respectful lick, and turned back to Kender. "You are right. Lets head back first, and make sure everything looks okay. I will be back soon," he directed the last statement to Kiesso, Haldis and Storm. Kiesso nodded respectfully, and Iah turned, giving the three one last look before slipping in to the underbrush back towards camp.

Kiesso & Haldis

Kiesso watched Iah go, and sat down. He looked to Storm and Haldis. Storm seemed a bit apprehensive still, and Haldis was keeping herself rather contained. But he could see her good eye glittering with excitement and wonder. He knew Haldis had always wanted to be part of a pack, and the fact that Storm knew a lot about healing could be good for Haldis, since he also knew Haldis had an aptitude, but didn't have a teacher.
"If you don't want to go back just yet, I would stay with you," Kiesso said softly to Storm, so Haldis, who had taken to searching a patch of undergrowth, wouldn't hear. "Haldis has always dreamed of finding a pack where she could be happy but the timing was never right for Iah to try and find a place for her. I wouldn't let her miss this chance. But I wouldn't leave you out here alone either," Kiesso added softly, watching as Haldis suddenly pounced on a small mouse. She held it's tail down with a paw, and sniffed at the poor small squeaking creature. She gave it a quick sniff before letting it go. Noticing Kiesso watching her, she grinned sheepishly. "I smelled mouse, but when I sniffed the lil thing itself it smelled of babies. And one less momma mouse would mean less babies too," Haldis shrugged, before returning to sniffing the undergrowth for the hint of rabbit she had scented earlier.


Amunet tilted her head, considering the bigger wolf. Her tail tip switched slightly, and there was a pause as if she were having silent conversation. "I have never seen another dark wolf up close," she finally said, looking him up and down before glancing around the camp. "When the time of long dark came, I too was trapped, but in my own pocket."
She followed that statement with a bit of silence, as if considering him and measuring him up against what she had expected. After a moment she nodded, and said "I would like to join you for now. These woods are not once they were once, and I suspect I have a better chance among others." She sat down, her tail curling around her paws, almost primly. "I am skilled with my powers, as well as having a knowledge of the healing arts to a point. When the battles come, I can be quite useful you will find." Amunet spoke with a tone of easy knowledge, a when the battles come, not if.


Runa flicked her ears, a strange sadness on her face. "Your Alpha is gone," she said softly. "She came blundering through the forest where we were held, and we were released. She died during this," Runa said with an odd hint of sadness. "She died to save us all... but whatever happened before she came had already killed her inside. It was like... almost like she had given up," Runa looked to the ground sadly.
"If we are all being honest here, I don't really want it to come to a battle. Being trapped for so long really gives life a new... perspective. But after hearing that the Alpha is gone, I doubt there will be anything except bloodshed... and more lives lost to this unending war..."
Runa had sensed something about the Alpha, a lingering scent that had been all to familiar. Runa had been young when they went into the shadow, but she had been in love, or so she thought, once. She had smelled the subtle hint of young life on the Alpha, but knew, instinctively, the Alpha had lost the pups already. Just as Runa had once lost hers.
"If your Alpha has been reborn, I would like to meet her, however." Runa suddenly had an intense look in her eyes. "I will come under truce, to your land where I will be most at risk. There is something... something I want to say to her."​
Nez continues humming innocently, wagging his bushy soft tail before looking back at her " hey Ruki what's up? Feeling better already?" He Asks in a light hearted matter to her . He can still remember as if she was just yesterday . He didn't stop as he left the dark wolf territory and ventured to the deep forest , the place between the light and dark .

He continues to hum lightly when he looks back forward . His body shape was like zen but the muscles were stronger making him more powerful than before .
Kaluii Hunter For Starlight
The hunter stopped to catch his breath allowing the deceased deer to fall from his jaws as he finally reached the packs home within their territory . He had managed to hunt and drag the kill far from the eastern side of the territory but in doing so was made unaware of any and all goings on within the pack or around. His only focus being able to feed the pack for the night with his accomplishment.
Now he could hopefully rest after the others returned from their own duties or personal errands.
The male laid beside the kill placing his maw atop crossed paws as he slowly swished his tail back and forth a few times before curling it close to his body and sighing as he closed his eyes for a brief second reveling in the brief respite from exhaustion and strained muscles.
BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Kender - Earth Wolf - Age:5 - Starlight Fighter
Kender padded back for camp, he was happy to be one of the lucky ones to know that Storm was still alive. As camp came to view the smell of a deer filled his nose and he had completely forgot that he hadn't eaten yet. He glanced behind him to Jay and Iah, "You guys go eat I'm sure whoever brought back food worked hard for it. I can easily go check the dens for the three loners." He wondered if Storm would keep her name the same or change it. He waited on both Jay and Iah to speak up , he really didn't care if he ate last. He just wanted Storm, Haldis, and Kiesso safe in pack grounds.
TheDarkLord TheDarkLord

Storm - Dark Wolf - Age:6 - Loner
Storm smiled slightly as Kiesso offered to stay with her if she wasn't comfortable going back to the pack. "I actually wanted to talk to you about this, I know you and Haldis are close. But I could even see the bit of joy the was in Haldis's eye, she would be fully welcomed by the pack. But I figured you may not feel the same, there is a den just outside of the pack camp. That I'd probably stay in if Iah didn't mind, you would be more than welcome to share it with me." She glanced to Haldis as she caught the frog and then set it free, she was a very sweet soul. "That is once Haldis is comfortable with the pack, she'd make an excellent hunter. Even possibly make it into lead hunter, anyways I'm still not sure if I'd want to stay with the pack once this passes. I've been in the pack my whole life exploring might be fun." She said wagging her tail a bit at the thought.
Freydis Freydis

Tez - Dark Wolf - Age:7 - Shadow Alpha
Tez nodded looking over the female, "So your saying you wish to join and you want....what the rank of healer?" He cocked his head to the side, before padding around the female, "If healer is what you want that is a rather big spot to fill. So you'll need to be tested....though I don't know much about herbs. Perhaps Zeus will be able help with this..." He glanced around looking for the elder, even though Runa was a good source of information, she was young and Zeus had a farther expand of knowledge.
DarkxDragon98 DarkxDragon98

Selrin - Light Wolf - Age:4 - Starlight Hunter
Selrin took in a sharp breath she almost snapped at the female for saying that the Shadow wolves killed her Alpha. But her words about Storm having been dead already stopped, "So....both of them...." STears formed in Selrins eyes, "I'm sure if she was in that shape then her mate is gone..." Her ears perked up as Runa spoke of coming into their territory and wanting to speack with Storm, "Not that I I would mind, bit is Storm has been reborn then she should be back in the pack as our Alpha once again." Selrin sighed, "Though not sure how any of the pack would feel if I let you walk in there with me." Freydis Freydis

Ruki - Water/Dark Wolf - Age:4 - Shadow Hunter
Ruki glanced at the wolf, he seemed so familiar yet she didn't know him. She didn't know any white wolf besides the one female that Zen uad fallen for so quickly. "How do you know my name, and why would you help me." She asked padding next to the white wolf. She didn't feel like he was a threat, "Um my leg feels better thanks to you."
Lenny2000 Lenny2000
Nez smiles softly and licks her cheek once as he finally finds a opening with glowing blue rocks that keep the place firmly lit with blue fireflies floating around " it may be hard to believe but I was zen once... and I am ever so sorry for treating you like that ... you were very hurt and I felt your feelings ..." he looks down before he lays on a soft patch of grass " I am glad to have helped your leg .. if only you were fully healed..."

Iah looked over to the deer. It was a good idea to keep his strength up, but Kender would need to as well. He thought about it for a moment, then nodded. "Go ahead and check the dens. I will eat, and when you are done come over and share some. Then you can tell me what you find. Plus we have some other things to discuss."
He glanced around the camp, his gave falling on the wolf that the deer's scent carried. "Good catch, Kaluii," he called out to the male. As he approached the deer, gesturing for Jay to follow, thoughts whirred in Iah's mind. Iah... being Alpha now? He sighed, feeling the responsibility of the whole pack on his shoulders and caught a sense of how Storm must have felt, must have been crushed when the dark wolves got out. Iah wondered how best to break the news, and if the pack would accept him. He hoped they would, he had been keeping them strong while Storm was gone but now that she was gone for good....
He released he had been staring spaciously at the deer, and shook his head. Eat first, plan later. He would need to appoint a new Beta if he was taking the Alpha position. He thought over the various wolves of the pack as he ate, trying to find the best fit.​
TheDarkLord TheDarkLord VeiledPariah VeiledPariah

Kiesso & Haldis

Kiesso let out a nervous breath with a slight smile. "That would honestly... be preferable." He continued to watch Haldis as she sniffed around for a few moments, before looking back to Storm. "It's been so long since I was around that many wolves... I honestly don't know how to act in a pack. I have never been in a pack. The most was My adoptive mother and Haldis's siblings."
He smiled slightly, a mostly crooked grin. "Haldis is also good at healing and caring for others. Perhaps if you chose to leave and explore, she could take your place. Once she is comfortable and happy, I would be free to be your official tour guide to the weird and wonderful places of these woods," Kiesso spoke with a hint of jest.
Haldis had been quietly listening while prowling around, and she felt excitement stir within her. She was saddened by Kiesso speaking of leaving her, but a pack? Other wolves? it sounded amazing! and maybe once they were there, she could convince Kiesso to stay with her!


Amunet flicked her tail slightly, her expression giving nothing away. "Herbs are not the only way to heal a wolf as well. Being trapped in darkness for so long... its bound to have some mental affects as well. I can also help there," she said as if that were no big deal. She kept her lime green gaze on Tez as he spoke and moved around her. There was no fear in her gaze, only a strange sort of patience, as if she had all the time in the world.


Runa nodded slightly, sadly. "She did not deserve to have to die for us," she said, her gaze seeming to look at everything and nothing as she slipped deeper into her own thoughts for a moment. "But remember... if your Alpha has been reborn there is a chance your pack might not welcome her. Not all wolves are born the same way that they left this world."
Runa stood, and shook the debris from her coat. "I do not ask that you take me in to your camp this moment. But either way, I would like to speak to Storm if she is back especially. Or who ever is in charge in her place. There are... dark times coming. I can feel it in my pelt like a storm. It is best none of us are unprepared."

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Jay watched Iah as he sighed and started spacing out. With so many things going on, it was difficult to process everything at once. Right now, the appearance of the shadow pack was bugging Jay the most. Their arrival meant that Jay was going to experience his very first battle since he first joined the pack and who knows, he may get overwhelmed and killed in the process. Jay was ready to give his life up for the pack, but the thought of it still scared him. "Would be nice if we could just make peace with the shadow pack and call it a day." Jay said jokingly, before taking a bite of deer meat. He knew that the dark wolves would harbor a lot of rage against them, because of how long they had been sealed away. The chances of them making peace was little no none, so the idea of it seemed funny to him.
Freydis Freydis VeiledPariah VeiledPariah

Iah glanced over to Jay. He knew that once word got out, the truth, there would most likely never be peace with the dark wolves. Although they had not been the ones to lock them away, they would most likely still harbor resentment towards the Starlight Pack. And once the light wolves heard what happened with Storm...
If they hear the truth. Iah quickly shook the thought away. He didn't want to start his time as Alpha with a lie. There would be plenty of wolves who would want blood, on both sides.
"Wouldn't that be nice..." Iah replied to Jay with a slight smile. "But that would be too easy. And not many things that come easy are worth having." Iah sighed softly, looking around the pack area. "If peace was something attainable right now, I would do everything I could to achieve it. But given the circumstances..."

TheDarkLord TheDarkLord
Seeing Iah finally having a smile on his face, Jay felt relieved that he was able to lighten the mood, even if it was just a little. "Yeah, looks like a fight between the two packs is just inevitable, huh." Jay

Jay wasn't a fighter who wanted blood. He was a fighter to defend his pack, to repay the favour they had done for him. As such, he would often look for peaceful ways to settle things, rather than getting straight to a fight. He also frequently wondered if this mentality was unsuitable for his role as a fighter. After all, he may end up lacking the resolve to kill at the last second, costing his own life as a result.

Jay stared intently at the ground, before deciding to speak his mind. "Iah, tell me honestly. Do you think I'm fit to be a fighter? I mean, I feel like I'm lacking in terms of aggression, and I'm not as hostile or bloodthirsty as what a fighter should be."
Freydis Freydis
Kender - Earth Wolf - Age:5 - Starlight Fighter
Kender padded for the mother's den but paused, Storms words about losing little ones flashing through his mind. He sighed heading for the healers den, Lupa came to mind, she had wanted to leave the pack and go her own way. No one was ever forced to stay in the pack if they chose to leave it was their choose. Lupa had always been an odd wolf, but she had been carrying all the same. He walked in seeing herbs that Lupa had left and smiled slightly. There were a couple of rough look doe skins laying in the back and he dragged them to the front part of the den. He sniffed them and wrinkled his nose, they smelled a little old. He turned grabbing some of the dried lavender and Lily before padding back and dropping them on the doe skins. He wondered how crushing them with his paws would work but decided it would take to long. Instead he rolled on too on them, crushing the petal into the doe skins and making them smell a bit better. It wasn't a perfect plan but it'd work.

Storm - Dark Wolf - Age:6 - Loner
Storm nodded, "I was wondering if I should actually let my whole pack know I am alive..." She sighed softly, "Kiesso is a strong wolf, he has always been there for me. Here I am just throwing this big burden on his shoulders, I can't rightly leave him be. I care for him to much to just toss him to the wolves...no pun intended." She said with a small laugh, "I feel like he shouldn't start out his alpah role with a lie, but I'm not sure how the others would react. Perhaps I should be talking to him about this instead. I really have gone and made a mess of things this time..." Her ears pressed against her head as a look of worry took hold of her. She couldn't help it, would the other accept him as alpha since she stepped down? Would they welcome her into the pack once again even though it was all her fault?
Freydis Freydis

Tez - Dark Wolf - Age:7 - Shadow Alpha
Tez chuckled a bit, "Yes that may be true but herbs often help healing actual wounds and in this pack that happens a lot more often that it probably should." He stopped in front of her once again, "For now you can join, but won't have a rank just yet...I need to find Zeus, once he tests your knowledge of herbs then your rank will be given." He wondered if there were any other wolves with herb knowledge, if his brother was here then he could easily test this wolf. He sighed slightly, "Head to the healers den and check it out, there are no herbs. So I would suggest going to find herbs....I'll have Zeus judge you on the herbs you bring back. Sound fair enough to you?"
DarkxDragon98 DarkxDragon98

Selrin - Light Wolf - Age:4 - Starlight Hunter
Selrin glanced around them making sure no other wolves showed up, "Okay....I'll be sure to find out what I can and get back to you..." She glanced to the trees and flowers that we're blooming, one tree had a brunch mark through it were lightning had struck. There were little yellow and white flowers blooming around it. "What if we meet back here in a couple of days?" She wondered how Runa would feel about that, to her it seemed like a pretty decent plan. Freydis Freydis

Ruki - Water/Dark Wolf - Age:4 - Shadow Hunter
Ruki paused mid step, looking him over, "How? Did you die and take on your first changing?" She was now confused and concerned, even if he had been a bit odd the last time they talked. She still cared about him, "What wolf hurt you I'll find them and give them something to remember me by..." She growled slightly, sure she was one of the smaller wolves but that never stopped her from taking a deer down. So it wouldn't be much different if she hunted down a wolf, expect they could claw and bite back. When he mentioned her leg once again she glanced to the ground, "It's fine I got it for being stupid that all...nothing major...anyways it's done and passed nothing can change that." An aching feeling circled her heart as she said those words. "I guess you and your new female friend can sort of match now...that kind of cool. She was super pretty, and white looks good on you. Where is she now anyways?"
SerenityAngel SerenityAngel

Lenny2000 Lenny2000
Serenity was left alone. She whimpered and whined as the portal closed in front of her and cut her off from Zen. What had just happened? She looked back to the stranger wolf and growled at him for making her be left behind. She felt abandoned. Because of this deep feeling she bolted away. Her feet barely touching the ground as she ran. She wanted to find Zen so badly but she didn't know how to find him because of the void portal. She ran as fast as her long and slender legs could carry her. The wind blowing through her fur at great speeds. Her large white paws touching ground and her claws digging in to give her better traction and grip into the earth to push her forward faster.

Once she ran out of breath and energy she stopped by a river. She was panting hard and her breath was hot. She had never run so fast nor so far. She lay down by the stream to catch her breath and caught her reflection in the water's surface. She had no idea what other wolves thought of her when they saw her. She didn't fit in with true light wolves and she didn't think she fit in with the dark wolves either. She was in between and part of neither world. Her ears picked up a very loud howl and so she turned her head up toward where it sounded like it came from. Her head was turned toward the moon and in so doing became almost entranced by it. Her bright blue eyes lightened as they locked with the bright white orb she could not contain herself. She stood up on all fours and tossed her head back and howled along with the powerful howl that brought it on. She didn't know who, why or how, but she knew she had to howl and heard two familiar howls as well. They belonged to her parents and they howled just as loudly as her. They were so far away though. How did she get so far away from her mother and father? This had never happened before.

After catching her breath and drinking some water, Serenity was ready to head back to her family and their temporary den. She wondered if she would ever see Zen again. She was really starting to like him. He had even met her parents and that wasn't something that happened every day. She started walking, trying to find her way back to her tiny pack of three. It would have been more had her mother and father not been opposing elements. Being the only one to survive out of six pups, it was a miracle that he runt of the liter survived and reached such an age and be so healthy.

After a while of walking she could not find her way back to her family so she started howling but could not hear any response. This disheartened her and she started whimpering. She was really alone now and she was very scared. She had never been truly alone before.

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising Lenny2000 Lenny2000

Meanwhile, Tranquility and Tumult had thought that Serenity becoming more independent would be a good thing but after her being gone for so long they began to worry and fear for their only child. The two wolves decided to split up and look for her and return within an hour if they didn't find anything of her.

While Tranquility ran one direction, Tumult ran the other. After a while of running, the dark wolf smelled something familiar and it got his ebony fur bristled. He didn't like this scent because he remembered it all too well. The old pack he had left behind. He also smelled Serenity's feint scent as if she had been hiding from them. The dark wolf had always been the biggest, even if he wasn't the alpha, he was still huge compared to nay other wolf and this served him well when he was in the pack and made him one of the best hunters because of his size and strength making it easy for him to take down large pray on his own. He slowed down to a calm and proud walk as he made his way through the Shadow pack. His old pack that he left behind before they were all sealed away. He never regretted leaving the pack, especially when he did. Had he not he would have never seen his daughter, nor been with his lovely and loving mate.

The massive dark wolf with blue eyes and golden markings made his way through the pack and growled, daring any of them to test his strength and attack him as he was. He made his way to where the current alpha was supposed to be. He recognized Tez as his brother in arms when he was in the pack. Back before he abandoned them for his mate. He had not realized that Tez became the new alpha after the old one had passed. "Hello, Tez." he said calmly. He knew that Tez had power beyond Tumul's power and that was why he was alpha but Tumult had his family to find and his strength would see him through in a fight if it came down to it. "It's been a long time. I see you're free now. I pity the wolf that broke the seal but it is good to see my old brother in arms."

The massive dark wolf sat with a calm air around him. The bright golden markings were unmistakable and his eyes still held the brightest blue one could find in a dark wolf, reminding all of the stars in the night sky. He basically embodied the night sky as he stood. The darkness of his coat reflected the blackness of the endless blanket of shadowed night. The gold lines of his fur reminded of the golden hunter's moon and his eyes reflected the bright shimmering of the diamond stars that glittered through the endless night.

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising

Iah considered Jay's question without bias. "Sometimes mercy is a wolfs greatest strength," Iah stated. "But honestly, the question is up to you Jay. No wolf can truly know what will happen until they are put in a situation that demands them to act. But if you are worried, I will not force you to fight. We need good wolves to guard the camp and make sure no one comes to harm here as well. When it comes to protecting those they care about, I find that a wolf will go to greater lengths than they ever imagined..." Iah trailed off, his gaze distant for a moment, with an air of sadness. It was clear the wolf was speaking from personal experience.
He shook his head slightly, trying to clear his mind. "But really Jay, that is all up to you."
TheDarkLord TheDarkLord

Kiesso & Haldis

Kiesso flicked his ears and considered her statement. "It is something you and Iah will have to speak of before it comes to public light. I would like to think your wolves will still accept you... it just might take a while."
Haldis, who had been eavesdropping, pricked her ears. "It's not your fault, Storm," she said softly. "There is no guarantee in life. This could have happened to any Alpha of your pack, not just you. It was just bad luck. Or this is all fate. Maybe this had to happen."


Amunet gave a secretive smile, and nodded. "Of course," she said, before padding to the healers den as if she had been in the camp a thousand times before.
She entered, smelling the dusty scent of earth and the recent scent of other wolves checking out the area. It seemed the cave had already been altered, glittering with hard black stone. The faint tang of fire was there as well.
She sniffed around, and closed her eyes, letting her senses go out around her. She could sense the other wolves moving around outside, and could sense the very walls around her. She padded forward in darkness, following the feeling of air in front of her. She found a nice little nook, perfect for storing herbs and other remedies.
She padded out of the cave, opening her eyes. She padded towards the woods, keeping an eye out for any herbs or other plants that might be helpful. She collected a few as she passed, slipping them in to a pocket of shadow. "Aloe, thyme, marigold, peppermint, sage, lavender..." she muttered to herself as she slipped back in to camp. To the outside eye it looked like she had found nothing, but Amunet seemed quite pleased by her findings so far.


Runa nodded slightly. "A good idea," she said softly. "Two days, perhaps?"
She too looked to the area around her, at the flowers and beauty. "It's been so long... since I've been able to appreciate the flowers...." she said softly, sadly. "There is beauty in darkness.... but not that kind of dark."

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Kiylo - Fire Elemental Wolf - Age:4 - Shadow Fighter
Kiylo glanced up from his paws as he watched the black female approach Tez and practically demand a role in the pack. He chuckled slightly as Tez openly admitted his lack of healing knowledge, but told the she wolf to collect herbs. She padded off and then returned after a while though it seemed she had nothing. He stood, stretching slightly before padding towards the healers den. Kiylo yawned once again while scratching at his with his front paw. He figured the female would be coming back this way first.

Selrin - Light Wolf - Age:4 - Starlight Hunter
Selrin nodded, "Two days it is, also I have seen some of the most handsome and pretty dark wolves." She said with a toothy grin, "Though I suppose nothing beats a night of a full moon when even the stars shine bright." Her eyes shined slightly, "Sometimes having a glowing coat makes it hard to actually look up and see the stars as they really are!" Selrin said with a small laugh. Freydis Freydis

Kender - Earth Wolf - Age:5 - Starlight Fighter
Kender finished up in the healers den and padded out heading for the deer where Jay and Iah were. "I've finished preparing the den for then, I figured the healers den would be the best considering. Well the only other open den is the mother's den and I won't do that to Storm." He was unaware of the bit of flower petals that had gotten in his fur. He took a couple of bites from the deer settling his hunger quickly before looking over to Iah. "I feel that we should bring them in before making the announcement. Also it seemed like storm still wanted to talk to you...though maybe I was imagining that. But those are just my thoughts Iah...er alpha." One ear flicked forward while the other stayed in place. He was still a bit confused about the whole situation and it would take some time getting used to Iah being the new alpha. He wasn't sure how things would end up, but as long a Storm was okay then he didn't care.

Storm - Dark Wolf - Age:6 - Loner
Storm sighed once more but her body finally relaxed making her a tad dizzy. Her body swayed slightly and she shook her head with a small laugh, "I guess I've been super tensed, I relax and my body wants to cave in on me." She didn't realize she had been so tensed, but around these two she felt she could relax finally. Things had happened, but it wasn't the end of the world. If anything it was a new beginning even if it would be a rough one, "Kiesso... Haldis I am very happy that you two were the ones I ran into first. If it hadn't been you two I probably would have charged into the Starlight camp and gotten myself killed by accident. I am very grateful to you both, I hope you both know that."
Freydis Freydis

Tez - Dark Wolf - Age:7 - Shadow Alpha
Tez glanced over hearing a voice he had long since forgot, "What is this every loner come and go as they please." He with a toothy grin, his eyes roaming over the familiar black golden marked wolf. He chuckled slightly a Tumult stood before him, "It has indeed been a long time, something's have changed now, I run the pack. Though my brother died in that void, he had become the healer. You probably would have been proud at how he changed, though he was still a softy." He could still remember when, Tumult, Hito, and he would go cause havoc for the pack out of pure fun. Though they had been much younger then, and life had, had some good in it. He shook his head slightly, "What brings you here, I highly doubt your coming back to join."
SerenityAngel SerenityAngel

Iah nodded in response to Kender's words. "I will speak with her first," he agreed. "Once we are finished here, I will go by myself to see them, before we bring them home."
Iah licked the remaining blood from his maw from the deer. "How about this- I will head off to talk to them now. In a little while you two can leave, separately, and meet up with us. When we get there, we can all discuss how to best deal with the situation. I feel Storm would most rather speak in private with me first. I'm sure there are plenty of things for one Alpha to pass to another, if she chooses to step down completely."
BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising TheDarkLord TheDarkLord
Kiesso & Haldis

Haldis gave a wolfish grin. "Always happy to help!" She said happily. Kiesso smiled at the young she wolf, happy she was happy. "You know, when I lost my sight in this eye I thought my life was over. I didn't think I could ever hunt or fight! But Kiesso never gave up on me and look at me now!" Haldis said proudly. "All you need is a good support system through the rough times and you can get through anything! And we are happy to help be your support system!"


Runa laughed, and seemed very surprised at the sound. "Thats true, there are some quite handsome dark wolves," she said with a slight smile. "We were in the dark so long some of our coats and eyes glow in the night as well. I imagine admiring the night sky would be difficult for us as well." Runa looked up through the branches of the trees and got a slightly peaceful look on her face. "I never thought I would see the world again. Perhaps some night we shall have to gaze upon the stars and howl to the moon together."


Amunet took the herbs from the pocket of darkness she had hidden them in, and quickly sorted them. Then she went back to the mouth of the den, and watched the going ons of the camp. She saw a young hunter, as well as the Alpha talking to another loner, and momentarily wondered where all the other wolves were at. If the pack was a pack, wouldn't they have a beta as well? Where were they?
Amunet had a strange suspicion that there was more going on than she could see here, but curiosity kept her in place with a blank expression as she watched the other wolves.​
Kaluii stood as Iah approached and offered his thanks for the catch that would surely provide the pack with much needed sustenance but even as the alpha ate his mind seemed else where and the hunter felt that it was not his place to intrude.
Instead he bowed his head and gave him and Jay space in which to speak unhindered.
Kaluii made his way towards the edge of the clearing by their den and laid down once more to relish in sleep and let the alpha do what he must.... Run the pack and guide them in such a tumultuous time of unknown circumstance.
Freydis Freydis
TheDarkLord TheDarkLord
Tumult gave a small smirk as Tez whined a little. He never did like things bothering him too often, but being an alpha, it was part of the package. The news about Hito saddened the massive dark wolf. The two of them were about as close as actual brothers could be and leaving the pack was the hardest thing he had ever done. He knew the old alpha was furious with him and labeled him a traitor to the pack but he never forgot about his friends and brothers. "You're very right. I am proud of him, no matter if he passed. He was never soft, he just understood. Just as I am proud of you. I am truly relieved and glad to see you again." he said and continued to sit in front of his old best friend. He sighed when Tez asked why he was here. "You're right again. I did not come to ask to return. That will not happen. Not ever, because of my choices that I will never regret or change. I came to try and find my daughter. The scent is feint, but she was certainly here if only for a short while. Have you seen any sign of her? Her mother and I are worried for her safety."

The large wolf was starting to seem a bit desperate to find his little princess. He didn't know that Tez never met his daughter nor seen her.That she hid in her time in this part of the forest. He really didn't want to be here again. He didn't know how the pack would react to him being around. He looked around and saw so many of them with scars from fights with one another to keep alive. No pups to be seen. The pack had shrunk and lost a lot of members but it was still quite a big pack. They all looked starved. Had he stayed....he would have ended up like them too. The Starlight pack alpha was so cruel. Seeing them all like this broke his heart. Maybe....maybe he could have done something? No. He would not be like that light alpha and sacrifice another wolf just for his goal. Though, would it have been worth it? After all, most wolves that were killed unjustly were given a second chance at life, but that was not always so. No. He couldn't have that on his conscience. He turned his gaze back to his one-time brother. "Even if I did ask to return, you wouldn't accept me, would you? Nor would you accept my mate or daughter. Put please, for our past exploits together, help me find her?" He knew that he could easily be rejected but he hoped that the fact he had turned his back on the pack would not twist Tez's view on him.

"Despite the past and events, the Shadow pack had been my family for the longest time. This alone is the reason I can ask you now to help me find my child." he asked and refused to bow his head as he was as proud as ever, "Had I the power to free you all, I would have long ago but I could not and none of the Starlight pack trusted me nor my mate to help free you."
After hearing what Kender had to say, Jay widened his eyes, having remembered that Iah was the new Alpha now and realizing how informal he had been. He followed Kender's actions, flciking his ear in a similar fashion and standing up straight.
"Thank you for hearing me out, Alpha. I have no objections to the plan you have suggested, also please forgive me for my informality!" Jay felt his cheeks burning from embarrassment, lowering his head in shame. He wished for the Alpha to quickly send him off so that he could escape the humiliation. He could also use the time off to ponder on what the Alpha had said to him.

Iah chuckled softly as Jay's posture suddenly changed. "There's no need to be so formal with me, Jay. We are still packmates, as we always have been. I see no reason for anything to change." Iah gave a reassuring smile, his posture relaxed and calm. "I don't want anyone to treat me differently because of rank. I worked hard to make sure any wolf was comfortable coming to me as Beta, and if I am to be Alpha, I still want them to feel the same."
Iah tilted his head, a sudden thought coming to mind. "Why don't you and Kaluii scout the areas closest to the camp while I am gone? No need for a formal patrol, but I would like to make sure everything in our forest is still calm. And perhaps let any of our wolves you two come across know that we will be having a pack meeting in the morning to keep the rest of the pack updated on what is going on."
TheDarkLord TheDarkLord VeiledPariah VeiledPariah
Kiylo - Fire Elemental Wolf - Age:4 - Shadow Fighter
Kiylo watched the female with the bright green eyes for a bit longer before finally approaching her. "You've got guts facing Tez like that, had you caught him in a foul mood he might have attacked you." He glanced over to a wolf he really didn't know, bit Tez seemed to know the large black wolf. Could smell the scent of herbs faintly, when he had seen her she had nothing. "Shadow wolf no doubt about it now, so what makes you want to join this pack anyways. You do understand my alpha is going to want war...." She was pretty her black coat looked nice against her bright green eyes. Her confidence was something else that would likely get her far in this pack should she be approved.

Selrin - Light Wolf - Age:4 - Starlight Hunter
Selrin sighed, "Then I'll see you later, both of us probably have pack member who are wondering where we are. It was nice meeting you Runa, I hope we don't have to fight each other later on." She stood padding back into the Starlight's lands, "Though I suppose if that happens niether of us would betray our packs.." Her eyes shined slightly as she passed looking back to Runa, "Until then it would be nice to think peace would come. I'd be interested to meet others of your pack, I'm not really sure if that one fighter male I had ran into would have killed me... Unless he just likes playing with his kills. He seemed more like a brotherly type though." Selrin said with a small laugh Freydis Freydis

Kender - Earth Wolf - Age:5 - Starlight Fighter
Kender nodded, glancing over to Jay as he seemed to also notice how lax they both were being. Then again Is might prefer them staying that way, it could take a bit of pressure off him. He glanced to Iah, "Hey depending on what S and you decide...if you don't tell the others do you want us to treat you the same when we are alone? I mean you were Beta and have always been great to the pack, I was just wondering if it might take some pressure off your shoulders if we acted normal around you. Even if you two decide not to tell the others." He wasn't sure if he was wording that correctly, but he hoped Iah understood. Sure Iah had said to treat him like normal but if the other wolves weren't told about Storm, they very well could change how they talked and approached Iah. "Also would you want me to go and escort Kiesso and Haldis around camp or go portal with Kaluii and Jay?" He sat his tail twitching side to side.

Storm - Dark Wolf - Age:6 - Loner
She gave them a wolfish grin, "Guess we will see how life goes now...though I really do need to learn how my powers work." She didn't really know how dark powers worked, was it opposite of light? She wondered if Iah, or Kiesso would be able to help her. Would she have to learn on her own. She sighed, maybe if she just focused on it, it would come to her. Not that she would mess with her powers around another wolf, the last thing she wanted was to hurt someone.
Freydis Freydis

Tez - Dark Wolf - Age:7 - Shadow Alpha
Tez was a bit surprised, "Well I haven't seen any other wolf that doesn't belong here besides a loner who just asked to join the pack. She is black with bright green eyes, though any pup of yours would probably have your eyes I imagine." He with a toothy grin, his eyes shone brightly when he mentioned something about coming back, "Well...I wouldn't say no seems how they are your family and I trust you. Now the old alpha probably would have attacked right off the bat. Though that was always his mistake. Anyways, i doubt you'd want to join back, because blood will be shed. I despise the Starlight Pack, they will know what suffering my pack has went through." His eyes went cold as he spoke words of his revenge, "I might be mean but I would not ask an old friend to out his family at risk. Though I will help you look for your child if you tell me about them."
SerenityAngel SerenityAngel

Iah let out a sigh of almost relief. "That would be great, honestly," he said. "Besides, if everyone decides to just start acting respectful and proper, who is going to tell me when I might be messing up?" He added, with a sparkle of humor in his eyes. "Despite rank, we are all still pack, and whatever happens won't just be something that will change the lives of one or two wolves, it will be the whole pack. I need at least you two to not be worried about rank enough to tell me when I am being an idiot," Iah chuckled.
He looked to the sky. "Its getting late already. Its best I head out. Keep an eye on things will ya?" He said, nodding to the two before he loped off.
He took a circular route, as if he were just going for a run.
TheDarkLord TheDarkLord

Kiesso & Haldis

Haldis wagged her tail slightly like an excited pup. "Oh that's no big deal, Iah knows a lot about Dark wolves and their powers! I mean, his younger sister was a dark wolf and she was the strongest dark wolf I had ever met! Not that I have met many..." She said, eyes sparkling with a sense of adventure.
Kiesso looked up as Iah slipped back through the brush. "Powers?" Iah asked, having heard the last bit of the conversation. "Well every wolf is unique but Haldis is right, I do know a fair bit about how their powers work. And I would be happy to help," Iah said.
He sat down, and glanced at the trio. "Obviously there are some things we should discuss before we go back, Storm," he said, a hint of sadness in his eyes. "Like what we are going to tell the other wolves."


Runa gave a slight smile and nodded. "Just try and stay clear of this side of the woods for a little while, I would think. It won't take long for Tez to get the pack back up on its paws." She shook the debris from her coat as she stood. "Until next time, Selrin," she nodded to the she wolf, before bounding off into the trees.
Runa wandered for a while, checking out more of the territory for threats or advantages, but found everything quiet for now. She slowly headed back toward the pack, her coat a bit damp since she waded through a stream on the way back. She paused to shake out some of the remaining water before she re entered the camp. She saw Tez talking to another wolf who seemed familiar, and Kiylo talking to another new female. She paused, her gaze landing on the female with something akin to surprise. The females green eyes met her gaze, and she gave a slight nod. Runa nodded slightly back, before turning away and checking out how the dens had come along. But as she checked, she couldn't help feeling she knew the wolf. There was something familiar and strange about her.


Amunet blinked at the male, considering him for a moment before replying. "You and your pack were not the only wolves to be stuck in darkness," she replied softly. "I was on my way to meet these wolves when the darkness came, and we were trapped. It seemed right that I meet this pack even after the darkness. I have never met another shadow wolf before this." Amunet turned her gaze back to Tez and the other wolf. "The wolves here have a grudge. They are angry, and want blood. Why?'
As she asked, her gaze flitted across the clearing and saw another wolf slip through. Her gaze met the she wolfs, so familiar. She nodded slightly to her, an acknowledgement, before turning her gaze back to the male who had spoken to her.

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising

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