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Fandom Star Wars: The Great Hunt

Choose wisely, your destiny starts here.

  • Before the Republic.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • After Cade Skywalker.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Long after everything.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Something else entirely.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Unlimited by Nature
Since The Great Hunt had more interest I've removed the other two options and I'm now seeking people interested in joining The Hunt for glory and riches. Ignore the poll, it was there so people could choose three different plots and I didn't want to clog the Fandom interest check with another thread.

Alright, so I see all these other Star Wars RPs and none of them catch my interest so I decided to see if I could make my own. I have three possible plots and I would like for everyone to vote on them to see which generates more interest. Once a reasonable amount of days pass I'll close the poll and we will get started. Feel free to ask questions.

Now before you go slinging your name around I do have some rules that will translate over to the main RP.

1. I require at least two meaty paragraphs with action, dialog, and progression. Conversations are the exception when it comes to this rule.

2. I'm not going to say no romance what so ever, but it will not become the main focus of the RP. I don't want thirteen posts about how he made you blush and she is the only girl you let into your cold heart followed by a single post about the main plot.

3. Be patient, everyone needs a chance to post so even if you are engaged in something exclusively with another person let others have a chance to join. Example, person one and person two are on the ship talking and decide to leave. Well person three needed a ride and might want to join one and two but didn't get a chance to post cause one and two had a whole day off while three was at school. Now person three is up shit creek and has to find a way and make up a reason to follow one and two to meet up.

4. Plot together. Sure its fine if no one knows each other and meet for the first time. But plotting and coming up with preexisting relationships adds extra depth and detail. Plotting together would allow for quirky Fits-Simmons conversations.

5. No matter which plot is chosen the story will be made by you. Yes I have preexisting plot points but they will work themselves around your choices, the universe is molded by you, not the other way round. So I guess it'll be considered open world, within reason. That doesn't mean run off to a whole different planet without finishing the business on the first planet.

6. I am open to suggestions, recommendations, and collaborations. So if you have an idea, please bring it to my attention.

7. I want everyone to post at least two to three times a week to keep things rolling, reasonable accommodations will be made for those who have legitimate reasons. You must inform me if you can't post or risk being killed off.

8. Character death will be a real thing. Running into a situation knowing you're going to live isn't any fun. But, this rule is subject to change if more people are interested in a strictly story based experience instead of a realistic one.

9. Being an asshole bounty hunter is fine when IC, but allowing that to bleed into the OOC is unacceptable. So be kind to your fellow players or risk banishment.

10. Be creative. Having a crew of hard ass lone wolfs who have the same story makes for a really boring experience. Take a break from the norm. If you always play a hard ass ex-military man try a calm and kind Jedi. Not a rule, more of a suggestion.

11. Coding is not required. I'm looking for good quality writing with correct spelling and grammar. I'm not saying don't code, I'm just saying I don't care if you do. That being said. I will have a coded CS and that means follow that layout to make it easier on everyone.

12. Last thing. If you have read the rule put Tater Vader under Code Word on the CS.

Time Period

-After Cade Skywalker

-After the events of Cade Skywalker the Czerka Corporation is holding the first Great Hunt since the Empire held control and ended such games.

-Czerka would like to invite you to the first reinstatement of the Great Hunt where you will risk life and limb for fame and riches. Across the galaxy there are terrible beasts ripe for killing and we want you to do just that. We will give you specific targets and you'll go hunt for our entertainment. There are no rules so feel free to lie, cheat, and kill your fellow hunters. Or maybe team up and make things even more interesting. Our cameras are on, our contestants are ready, so leeeeets get started! Your first target will be a ferocious beast that hides in the dunes of Tattooine, a great krayte dragon. Sought after for the pearls that gather in their stomach they are one of the greatest boons an hunter can get.

This RP offers a chance to gallivant across the galaxy having good times and seeking riches, but has betrayal and drama mixed in.
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I'm a huge KOTOR fan and what not. But, that hunting thread idea sounds super cool! I'm assuming these hunts would be based events and what not while giving characters a break between "hunts" to count their credits and spend it? Also, what "classes" and "race options" would you be looking for with this route if you choose to do the "great hunt?"
Any race would be playable even Gungans and Ewoks if you can come up with a background that fits. As for classes I was thinking of using the MMO SWTOR class styles. With tanks, dps, buffing, etc. And yes, they would be event based allowing down time.
Miralukas here I come. BU (if applicable and works).

That's perfect then. I hope other users would vote for the hunt. It just sounds so badass. Can't help but think giant monster battles and what not with it now.
Beautiful. :I I do love Star Wars, but my hearts goes to the KOTOR universe and all that jazz. Revan mang... Yeah. I'm pretty hype about this now. If you want help coding a profile or something, let me know. =w= / I can do a simple one as long as rich text editor is turned off for all users.
I actually never played Shadows. Never had a N64 growing up. I just wound up going over to my friend's house because he had one. xD But, I heard they made a novelization of it, right?
Oh yea, it's awesome. I could use some help in the coding and running of the rp. I have no experience doing either, I hope that doesn't put you off from it.
PFFT! Naw it doesn't. xD I'll pitch in and what not. If you want advice in running a thread, why not talk to Crit? She's pretty damn good at running threads especially with RNG involved. I feel that RNG will play a factor in who knabs the kill. xD
She's helping me a lot. So that makes things easier. I still need to work out things like that but, I'll work as hard as I can to make it enjoyable.
I hope so. Would you still be interested even if one of the others is more popular? I'm leaning toward the hunt to.
The only one I'm not interested in is the zombie invasion. Putting aside the Star Wars aspect, I'm not a fan of zombie-based threads.
No worries. =w= /

As long as I get to make some sort of badass, snarky chicka, I think the rest of the story lines work. I'm just leaning towards more of the hunt since you can get more variety of character types in there and what not.
Hella interested in this~ Especially the Cade Skywalker one.

I'm hoping one would be able to play as a rogue, IG-100 MagnaGuard?

With a personality similar to the ever loving HK-47.
All of the plots here are interesting,but Cade Skywalker is holding my attention in special. I'm on board!
Well I should clarify that it takes place after Cade and wont feature really anything from the Legacy comics. Just so you know. If you're still interested then great! :D Hopefully a few more will join and we can get started by next week. @KaalysBR
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Oh,I'm definitely interested. This is probably for the better,I read the comics so long ago I can barely remember anything.

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