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Fandom Star Wars: The Dark Age [Lore]



broken like glass
Galactic Republic


Capital World
Stationed on the planet Coruscant sits the Galactic Senate, the governing body of the Galactic Republic.

Galactic Senate

The Galactic Senate acted as the sole governing body of the Galactic Republic. Its members were from hundreds of worlds across the galaxy, and the Senate was led by an overruling leader—titled Supreme Chancellor. The Chancellor would be selected and appointed by his/her fellow representatives of the Senate. The main focus of the Senate was to mediate disputes against worlds and dictate the laws and regulations of the Republic, in order to maintain it.

Jedi Council:
The Jedi Council is comprised of the most achieved and skilled Jedi masters. In total, there are four councils that are fully operational; each council handles different affairs having to do with the Order as a whole. Each council was housed at one of the Council Towers. The Towers were situated atop of the New Jedi Temple on Coruscant.

:Jedi High Council:
The highest, and most ruling body of the four councils, the Jedi High Council was composed of 12 Jedi Masters in total, chaired by the Grandmaster, who oversaw and governed the Order as a whole. Although the Council had allegiance to the Galactic Senate, they could rule the Jedi with absolute no interference.
:Jedi Council of Reconciliation:
The Council of Reconciliation convened in the Tower of Reconciliation. This council was charged with attempting to settle interplanetary disputes. It worked closely with the Galactic Senate and the Diplomatic Corps.
:Jedi Council of First Knowledge:
This council was led by the Caretaker of First Knowledge, and the council's role was to provide ancient Jedi wisdom when needed. It also oversaw the curriculum of the Temple and Order's use of the Jedi archives.
:Jedi Council of Reassignment:
The Council of Reassignment organized work for Jedi younglings not chosen to be promoted to Jedi Padawans. They convened in the Tower of Reassignment, and the council also held power over the Jedi Service Corps.
> Grandmaster: The Jedi who oversees and rules over all of the Order. Such an individual would be highly respected, skilled, and powerful.
> Master of the Order: A title used to denote the elected leader of the Jedi High Council. Even though the title was separate from the role of Grandmaster, it was often granted to the same person.
> Jedi Councilor: A member of the Jedi Order who is a part of one of the four Councils. They are highly respected and are quite superior to the majority of the Order's members.
> Jedi Master: The title of Jedi Master was the highest formal rank obtainable by a member of the Jedi Order. Reserved for those who had shown exceptional devotion and skill as well as balance in the Force and often combat, only individuals who had been given the rank of Master could sit on the Jedi High Council, with few exceptions (such as the case of Anakin Skywalker), or any of the three other Councils.
> Jedi Weapon Master: A Jedi Weapon Master was a title given to those Jedi Masters who pursued the study of physical combat with the Force, especially of exotic weapons (or unusual styles) under the distinct schooling division known as the Jedi Guardian.
> Common Jedi Ranks:
> Jedi Consular: A Jedi Consular was the title of one of three distinct schools of thought which a member of the Jedi Order could decide to study under following their ascension to the rank of Jedi Knight, the other two being Jedi Guardian and Jedi Sentinel. Led by the Council of Reconciliation, the Consulars sought diplomatic measures in spreading peace and harmony across the Galactic Republic. Refraining from drawing their lightsabers (many Consulars wielded green lightsabers) except as a measure of last resort, Consulars spent a great deal of time studying the mysteries of the Force.
> Jedi Sentinel: A Jedi Sentinel was the name given to one of the three distinct schools of both schools of teaching and amplified them with a series of non-Force skills, such as in the fields of security, computers, stealth techniques, demolitions, repair or medicine. These skills tended to take the forefront in their middle-road approach to problems; while a Guardian might bash down a locked door and a Consular might simply knock, a Sentinel would instead use equipment available or ingenuity to pick the lock.
> Jedi Guardian: A Jedi Guardian's skills lay in battle. One of the three distinct schools, the Guardians practiced highly in offensive Force abilities and lightsaber techniques, along with learning how to use different weapons; they strongly mirror Sith Warriors.
> Jedi Knight: A Jedi Knight referred to a member of the Jedi Order, who had completed their Jedi Training as a student in the Jedi Academy, in addition to one-on-one training as a Padawan and the completion of the Jedi Trials. As a Knight and a full member of the Order, these individuals received assignments from the Jedi Councils and strove to find peace, and maintain order within the Galactic Republic. Making up the majority of the Order's members, the public was familiar with this title more than any other, and, thus, many addressed any Jedi as "Knight".
> Padawan: A Padawan, or Jedi Apprentice, referred to a Force-sensitive adolescent who had begun a one-on-one instruction with a Jedi Knight or Master outside of the Academy. Having passed their Initiate Trials, Padawans had more responsibilities, but had to follow their Masters' demands.
> Initiate (Youngling): A Force-sensitive child who had just begun their first steps to Jedi training.

Republic Military

The Republic Military was formed at the beginning of the Clone Wars. Through the genetic template of bounty hunter Jango Fett, the Republic created a vast clone army to compete against the CIS and the Droids. Along with the clones, the Republic began manufacturing weapons to withstand the power of Federation's navy.
:Republic Army:

- Grand Army: 10 systems armies, a total of 3,000,000 units, with the Supreme Chancellor acting as Commander-in-Chief—although, the Senate is amending this. 3,000,000 units was the original order of clones, but has grown exponentially by now.
- Systems Army: 2 Sector Armies (294,912 units) led by a High Jedi General.
- Sector Army: 4 corps (147,456 units) led by high-ranking individuals, such as a Senior Jedi General.
- Corps/Division: 4 legions (36,864 units) led by a Marshal Commander & a Jedi General.
- Legion/Brigade: 4 regiments (9,216 units) led by a Senior Commander & a Jedi General.
- Regiments: 4 battalions (2,304 untis) led by a Regimental Clone Commander & a Jedi Commander.
- Battalion: 4 companies (576 units) led by a Battalion Commander & Major.
- Company: 4 platoons (144 units) led by a Clone Captain.
- Platoons: 4 squads (36 units) led by a Clone Lieutenant, Second Lieutenant, and Sergeant-Major.
- Squad: 9 troopers led by a Clone Sergeant and Corporal.
> High Jedi General - Jedi High Councilors; in command of one of the ten System Armies.
> Senior Jedi General - Jedi Masters; in command of one of the twenty Sector Armies.
> Jedi General - Jedi Knights and Masters; in command of one of the legions or corps.
> Jedi Commander - Jedi Padawans; superior to Clone Officers and subordinate to Jedi Generals. In command of one of the regiments and battalions.
In the years following the death of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, the Republic's clones have undergone a new genetic reformation. The Kaminoans were able to edit the aging process so that, at an adolescent age, the clones would rapidly age. But as they reached a certain age—sometime in their middle-aged years—the aging process would no longer be rapid. Instead, the clones genes would shift to begin producing proteins and enzymes that halt that rapid growth. From there, the clones would age as a normal person.

Clone Ranks
> Clone Commander

> Clone Marshal Commander: The highest rank a clone soldier could attain. Like all commanders, their armor was color-coded yellow. The rank indicator HUD glyph was eight dots, arranged in two parallel horizontal lines of four. Each marshal commander was in command of a corps.
> Senior Commander: The second highest rank attainable by the clone forces. Their armor was color-coded yellow and the rank indicator HUD glyph was two horizontal rows of three dots running parallel. Each was in command of a brigade or legion.
> Regimental Commander: Also indicated by yellow armor. HUD glyph was arranged in two parallel rows of four dots. Each was in command of a regiment.
> Battalion Commander: The lowest commander rank of the clone forces. Also indicated by yellow armor, HUD glyph was that of two dots, stacked vertically. Each was in command of a battalion.
> Clone Major: Their armor was color coded red. HUD glyph was four vertical lines running parallel. Each was in command of a battalion.
> Clone Captain: Captain's armor was also color-coded red, with three parallel vertical lines as rank indicator. Each was in command of a company.
> Clone Leiutenant: Indicated by blue armor. Rank was indicated by a pair of vertical parallel lines. Each was in command of a platoon.
> 2nd Lieutenant: Also indicated by blue armor. Rank was indicated by a single vertical line. Also in charge of a platoon.
> Clone Sergeant: Indicated by an olive green armor. Rank glyph is three chevrons. In command of a squad.
> Sergeant Major: Indicated by green armor. Rank glyph is four chevrons. They were second-in-command of platoons.
> Corporal: The second lowest rank of clone forces. Rank indicator was two chevrons. They were second-in-command of squads.
> Trooper: The lowest rank in the clone forces. Rank was indicated by a single chevron.
> Cadet: This rank is even lower than Trooper. This rank is used by new Clones. These clones have not passed their final trial and therefore can't be considered soldiers yet.

Known Groups

Armies -
> Twelfth Army
Corps -
> 7th Sky Corps
> 41st Elite Corps
> 91st Mobile Reconnaissance Corps
> 327th Star Corps
Divisions -
> 224th Division

> Mud Jumpers
Battalions/Legions -
> 104th Battalion
> 501st Legion

> Carnivore Battalion
> Execute Battalion
> 212th Attack Battalion
> 442nd Siege Battalion
> Depa Billaba's battalion
> Depa Billaba's new battalion
> Rancor Battalion
> Third Legion
Companies -
> Ghost Company
> Green Company
> Monnk's Company
> Tango Company
> Torrent Company
Garrisons -
> Outer Rim garrison
Regiments -
> CC-2801's regiment
Squads -
> D Squad
> First Squad
> Rotsu Squad
Special Units -
> Clone Commandos

> Clone Force 99
> Delta Squad
> Foxtrot Squad
> Clone Intelligence
> Coruscant Guard
> Diplomatic Service
> Galactic Marines


- AV-7 Anti-Artillery Cannon
- Self-Propelled Heavy Artillery Turbolaser
- BARC speeder
- CK-6 Swoop Bike
- Infantry Support Platform
- 105-K lancer speeder
- 74-Z speeder
- T-47 airspeeder
Repulsorcraft, All-Terrain vehicles, and Wheeled vehicles:
- AAC-1 speeder tank
- Saber-class tank
- T4-B
- T3-B
- T2-B
- RX-200 Falchion-class assault tank
- AA-9 Freighter-Liner
- Manka-class armored transport
- HAVw A6 Juggernaut

:Republic Navy: (these are just known naval ships, these are not numbers)
Star Dreadnoughts
> Mandator 1 Star Dreadnought
> Mandator 2 Star Dreadnought
Capital Ships
> MC75 Star Cruiser
> MC80 Star Cruiser
> MC80a Star Cruiser
> MC80b Star Cruiser
> MC80 Home One Type-class Cruiser
> Venator Star Destoryer
> Victory-class Star Destroyer
Cruisers & Corvettes
> Arquiten Light Cruiser
> Consular-class Cruiser
> Valor-class cruiser
> CR90 corvette
> Thranta war cruiser
> Paladin-class corvette
> Defender-class corvette
> Acclamator type 2 cruiser
> CR92 corvette
> Carrack-class cruiser
> Marauder-class cruiser
> Hammerhead cruiser
> Dreadnought-class cruiser
> Dauntless-class Heavy Cruiser
> Pelta-class frigate
> Assault frigate mark 1
> Assault frigate mark 2
> Nebulan-B class escort frigate
> DP20 frigate
> Centax heavy frigate
> Lancer-class frigate
> MC30c light frigate
Carriers & Transports
> Acclamator type 1 cruiser
> Quasar Fire carrier
> Ton-Falk carrier
> CR-20 transport
> CR25 transport
> Nu-class shuttle
> GR-75 transport shuttle
> GX1 Short Hauler
> V-wing
> X-wing
> BTL-B y-wing bomber
> V-19 torrent
> ARC-170 starfighter
> A-wing
> B-wing
> U-wing
> NTB-630 bomber
> Cord-class starfighter
> Crusher-class starfighter
> Delta 7 interceptor
> Eta-2 interceptor
> PTB-625 bomber
> H-60 bomber
Jedi Order
The Order
The Jedi Order is an ancient monastic peacekeeping organization unified by its belief and observance of the Force, specifically the light side. The Jedi are the guardians of peace and justice in the Galactic Republic, and became perhaps the most well known of the various groups that relied on the Force for their power. Led by a series of Jedi Councils, the Order grew over the millennia despite facing many trials and tribulations. Most often these threats were engineered by the Sith and their terrifying Empire. The Sith were the most prominent group of Force sensitives who wielded the dark side of the Force.

The Jedi Order had structure built (temples) as their base of operations. These temples can be found scattered across the galaxy; they stand as beacons of hope and peace, empowering not only the Jedi, but the Republic too. Often, the temples were built around a quiet and tranquil surrounding, as well as being near kyber crystals. One of the first temples was built on the aquatic planet Ahch-To, but the most famous temple stands on Coruscant.

Coruscant Temple
The Jedi Order uses the temple on Coruscant as their main headquarters for the entire Order. Although the temple was built originally built on top of an ancient Sith shrine, the temple was quickly demolished after the demise of the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, who was disguised as the Supreme Chancellor. Due to the Sith shrine disguising the presence of Palpatine's connection to the Dark Side, the Jedi Order had decided to have the temple rebuilt. In addition, the Sith shrine was destroyed and sanctioned off from the public.​

Planets with Functioning Temples:
1. Tython
2. Ilum
3. Ossus
4. Lothal
5. Coruscant
6. Yavin 4
7. Devaron
8. Vrogas Vas
9. Reytha
10. Hanoon
11. Dantooine
12. Alaris Prime
13. Auratera
14. Polis Massa

Jedi Councils
The Jedi Council is comprised of the most achieved and skilled Jedi masters. In total, there are four councils that are fully operational; each council handles different affairs having to do with the Order as a whole. Each council was housed at one of the Council Towers. The Towers were situated atop of the New Jedi Temple on Coruscant.
:Jedi High Council:
The highest, and most ruling body of the four councils, the Jedi High Council was composed of 12 Jedi Masters in total, chaired by the Grandmaster, who oversaw and governed the Order as a whole. Although the Council had allegiance to the Galactic Senate, they could rule the Jedi with absolute no interference.​
:Jedi Council of Reconciliation:
The Council of Reconciliation convened in the Tower of Reconciliation. This council was charged with attempting to settle interplanetary disputes. It worked closely with the Galactic Senate and the Diplomatic Corps.​
:Jedi Council of First Knowledge:
This council was led by the Caretaker of First Knowledge, and the council's role was to provide ancient Jedi wisdom when needed. It also oversaw the curriculum of the Temple and Order's use of the Jedi archives.​
:Jedi Council of Reassignment:
The Council of Reassignment organized work for Jedi younglings not chosen to be promoted to Jedi Padawans. They convened in the Tower of Reassignment, and the council also held power over the Jedi Service Corps.​

> Grandmaster:
The Jedi who oversees and rules over all of the Order. Such an individual would be highly respected, skilled, and powerful.
> Master of the Order: A title used to denote the elected leader of the Jedi High Council. Even though the title was separate from the role of Grandmaster, it was often granted to the same person.​
> Jedi Councilor: A member of the Jedi Order who is a part of one of the four Councils. They are highly respected and are quite superior to the majority of the Order's members.
> Jedi Master: The title of Jedi Master was the highest formal rank obtainable by a member of the Jedi Order. Reserved for those who had shown exceptional devotion and skill as well as balance in the Force and often combat, only individuals who had been given the rank of Master could sit on the Jedi High Council, with few exceptions (such as the case of Anakin Skywalker), or any of the three other Councils.
> Jedi Weapon Master: A Jedi Weapon Master was a title given to those Jedi Masters who pursued the study of physical combat with the Force, especially of exotic weapons (or unusual styles) under the distinct schooling division known as the Jedi Guardian.
> Common Jedi Ranks:
> Jedi Consular:
A Jedi Consular was the title of one of three distinct schools of thought which a member of the Jedi Order could decide to study under following their ascension to the rank of Jedi Knight, the other two being Jedi Guardian and Jedi Sentinel. Led by the Council of Reconciliation, the Consulars sought diplomatic measures in spreading peace and harmony across the Galactic Republic. Refraining from drawing their lightsabers (many Consulars wielded green lightsabers) except as a measure of last resort, Consulars spent a great deal of time studying the mysteries of the Force.
> Jedi Sage: A Jedi Sage was a subclass to the Jedi Consular. Jedi Sages believed in discovering the secrets of the Force. These specific Jedi were deeply attuned to the Force, after undergoing sacred meditations and studying the Force. Also, Sages were well-known for their wisdom and empathy, being able to pass on that wisdom and empathy in times of crisis has changed the tide of battles many times.​
> Jedi Shadow: Another subclass to the Jedi Consular, a Jedi Shadow was a silent observer, and, when needed, a subtle hand. They are silent and deadly, and should be taken seriously.​
> Jedi Sentinel: A Jedi Sentinel was the name given to one of the three distinct schools of both schools of teaching and amplified them with a series of non-Force skills, such as in the fields of security, computers, stealth techniques, demolitions, repair or medicine. These skills tended to take the forefront in their middle-road approach to problems; while a Guardian might bash down a locked door and a Consular might simply knock, a Sentinel would instead use equipment available or ingenuity to pick the lock.
> Jedi Knight: A Jedi Knight referred to a member of the Jedi Order, who had completed their Jedi Training as a student in the Jedi Academy, in addition to one-on-one training as a Padawan and the completion of the Jedi Trials. As a Knight and a full member of the Order, these individuals received assignments from the Jedi Councils and strove to find peace, and maintain order within the Galactic Republic. Making up the majority of the Order's members, the public was familiar with this title more than any other, and, thus, many addressed any Jedi as "Knight".
> Jedi Guardian: While a Jedi Guardian is one of the three distinct schools throughout the Order, it also served as an advanced class for the Jedi Knight. A wall between the good people of the Republic and their enemies, the Guardian stands firm in the face of overwhelming odds and dares opponents to attack. Perfect concentration and use of the Force allows smooth movement even in heavy armor--making the Guardian a hard target to take down. Leaders on and off the battlefield, Guardians are known for inspiring allies to amazing feats, making them invaluable for conflicts of any size. The Guardian is a Jedi who is focused more upon offensive Force abilities, as well as lightsaber usage; they are highly skilled opponents.​
> Padawan: A Padawan, or Jedi Apprentice, referred to a Force-sensitive adolescent who had begun a one-on-one instruction with a Jedi Knight or Master outside of the Academy. Having passed their Initiate Trials, Padawans had more responsibilities, but had to follow their Masters' demands.
> Initiate (Youngling): A Force-sensitive child who had just begun their first steps to Jedi training.

Military Ranks
> High Jedi General
- Jedi High Councilors; in command of one of the ten System Armies.
> Senior Jedi General - Jedi Masters; in command of one of the twenty Sector Armies.
> Jedi General - Jedi Knights and Masters; in command of one of the legions or corps.
> Jedi Commander - Jedi Padawans; superior to Clone Officers and subordinate to Jedi Generals. In command of one of the regiments and battalions.
The Shadow Empire

Capital World
Somewhere in the Unknown Regions.

All I can say, currently, is that the Shadow Empire is a kraterocracy. Their Head of State is a four-person group known by the name of "The Dark Order".

The Dark Order
The Dark Order is a four-person group who have dedicated themselves to the Dark Side, and the following of their leader, Sheev Palpatine. These four dark side wielding users rule with an iron fist, and have successfully brought control to their empire through threats and extreme power. Each of the four leaders have taken up an apprentice too, instructing them on how to wield true power and bring fear to their foes. The Dark Order was formed following Palpatine's death, therefore bringing about the rise to The Shadow Empire. Palpatine, foreseeing the event of his death, had sent his disciples (The Dark Order) to the Unknown Regions, to explore and discover. In addition, he had sent schematics of advanced weaponry, ships, and technology overall with them—as a backup plan in the event of his demise. When news of Palpatine's death reached The Dark Order, the four leaders began to establish the foundation of their new empire. Their reign started with the Chiss, eventually dominating them and then expanding outwards, further into the Unknown Regions. Through terrorism and demonstrating their power, they were able to swing the Unknown Regions' worlds into following their order. Starports were established, which began to develop the advanced naval fleet, and bases were constructed to garrison units across the region. The Chiss had, in addition, improved upon Palpatine's technology.​

Similar to the four horsemen, each of the four leaders represent one aspect to the Dark Side. One represents Fear, one represents Hatred, another represents Anger, and the last represents Suffering. And as stated before, each leader has one apprentice under their total command.​

Imperial Military
Undisclosed information, currently.

Imperial Navy (known ships)
Star Dreadnought

> A Mega-class star dreadnought
> Mandator IV Battlecrusier
Capital Ships
> Imperial-class star destroyer
> Secutor-class star destroyer
> Allegiance-class star destroyer
> Interdictor-class star destroyer
> Resurgent-class star destroyer
Cruisers and Corvettes
> Dissident light cruiser
> Enshado-class light cruiser
> Carrack-class cruiser
> Maxima-A heavy cruiser
> Carrion Spike corvette
> Raider-class corvette
> Lancer frigate
> Nebulon-K
> Nebulon B2
Carriers and Transports
> Quasar Fire escort carrier
> Xi-class shuttle
> Upsilon shuttle
> AAL-1971/9.1 transport
> Freighter 2716
> Theta-class barges
> Y-85 titan dropship
> Class four transport
> Eta-class barges
> Delta-class T-3c shuttle
> Sentinel-class landing shuttle
> Zeta-class shuttle
> Zeta-class cargo shuttle
> TIE/vn fighter
> TIE/sf fighter
> TIE/D Defender
> TIE/rb heavy starfighter
> TIE/IN interceptors
> TIE/sa bomber
> TIE striker
> Nssis-class clawcraft
> TIE advanced x1
> TIE advanced v1

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