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Fantasy Starlight's Darkness Main Thread(Wolf RP Always Accepting)

Selrin - Light Wolf - Age:4 - Starlight Hunter
Selrin glanced at to Hawke, he seemed so worried about his brother. There was no way she would put an even bigger burden on his shoulders with the information she knew. "You okay...I know your worried about your brother but is something else on your mind?" She asked softly padding next to him as she looked around. She only hoped that a small part if her fear didn't come true, that a dark wolf and Striker hadn't tangled. She shivered slightly, unsure as to why it ran through her body.

Kender - Earth Wolf - Age:5 - Starlight Fighter
Kender watched Hawke and Selrin go, he hoped Striker would be found quickly. They were going to need all the wolf power they had if things broke out between the two packs. He glanced to Jay and Kaluii waiting for the two wolves to make up their minds. He also wondered what Haldis had wanted to say about Selrins little confession. He, himself wondered exactly what it was the Selrin seemed to know. He knew she hadn't been around when they talked to storm. But there had been the two unfamiliar scents on her, had she already ran into the Shadow Pack. If that was the case and she had ran into two of them how had she survived?
VeiledPariah VeiledPariah
TheDarkLord TheDarkLord

Storm - Dark Wolf - Age:6 - Loner
She nodded, "I hope Haldis found Kender without any trouble...maybe you should have went back with her. I would be fine on my own, I just don't want anything to happen to her because of me..." She shifted from paw to paw, "If something did happen id never forgive myself and I'd probably let Kiesso kill me...the two of them care for each other a lot." As she said that she felt a small weird pang in her chest.

Kiylo - Fire Elemental Wolf - Age:4 - Shadow Fighter
Kiylo glanced towards her as she spoke of Runa, "You talk as if you have known Runa for a long time. Did I miss something or are you two secretly related?" He said with a small chuckle, "As for her being Beta it's new, probably about the newest thing besides you that is..." He had noticed all the little herbs that vanished here and there. He always wondered what is was like to have the power of shadow. But after being trapped in the shadows the pack had been grateful for his power over fire.​

Ruki - Water/Dark Wolf - Age:4 - Shadow Hunter
Ruki's fur ruffled as she heard the sound of running paws a low growl rose in her throat. Then Runa popped out of nowhere snarling like a mad wolf making Ruki confused. "N-no...just Serenity here..." When she was asked what exactly was going on Ruki's ears went flat. "Well...I was looking for Zen and then I found hi...her instead. But she was in such a poor state I couldn't just leave her here by herself and..." Ruki had to do a double take as the words sunk into her mind, "W-wait...what do you mean a murder...was it someone from our pack?" She shivered at the thought of one of their pack members killing a fellow mate. They were free now they didn't have to do that anymore.​
SerenityAngel SerenityAngel
Freydis Freydis

Hawke sighed, and shrugged. "I just... Striker and I have always been the closest of our littermates. We both came back to the pack. He was my best friend. But... I just know we will find him dead."
Hawke's gaze turned to Selrin a bit sharply. "And I can't help but feel you know more about this than you are letting on," he added.
Hawke thought he caught a whiff of an unfamiliar scent on her coat, and tucked it away to memory just in case. As they trotted along, he kept his senses strained for any hint of Striker.


Iah smiled reassuringly. "Do not fear for Haldis. She is a strong wolf, and stronger still because she is blind in one eye. She fights in a way most wolves haven't seen, which gives her an advantage. Perhaps they are just having a hard time slipping away." Iah settled down beside Storm, his gaze flickering around for any sight or scent of the others.


Amunet shook her head and laughed softly. "No, she just feels... familiar. Perhaps we met in another life," she jested. "How did she end up Beta?" Amunet questioned, continuing to gather herbs as they walked. For a moment she flickered into a bit of shadow, disappearing before reappearing high in a tree, where she delicately removed some berries and placed them in a patch of darkness, before reappearing beside Kiylo on the ground.


Runa's gaze was hard for a moment as she looked at the half breed stranger. Serenity, what a peaceful name it was.
Then Runa sighed, sitting down, the weight of it all pressing on her. "A mixed wolf murdered a Light Wolf," Runa said. "Right on our border..."
She gazed from Serenity to Ruki. "And she smelled just dark enough for it to be mistaken as one of us. Or..." Runa felt a bit of sadness for a moment. "Or, if someone isn't thinking straight, perhaps Serenity. The poor wolf... The Mixed Wolf was... Eating him," Runa winced. "She smelled of clean wind and earth, not the darkness, so I doubt she was ever trapped. She was more playing rather than eating. I went to chase her off, hopefully drive her away, but she doubled back through this territory and disappeared, not far from where I picked up Serenity's scent. As if she was trying to lead me here..." Runa mused.
"Either way, when they find that poor wolf it will be dangerous to be so far out alone, especially with the Alpha out right now. We should probably move somewhere safer..."

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising SerenityAngel SerenityAngel
"Lets look for Striker then. He couldn't have just vanished into thin air. I wonder what happened..." Jay glanced between Kender and Kaluii for any reaction, before continuing. "Also, do you guys think Selrin is hiding something? Maybe we should have interrogated her."
VeiledPariah VeiledPariah BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Kaluii raised a brow at J's sudden accusation of the female needing interrogating.
"You think?, she is just acting like her usual self to me"
He answered with a huff as he walked alongside the male in there apparent effort in looking for Striker.
Kaluii pressed his nose to the ground trying to identify a scent trail to follow but oddly found nothing pertinent or fresh to go off of.

"How long has striker been missing?"
He asked genuinely of the male.
TheDarkLord TheDarkLord
Selrin - Light Wolf - Age:4 - Starlight Hunter
Selrin frowned, "S-Storm...she was killed by the Shadow pack leader...Runa thinks she was reborn. And Storm has been gone for like two days now...maybe she doesn't want to come home or maybe she can't." She sighed softly, "I didn't really want to burden you with this...but if you feel something is wrong then. Even if the Shadow wolf I ran into wasn't bad...." Her ears pressed against her head, "I really hope one of them didn't run into Striker...if a fight is avoidable I'd much prefer that. Then again I can sit here and say this all I want when I'm a light wolf...I could have set them free. I knew Storm had wanted to do it a few years ago but she was stopped by the pack...maybe we were wrong to leave them in that place." Selrin was torn between what was wrong and what was right. She glanced to Hawke, "D-dont get me wrong if a war breaks out I will definitely defend this pack. That was one thing Runa and I agreed on our packs mean the world to us."

Kender - Earth Wolf - Age:5 - Starlight Fighter
Kender shook his head slightly as Jay mentioned interrogating a fellow pack member. It seemed odd coming from him, but then again he knew a bit of what was going on. "You two stay alert as I said to Hawke and Selrin. I'll find you and inform you fully if what is going on. Jay if you want to fill Kaluii on the minor things. I'll leave it too you." He turned to Haldis, "Let's get going they are waiting for us no doubt." He said nodding for the female to head back in the direction she had come from.
VeiledPariah VeiledPariah
TheDarkLord TheDarkLord

Storm - Dark Wolf - Age:6 - Loner
"Things will be okay won't they Iah? Or do you think I've just unleashed the ruin of our pack." She hoped it wasn't the case but in her heart, she felt it was. She knew blood she'd was bound to happen even if talks were done. The bad blood that ran between the two packs was deep, simply talking wouldn't satisfy the Shadow Pack.

Kiylo - Fire Elemental Wolf - Age:4 - Shadow Fighter
Kiylo frowned, all he knew was that Zen had vanished, "Honestly it just sort of happened recently...our Beta the Alpha's son up and vanished....there was faint talk of him rebelling against his father's way of running this pack." His ears twitched slightly, "Though I don't see how Tez has done anything wrong running this pack. He became the alpha while in the void and he has kept us alive....even if he doesn't show it I'm sure each death that happened in the void weighs on him." He shrugged slightly, "Maybe that's what made Zen so mad, Tez's lack of emotional support and inability to really show emotions. Hopefully that will change, when he had a mate he was actually pretty easy going until she passed away leaving him with his son..."

Ruki - Water/Dark Wolf - Age:4 - Shadow Hunter
Ruki nodded slowly she didn't know anything about Runa now being the beta of the pack, "Do you mind if we bring her back to the pack with us...if she wants to come. I know she is lost and looking for her family. If it's as you Sadi then i don't want to leave her out here to fall victim for something she didn't do." WIf Runa didn't think it was a good idea then Ruki would stay with the she wolf until her family was found. Two wolves was better than one dealing with a mad loner...​
Freydis Freydis
SerenityAngel SerenityAngel
Ken, a shadow wolf hunter from the dark pack wakes up in the main pack all bright eyes and bushy tail . Despite his age of three going up four he tries to be a mix of playful and fun while being mature at certain situations .

Today seems to him as an off day so he likes to play around with his tail happily and run around in his pack territory . His energy seems to be undeniably limitless for the time being without any thought. He started off his playing with chasing his own tail for a moment in a very fast circle ⭕️, gaining up speed, before he jolts out into the forest where he would be at his fastest speed he couldn't think much other than happiness until ..-SLAM-

A cluster of chaos was made as Ken slammed into Ruki and runi like a kamikaze fighter , pushing the girls aside as he flips into the air , flying , until he slammed into the ground spraining his paws upon impact "0w...." he whines before he noticed what he has done making his once narrow eyes wider in fear than ever, he just messed with two leaders ...

Freydis Freydis
BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Tumult smiled a little, I honestly wish our children could have grown up together. We were like brothers back in the day. Maybe once all this revenge business is done things can go back to how they were?" he asked and continued to sniff for Serenity's scent. "Thank you again for your help and comfort. I hope you are right, old friend."
BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising

The white she wolf didn't know what she would do if the Starlight pack rejected her request. For a moment there it seemed like she would not be granted permission to search for her daughter but when she was given a guide she breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you so much. I'll never forget this kindness." she said and bowed her head again in respect to them. She turned her attention over to Kiesso and gave a respectful bow to him as well. "That is a good idea. Thank you for your help. I'm sure my mate is doing the same to other territories." she let the other wolf lead her where she could try to catch her daughter's scent but so far, nothing. She wasn't anywhere nearby. "She has never just run off before. I know she is not a pup anymore but still. A single wolf is very vulnerable and with her being what she is.....it makes her chances of survival very limited and small." she informed her traveling companion.

Freydis Freydis

Serenity was relieved that this female wolf didn't see her as a threat and even offered to help her. She was very confused at what she was telling her about Zen changing. She didn't really understand but guessed that she would figure it out later. Hearing that her name matches her fur coat flawlessly she felt a bit conflicted. "My appearance takes after my mother so that is why it is like this but my abilities are all my father. I wish I got a bit more from him than my mother, to be perfectly honest. I would have preferred to look a bit more like you."

When Ruki said that Zen had told her that he loved her she felt a strong pain in her heart and her face dropped a little for only a moment before smiling. "I'm sure his feelings are true. I must admit....I'm a bit jealous of you." she said and gratefully accepted the female wolf's offer to help her find her family and be found. "Thank you so much. I'll take you up on that offer."

She then smiled sweetly and tried to make Ruki feel a bit more at ease around her. After all, she could always use a friend in these places. Not that she had any to begin with. Being a mixed was not always so easy. "I'm alright. I was just running too much and I fell asleep and had a nightmare. That's all. Thank you for your kindness, Ruki. I really appreciate it."

It was then that another she wolf appeared and seemed rather angry at her. The mixed wolf could only back up a bit, lower her head, tuck her tail between her legs, and flatten her ears against her head. She was being submissive again and that was her only defense at the moment. She never wanted to hurt anyone so she tried to show she never meant any harm to anyone. Then came the words she never expected to hear. A mixed wolf killed a light wolf. This thought and image sent shivers down her spine and made her stomach tighten. She felt sick to her stomach. The way the female put it, sounded like she thought that Serenity was the one that did it. "I-it wasn't me....I couldn't....I wasn't...." she then huddled up a bit more and curled up, making herself as small as she could. She was not a very strong-willed wolf and didn't really like violence and arguments. The situation seemed like she was being framed for something she didn't even know about. To the offer of going with them to hide in the Shadow pack she nodded her head in agreement. "Y-yes. Thank you. I would like to go with you. I don't think this area is safe for me anymore. I just hope Zen is alright. I hope I'll see him again."

Then came, yet another surprise. A black male wolf collided with the other two female dark wolves. She stepped back and kind of hid a bit, not sure if he was friendly or not.

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising @Freydis Lenny2000 Lenny2000
Ruki - Water/Dark Wolf - Age:4 - Shadow Hunter
Ruki groaned slightly as she picked herself up from the ground, "What on....Ken geez...." Ruki flinched slightly, the tumble had hurt her foot once again. She frowned putting pressure on it anyways, Text had told her to rest and she had done that but...resting wasn't her style and she wouldn't show them her weak point. If they still had a healer she'd go to the healer, but that wasn't the case.​
Freydis Freydis
SerenityAngel SerenityAngel
Lenny2000 Lenny2000
(I'll get tez up in a bit)

Hawke paused, then nodded slightly. He hadn't meant to make Selrin feel uncomfortable. But what she said... If the Shadow Wolves were back... and one of their wolves killed Striker....
Hawke was so deep in thought for a moment that he didn't notice how close they were to the packs borders. Nor did he notice the scent of blood-at first.
Hawke froze. He glanced to Selrin, trying to communicate without words that they had to approach carefully. But that scent... He could smell Striker. Among the blood and fear scent, there was Strikers scent.
Abandoning all pretense of being careful, Hawke cried out "Striker!" as he leaped forward, racing through the trees.
What he came upon had him skidding to a stop. He stared at Striker's body, his brothers body, in abject horror. His throat was torn out, and his stomach was in shreds. There was blood everywhere. The scents of dark wolf and Striker were all around him. Along with.... Hawke knew the scent was familiar. It was the same whiff of dark wolf he had smelled on Selrin.
But there wasn't time to think about that now. Hawke approached on stiff legs, looking down on Striker's twisted form in shock. Needlessly, he checked for any signs of life. But of course, there were none. No wolf could survive this...
Hawke tossed back his head, and let out a bloodcurdling, sorrow filled howl. Anguish ripped through him, and his howl was long and filled with grief.


Haldis nodded, giving a slight dip of her head in goodbye to the other wolves, before she started back the way she had come.


Iah gazed at Storm for a moment, a thoughtful look in his eyes. "We are strong," he finally said. "And all of our wolves must be. This will most likely end with bloodshed. But it would have end in bloodshed if this all happened years ago, or years from now. But if there is one thing I know, it is that we, as a pack, shall survive."
Iah was about to say more when Haldis slipped from the brush.
"All is well?" Iah asked.
Haldis paused, wondering if it was her place to say. "Striker is missing," Haldis said finally. Iah felt the weight of that sink in to his fur. It didn't seem like a good omen.
But he only nodded slightly. "Has anything been done to find him?" He asked Kender and Haldis.
But then a mourning howl seemed to shatter the wary peace of the forest. Iah felt a chill down to his bones.
"Whatever we are going to do, we best do it quick," Iah said softly. "This does not bode well."
Haldis couldn't help but think that was quite the understatement.


Kiesso nodded as he walked with the white she wolf. "All pups go out to explore on their own, to find themselves." Kiesso smiled slightly at the thought. "Through some interesting circumstances, I ended up raising Haldis and her siblings. I was barely more than a pup myself at the time, but I raised them the best I could. When the time came, Haldis was the only one who didn't wish to explore all the world had to offer. She was the only one to stay. We have heard snippets of information about her siblings, but haven't seen them personally since. Perhaps your pup is doing the same," he offered the reassurance to Tranquility with a smile. "I take it your pup is mixed?'​


Runa nodded to Serenity. "If your father is a dark wolf, he may be out with our Alpha looking for you. It is safer back in camp," she agreed.
When Ken came out of no where, Runa bit back a snarl, trying to flatted her hackles. She was still on edge. "Let's just all get back to camp," she said. "Ruki, we have a healer now," Runa said. "And right now I don't want any wolves roaming on their own," she added, glancing to Ken.
Runa was too deep in her thoughts to realize that perhaps the news of her being Beta had yet to spread, but at this point, as long as everyone got home safe, she didn't care. She felt a moment of worry for Amunet and Kiylo, but she trusted the male to keep the young healer safe. Perhaps if they were not back soon, she would send someone after them.
SerenityAngel SerenityAngel Lenny2000 Lenny2000


Amunet nodded in understanding. "It must not have been easy on him. Especially having to look out for the good of the pack over everything else."
Amunet paused, a strange feeling creeping over her. She could have sworn she heard a howl, but it was hard to tell, and not close at least. She had a feeling that they should hurry and gather what they could. It almost felt like how it feels before a storm breaks, but she couldn't smell rain.
"Perhaps we should hurry and gather a few more things. Do you know where I could find arnica? You might know it as wolfsbane, pretty yellow flowers? It's dangerous but it is good for sprains. I just feel like it would be a good idea to grab some before heading back," Amunet said, suddenly a bit on edge.
BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Selrin - Light Wolf - Age:4 - Starlight Hunter
Selrin's heart fell as she smell the scent of blood. She raced after Hawke skidding to a halt, sue flinched at the mess in front of her. Who on Earth would...she walked around, even if Striker couldn't tell the difference she could. She smelled Runa, he dark airy smell was undeniable, but there was and underlying scent. It smelled like a strange fresh air.... As Hawke howled his sorrow she moved in the scent on the wolf was the fresh one. "H-hawke....I am so sorry..." She whispered padding towards him, lifting her muzzle into the air she joined in the howl. She had known Striker perhaps not on a personal level but he had been nice to her when they crossed paths. She was sure their howls would be heard through the pack...

Kender - Earth Wolf - Age:5 - Starlight Fighter
Kender nodded, "Yes Selrin and Hawke are out searching and Kaluii and Jay are searching while..." His words fell short as the sound of a male howling with deep sorrow was heard, soon a female joined and his heart clenched. "Hawke...." Kenders ears laid flat and he frowned, "That can't be good at all....I hope the Shadow pack hasn't already started to make a move..."

Storm - Dark Wolf - Age:6 - Loner
She nodded, "I know the pack will only get stronger as time goes by." She nodded to Kender and Haldis. "Let's get heading to the pack camp...I will owe them all my deepest apologies...." She said softly with a sigh, it seemed things were going to go a lot faster than planned.

Tez - Dark Wolf - Age:7 - Shadow Alpha
Tez glanced around looking at where they were. They had traveled a fairly good distance, and even though the lands were still the same things had grown over, trees had fall and grown. He turned looking around he thought he smell a faint scent of a wolf, but wasn't sure if it was the or they were looking for. There also seemed to be a faint scent of blood as well, it made him unsettled. The last thing he wanted was to find his friends daughter slaughtered, especially if it was due to a wolf in his pack. But the scent didn't seem strong enough for a body to be laying around. Perhaps a wolf to have blood on it though. "You smell that... This isn't your daughters scent is it? It's not one I know..." He red eyes glowed brighter as looked around cautiously.
SerenityAngel SerenityAngel
Freydis Freydis

Kiylo - Fire Elemental Wolf - Age:4 - Shadow Fighter
Kiylo nodded slowly, "Alphas and betas always have a lot on their hands..." He thought about it for a little bit, "I've seen a couple different yellow flowers around here, one was really small circled flowers and the other was a medium size weird shape. Which one sounds more like what your looking for?" He asked they were in opposite directions of each other, so they'd go to which one she wanted to check out first.​
"Hmm, it seems like Striker has been missing for almost a day now." Jay thought back to the last time he saw Striker. Everything seemed normal then. Nobody expected him to go without any warning.

"Looks like I've got to fill you in everything that happened with Storm. Now where do I begin?" Jay paused to collect his thoughts, before continuing. "Well, we ran into Storm today. She looked totally different from before, but her scent remained unchanged. So that was how we recognised her. Also, don't get too excited now, buuuut she has also turned into a dark wolf!" Jay ended his sentence with an exaggerated exclaimation. He then paused to see Kaluii's reaction.
VeiledPariah VeiledPariah
The male stopped as J did raising a brow at the start of his depiction of the precursor of events that lead to this moment.
He spoke of Storm their Alpha being a dark wolf now and to that he twitched an ear towards the other male in response.
He sighed once J was finished knowing the wolf expected some sort of reaction but Kaluii and his line were old and knew of the ways that wolves experienced life.
"So she has experienced her second life...rare but does that make her our enemy now...i wonder?"
The hunter pondered as he resumed his slow gait forward continuing to try and find Strikers scent.
"She is lucky to be granted a second chance, but our task is to find Striker and that is what we should focus on. Yet i admit it will be dangerous if she has sided with the dark ones and become one herself..."
Kaluii expressed cooly as he hopped over a downed log and onto a small embankment.
"Regardless i will serve this pack till i die, to help her or face her it matters not.. We should get going or else what little trail remains will grow cold"
He finished as he looked back to see if J was still following.
TheDarkLord TheDarkLord

As Hawke's howl died off, it was as if the strength in his legs gave out. One moment he was standing, the next he found himself laying next to his brother, his den mate, his only blood tie in the pack... gone, just like that.
Hawke let out a soft, heartbroken whimper. "He should be back," Hawke suddenly said in determination, or was it desperation? "Wolves come back. Why isn't he back...?" he whimpered, tone going from determination to desperation. "I don't care how he comes back, I just want my brother back. Dark wolf, full elemental, who cares, hes still my brother...." His glazed gaze turned to Selrin.
"Why isn't he back?" he asked in a broken whisper.


Iah nodded slightly, taking up a protective stance to the right and a bit in front of Storm. He gestured to Kender to keep a good watch of their surroundings, especially if there was a dark wolf around attacking. He couldn't be sure if Striker was dead, or just injured. Iah wanted to believe injured.
Haldis walked a bit behind them, keeping watch from the back. After a moment she asked "If that wolf's brother is dead... will he come back like you, Storm?"
Iah glanced back to Haldis, but even he couldn't be sure. He had never died before.


"What I'm looking for had almost bell-like shape to it, and a very pretty shade of yellow. a variety also looks like smaller, yellow daisies. Slim yellow petals with a black center?" Amunet said as they walked. She had an odd feeling for a moment or two that they were being watched, and through she caught an odd light/dark scent. But just as quickly as it came it was gone, and she figured it must have just been something on the breeze.

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising


The she wolf slowed as she heard the howl. She felt a deep sense of satisfaction. Why should they have peace and happiness when none was offered to her? She should have been accepted, but instead they scorned her, all because she was half! She didn't care if that time had passed, if they were no longer the same wolves. A wolf doesn't change its pelt overnight.
As she picked up speed again through Dark territory, She caught a mix of interesting scents. Dark wolves, a hint of a light wolf or two, but mostly that wonderful dark scent that the blood seemed to still cling to. Niama smirked. You could never quite escape your past.
She found herself bounding a bit to close to a young male and female, and quickly disappeared into the shadows, reappearing in a beam of light further away. It was her own unique power, being what she was, hopping from one to the other. Every time she did she felt she might just never come back out, just get lost in the space between shadow and light. Her blood sang with it, a fever of madness in her mind as she jumped from one to the other. Each side of her warred for domination- the light wanted the light, the dark wanted the dark, and each side sought to devour the other. It was primal, a war in her own body.
Niama loved it.
She found herself making her way to the edges of the shadow territory. Perhaps she would explore other places for a while, before returning to relish in the bloodshed she wished to create.​
Selrin - Light Wolf - Age:4 - Starlight Her
Her heart broke for him, she couldn't even answer his question as to why Striker wasn't coming back. They honestly didn't know much about it, when a body was destroy could their gods not bring back the wolf? Perhaps Striker hadn't wanted to come back to life, or maybe the their gods were unable to get to him in time. She didn't know all she knew was a she had a friend who was broken. She laid next to him laying her head over his neck, "I'm sorry...I'm so so sorry I wish I knew...." She whispered as tears came to her eyes for the wolf. She wanted to kill whatever wolf had done this to Striker, to Hawke.... Strikers body was a mess it was a total disgrace what was done to him. Striker....please rest in peace....

Kender - Earth Wolf - Age:5 - Starlight Fighter
Kender kept an eye out for any movement or foreign scent, he quickly took notice of a different smell. "Where did Kiesso go and why do I smell a different wolf...." His eyes searched for the source of the scent he didn't know, "Did you guys run into trouble while Haldis and I were away?"

Storm - Dark Wolf - Age:6 - Loner
Storm glanced to Iah to let him explain, he was the new alpha it was his job to do such things. "I don't know Haldis... but from those howls...." She didn't feel much hope, they were sad howls. She only knew that when a wolf died, they usually got a second chance or even a thrid chance to live. She didn't like the sound of the howls that soon ended, "It depends on Striker and the Starry Wolves....when I was brought back it was Zanter. He showed up out of gratitude for setting his children free. The Starry Wolves are very large and you wouldn't miss them if they showed up in front of you." She sighed softly after finishing her thoughts, "Iah...you are now the alpha the Starry ones will probably come to you. Even if it is only to acknowledge you are now the aloha I can be there when they meet you."

Kiylo - Fire Elemental Wolf - Age:4 - Shadow Fighter
Kiylo smiled, "Yes I know exactly where you can find them...they were weird and I didn't really like the feel I got from them so I stayed away from them. Now it makes perfect sense, I didn't know wolfsbane .He turned heading down a simple looking path, which soon led to a place with different flowers of all sorts. He padded for the ones sue had discribed, "This what your looking for, if not then I'm not sure if we have them...I've done a lot of roaming since we have gotten free so I know this place pretty well."

Ruki - Water/Dark Wolf - Age:4 - Shadow Hunter
Ruki shook herself, "Ken you really should watch where your going...if that hadn't been us then you probably would have gotten yourself torn to bits." She glanced to Runa as she said the alpha was out looking for Serenity most likely, "Why would the alpha help someone find their daughter?" As far as Ruki knew the alpha was cold to everyone to lead the best way he could. So it surprised her to hear such a thing, it even made her feel bad for thinking the her alpha was emotionless. Her ears perked as Runa soon spoke of them having a healer, "What all has happened in the short time I was with....err I was away..."
Freydis Freydis
Lenny2000 Lenny2000
SerenityAngel SerenityAngel
Ken Just simply looked up into the air with starry eyes and ringing ears as he can't really move , his real mission was to go talk to zen but he was having a bit too much fun tho and wound up into this mess.. his Mouth started to mutter some words under his breath and then zen before he could finally start hearing again and his feeling came back , only to feel pain as he can't get up , his paws feeling too much pain as he has sprained them . Whimpering a bit he wiggles from side to side giving a big huff into the air .

Zen on the other hand saw his coat slowly fading from pure white to mostly white and now partially his original black color ... the once full moon is fading to a new moon as he slowly climbs out of his dark domain and towards the dark pack where his previous beta den resides . He doesent care what anyone has to say , he is the beta and no one can stop him without a lesson to be taught through blood .

Zen was relatively a quick one and still powerful as he glides through the forest , passing on by serenity, ,Ken, Ruki , and runa , giving a nod to each like nothing happened before trotting at the speed of a running wolf until he reached the dark pack camp where he saw his cold father but shrugged it off and sat in his shaded den , his soul being the only hearth in the bloodline of coldness creeping in ..
Ruki - Water/Dark Wolf - Age:4 - Shadow Hunter
Ruki glanced over Ken as he whimpered, "Did you manage to hurt yourself as well..." She glanced to Runa or Serenity to help Ken get back to camp. If she had to do it, it would make her foot even worse. She opened her maw to speak but froze when she smelled and then saw Zen, "H-he's back to his normal color...but...how?" She wondered if maybe he had settled the matters in his heart now. If he chose Serenity or her, she imagined him choosing Serenity. She was the light to his darkness, while Ruki...well she had been in that darkness with him. Looking to the ground she wasn't sure if she wanted to go find out just what he may have decided, she glanced to Serenity. "I think you should go see if he is okay Serenity, I dont think I would be of much help to him... I can go ahead and help Ken get back to camp by using water... That is if you want to get back to camp as well Runa I bet Tez left you in charge while he went out."
Freydis Freydis
Lenny2000 Lenny2000
SerenityAngel SerenityAngel

(Small thing Tez isn't in camp right now.... unless your just saying that Zen passed his father at some point before hitting camp)
Aw darn , oh well let's just say he passed tez on the way but zen will keep his right to rule as beta of the pack, the little conflict issue before has been resolved and he is ready to be a part of the dark pack unless he is not accepted for having moonlight powers
Tumult became very worried when they came across the scent of blood and the scent of a mixed wolf. The bigger wolf's heart beat faster and harder in his chest from pure fear. He took another sniff of the air and calmed down but only a little. "N-no...it's not hers....thank the shadows....please let her be alright. I couldn't bear to lose her after everything that's happened." he then started darting off to fallow the scent. Not going too fast as to lose his friend but wanting to get to the source faster than just wandering around.
BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising

Tranquility smiled a little but this brought very little comfort. "My daughter has never done something like this before though. She has never been on her own for this long. She is already four years old, I know, but still....she's the only child I have....to think she could be hurt or worse....I can't bear that thought." she explained, "And she is a runt, she is weaker than most wolves." The mother wolf wanted to cry but she knew tears would not help the situation nor would it bring her daughter safely back home. She looked around and sniffed the air as she listened to her companion, "Really? It's hard but rewarding in the end, isn't it?" She softly smiled and almost felt like she was in the Starlight pack again. It felt so nostalgic, but she would never want to return until all the troubles were over. Maybe not even then. It was good that they were still willing to help her after all this time, but still, with what happened with the old alpha, she would never return.

Freydis Freydis

The mixed wolf was a bitin shock at everything that was happening. Her father went to the Shadow pack and asked for help...from their alpha? Now that alpha was out searching for her as well? Just what trouble has she caused? These thoughts made the young wolf feel bad about running off like that on her own. She could not have helped it though. She wanted to get to know that wolf called Zen and his pack. She wanted to know more than just her mother and father. But this was the price she would have to pay. Worrying her beloved mother and father for no reason. Shameful.

She nodded her head a little. "He is. Before he left his pack he was the biggest and close friends with the son of the alpha. I don't know their names or current ranks." she told Ruki a bit quietly, "Th-that might be why he would help him? I....I didn't know my father would return to the shadow pack just to look for me." she started to berate herself in her mind for causing so much trouble.

Suddenly Zen showed up briefly and just bowed his head to hem in greeting before walking off as if nothing happened. Serenity was very confused and worried. When Ruki offered to let her go to Zen, saying that she was unsure of how much help she could be to the male wolf. Serenity looked down in thought and her ears went back again. Se didn't know if that was true. He left her there after all and didn't come back for her while she tried to find him. She wanted to go after Zen, sure, but would he let her be beside him? And what about Ruki? She was just as much attracted and in love with Zen as she was and she knew him longer. Did Serenity really have a right to try and claim him as her mate? Was it really fair? After all, there were so many variables with her being his mate. So many ways things could go wrong. Was she willing to risk it and his happiness with one of his own kind? Was she really that selfish, plus, Ruki was hurt and couldn't move Ken by herself. Could she abandon them when they could use the help? Was her affection for Zen that deep? Maybe, but right now, she had to think about the betterment of the group. "W-we're all going the same direction anyway, right? I...I'll see him later. For now, I'll help you guys." she said with a slightly pained smile. It was not an easy decision.

She then went to Ken's side to help him up and help carry him. She may not be the strongest but she was strong enough to do anything a normal wolf could do. She then smiled to Ruki, "Shall we get going? I'm guessing we have quite a walk ahead of us, no?"

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising Freydis Freydis Lenny2000 Lenny2000
As zen has tidied up his den he starts to relax on the cool floor as it is cozy and protects himself from the sun with lovely shade , the day making him sleep on the padded sheets .

The sheets provided a bit of warmth but mostly were soft and comfortable for him . Within his cute little mind he dozed off and starts dreaming of serenity mostly . His heart belonged to her no matter what anyone says and his grudges and hatred towards his father still at an all time high

Hawke's gaze slowly slid from Selrin back to Striker. "We should.... we should bury him... but what if he is just late coming back? What if he comes back and he is buried...?" Hawke was mostly talking to himself, still overcome by grief. He wanted to howl to the stars over this injustice. He wanted to climb to the sky and fight, to battle and hurt, to make them, who, in his mind, abandoned him and his brother, hurt just as much.
What he didn't realize was that Striker, under the scent of blood, smelled pure light, no longer mixed with elemental. It was close enough to Hawke's own scent, their familial scent, that the fact that the elemental bit was gone, didn't even register. To Hawke, the pure amount of blood everywhere was from the brutality. He was too overcome by his grief to realize that the body in front of him, no matter how identical to his brother, was just a bit different, a bit changed.

Haldis & Iah

"Nothing too bad. A Light wolf was looking for her daughter who is missing. We let her look around, but sent Kiesso with her to make sure she was just looking for her daughter, nothing else," Iah told Kender.
Haldis nodded sadly, looking down at her paws. "I hope Hawke will be okay," she said softly to Storm. When Storm mentioned Iah meeting the Starry Wolves, Haldis perked up in interest, and Iah glanced over.
"I would appreciate it if you were," Iah told Storm. "There is still a lot I don't know," he added slightly, a bit softer and more contemplative.
"So do we like, just walk in to camp and be like 'Sup everyone, new Alpha, but hey there is other things to worry about?'" Haldis asked after a moment.


Amunet nodded happily. "Lead the way," she said, with a bit of an over exaggerated sweep of her paw, gesturing for him to take the lead. She had a bit of a smile on her maw, and a humored glint to her eyes, although there was still a bit of worry deep within.
She often had nuances of things to come, good or bad, just vague feelings. She knew something was up. Just not what yet.


Runa paused, looking between the group at the conversation. Was this love? Was this what it was like? She knew she cared deeply for Tez. She... respected him. She didn't respect many wolves, especially not after she had seen what they had done in the darkness. She glanced between Ruki and Serenity, wondering what made these females so crazy over one male. Would she be like that for Tez if she let herself? No, she had a feeling there was a difference between respect, love, and a healthy companionship, and what seemed like a bit of a craziness between the three. Both females seemed so willing to give up this wolf for the other? and Zen, above all else? What did he have that was so special for the two?
He did not command Runa's respect or admiration like Tez did. To Runa, he seemed rather spoiled. Like he felt he should deserve something for just being born who he was. Runa didn't think that way. You had to earn what you get.
"Why do you both seem to love him?" Runa said without realizing she had spoken aloud. She had been paying attention to everything going on, but that was the more pressing matter suddenly in her mind, not Zen himself, not the dead wolf, not even Ken. Everything that had been swirling in her mind since their release suddenly seemed at the forefront, pressing down on her.


Kiesso nodded slightly, a faint smile on his face. He knew his words hadn't cheered Tranquility, but he was just speaking from his heart. "If Haldis was missing, I would tear across this earth to find her. I don't know... I don't know how Iah does it. He lives with the uncertainty, the question every day. He never found his sisters. He barely speaks of it, at least not in depth. But I know they disappeared without a trace one morning. I think that's why he joined the Starlight pack. They had been on their way to visit. I think he feels they might still show up one day, like nothing has happened. It's why he works so hard to protect the pack- he doesn't want anyone else hurting like he does..." Kiesso said softly.
He paused for a moment, taking in the scents of the air. "Why did your daughter run off?" he asked curiously, taking another deep whiff. Was that.... blood?

SerenityAngel SerenityAngel BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising
Selrin - Light Wolf - Age:4 - Starlight Hunter
Selrin frowned she didnt know what to tell Hawke, she felt pretty useless and that fact hurt worse. She couldn't answer his questions because she had never come face to face with any of the Starry Wolves. "I think...if we bury him if they come and give him another life they will also make sure he is unburied. I dont see them leaving him to die in the dirt." She sighed softly, "Leaving his body like this out in the open...I wouldn't do that becuase the birds would soon find him and the only wolf who deserves to be eaten that way is the wolf who did this!!!" She said with a harsh growl. She padded over to Striker moving closer she inhaled sharply as tears came to her eyes. Striker...no longer smelled like that of of a mixed wolf, but pure light. She turned to Hawke, that meant they had given him another life and it also meant that Striker had went through twice the torture. He never got a chance at his third life, he probably hadn't wanted it.

Kender - Earth Wolf - Age:5 - Starlight Fighter
Kender nodded, "Well then I guess we should get this show on a roll." He chuckled at Haldis's way of telling the pack that things had changed, "I think Storm and Iah have a better plan then that...right?" He asked glancing Iah and Storm, a small part hoped that was the case. Then again what other way was there to break this kind of news to the other wolves. He really couldn't think of any subtle way to tell them, he wasn't even sure it was possible.

Storm - Dark Wolf - Age:6 - Loner
"I think first we should find Xan...and let him know that he will probably be the new beta if that is what you want Iah...." She figured meeting Xan first would be the best but she wasn't the alpha, now she would simply be a healer for the pack. Especially once she severed her ties with the Starry Wolves and passed it on to Iah. Haldis seemed to perk up at the mention of the Starry Wolves, "I take it you want to meet them as well Haldis? I can asked them, but they may just want to meet up and get things done. After all they do watch over us...even if they can't interfere with what happens."
mentioned Sshortcakez Sshortcakez

Kiylo - Fire Elemental Wolf - Age:4 - Shadow Fighter
Kiylo nodded padding towards the place he knew the flowers were glancing to Amunet as she fell silent. "You okay? You just got super quiet on me all the sudden?" Maybe he was just thinking too much on it, after all she did just join and it wasn't like the two of them were the best of buds. Though he would like to think of her that way, his mind ventured back to when she had talked about her sister. Though he wanted to bring it back up he kept silent about it, maybe she would tell him about her later.​

Ruki - Water/Dark Wolf - Age:4 - Shadow Hunter
Ruki blushed slightly as Runa asked why she and Serenity seemed to love Zen, "The heart just loves...I've known him my whole life Runa...I guess at some point my heart decided that I cared for him more than a friend." Ruki huffed softly as Serenity helped Ken walk alongside them, "But the heart does change and even though I love him I have a feeling that there is a new she wolf special in his heart." She said with a soft smile on her maw.​
Freydis Freydis
SerenityAngel SerenityAngel Lenny2000 Lenny2000
BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising

"That's awful to hear. I do hope they are all right and nothing has happened to them." the she wolf comments but keeps quiet for the most part as they walked together. When he asked he asked why she ran off, Tranquility had no real answer. "I don't know. She had just introduced us to this male wolf that she had met and went to go after him after he ran off as well because of what my mate had said. I think she went to find him but got lost after. I hope she is alright. I don't know what I would do if he hurt her." She fallowed him partially as well as fallowed her sharp nose. She could pick up faint scents but one that peaked her worry and made her panic was one in particular and made her freeze mid-step. Blood. Her blood ran cold and because her fear was overpowering her logic at the moment she darted off to find out whose blood it was and she prayed that her daughter's scent was no where near it.

Freydis Freydis

Serenity was caught off guard with Runa's question and looked at her as if she had been caught doing something wrong. After a moment and Ruki's explanation but didn't know if she was that confident in her answer. "I....I honestly don't know what I feel for him. I'm not sure if it is love but I do care for him. I have only just met him after all, so how could it be love?" she asked and continued to help Ken stand and walk. She wasn't exactly sure if it was right to say that she loved him yet.

"I....I think this is a topic for another time. We should really head to our desitnation, don't you think? I mean, Ken's not in a good situation at the moment. We don't want to be caught out here unawares." Serenity said, trying to change the subject and turn the conversation to something that would not make her blush and her heart beat hard in her chest. It was not a feeling she was used to and honestly wanted to get out of there quickly. She wanted to see her parents again and Zen of course but who knows how long that would take?
BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising Freydis Freydis Lenny2000 Lenny2000


Hawke nodded sadly. He was a mess both inside and out. His paws were a bit unsteady as he walked a few paces away, and began to dig into the dirt. His front paws were quickly covered in muddy, bloody dirt, and it sprayed on to his belly and hind legs as he dug, but he didn't seem to notice. Every once in a while he would pause, turning to look at Striker, or Selrin, and his eyes seemed empty of everything except sorrow. The anger was gone. He just felt numb to the world. It was like a sea of sorrow, and he was lost in it, not even bothering to fight the tides right now. He just wanted to be washed away to somewhere where it didn't hurt, didn't feel like he was being ripped apart.
He didn't know what he would do if he found the wolf who did this. He didn't know if he would fight at this point. Maybe he should just die too. What was left? Striker had been his connection to this world, to this pack, especially since his other siblings had gone. His parents were gone, his family was gone. It had been him and Striker against the world, against everything. They had been a team. You never had to look far to find the other.
Hawke didn't realize he had stopped digging until he felt a brush of fur against his pelt and a familiar scent. His head shot up, looking wildly around for Striker. It had been him, hadn't it? But no. Striker was still laying, broken, in the muddy, bloody dirt. And Hawke was still alone in the world.

Iah & Haldis

Haldis's tail gave a puppy-like wag at the mention of meeting the Great Wolves. "I would love that! I have so many questions..." she said excitedly, mind whirring. She looked to Iah to see if he shared the enthusiasm she felt, but he seemed deep in thought.
"Perhaps we should try and find Hawke first. I would prefer to know what happened before we walk in to camp so we can just give everyone a full report at once. The others should be fully aware of the danger. Especially if... if a dark wolf did this."
Haldis felt her tail still, and lower. She was a bit disappointed, and sad. "When will you meet the Starry Wolves then?" She asked.
Iah glanced to Storm. "Perhaps we should do that first as well. Just to make sure... to make sure they approve of me as leader," Iah said. He didn't sound nervous, just a bit uncomfortable. It would be strange to announce he was the new Alpha without having the approval of the Starry Wolves.


Kiesso was about to speak when he too broke in to a run, after Tranquility. That scent... it was Light Wolf!
He pulled up to Tranquility's side, matching his pace to hers as they raced forward. "I think it's one of ours," he said between strides. "The blood smells Light," he added.
When they reached the blood, he was not prepared for the sight he saw. He thought he recognized the two Light Wolves, Hawke and Selrin? And the third wolf... his body was mangled, broken. Kiesso froze for a moment, maw half open as if about to speak. "Great Wolves above..." he finally breathed in shock.
At the voice, Hawke's head shot up. The male was covered in blood and dirt, and it looked like he was digging a hole. To bury the other? The other... oh no, was that his brother?
Kiesso wasn't as familiar with the siblings and she wolf, but he remembered seeing them around the last time he had visited camp. The two brothers were nearly inseparable, expect for pack duties.
Who could have done this? He smelled Light wolf mostly, from all the wolves around him, but closer to the body the scent was... mixed. A mixed wolf?

SerenityAngel SerenityAngel


Amunet nodded a bit uncertainly. "I just have... I have a bad feeling, Kiylo. Sometimes I just get feelings. And this one is just.... Not a good one," she said softly, a bit nervously. It seemed as if a more docile wolf were in her place for a moment, as if someone who knew more than she let on was there. But the moment passed quickly and the mischievous sparkle was back in Amunet's gaze. "Maybe someone accidentally drowned a rabbit," she tried to jest, but it fell a bit flat with a hint of unease.


Runa looked between the two she wolves, then nodded slightly. "I apologize if the question was intrusive. It's just... difficult to adjust to being out here again," she said in a rare moment of honest vulnerability. She paused, then nodded slightly to herself, before padding forward again, glancing back to the two she wolves and the male every once in a while.
"Do you ever wonder if this world might be better if we never fought back then? If we never clashed with Starlight?" She said, before she realized what she was saying. She froze for a moment, eyes wide in shock, before she shook her head. "Forget I said anything," she quickly added. "Just a bit uneasy with this real life thing. After the darkness for so long..."
But she was in her head thinking of the she wolf she had met, of Selrin. Selrin, who made her think maybe things weren't so different between them. Between the packs. Why had they even fought in the first place? what was the point of it all if wolves just... died?

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising SerenityAngel SerenityAngel Lenny2000 Lenny2000
Selrin - Light Wolf - Age:4 - Starlight Hunter
Selrin sighed softly, should she tell Hawke that Striker had gotten a second life...no. It would only torment his soul even more, and she didn't want that for the kind shy male. "Hawke I'll move his body...." She said softly before turning her fur bristled at the voice. Her eyes landing on a male that she barely new and a female she didn't know. Hawke was in no shape should either of them try to harm them so she stepped in front of Hawke. Ready for any possible attack if there was one. 'What are you two doing here?" Her voice held a small bit of growl, even though she was usually a more friendly wolf.

Kender - Earth Wolf - Age:5 - Starlight Fighter
Kender nodded, "Finding Hawke and Selrin will probably be better as you said Iah." He chuckled slightly at Haldis's excitement about meeting the Starry wolves. Though he hadn't know that Storm had a bond with them as the Alpha of the pack, he wondered if the alpha of the Shadow Pack had the same bond. It that was the case would they get into trouble with the starry wolves if they killed the alpha of the Shadow pack? He sighed softly perhaps killing really wasn't the solution, but he couldn't think of anything that would settle the current alpha of the shadow pack alphas mind and soul.

Storm - Dark Wolf - Age:6 - Loner
"Lets go then, we can track them by howling and I know for sure if I howl Selrin will respond." She glanced to Iah as he spoke of meeting the Starry Wolves first before going to the pack and stating he was alpha. "Well I guess we can meet them first..." She grabbed a stick that was resting on the ground and began to draw a circle around her and Iah. She then lifted her paw lightly biting into her leg and letting blood drop into the ring she had drawn. The circle began to light up, one spot of light, the other shadow, and the final piece was a mix of colors. Kender backed away as the different colors of the ring grew brighter, "Great Starry Wolves I summon you to place a new wolf under your care." Zanter was the first one to appear Shadows swirling around the strangely marked wolf, "Storm you've summoned us for an alpha change though I have given you a second life?" Storm bowed to him, "Thank you for bringing my back Zanter." The large shadow nodded in approval. "Oh come now Zan you can't expect her to run her pack as a dark wolf, her pack may be accepting but asking them just to accept her change is a bit much." Inari spoke as light swirled down taking the form of a the purest white she wolf with pink eyes, Storm bowed to her with a small smile, "You will always be one of my most dearest children Storm." She said as light moved over healing the bite Storm had inflicted on herself. "So he is the new alpha you wish to put in your place, I would say I approve of him. I've watched as he handled your pack in both of the alpha's absents, Storm I am sorry but rules are rules. Had I been able to give your mate another life I would have." Tears pricked Storms eyes as Ceres appeared next to her nuzzling her head with his chin. Zanter growled a bit, "She is my newest member of family back off Ceres." Storm gave a soft laugh, "Back to the matter at hand boys. Storm I believe I speak for us all when I say, Iah you are approved as the next alpha of this pack." Zanter nodded, "You have done well, all we need from you is blood in this circle and Inari will heal you once that is done."

Kiylo - Fire Elemental Wolf - Age:4 - Shadow Fighter
Kiylo was a bit surprised by the sudden change in Amunet, but she soon seemed to go back to her normal self. "Why would someone drown a rabbit rather than kill amd eat it. Don't know about you much eating wet animal is not ony list of things as fun to do." He said with a small chuckle, wondering if it would help put her a bit at ease. He wasn't sure why she seemed to uneasy at the moment. "Ah here they are alone with some other flowers any of these be good for anything. I'll grab some?"

Ruki - Water/Dark Wolf - Age:4 - Shadow Hunter
Ruki smiled softly, "It's fine Runa I'm sure a lot of the wolves feel the same as you. Unlike others I have a sense of purpose all my life. I've wanted nothing more than to hunt actual food for our pack." Ruki Shrugging slightly, "I too wish things had went differently in the past, but the past is just that. Things that have already happened and can not be undone. So we have to live as we can even if our alpha is bent on revenge...I wish he weren't though...." She said softly hoping it wouldn't offend any of them.​
Freydis Freydis
SerenityAngel SerenityAngel Lenny2000 Lenny2000
Ken slowly got up from the rough ground as he feels a bit woozy not really liking the pain aspect at all " I don't like the pain in my paw..." he whimpered as he starts limping back to camp with serenity's help. Trying to keep his mouth shut while secretly listening into what the females are blabbing about , acting like he's more wounded than he really is with whimpers and moans " oh the pain..." he pouts

Zen sits in his den all by himself thinking with a slight crooked smirk as he laid out his plans in his head , thinking to himself *its only a matter of time* as he packs up and walks casually to the healers den , whistling a casual old timer tune as he gets his head lost in the clouds until he realized he was at the healer den. Now all he has to do is wait for Ken to finally show up .

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