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Fandom Star wars: Path to Ruin

they switched sides when the separatist started loosing, the council has a close eye on them atm, and clones are no longer in production. However those already made are still in service.

Okay coo. Wait so if the Separitists are losing, why do they have a Sith Lord on their side? Actually, how are they losing?

Will I need information about the prequels?  I've watched episode 4-7 but haven't had the time to watched 1-3.
When I get home, I'll start looking for some pictures and sthuff, in the meantime, I think I'll take some time to shitpost.

the separatists are losing because the sith lord wasn't with them until like a week ago. Now that he is here he has been bolstering their courage, and worrying the Jedi.
Shhhh, Twi Leks r 2 coote...

"He was a Jedi Apprentice before his master was killed by a bounty hunter who took him in as his/her (not gonna be sexist here) own. He had no parents of his own, and personally thought the way of the hunt was better than the path of the Jedi. Thus, the most efficient aspects of both paths, he created his own fighting style, a ruthless style which seeks murder."

Eh, something like that. He'll be more fleshed out, plus, the 'no real' backstory is kinda in there. 
what is it you are hoping for? This is where we need to collaborate to build the world so if you have something to add now is the time.

we don't really need a good reason for the separatist to be loosing, they were loosing before even with the sith on their side. But with dooku, greivous, and palpatine gone, order 66 never happening, Anakin never going dark side,they didn't have any hope until Darth logoth showed up.
I might just make some super bounty hunter that serves at Logoth's side as one of his generals. He'll have a mech suit and everything. xD
I might just make some super bounty hunter that serves at Logoth's side as one of his generals. He'll have a mech suit and everything. xD

Damn, took my main goal XD

Who said Bounty Hunters could only get hired by the dark side though...? Arch Rivals
No no no no no. You gots to be cool..... COOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

might be a droid working for the republic or Jedi Temple. 
Star Wars Jedi ~ Phantom115cw by Xelandra.png

This will be my primary character.

Arro Windu. He is Mace Windu's Second cousin. Mace windu's Father had a brother (idk if canon or not but for the RP sake we will say he does.) his brothers Grandson is Arro.

Arro is still a padawan at 19 years old, but is nearly done with his training. He isn't that impressive with the power of the force, but he is a Stellar duelist. His mastery of the force is limited but he is expirienced with force augmentation able to increase his strength, speed, reflexes, and durability like most Jedi. He also has a lesser form of shatter point called weak point, unlike shatter point which uses the force to break open weak points, Arro can only identify them. And he can use force push/pull

Star Wars Jedi ~ Phantom115cw by Xelandra.png
If I'm a bounty hunter, I might do something sorta like a predator.

Aggressive bounty hunter who goes to whoever has the biggest wallet, has a strict code they must follow, tries to learn of its kill and with a bunch of little gadgets.  

Are animal companions a thing?
Ok yes clone commander have squadrons of clones at their disposal. The size of these platoons depends upon requisition (asking for reinforcements) and mission at hand.

I like predators they kick ass. I can allow animal companions but nothing that takes more than a few blaster shots to bring down.

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