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Realistic or Modern Starlight Records CS

Vali Ulfr

The Battle Slain Wolf
appearance: anime or realistic. please no discriptions
Alias: (optional)
music genre:

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Antonio Brannon
"0DD J0B"

127 lbs.

Antonio greatly enjoys electronic music, breakdancing, and doing variations of the robot. He likes new talent and doing collaborations with other artists. He finds thrills and adventures that keep him on his toes exciting! Competition is fun to him. Lastly, he likes to talk a lot, almost to the point that it is annoying.
He doesn't like people that are disrespectful. He hates those that talk down or discourage other artists. He isn't much of a fan of rock. Finally, he isn't appealed by publicity as he makes music primarily for fun.
Antonio is a quite goofy and unique young man. He is a thrill seeker and CANNOT stand being bored. He's the type of person to just wing it and take things as they come without any forethought. He completely LOVES music and candy and other sweets. Even though he can seem pretty calm and chill, he's actually a ticking time bomb, ready to burst with excitement. He may be somewhat risky in the ways that he carelessly sends out public messages about his thoughts. After all, no risk is too big as long as he gets some fun out of it. He always keeps his headphones around his neck to constantly listen to music.

Music Genre:
Antonio was constantly ignored by his family and other people in school, leaving it up to him to find things to do by himself on his spare time. He was born with hearing problems, and has trouble hearing sound loudly. He always caused trouble in town due to seeking out fun thrills. When his life was rough sometimes, he turned to his music to get him through. He just slapped on his headphones and finished through the day, ignoring the hard things around him. He loved the music, and always wanted to make some of his own. One day he managed to steal a laptop and pirated a music program. He began assembling beats and rhythms and melodies in different ways, immersing himself in an electronic wonderland. After a bit, people around him began listening and enjoying his songs. People gave him money for his music and after long he made his way to Starlight Records.

Tempest Brekker
Alias: (optional)
Concerts, running, night drives, photography, books, and foreign languages
Country music, big egos, dishonesty
Tempest is an all around chill person, but is very distant and untrusting towards people she doesn't know. She can also be temperamental at times and is very hard on herself especially when it comes to her music. But, being with friends can help her out of bad moods. She is not a very carefree and wild person, though she wishes to partake in thrilling adventures, she usually stresses out too much.
music genre:
She grew up in an old money family with a CEO dad and a model mom with two brothers. Her parents were always working, so she grew up basically raised by nannies. She jumped from boarding school to boarding school, doing exactly as her parents asked of her. Throughout her life, she developed a passion and gift for music and foreign languages. She graduated top of her class,but unlike her brothers, she disobeyed her parents' wishes and chose to pursue and career in the music industry. Her parents refuse to support her until she goes to college in a career they would like and have not reached out to her since.
KJ Clarke
KJ Clarke

Name: Kai James Clarke
Alias: KJ Clarke
age: 18
gender: Cisgender
orientation: Homosexual

height: 5'3''
weight: 102lbs
hair: brown
eyes: dark brown

likes: Night Time, Music, Dogs, Ice Cream, Hot Cocoa
dislikes: Early Mornings, His Dad, Cats, Healthy Food, Storms

Kai is a creative yet introverted kid. He was bullied for being so quiet and shy which only made him more quiet and shy. His father's abuse didn't help either. He is a singer and musician first and foremost. He writes his own music and plays covers sometimes. His curiosity made him really want to tour and play music which boosted his ambition. He could be considered a doormat in some areas and doesn't show his anger which could be a good thing, only when he's angry, he snaps, best seen with his bully and father.

He is incredibly smart and knows a lot about stuff that don't really matter in everyday life. For example, he can recite the countries of the world song off by heart. It has no practical use. He just can. His brain lets him down though as his want for more can lead to rash and reckless decisions. He is also incredibly impatient, often doing the wrong thing instead of waiting which can lead to him not being focused and other things.

ethnicity: Italian-American
music genre: Alternative Rock, Pop Punk, Indie Rock, other genres like that.

Kai was the first kid in their family and older by a few years. He has a little sister called Jade who he calls JB or JJ. In return she called him KC or KJ. His Dad was called Christoph and he's a bad person, a child abuser. His Mom was called Becca who is working an underpaid job to support her kids. Their parents are divorced. They were divorced once she found out he'd been hitting Kai when she wasn't around. His Dad was a cop and his Mom ended up not getting custody of her children. She went to live with her sister and JB ran off soon after that knowing something bad was gonna happen, promising to keep in touch but she never did.

She was right about the bad stuff. Their Mom died of cancer 6 months later but they told everyone it was a car accident. A rib punctured her lung and she died on the way to the hospital. Apollo couldn't mourn for long. His Dad got even more violent against him and he was bullied at school. He began finding ways to escape. He went to the music room at lunch and began to play ukulele, guitar, piano and sing. He was pretty good. He made cartoons but he found his strength in graffiti. He graffitied at school and around town to give him a reason to stay out of the house. He couldn't be there when his Dad was there, drunk and abusing him to the point of him going to the hospital.

He graduated high school two years early and went to college but it made him even more sad and stressed than he was before. He saved up some money and dropped out, using the last bit of money he had to rent out an apartment. He bounced around from job to job, not being able to hold one for more than a month. All he really wanted to do was play music with a band and make it so people would be happy and proud of him. Maybe he could even learn what it felt like to love someone and be loved in return.
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Salome Aoi Ochoa

height: 5'1"
weight: 103 lbs

likes: Cursive Writting, Takeout Chinese, Water, Succulents
dislikes: Capital Letters, Lightening, Lizards, Chick Flicks

personality: Salome is quirky. She is an enigma. She is unpredictable, and independent. she doesn't take kindly to people telling her what to do. But if you need help, she is a true humanitarian who is ready and willing to assist someone who might be short on cash or down on their luck. She'll also dole out sound advice. She cares about her fellow man, woman, child, animal, and environmental cause. Salome tends to mingle with people from all walks of life. She tends to greet and interact with people the same way, no matter what their age or background. While she loves to progress, on a personal level, she doesn’t like change. It has to do with her loyalty, her attachment to the past, and her memories, so even though she has the courage to look ahead, usually with optimism, and see the best things in store, she still likes to know where she has come from and who she is.While most may very well keep their promises in their relationships, Etta can take loyalty to a different, deeper level. She will stay loyal to anyone unless of course they truly prove themselves unworthy. Plus she's a bit of a hopeless romantic.

A side most do not get to see to often is that Salome is a bit of a control freak. She can not stand not knowing, and something that is out of her control can and will drive her crazy. She can become very meticulous with her work, often driving those around her crazy.

ethnicity: Japanese/ Spanish/ Dominican

music genre: R&B/Soul

Salome grew up in a rather unstable household. Her parents both immigrants living pay check to pay check, having Salome and her brothers in the Dominican Republic. Soon after the birth of Salome's baby brother Mateo, her father up and moved the family to New York. There her father opening up a sports bar just so he could watch baseball every day without disturbances, always telling Salome that it was the true American sport. Her father manned the kitchen while her mother manned the front of the house. From the looks of it Salome believed her parents were finally getting what they deserved. It wasn't until, what her family calls the 'incident" that everything, in lack of better words, went to hell.
Salome's father suddenly collapsed one day, which caused him to be hospitalized. Every week her father seemed to rot away in the tiny sterile room, until one day he passed. Her mother was forced to sell the bar, moving to live with relatives of her mothers while they attempted to get their lives back together. Salome never had a chance to mourn after everything moved so quickly. Her eldest brother, Gael, deciding to stay in new york as he wished to stay with his girlfriend.
Although he called every week to check in on them and sent money from time to time Salome felt betrayed. Feeling as though he did not have the right to run away and leave her behind.
With her new surroudings Salome became overwhelmed. Having to take care of not only her youngest brother but her mother's families children as well when they left for the day. With the months Salome and her family settled into their new life, attempting to pick up the peices of the past and put them back together.
When Salome got whiff of music auditions she was more than estatic. Before the "incident" Salome's father had introduced her to the world of music. Due to their situations their options were limited but they made the best out of it. While her instrumental skills needed a little work Salome could always trust her vocal skills. She grew as a singer, having little shows in her parents living room at times. When her father passed Salome went on the streets and preformed, sometimes the pay was good so her mother allowed her to continue although she was not as supportive as Salome's father. Going to the audtion Salome's mother was made unaware, as her mother wished for Salome to find a "real" job.

name: Salome Aoi Ochoa
Alias: Salome
age: 19
gender: female

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Thomas Brecht

Name: Thomas Brecht
age: 18
gender: Male
height: 6'1
weight: 80 kilograms
likes: Strawberry ice cream, fashion, listening to new genres of music, superhero movies
dislikes: Violence, rudeness, being bad at anything
personality: Thomas is obsessed with trying to be the best at whatever he does. Whilst this isn't born from any sense of superiority - quite the opposite in fact, he is actually quite humble in his abilities - this tends to make him quite antisocial at some points. He will often disappear for months at a time trying to master a new skill. Because of this he is somewhat socially anxious - despite appearing well composed and confident on the outside.
ethnicity: Half German, Half English
music genre: Trained in Classical, Baroque and Renaissance styles however seems to create his own genre somewhat, influenced both by these older styles and the newer - higher BPM styles of today
bio: Thomas was born to a family who, whilst renowned for being insanely skillful composers, had very few of their bloodline who could actually play what the family could produce. In fact it was incredibly rare that anyone could perform a Brecht-written piano song. Thomas was the first one born in over a hundred years who could keep up with his families ever-evolving composing style and as such he was beloved by all of his family, being showered in gifts from a very young age.

The first instrument he learned was Piano, achieving grade 8 by age 10. After this he moved on to violin, classical guitar and flute - mastering each of these by the time he was 16. After this age he turned his attention to composing, finding great joy in crafting quick, jaunty songs which felt oddly similar to the electronic music his family seemed to detest. He quickly learned to keep these songs away from his family and only showed them to a few close friends. Unknown to him however one of his friends recorded these and put them up online, where Thomas became a herald of a new age of classical-styled music.

On the day of his 18th birthday he received over 15 offers of a record contract, he signed on with Starlight records, hoping that their new-age feel might finally allow him to shake off the overbearing legacy of his family.
Veronica Peralta

N A M E Veronica Peralta
A G E 18
G E N D E R female
H E I G H T 5'4"
W E I G H T 115lbs
L I K E S real people, she ain't got any time to be dealing with anyone who is mean
D I S L I K E S coffee, and of course, fake people P E R S O N A L I T Y caring, sweet, gentle, aggressive when she wants to be, and emotional
E T H N I C I T Y Iraqi and Brazilian
B I O Veronica was bullied in school because she couldn't afford as much as the other kids, but she excelled in all of her classes, some of her teachers even calling her a genius. However, although she adored all of her classes, especially science, her passion was always singing. She would practice everyday and sing for her parents. Eventually when adult responsibilities rolled around, she had the option to either stay in school or pursue her lifelong dream of singing. She decided to take the risky route and start a singing career, but she's still scared that it won't work out as she wants it to.

Please Stop That

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Name: Isadora Swaog Jhabet
Alias: Isa
age: 17
gender: Female and proud
height: 5'3
weight: 108 lbs
likes: Football (soccer for americans), singing, dancing, X Factor, popcorn, long walks on the beach, food.
dislikes: Inequality, jerry springer, television, bullies, swiss cheese, bootleg tacitos.
personality: Preppy, loud-mouthed tomboy that just wants to have a little fun and have her voice be heard.
ethnicity: Half turkish, half venezuelan.
music genre: indie-pop
bio: Isadora absolutely adores singing and all music. She is also a strong advocate for gender equality. She had a rough childhood. From the time she was four years old, her father had left Isa and her mother in New York City all alone. Isa's mother first showed her samba music and this is a main reason as to why she not only loves singing, but dance as well. Growing up in New York introduced her to all kinds of styles of music which influenced her love for it. During school she spoke out about everything around her and was never scared to ask questions. This gave her a very bright future. She skipped Year Nine (grade eight for americans) because she was so far ahead of her class. It was scary for her to be the youngest in her year group but she managed to push that aside. She is currently still thriving and growing at school but if she could get into Starlight Records, she would drop out in a heartbeat.

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Mikayla "Mickey" Jennings

basic data
full name: Mikayla Raquel Jennings
age: 18
music genre: Hip Hop / R&B
gender: Female
sexuality: Heterosexual
eye color: Dark Blue eyes
skin tone: Olive
height: 5'5 1/2


♡ Singing
♡ Sex
♡ Instagram
♡ Music
♡ Makeup
♡ Weed

Annoying People


✗ Tends to space out when staring at people for too long.
✗ Flirts/Hits on everybody of the opposite sex.

✗Always bites her lip, without any reason.


relationships: N/A

bio: Born into the world at a 7/11 gas station, her parents already knew they had given life to, in the nicest way possible, a handful. Her mother and father, Maya and Chris Jennings, were sucessful Hollywood socialites. They knew everybody, and everybody knew them. But, sadly, they had to put their social status on hold, due to Mikayla's unplanned, and needless to say, unwanted, birth. Relucantly, her mother had to back away from the public's eye for three to four years, so she could raise her beloved daughter. Which, not only made her parents upset, it put a fincial strain on them.
By the age of twelve, her parents filed for bankruptcy, leaving their large family estate for a small and crappy house in.......wait for it......Compton. Yes, Compton. She absolutely hated it there. Nobody at her new school understood her, they never knew why she acted the way she acted, or why she was so stuck-up and snobbish. From there, her life began to fall apart. Her father took up drinking to cope with their new life, and her mother chose to cheat. Mikayla was stuck in a never ending cycle of dysfunction.
Now eighteen, she has discovered her passion in life: music. Her voice is, in all honesty, amazing. This is what she was destined to do in life, no one was going to get in her way. She wants to make it to the top of the charts, no one will get in the way. She'll make sure of it.

personality: Mikayla is a rude and heartless bitch! She doesn't try to hide it, either. Due to her sort of difficult upbringing, she feels as if everything is her fault. Nobody could possibly understand her, nor does she want anybody to. She knows what people say behind her back; she simply doesn't care. Willingly, Mickey would sleep with anyone, swearing up and down that she gets that trait from her mother. When you get to know her, though, you would be able to see that she actually does care. She tends to keep to herself, due to the fact that nobody really likes talking to her.

I'm afraid I don't have a writing sample because I am new to this site.

C a l i t h e a K u n z i t e

❝ c h i l d h o o d m e a n s s i m p l i c i t y , l o o k a t t h e w o r l d w i t h a c h i l d ' s e y e , i t i s b e a u t i f u l . ❞


♕ b a s i c ♕

Name: Kate Collins
Alias: Calithea Kunzite (stage name)
age: 19
gender: Female
height: 5'5
weight: 118
likes: spring, the color pink, big, pink, faux fur coats, crazy accessories, experimenting with her makeup, sweets, icecream, belly-dancing.
dislikes: the dark, spicy food, the smell of lavender, coffee, tea, loud noises, fighting, pistachios, negativity, bugs, the way zippers look.
personality: Calithea is a very caring person, who acts out of emotion more often than logic. Because of this, she is easily tricked, and easily deceived. Someone can play with her emotions and make her lash out. Although Calithea is a very petite and docile girl, when she is upset enough, she will lash out very violently and aggressively and will have trouble controlling her emotions and thinking rationally about the situation.
Aside from her emotional issues, she is a very cheerful and optimistic girl who usually sees the glass half full and is full of positivity and excitement for what the future holds for herself and her future music career.
ethnicity: American
music genre: Alternative
♕ b i o ♕
Calithea was born on December 11th. She was born to just her mother, as her father was a one night stand that her mother met in a bar whilst heavily intoxicated. Her mother couldn't remember who the man was so she never bothered to get in contact with him to ask for child support. Her mother wasn't expecting a daughter or a child because she had never gone to see a doctor and just assumed that alcohol was making her gain weight. Luckily, this made her mother stop drinking while she was pregnant with Calithea,. When Calithea was born, her mother was confused. The doctor asked what she would name her daughter. The fire name she could come up with was her own; Kate.
Since an early age, Calithea despised her name and her mother. Her mother was never around to care for her or give her guidance. Her mother would only go shoping bi weekly, this meant that Calithea would have to make due with whatever food she could find in the house. She became pretty good at cooking because she had to get creative with her meals when she was home from school.
Her life at school was a lot better than her life at home was. She never real was the target of bullying nor was she very popular. Calithea was really just there.
She developed her love for singing when she was 12. A friend had invited her to go to a karaoke party with him. When she went there and started singing "Barbie Girl", it was at that moment she realized she wanted to be a singer. She felt so at home and lively whilst on the stage and she could tell that the crowd loved her voice.
When she graduated from school she decided she was going to be a singer no matter what and she's climbing her way to the top ever since.
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#66dwale, Apr 29, 2017
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Screen Shot 2016-11-30 at 11.05.38 PM.png
Name: Alister Jayion
Alias: Icey Skeyes
age: 18
gender: Male
height: 5'9
weight: 184 lbs
likes: huskies, girls with glasses, batton rouge guitars, Tea
dislikes: smokers, broken strings, disrespect, singing around people
personality: Alister is a big hearted person who cares for people in general unless they are being total jerks then they can fuck off.
ethnicity: american/ Japanese
music genre: folk/guitar
bio: Alister was born and raised in Manchester. His father Built custom guitars for a living and the one he has is a specially made for him. He had a pretty basic life until he started learning guitar at the age of 6 and it took off from there. years passed and Alister had created many, many songs on the guitar but he never used his voice.
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*If money can't buy happiness, then why is it so fabulous*

Name: Soo Yun Ryu
Alias: Echo Grace
age: 20
gender: Female
height: 5'2
weight: 102 lbs

likes: anything pastel, being in the limelight, money, attention, mascara, cute food, nail polish, makeup in general, mornings, singing, writing lyrics, baseball caps, oversized sweaters, drama
dislikes: being ignored, copycats, paparazzi, greasy food, action movies, high heels, horror movies, jump scares
personality: Soo Yun acts incredibly sweet when she's in the public eye and when people see her as Echo Grace. But when she's out of the public eye she's rude and snobby. Because of her success, she views others as less then. She does have a soft side for young less famous singers who want to be like here, because they remind her of herself. She always wants to be the center of attention no matter where she is. Many people who know the real her view her as a spoiled brat. But the her the public sees is known for being sweet, generous, and caring. Soo Yun is incredibly sassy and can dish out a comeback no matter the situation.
ethnicity: South Korean
music genre: Rap/Pop
bio: Soo Yun Ryu was born to second generation Korean immigrants, and had two older sisters, one who is three years older than her, and one who five years older than her. They were named Yu Na, and Mi Jin. The two of them were incredibly tough and beautiful, and taught her everything she knows about comebacks, makeup, and singing. As a kid she always wanted to be a pop singer, until she discovered rap in seventh grade, then she committed herself to getting amazing at it, and becoming a famous rapper. She was always popular in school, and was used to everyone liking her. She had a good group of friends. She almost failed every class since the fifth grade because her lack of cooperation and lack of paying attention in class. When she was sixteen she began trying to get onto a label and put her songs out there. Now she is trying to get on Starlight Records.



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*If money can't buy happiness, then why is it so fabulous*

Name: Soo Yun Ryu
Alias: Echo Grace
age: 20
gender: Female
height: 5'2
weight: 102 lbs

likes: anything pastel, being in the limelight, money, attention, mascara, cute food, nail polish, makeup in general, mornings, singing, writing lyrics, baseball caps, oversized sweaters, drama
dislikes: being ignored, copycats, paparazzi, greasy food, action movies, high heels, horror movies, jump scares
personality: Soo Yun acts incredibly sweet when she's in the public eye and when people see her as Echo Grace. But when she's out of the public eye she's rude and snobby. Because of her success, she views others as less then. She does have a soft side for young less famous singers who want to be like here, because they remind her of herself. She always wants to be the center of attention no matter where she is. Many people who know the real her view her as a spoiled brat. But the her the public sees is known for being sweet, generous, and caring. Soo Yun is incredibly sassy and can dish out a comeback no matter the situation.
ethnicity: South Korean
music genre: Rap/Pop
bio: Soo Yun Ryu was born to second generation Korean immigrants, and had two older sisters, one who is three years older than her, and one who five years older than her. They were named Yu Na, and Mi Jin. The two of them were incredibly tough and beautiful, and taught her everything she knows about comebacks, makeup, and singing. As a kid she always wanted to be a pop singer, until she discovered rap in seventh grade, then she committed herself to getting amazing at it, and becoming a famous rapper. She was always popular in school, and was used to everyone liking her. She had a good group of friends. She almost failed every class since the fifth grade because her lack of cooperation and lack of paying attention in class. When she was sixteen she began trying to get onto a label and put her songs out there. Now she is trying to get on Starlight Records.



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