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Fandom Star Wars: The Dark Age [Character Sheets]



broken like glass
Name: (what's on the birth certificate?)
Nickname{*}: (can we call you something else?)
Codename{*}: (do you go by something on the battlefield?)
Birthplace: (what planet was they born on???)
Age: (years since birth)
Gender: (male or female...don't get offended)
Species: (rodian, human, zabrak, etc.?)
Appearance: (what does they look like!)
Height: (don't get offended)
Weight: (don't get offended)
Eye Color: (color of their eyes)
Hair Color: (color of their hair)
Attire: (what does your character wear?)
Affiliation: (Jedi/Republic? Dark Order/Shadow Empire? Independent?)
Rank in Order: (cadet? Padawan? Master? Apprentice? Commander? Bounty Hunter? heck, a Senator for the Republic? etc.)
Residence{*}: (do they live on a ship? Coruscant? Dromund Kaas? Hoth?)

Personality: (3 lines minimum)
Biography: (paragraph minimum)
Skills: (sharpshooter? speak different languages? ACE pilot? skillful Force-user? etc.)
Equipment: (armor, robes, weapons, etc.)

Force Applications
Midichlorian Count: (how many of the tiny organisms live on your cells? REMEMBER: higher does not mean stronger in the Force!!)
Signature Force Ability: (what are they known for using? [i.e. Vader - Force Choke])
Force Abilities: (force leap, cruticorn, force push/pull, etc.)
Lightsaber Hilt: (self-explanatory)
Kyber Crystal Color: (red, green, yellow, orange, etc.)
Practiced Forms: (Form 7 - Juyo/Vaapad? etc.)

Extra: (anything I missed? maybe you own a ship, have control over a fleet, have relationships with someone, etc.)

Name: Rhonan Tor
Nickname{*}: Rho (if you are familiar to him)
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Species: Cathar

Art by Myself
A creature of immense stature and imposing demeanor, the beholder may mistakenly take the Cathar as little more than a brute. Measuring in just under two meters and wrought entirely of steely sinew, Rhonan fills out his layered Jedi robes and armor, cutting a sharp and broad silhouette in the battlefield. His mane cropped and plaited into a series of bead-woven braids, the scarred Knight takes after his Master’s ironclad discipline, and the mirth, as well as the melancholy of his purpose are etched into the lines of his face.
Height: 6'8"
Weight: 285 lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Red-brown
Attire: Layered Jedi robes, sleeveless, and wearing minimal armor. His robes evoke the sense of the Temple Guard as well as the Honor Guard of his homeworld. On formal occasions, he will also wear the honorific sash of his people over his left shoulder.
Affiliation: Jedi/Republic
Rank in Order: Jedi Knight (Guardian)
Residence{*}: Catharese Embassy, Coruscant

Though passionate, stubborn, and occasionally foolish, Rhonan is a man with nothing but good intentions. Through his time and training with the Jedi, Rhonan's strong senses of bravery, loyalty, and honor were encouraged, even bolstered, by the teachings of his master. But bravery requires hot blood, and that blood can, at times, boil in anger. Especially during his recovery following his time in slavery, Rhonan was extremely withdrawn and bitter. He had gone from one alien place to another, and sought only stability both within and without. As a Youngling, such stability and security is imperative to him. Finally, among the Jedi, he feels like he is in a place he could call home.

With memories of Cathar muddled and faded, Rhonan clings to the certainty of the Jedi and their teachings. Never being partial to the taste of defeat or failure, Rhonan remains extremely critical regarding himself and his abilities. This often leads to frustration and, in his younger years, bouts of rage. It was not until some time that Rhonan was able to develop more of a handle on his emotions. Through a steady morning routine of meditation and exercise, Rhonan is able to keep his internal storm down to a low rumble, but the lion-within is always prowling.
[spoiler = Likes & Dislikes]

With his people’s culture steeped in great sagas of their heroes, Rhonan’s eyes will always light up in the presence of a well-told story. The grander the tale, the greater Rhonan’s sense of wonder. One day, he hopes to be the one telling those stories, or to be the hero in them, as so many Jedi are.

Having experienced his fill of cramped spaces early on, Rhonan feels a great sense of blissful ease when he is in the open. Feeling the soft breeze through his hair, the soil beneath his feet, the stars up above; those are some of Rhonan’s favorite things. He would take a wild frontier world over an urban jungle like Coruscant any day.

Rhonan enjoys activities of a physical nature. Running, sparring, acrobatics, and the like are all things that Rhonan looks forward to in a day.

While not socially outright, Rhonan finds comfort and a simple joy in the camaraderie of peers. Conversation, practice, play, study, and other group activities with others near his age help Rhonan feel like he belongs.


When not forced into the arena’s preliminary games as a cub, Rhonan remembers only the tightness and darkness of his solitary cell. It was a waking nightmare; black as pitch and hardly large enough to fit him. As a result, Rhonan has a crippling fear of complete darkness and tight spaces.

Equal parts shame and remembrance, Rhonan keeps the Death Watch brand on his forearm covered as often as he can manage, especially when in the company of others. He knows the wicked Death Watch inside and out, and the fact that he bears their mark upon his living flesh wounds him arguably deeper than the physical trauma itself.

Little will rouse a fury in Rhonan faster than a pair of binders or the sight of an electrowhip. He vividly remembers the grit and grind of binders at his wrists and if he never felt them on his person again, it would be too soon. It goes beyond a simple phobia and into complete aversion. He doesn’t want to be in the same room as binders or any other forms of prisoner restraint.

While it was Mandalorian Extremists alone that inflicted such suffering upon Rhonan and his kin, he has an immediate distrust of those donning the armor of a mandalorian. It is nothing racial or cultural, but simply the little voice of survival instinct in his head that recognizes a possible threat.

Being a natural born hunter, Rhonan has taken to the life of the galactic frontier better than most. He can track his quarry through a great many environs, natural and sentient-made, by scent alone. With the use of his other enhanced senses, it takes a particularly skilled, crafty, or lucky individual to get past his notice.

Once slave to the "Krayt Clan" in his youth, Rhonan had his heart, body, and mind hardened in order to cope with the horrors of his experience. With an effort of will, he can shrug off pain that could have others doubling over... at least for a time.


Regarding the Force, Rhonan is extremely potent in it. It ebbs and flows around him in a tense knot, a wellspring of raw energy. He, however, has little natural talent in channeling the Force. He is the Force Sensitive’s equivalent to a wrecking ball: he can throw around a lot of weight and have a great effect in proportion to his size, but the more control, focus, or finesse required for a task lowers Rhonan’s chance of success greatly.


Nyctophobia and claustrophobia both weigh heavily on Rhonan, making space travel in small craft a terribly unpleasant experience. One must remember the low-light vision that Cathar are naturally endowed with, so Rhonan’s nyctophobia revolves around complete darkness. As for tight spaces, Rhonan needs to be able to have free range of movement and no sense of stale air.

The Cathar, by nature, are a passionate and stubborn people. They don't take matters lying down, and have bounced back from enslavement and near-extinction on multiple occasions. Rhonan is part of this heritage and embraces the bloody past, as well as the violent nature of his people. This can make him exceptionally difficult to deal with on several levels, and it also means that he can be goaded with the proper triggers.

Stubborn to a fault, Rhonan keeps focused on a task until its completion. In the earlier days of his training and recovery, that resulted in sleepless days and nights of the cub trying to overcome various physical and mental hurdles.
From Small Beginnings

Rhonan Tor was born on Cathar, one of three cubs in his litter. His parents were both Shamans of his city-tree; holy individuals of considerable reverence and influence. Ever since Rhonan, his brother Dovun, and his sister Syrine could walk and talk, they were trained harshly by their parents, Elders, and the Tree’s Warriors. Rhonan, being the first of the three to leave his mother’s body, was treated the hardest. Tears were left to fall rather than wiped away by a caring hand. Scrapes and cuts and welts were left to be tended by Rhonan himself rather than a guardian’s gentle touch. There was no coddling in the relationship between Rhonan and his parents - they were training him to survive. The only time there was any closeness among his family was when stories of eras long past were told from the carvings on their city-tree. Tales of Cathar Jedi who fought ancient Sith Lords; heroes of myth and legend. It was in those stories that Rhonan found solace from the harshness of his upbringing. How he dreamed of meeting one of these Jedi, with their boundless wisdom and swords of light; to traverse the mantle of the stars as one of them, cutting down those who would harm the innocent.

With his peers and siblings, Rhonan found camaraderie. They would play and roughhouse among the sprawling branches of their city-tree in the shadow it cast over the land. Armed with twigs and their imaginations, they played out their favorite sagas with great flourish and fanfare.

Alas, these were the dreams of a boy.


The Wild Child
War came to Cathar once more, a Mandalorian raid swept down on Rhonan's city-tree, its people scattered into the spanning savannah. There, they were hunted by Mandalorian Separatists as well as the savage beasts of the wild world. Rhonan, along with a score of his kin, were apprehended within a week of the attack. Caged like beasts, they were shipped to some forsaken moon in the Outer Rim, where the longest arms of galactic law could not reach them - or simply did not care.

On that cold and barren rock, Rhonan and his fellow captives were subjected to crushing physical and psychological torture. Each of them steadily broken for shackles or cast aside for target practice. Secluded in complete darkness, Rhonan was isolated from the others - his cell little more than a cage fit for a tusk cat cub. The only light he saw for weeks was the crackling of an electrowhip in the hand of his tormentor. Rhonan the child broke under the assault. Rhonan the savage was born in order to cope.

In the slave camps, only the strong survived. Rhonan scavenged and, in time, killed in self-preservation. Bonds of fellowship came undone under the pressure of their surroundings, turning blood against blood. In a handful of years, Rhonan was cold, starving, and all alone. The abuse continued, and Rhonan was slowly being devolved into something twisted and horrible. Understanding of speech started to slip, culture that he had only a briefest chance to experience was burned away by searing pain. Instinct became Rhonan’s greatest ally, keeping him alive until the intervention of the Star-Warriors with their swords of light, just like in the boy’s fleeting dreams.

When Rhonan was discovered by the Jedi Master Hlodovic, he was a sickly and emaciated creature who could hardly keep himself upright. Despite his sorry state, he attacked the trooper that opened his cage with surprising physical strength and ferocity. In order to prevent Rhonan from doing any additional harm to his rescuers, or himself, he was stunned and loaded into a medical capsule. With the boy inert, proper medical examinations were in order.

It was estimated that the Cathar cub’s surface body was somewhere around ten percent scar tissue, and that he had been subjected to a broad spectrum of barbaric and inhumane treatment that would break most adults. The Jedi present, who would later become the cub’s master, sensed a great and terrible well-spring of Force power in the boy. At his age, many of the memories of what he had endured could be easily repressed, but that was a band-aid solution. One day, he would need to confront the ugliness of his founding.

Becoming a full-time resident at the Jedi’s medical wing for a time was about as exciting as it sounds. For several weeks, Rhonan was bound to his bed, forced to be still while galactic medicine did its work. It was almost a month until he could eat solid food, and two more weeks after that until he started to open up and speak with the Jedi.

In total, it was a rough thirteen months of physical recovery with the assistance of advanced galactic medicine every step of the way. In little over a year, the cub had gone from nearly sub-sentient to almost fully healed. Whether from medicine, the Force, or Catharese stubbornness, what mattered was that Rhonan had recovered, at least physically. After that period, Rhonan was finally considered physically capable of beginning his Jedi training. With nowhere to go and no idea if his kin still lived, Rhonan saw no other option. His childhood dream was upon him, but he wondered if it was worth the price…

Only time would tell…

Like all Younglings in the Jedi, Rhonan was subjected to the fundamentals of the Order. However, there was a constant shadow hanging over him. Due to the corrupting nature his time in captivity could have on an individual’s psyche, Rhonan was placed on a probationary period by the Masters. The cub was closely monitored by his teachers, fearing that the dark side lingered far too closely to the cub’s heart.

Naturally, young Rhonan was fearful of the new environment of the Jedi, and the new people he was slow to trust, but they showed him no ill will. The first few weeks, Rhonan remained solitary, not wishing to speak with the other Younglings, or even associate with them, but over time the walls came down. Slowly, Rhonan opened up to those around him, acting more like a child his age. Through socializing with his fellow Younglings and entirely dedicating himself to his studies, Rhonan kept the lingering specters of trauma in the corners of his consciousness.

Rhonan’s probationary period lasted through the majority of his training, gauging if he was mentally fit and properly self-disciplined enough to begin his training with a lightsaber. If Rhonan did not display that he could adhere to the Jedi’s doctrine in the absolute, he would not be permitted to train with a lightsaber, and in turn not have a chance at the Trials. This close monitoring went on for several years, however Rhonan had shown no indication of succumbing to his demons. The boy was resilient and stubborn to the very last, and when asked why his past did not scare him, he simply answered,

“Because if I stand like prey, I am prey,”

Unorthodox, but satisfactory, Rhonan was permitted to partake in the physical aspects of the Youngling curriculum at long last. Despite being six months behind in his studies, he caught on quick, and swiftly found his lot. The Jedi’s various physical and mental conditioning exercises had prepared Rhonan for the six pillars of lightsaber training in spades. Having entered puberty early - around the age of ten - Rhonan sprouted and filled out quickly, forced to constantly get new uniforms as he outgrew the old ones.

Initiate Trials
While Rhonan would like to say that he passed the Initiate Trials with flying colors, that would not be the whole truth. While he excelled at the practical application of his lessons - especially in the rote repetition of the Jedi Code and physical execution of lightsaber forms - Rhonan struggled with the great focus that was required in the sustained Force tests. To hold three cups aloft without spilling their contents for thirty seconds was immensely taxing on Rhonan, though he managed to toss his sparring partner across the room with a focused thrust of kinetic energy.

Narrowly passing due to his fumbling in the Focus test, Rhonan’s strengths and weaknesses as a Padawan were laid bare. They were not so great as to be beyond repair with diligence and practice, though.

The Learner's Path
Jedi Master Hlodovic's tutelage was not an easy one. Rhonan's Cathar mentor sought not to raise the child he had adopted, but to forge him. Each lesson was a verse in hardship, but one that Rhonan welcomed. In the martial arts of the Jedi, both armed and unarmed, Rhonan was drilled and trained until he was pocked with welts and his bones cracked. But among such spartan upbringing, Hlodovic too filled Rhonan's head with wondrous dreams. Dreams of being a mighty star-warrior like in the stories, a Paladin-Protector of every star that sprawled across the night sky of every world.

But dreams are fleeting, Rhonan learned, as is life.

During a particularly dangerous assignment, Hlodovic was gravely wounded in his endless quest against the Dark Side. Despite Rhonan's best attempts to mend his Master's wounds, it wouldn't be enough. Without his master to guide him, Rhonan felt lost. Where in the stars he once saw the promise of future glory, he saw uncertainty. For the first time since his childhood years, he truly felt afraid.

Duty Like a Mountain
Knighted for valor in the face of bravery, Rhonan was expected to fill the crushing shadow of his Master before him, Much of Rhonan’s present expertise in the arts of war were indeed learned on the job, where wounds quickly became the wisdom of age. In but a few short years, Rhonan had shed whatever boyishness remained, becoming a celebrated, if not reviled warrior. Yet, the price of Rhonan’s success was high. More so than his late master, the Cathar had become a warhawk, sharing more in common with the Jedi Lords of old than the monastic Order of the present era.

Skills: Melee & Unarmed combat, Survival, Fauna Affinity, Airspeeder/Starfighter Operation, Freighter Operation, Landspeeder Operation
Equipment: Blood-Hunter knife, Ration capsules, Rebreather, Holo-communicator, Commlink, Flash and smoke capsules, Tracking beacons.

Rhonan wears bracers and pauldrons of chromium-plated durasteel, and his hefty robes are of a signature Catharese armorweave. While not terribly lightweight, it is resistant to kinetic impacts like shrapnel, flak, or the gnawing jaws of a wild beast. Rather than typical Jedi robes, Rhonan wears a dense blanket-like Catharese cloak of a similar weave to his robes.​

Midichlorian Count: 10642
Signature Force Ability: Force Bellow
Force Abilities: Force Leap, Telekenisis, Push/Pull, Force Bellow, Shatterpoint, Tutaminis, Force Valor, Breath Control, Force Choke, Force Stasis

A design variant on the typical Temple Guard saber, Rhonan's lightsaber bears a long 15 inch hilt that can extend to 30 inches at the thumbing of a switch. The blade is dual-phased, allowing the length to be adjusted. With the handle collapsed, the golden blade is 40 inches, adjusted to 24 inches when the pike handle is extended. The chassis is treated phrik and chromium, allowing it to be used as a blocking surface.
Kyber Crystal Color: Golden yellow, krayt dragon pearl
Practiced Forms: Rhonan has spent years drilling in three particular forms: Soresu, Djem So, and Vapaad. He's meshed stances, strikes, and developed a means of seamlessly shifting from one to the other in a style that is enduring as it is ferocious.

Open for having established bonds with characters. Just let me know if you want to brainstorm
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Name: Bialia Desyk
Nickname{*}: (Shall those that want to use nicknames come up with them)
Codename{*}: /
Birthplace: Lothal
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Height: 164cm
Weight: 56 kg
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Affiliation: Jedi Order
Rank in Order: Knight
Residence{*}: Venator Class Destroyer "Balance", currently however at the Jedi temple. The "Balance" is currently in Coruscants orbit.

Personality: Bialia can be described with two major points. Highly intelligent and too curious for her own good. Bialia is very quick and learning and understanding things. That makes her very curious. She wants to see, understand and learn new things, constantly. She tries to get behind everything, to find the reasons of things. However, that also leads her to surpassing limits and boundraries on her for new knowledge. She keeps most of those antics her secret though. Bialia is also a very compassionate individual. She always tries to help people, to understand and see why they feel bad and try to make them feel better. Because of that, she learned quite a bit about healing and psychology. She even picks up injured animals, nursing them back to health and releasing them again. She is kind, caring, compassionate. A beacon of light. Who would ever assume the slightest shadow on her?

Bialia was born on Lothal, to a family of human farmers. Life was simple, though already in her young years, it was obvious the clever female wanted more than just a farm life. She started to have dreams, nightmares, they seemed so real. And one dream lead her to find something. A cube, that she dug up from the earth behind the farm. It seemed to call out to her. She took it home, looked at it, wanted to find out what it was. It didnt take long, until a Jedi showed up. He was looking for the thing, that Bialia had found. Of course, Bialia was a good girl. She handed it to him under the condition, he would explain what it was. And he did. It was a Holocron, made by the Sith. The Jedi noticed, that Bialia seemed to have a connection to the force, beyond the usual one. He talked to her more, she spoke about her nightmares and how it had also led her to the holocron.

It was an easy decision, the Jedi, a Sullustan by the name of Culld Wiubb, took her with him to Coruscant. He saw potential in her, thought she might be able to become a Jedi. The council agreed and so she started her training. She was happy to learn, she was curious, always wanted to learn more. Even in her freetime, she read and learned more. Her connection with the force was strong.

After her years as youngling, Culld took her as his Padawan. The jedi was specialized in finding and confiscating relics of the sith. Bialia learned a lot, she had a very good relationship with her master. And she learned quick. She was very dedicated and she spent a lot of her time studying, if they weren´t on missions. When the time was right, Culld sent her back to Coruscant, for her trials. He himself would go on another mission in the meantime.

Bialia passed the test with flying banners. Her master however never returned from the mission. The contact to his ship was lost. He was pronounced dead soon after. Bialia was both, happy to finally be a jedi knight and sad about the loss of her master.

His tasks went over to her. Due to her strong connection to the force and her experience from her padawan time, she was trusted to collect and destroy the relics of the sith and the dark side.

Though, eventually... her curiosity got the better of her. Nobody knows, however.

In most physical things, Bialia is about decent. Probably below average. Bialia however has a strong connection to the force. Therefore, she is quick in learning new force abilities, can teach them to herself if she has a good written record of how. Further, it makes her very prone to visons.

Besides that, she is a very knowledable about healing, psychology and plantlife. She also knows many different languages fluently.
Equipment: Datapad, first aid equipment, pouch for herbs and plants, binoculars.

Force Applications
Midichlorian Count: 12400
Signature Force Ability: Force Repulse
Force Visions (Uncontrolled, but she seems prone to them)
Force Sight
Force Sense
Telekinesis (Force push & pull and move, as well as alternatives of those technique, as force wave, repulse, etc)
Force Barrier
Force Healing
Force Stasis
Mind Trick
Alter Environment
Saber Throw
Through her forbidden studies in the dark side, Bialia has found quite the bit of interesting techniques, that with secret practice, she taught herself. Of course, she would never use them for the council would find out.

Force Choke
Force Rend
Force Lightning
Force Destruction
Force Grip
Lightsaber Hilt:
Kyber Crystal Color: Mint blue
Practiced Forms: Form 3, Soresu (Bialia prefers a very defensive style of combat, that is supported by her double bladed lightsaber to make for a nigh impenetrable defense. Her offense is lacking, however, she covers that with her use of the force, to an extent)

Extra: Has a pet Loth-Cat by the name of Fluffy.
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Name: Haindhiazha Abdelhadi
Nickname{*}: Haind
Codename{*}: Red Hatred
Birthplace: Coruscant
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Species: Zabrak
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 180 Pounds (Without armor)-230 pounds (With armor)
Eye Color: Dark red (From dark side corruption)
Hair Color: Black
Attire: Robes covering armor underneath
Affiliation: Dark Order/Shadow Empire
Rank in Order: Pillar of Hatred
Residence{*}: Dromund Kaas

Personality: Haind was born in a life of solitude, no one to interact with, it this was a good oppurtunity for her to focus more on her abilities within the force, her hatred causing her to focus more on becoming powerful, but her patience as well has a big factor to play.
Biography: Born on the republic world of coruscant, Haindhiazha was given the gift early in her life of force sensitivity. Hidden by the Jedi order by her parents, Haind always felt limited and controlled all her life in the low slums of the great city-like planet. As the years passed, so too did Hainds hatred, upon reaching the legal age of adulthood, she used what all she knew about the force and murdered her parents. When this power was felt by sheev Palpatine, he sent a small group of his followers to capture her and train her in the ways of the dark side. Now working for the shadow empire, Haind works hard For the dark order in order to help take control of the galaxy
Skills: Lightsaber Combatant, Force User
Equipment: 2 Identical lightsabers, Cortosis Armor covered by Robes

Force Applications
Midichlorian Count: 9,050
Signature Force Ability: Force choke
Force Abilities: Force push/pull, Force leap, Force lightning
Lightsaber(s) Hilt: 1544013409849.jpeg
Kyber Crystal Color: Red
Practiced Forms: Form 4 (Jar’kai) and Form 7 (Juyo)
Name: Dylgan Rilak
Nickname: The Butcher of the Core
Codename: Moff Rilak
Birthplace: Byss
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Height: 6'
Weight: 170 lbs
Eye color: Gray
Hair color: Brown
Affiliation: Shadow Empire
Rank in Order: Moff
Residence: Droumond Kaas

Personality: Dylgan is a patriot to the cause and takes his military career seriously. He is highly militaristic and is a very aggressive tactician. Usually he’ll go to his subordinates for input, however most of the time its his way or the highway. He does take well to social events however and like to hang with his smiliar ranked colleagues and higher ups.

Biography: Dylgan was an admiral in the Clone Wars and a brilliant tactician that caught Palpatine's eye. He supported a lot of executive decisions in undermining the Senate as he viewed them as a corrupt and greedy oligarchy that smoldered the less fortunate people of the galaxy. When word of the Supreme Chancellor's death spread throughout the galaxy, he was absolutely infuriated. So much so that he attempted to crash his venator star destroyer into the senate building, but ultimately failed and was a couple million kilometers off. Still the destroyer killed millions of citizens of Coruscant and his own crew. Dylgan was in an escape pod before setting his ship to Coruscant's surface. He crashed on Ord Mantell where he lived under the radar as a junker. He was later confronted by the Followers of Palpatine who talked of destroying the Republic and the Senate, bringing peace and order to the galaxy. Dylgan happily took their recruitment offer and was given the rank of moff due to his actions and recognition's from Palpatine.

Skills: pistol training, governance, foreign policy, and leadership.

Equipment: DL-18 blaster pistol, moff uniform, and causal informal wear.

Force Applications
Midichlorian Count: 1,900
Signature Force Ability: N/A
Force Abilities: N/A
Lightsaber(s) Hilt: N/A
Kyber Crystal Color: N/A
Practiced Froms: N/A

Extra Info: Dylgan is the Moff of the Dromound Sector and oversees governance and military matters within the star system. He has control of the sector's army and fleet as well as access to his sector's treasury which amounts to 100 billion credits.
Jacen-Dylgan's rival but is respectful to him and his authority

voice sample
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Name: Galen Marek
Nickname{*}: None
Codename{*}: None (yet)
Birthplace: Kashyyyk
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Species: Human
He of course only has one lightsaber
Height: 6'0
Weight: 147 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Normal Robes:

Battle Gear:
Affiliation: Jedi Order
Rank in Order: Jedi Knight/Jedi Shadow
Residence{*}: Coruscant

Personality: Galen is an angry, frustrated person. He's prone to brash, quick action often, and is known for his I'll temperment as a Jedi. He is also extremely headstrong, always pushing himself to both his physical and psychological limits constantly. He's known for spending entire nights sparring with the training droids to the point of passing out, being bedridden for days until he gets right back at it again. Beneath all of this, however, is a Jedi at heart, with a dry, sarcastic sense of humor. He truly cares about his fellow Jedi, and protecting those who can't do it themselves. He is very fond, however of...alternative methods to a problem. Crime Lord harassing merchants? He'll March right into his palace and have "aggressive negotiations" with him. Slavers capturing civilians for sport? He'll throw their leader off a cliff for it. The Dark Side is inside of Galek, feeding off of his anger and hatred. He struggles with the tempation constantly, always teetering on the edge of falling on one side of the spectrum.
Biography: Born to Kento and Mallie Marek, two Jedi Knights who exiled themselves during the Clone Wars due to their feelings for one another, Galen was raised in Kashyyyk by his parents, who acted as healers for the local Wookies. For the early part of his life, Galen had a happy childhood, his mother often taking him to the local beach to to watch the waves crash into the sands that once saw relentless fighting on. That all changed, however, when Trandoshian slavers began to hunt down Wookies in the area. Galen watched as the lizards gunned down his mother as she tried to defend the natives, the boy feeling the first pull of the Dark Side that day. His father tried his best to raise Galen, but he soon saw both the raw power, and the seething hatred inside of his son. Knowing he wasn't ready to raise the boy, he eventually took him back to the Council, begging them to train his son, lest he fall to the Dark Side. They reluctantly agreed, Galen being out under the tutelage of Rahm Kota, a quite arrogant war hero who often underestimated the Padawan, constantly referring to him as simple!y "boy." They had an uneasy relationship, with Rahm's disrespectful cockiness only fueling Galen's rage. He spent hours upon hours honing his abilities, being a prodigy in Form V, even adopting the unorthodox reverse grip style. He grew extremely close to one droid in particular, one he soon named Proxy. Proxy would always joke that with how much Galen trained, that Proxy would be the death of him, and it soon became a running joke between the two. Galen soon put his skills to the test during a particularly heated sparring match between him and Kota, who egged Galen on and on, before the boy, in his anger, blinded his Master by accident. Horrified, Galen nearly left the Order entirely, before the Council somehow convinced him to stay, and he eventually became a full Jedi Knight, though still angry and determined. Seeing this in him, the Council made him a Shadow, carrying out missions to take out servants and artifacts of the Dark Side. He is extremely good at this, and actually finds some enjoyment in it.

  • Lightsaber Combat: Having pushed himself constantly, Galen is a master of Forms V and VII, having an extremely aggressive, unorthodox fighting style. He is also proficient in Forms I and III, though he's still learning the latter, and his defense is far from unbreakable.
  • Force Ability: Galen has a strong connection to the Force, being the son of two Jedi. While nowhere near his Legends version, he still is a very powerful Force user, though it's more in potential than actual use. His strength truly shines when he is backed into a corner, and he pushes himself as far as he can go.
    Equipment: (armor, robes, weapons, etc.)
  • LLightsaber
  • Jedi Adventure Robes
  • Jedi Battle Gear
  • Range Finder
Force Applications
Midichlorian Count: 15,000
Signature Force Ability: Force Repulse
Force Abilities: Force Grip, Push, Leap, Dash, Repulse, Choke, Lightning (When he's extremely angry, as he can't do it naturally yet,) and Tutamenis (He's still learning this. He can block blaster fire, and Force Lightning from a Knight level Force user, but things like lightsabers and full power Force Lightning takes an intense amount of focus, and even then he can only do it for a few seconds.)
Lightsaber Hilt:
Galen's lightsaber was built to be as practical and easy to use as possible. It has a sturdy, balanced construction, and an exposed Kyber crystal to allow for easy maintenance. It's chassis is rusted and worn, due to his constant use of the weapon. Galen often uses the aqua blue crystal to help him meditate, making him think of rain and the ocean, two things he has fond memories of.
Kyber Crystal Color: Blue
Practiced Forms: Forms V, Shien and Djem So, VII, Juyo, Form III, Soresu, and Form I, Shii-Cho
Galen is an incredibly agressive combatant, preferring to put his opponent on the defensive with his aggressive and often unorthodox style, while counter attacking as needed. This is, however, also his weakness. He can easily be caught off guard and suprised, and falls short when put on the defensive himself.
Extra: He has his own ship, the Rogue Shadow, the he uses for his missions. He pilots it himself, though he did once have a pilot.
(Make sure to tell me if anything needs changed! Trying not to make him too OP!)
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name: Alelo Ashla Kaashii
age: 27
nickname: Lelo [lee-low]
codename: Commander Kaashii/Lee/Lelo
birthplace: Shilli - the homeworld of her people
gender: female
species: Togruta
appearance: Alelo is a starkly coloured red and white Togruta female. currently, she stands at the typical height threshold of Togruta individuals. her body is slim and toned and at peak physical condition. her montrals [the hollow horns on her head] are very "sharp" and face forward, rather than backwards. like every other Togruta, they possess a form of passive echolocation, that allows Alelo to sense the proximity and movement of objects and individuals around her. it is extremely hard to sneak up on her. she has three waist length lekku [or head tails]. two of which cascade down her front, with a third down her back. her chest is on the smaller side, which she appreciates. it makes her form much easier to master, and not at all painful. unlike most other Togruta, Alelo's skin patterns are very bold and thick and cover almost the entirety of her limbs. they have changed in minute, yet noticeable ways as she has matured, and her lekku and montrals have also grown with her. the top lip of her mouth is red, while her bottom is an offset [but still very similiar] version of her base skin colour. Lelo's canine teeth are also extremely sharp.
height: 6.23 ft // 1.9 m
weight: 76 kg // 167lbs
eye colour: cobalt blue
hair colour: n/a
attire: besides what has been pictured. she also wears a Togruta Sash to accompany her robes, and an Akul-Tooth Headress gifted to her by her mother when she became a Jedi Knight. her field attire favours her very physical form//fighting style. when at the temple/between travelling she is usually wearing her cloak.
affiliation: Jedi Order//The Republic
of the Jedi Service Corps: the Exploration Corps - otherwise known as ExplorCorps
of the three distinct branches of Knights and Masters: a Jedi Guardian - following her knighting ceremony, Alelo acted as Temple Security. She worked on the ground while in this position, and lived exclusively on Coruscant. However, a couple of years passed before she made an appeal to the council, and after considering her potential, service and eagerness, they sent her to act as a Peacekeeper. She worked as a liaison [a bodyguard] on Republic worlds, for a couple years more before the council saw her potential for more [themselves that time] and she spent the next couple of years as a Commander and Jedi Warrior. She has since not left her position. The work, while heroic and action-packed, offers plenty an opportunity to reflect, and she always strives to uphold the ways of the force.
rank in order: Commander//Jedi Knight
residence: she has a permanent residence on Shilli, with family/clan members - she also has temporary living quarters within the Jedi Temple on Coruscant - besides these two places she is constantly on the move and unless she receives temporary accommodation, is living on ships and at campsites.

Personality: (3 lines minimum)
Biography: (paragraph minimum)

- aside from Basic, Alelo can speak fluent Togruti and
- a standard utility belt which houses a compressed-air grappling hook, A100 aquata breather, imagecaster, Jedi beacon transceiver, glow rod and nutrient capsules.
- she always carries a lightsaber repair kit as well. it is imperative if anything should happen
- due to her Guardian duties she must always have a set of wrist binders on her person. also in case of emergency
- less popular is possessing a smugglers scrambler. her old Master advised her on this, and she has not regretted following his advice since. it makes itself very useful in dire situations, and she has even encouraged others to find their own

Force Applications
Midichlorian Count: 15,000
Signature Force Ability:
Force Abilities: (force leap, cruticorn, force push/pull, etc.)

Lightsaber Hilt: the hilt is silver/chrome and black, save for some scratches and notches and its internal pieces.
Kyber Crystal colour: green
practiced form:
besides the base Form 1, known as Combat, Alelo immediately went on to become extremely skilled in Form IV, known as Ataru. As well as these perfected forms, she has incorporated some aspects of Form V, Djem So, to create her own fluid and highly physical form which works in her favour. her movements are fast and though not always precise, are designed to disorient her enemies, and take advantage of weak spots, slow movements and exploit opponents potential fear in a duel. her fearlessness and speciality in offense, rather than defense, makes her a worthy opponent. as well as these forms, Alelo's approach to
other favoured lightsaber abilities:

clan [as a youngling]: The Bear Clan - as taught by Jedi Master Yoda
- a standard utility belt which houses a compressed-air grappling hook, A100 aquata breather, imagecaster, Jedi beacon transceiver, glow rod and nutrient capsules.
- she always carries a lightsaber repair kit as well. it is imperative if anything should happen
- due to her Guardian duties she must always have a set of wrist binders on her person. also in case of emergency
- less popular is possessing a smugglers scrambler. her old Master advised her on this, and she has not regretted following his advice since. it makes itself very useful in dire situations, and she has even encouraged others to find their own

Extra: (anything I missed? maybe you own a ship, have control over a fleet, have relationships with someone, etc.)
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[div class=openbutton]JACEN
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Name: Jacen Rhys
Codename: Caedus Ren , Ren , or Caedus
Birthplace: Chandrila
Age: 23 years old
Gender: Male
Species: Human

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Height: 183cm
Weight: 76kg
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue ; although his connection to the Dark Side has plagued his eyes to change color to a menacing red, expressing his association with the Dark Side
Attire: x


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Affiliation: He serves as the apprentice to one of the Dark Order's leaders. Therefore, he has connections to the Shadow Empire.
Rank in Order: Pupil to the Pillar of Anger
Residence: Currently, Jacen is stationed on the Transcendence [the Mega-class Star Destroyer].



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Personality: Jacen is ruthless, brutal and confident, but appears to carry at least some sort of guilt and remorse for his actions. As such, he is short-tempered, hot-headed, and is torn by internal conflict. However, Jacen is far less able to control his temper and emotions, as well as the fact that he is far less level-headed and far more prone to bouts of rage than a normal person. He is driven by his rage and hatred for his parents, as he was told the truth of what happened in his infancy years. Now, he just seeks to destroy the Jedi Order.
> Aggressive Duelist: Jacen, being the rage machine he is, always strikes heavily and with ferocity. He will brutally attack his opponent, trying his best not to give them a chance to make a move.
> Impressive Tactician: Jacen is amazingly intelligent, cunning, and clever, a trait that must run in his family. As a Commander of The Shadow Empire, Jacen is a highly skilled tactician and a very capable leader to follow.
> Knowledge of the Force: Being the intelligent young man he is, Jacen is well-attuned with the secrets of the Force, and studies its traits and qualities in his downtime.
> His mask, which filters toxins and modifies his
His robes, which he wears all the time
> His lightsaber
> A few thousand credits

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force applications
Midichlorian Count: 15,500
Signature Force Ability: Force Stasis - a complicated force ability that allows the user to forcefully immobilize or restrain his/her target or object.
Force Abilities:

  • Telekinesis: Ren is extremely proficient in telekinesis, capable of freezing and influencing the movement of a person or even stop a blaster bolt and keep it suspended until he relieves them.
    • Force Choke: Like most of the Sith before him, Jacen has the power to use the Force to constrict the organs of living organisms in order to suffocate and kill them. His telekinetic grip also allows him to pull people by the neck towards him without otherwise harming them.
    • Force Grip: Much like force choke and force crush, force grip suspends the movements of the target, seizing them, and dangles them in the air. To a further degree, it could crush an organ and/or bone.
    • Force Crush: A violent dark side ability, force crush employs lifting the target in the air and crushing them with the force--to the point of implosion.
    • Force Push: Caedus utilizes Force push to send his opponents flying through the air, causing them serious injury or temporarily incapacitating them/knocked them unconscious.
      • Force Wave: A powerful version of Force Push; it takes a large amount of energy and concentration to perform though.
    • Force Scream: A scream of strong anger, frustration, rage, or grief, emitted through the Force. It has been described as "a wave of hatred, amplified and fueled by the dark side, that is capable of smashing through mental and physical defenses with ease.".
    • Force Pull: Caedus utilizes Force pull to pull his opponents or objects towards him, enough that he can hold people up with one hand while still pulling them with the Force.
  • Telepathy: Jacen utilizes Telepathy to mentally communicate over small or vast distances with any individual.
  • Force Lightning: An electric based attack that inflicts pain upon the enemy through the use of the force. At the use of Jacen, his force lightning is red. Rarely will he use this ability though.
  • Tutaminis: Tutaminis was the only ability that Darth Sidious had recorded for Jacen to learn. Basically, tutaminis allows the user to absorb energy, such as a blaster bolts or force lightning.
  • Mind probe: Ren utilizes Mind probe to sift through the thoughts of a sentient being, for the purpose of interrogation or torture. He is also able to induce sleep, to the mentally untrained / mentally weaker, with a wave of his hand.
  • Tapas: A force power that allows Caedus to draw heat from the Force, allowing him to keep warm in freezing temperatures.
  • Battle Precognition: This ability allows Jacen to see movements before they happen. In a way, you could compare it to a higher reaction time.
  • Force Listening: An ability that is present in nearly all force users, Force Listening allows Jacen to understand nearly every language, as well as hear from great distances.
  • Force Rage: Jacen uses force rage to his advantage by channeling his anger to increase his speed, accuracy, strength, and ferocity.
  • Force Jump: Augments Caedus' ability to jump excessively.
  • Force Stasis: A more advanced version of force stun, inevitably freezing the inflicted target completely, for as long as Jacen needs them to be frozen.
    • Force Stasis Field: A stronger version of Force Stasis; freezing multiple enemies / objects.
  • Force Sense: Ren utilizes Force sense to sense another sentient being's emotions, the future, ripples in the Force caused by momentous or traumatic events, impending danger and the presence of the Light and Dark side.
  • Force Sight: Able to see the force alignments, life force energies, and allowed a full spectrum view of the user's surroundings.
  • Force Barrier: A basic offensive and defensive technique that could repel a number of attacks before collapsing.
  • Crucitorn: An ancient dark side technique used to influence and inflict pain at extreme levels. He had learned this ability from a Sith holocron that Sheev Palpatine had gifted to him.
  • Mind Trick: An old Jedi ability that he had picked up from observing Jedi teachings as a child. He still uses this ability to sway the weak-minded into believing him or doing something he wants them to.
  • Malacia: An ability that his current Master had taught him. It grants him the ability to shake someone's equilibrium, throwing them off balance, and creating nausea and/or dizziness.

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lightsaber related
Hilt: c (front) , c (back)
Kyber Crystal Color: Red
Practiced Lightsaber Forms: (aside from the basic forms (Form I - Shii-Cho and Form II - Makashi)) Form V - Djem-So/Shien and Form VII - Juyo/Vaapad. He tends to favor using Djem-So however.
Lightsaber SFX: Sound FX
Ignited Lightsaber: o , o

[div class=textbox]
Jacen Rhys. The result of one lustful night between two Jedi who rejoiced after winning the Battle of Geonosis. Unbeknownst to them both, this was the beginning of Jacen's life. In a matter of four months, Jacen's mother had discovered that a child was growing within her. Scared, worried, and concerned, she turned to the father, hoping that he would have a solution. At first he thought it would be best if they kill the fetal baby, but it seemed too dark and violent for them, especially since they were Jedi. So, they decided that when the baby was born, they'd anonymously leave it to an orphanage. And the plan followed that way.

The pregnancy would become blatantly obvious for all. Worried of what the Jedi Council would say, Jacen's mother had approached the council one day, and informed them of her pregnancy. She devised a lie, telling them that she had no idea who the father was. This had small consequences for her, but did maintain the secrecy of the father. By the time of labor, Jacen's mother had been sent to Chandrila and was ordered to protect the Senator Mon Mothma, as a threat on her life had been made. Coincidentally, Jacen's father was also on Chandrila—he was tasked with putting down a riot that had stormed over Hanna City—and was present for Jacen's birth.

With their new baby boy born, Jacen's parents had began to revise their plan. A wave of guilt and shame washed over them as they continued to ponder on the idea of getting rid of their child. So, they came up with a new solution. They'd experiment with the life of parenthood, and if it wasn't meant for them, they'd follow through with giving the baby away. If they could handle it, however, then they'd just raise the baby and see if they could remain in the Jedi Order. If not, they'd still keep the baby.

For the first few months, parenthood wasn't so bad for them; the trio returned to Coruscant after Jacen's parents were relieved from their objectives. During the day, infant Jacen would be taken care of by a babysitter. And at night, his parents would return from their Jedi duties to take care of him. Soon enough, months turned into years—two, to be exact. And that's when it occurred. Jacen, only a two year-old baby, had demonstrated his use of the Force. It was a small demonstration, but still worrisome. His parents immediately had his midi-chlorians tested, and his number was beyond his parents. Frightened, they enlisted him into the Jedi academy anonymously.

And just like that, Jacen was tossed away like trash. Little did anyone know, however, the Supreme Chancellor could sense the potential power that Jacen held, and so, he had discretely 'adopted' the boy. For a span of three years, Palpatine had begun constructing and making recordings for the boy to learn from. In these recordings was knowledge of the Force that Palpatine sought to share with the boy. All the while Jacen was under the tutelage of Jedi Teachers, learning star systems, how to operate a lightsaber, and demonstrating small Force techniques. He had even befriended a few of his fellow Younglings during his time at the temple. His greatest friend of the bunch was a Youngling named Rao Versax, and the two were quite inseperable. But when Palpatine ordered his disciples to explore the Unknown Regions, he had sent Jacen along with them. For Jacen was one of Palpatine's treasures and final attempts at achieving his goal. Besides, Palpatine sensed that his cover would soon be exposed, and he couldn't risk losing Jacen to the hands of the Jedi.

As Jacen grew, he was trained by [Dark Order Leader Name]. Furthermore, Jacen had been gifted the recordings that Palpatine had sent with him, and learned from them as well. Now, Jacen serves the Dark Order as an apprentice to [Master's Name] and is a Commander to the Shadow Empire.[/div]

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> Relationship(s): PM me, if interested.
> Theme:


code by Ri.a
Name: Tali Vaeda
Nickname{*}: Tali
Codename{*}: DarkStrider
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Appearance: sith7.jpg
Height: 5'9
Weight: 125
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Attire: (what does your character wear?)
Affiliation: Dark Order/Shadow Academy
Rank in Order: Apprentice of Suffering
Residence{*}: No permanent residence.
Personality: Tali is a strong independent individual who believes the jedi have gone corrupt and that they squeeze any chance of other force schools or groups from gaining enough influence. Despite this she doesn't like violence and hates every minute of every fight. Although this doesn't stop her from carrying out her tasks. She is strong willed and often carries an aura of sadness.
Biography: Early into Tali's life, her planet was attacked by the Dark Order. Because of her affinity to the force she was kidnapped as a baby.
Tali grew up attending the shadow academy from a young age, being the best of her class. She had always struggled with finishing off her opponents and as a result has been kept under close eye. Despite this she was too powerful to not be led into more advanced training.
At one point she was appointed as the apprentice to the Pillar of Suffering. She is the most calm of all the apprentices.
Skills: Skilled Force User
Equipment: Sith Cloak, Sith double sided lightsaber.

Force Applications, Lev
Midichlorian Count: 16,283
Signature Force Ability: Force Destruction
Force Abilities: Force Push/Pull, Force Lightning, Telekinesis, Force Jump, Force Choke, Pyrokinesis, Levitation, Mind Probe, Mind Trick, Force Whirlwind, Force Combustion.
Lightsaber Hilt: DoubleBladed
Kyber Crystal Color: Red
Practiced Forms: Form VI

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