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Fandom Star wars: Path to Ruin


This will be mine, female Miraluka Jedi Knight. Think it's acceptable, my knowledge is rusty asf.

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My Jedi master is gonna have so much jedi force telekinesis it won't even be funny. xD They will call him The Spirit of 8 Blades, because he fights usually by floating about lightsabers. : D
I think I found my face claim for my bounty hunter.  

Neboola Bal AKA The Outcast(I really like this design :D )


and his animal companion, Korain
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I'll leave this here, just in case:

costumes01 (2).jpg (FOR NOW, THIS IS HIS OUTFIT)

Name: Orion Haythem

Age: 26

Height: 5ft. 10in.

Weight: 155lbs.

Eye color: Bright Green


View attachment 224686

Hair style and color: Orion styles his hair in a particular way. This is done by combing his hair to the far right and then going up with it. His hair color is black.


Side: Mixed; More Dark then Light though

Force Strength: 8.5

Special Force Talent: Force Repulse - The most powerful of Force impulses, capable of devastating results as it's capabilities allowed for any object in it's path to be breakaway at sheering velocities.

Appearance: Standing at 5 feet and 10 inches, Orion is above average when it comes to height. His weight comes in at about 155 pounds, making him look more muscular/buff. Orion tries his best to keep his body in peak condition and maintains his hygiene, making him quite a beautiful specimen. Although, Orion does have a Cybernetic left-arm, due to a past incident with an arch enemy of his.

Personality: Being sarcastic and very taunting, Orion gives off a vibe that he may not have much care for the health and well being of others, but it's the complete opposite. Orion cares about how many people he injures or gets hurt as a casualty. But, if you irritate him greatly, then he would not care how many organs he has to rip apart or how many bones he has to break in order to get what he wants. In short, Orion is a caring, sarcastic, taunting person, who, if you can piss him off enough, will shatter you.

Bio: Orion was born on the planet Garel, to a wealthy family that provided plenty of credits to the Republic,  and funded a lot of their operations and equipment. When Orion reached the age of 9, his family discovered that his younger sister was able to use the Force. So they sent her away to a Jedi training camp for orphans ,and there she was taught how to be a Force wielder. 2 years later, Orion made a connection to the Force. But this time, his parents didn't want to send him away as well, so they decided to keep him on his home planet of Garel to train and master the Force with a family-friend Force user. When the local mob boss discovered this, he had Orion's parents slaughtered in his home. He luckily escaped and joined the official Republic and was trained under their teachings. 6 years later, Orion left the Republic, in hopes of reconnecting, or finding out what happened to his sister. He now owns a blue astromech droid titled R7-8Y and a modified X-Wing that he stole from the Republic. He also owns a penthouse on Coruscant, which he won from a bet with Tukka the Hut.

Orion began his search for his sister on the planet Naboo. Hoping that there would be some form of valuable information there, Orion was soon proven wrong. Disappointed by this, and deeply saddened, Orion went to the next likely planet, this being Kamino. At first, Orion himself didn't believe that his sister had any connection to the oceanic planet Kamino, until he found a datapad. The datapad had all sorts of valuable information that Orion could use to triangulate the position of his sister. Now, he's heading back to Garel to claim his family's fortune and fame, and retrieve equipment that is rightfully his, and possibly control the planet of Garel as well.

Force Abilities:

- Force Choke

- Force Jump

- Telekinesis

- Force Speed

- Meditation

- Force Valor

- Force Deflection, with a lightsaber

- Tapas

- Breath Control


- Battle Precognition

- Force Repulse

- Force Wave

- Mind Trick

- Force Stasis

- Malacia

- Force Healing

- Droid Ionize

- Revitalize

- Force Barrier

- Force Affliction

- Crucitorn

- Force Stun

Orion's lightsaber hilt and color (color = orange):

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@DankWaffles Hey, want some Jedi with those force abilities? xD

On the bright side I can justify putting a shit ton of force abilities on my Jedi master now as well. : D
I also don't mean to be "that guy" but is there a possibility that gray/grey jedi can be a part of this roleplay? @Jefferson

perhaps in the late game, but not to start. It'll be a good trump card for later.

you could post an ambassador from the grey knights, but I ask that you also have another chatecter because if greyknights do get involved it wont be until later.

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