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Fantasy St. Peter's Private Academy

Loki scowled at Dante, realizing the snarky drummer was making Sasha want to leave. But Dante seemed to take Lori's reply as face value, and shrugged. "I am a Mirror Vampire Mermaid hybrid. Dad's the Mirror Vampire, moms the mermaid. She's a bitch." Dante replied blandly. Hunter smirked, "I'm a Foxling, don't mind Dante, she's grouchy in the mornings. Your are the first girl Loki has ever brought around. I was beginning to think that I was the only one who liked girls around here." Loki blushed darkly at Hunter's words, "Shut up Hunter." He growled.

( @Maleficenia)

( @TenshuZninja @Flowër Powër did you guys post and I just missed it?)
Leo calmed down after they had both apologized to one another. After a soft sigh and a few moments of concentration his form rematerialized; He looked at them both for a moment more and then fully relaxed. When Tai stepped closer to him he felt his heart speed up a few beats unexpectedly. He withdrew himself and began to slouch again. "Anyways what's y-your name, miss. A-as you know m-my name is Leo Macabre
Clairty squinted her eyes, deciding not to comment on the pixie's demeanor. "Clarity." she said slowly, drawing her attention back to the shadow. She adjusted the dead roses in her hair, entangling her fingers and putting them down. "It is nice to meet you, Leo."

@MadameRedWolf @TenshuZninja
Tai couldn't explain it, he felt protective over the shadow, ice Leo, even though they had just met. Maybe it was just because Clarity had rubbed him the wrong way to start out. His phone dinged, and he pulled it out, and scowled at it. He tapped a response, then slipped the phone back into his pocket.

( @TenshuZninja @Flowër Powër )

"I-i can't say that it has been a pleasure s-so far...but I h-hope to get off on a b-b-better foot now, Clarity." Leo turned his attention back to Tai as he slipped his phone back into his pocket. "I-if you have to g-g-go I don't want t-to take up too much of your t-time." He thought about what he'd just said and found he would actually be pretty...perhaps sad wasn't the right word but he couldn't think of another more appropriate word for the way he would feel. He wanted to stay by Tai as he really like the antlered pixie much more than he could let on.

And he supposed since Clarity didn't seem very fond of Tai she could come along as well.

Tai smiled, "oh, don't worry about it, its just my cousin wondering where I am, I guess Hunter and Dante wanted to have a meeting about our next appearance. I don't really need to be there, Loki will tell me everything they talked about." he looked to Clarity, "I'd shake your hand, but Im not sure if that's a great idea. Im Tai Tonesku, though."

( @TenshuZninja @Flowër Powër )
Clarity shot her gaze back towards him. "Perhaps not." She replied, wiping her hands on her robes. Her stomach growled, reminding Clarity she hadn't eaten yet this morning. She chuckled, a rare emotion that hardly came from the necromancer. "I suppose even if you are nearly immortal, you still have to eat. Would you all like to join me?" It had been a change in tone and attitude than a few seconds ago, but she supposed that a little more time with the pixie wouldn't hurt. The shadow seemed to have imprinted on him. He wouldn't want to part with him now. For the time being, she would have to put on her big girl pants and display chivalry. 

@TenshuZninja @MadameRedWolf

Leo smiled wider than before at the subject of food. Technically he had no real need for human food but the tastes and textures kept him from discarding the habit he'd picked up from living in the Macabre household. He enjoyed experimenting different flavors and could put away quite a bit as it seemed he either had no stomach or it happened to be bottomless because he never seemed to get full off of the nutrients. Strangely the only time he seemed to be full was when he was outside while the sun shined for an over extended period of time which led him to believe that like plants he got his nutrients from the sun and other light sources as shadows can't be without light. "I-I would enjoy that v-very much so. W-what about you Tai?" Leo didn't know whether or not Tai's appetite had kicked in but he assumed it would soon if it hadn't if he hadn't eaten yet.

Tai shrugged, "Pixies gotta eat too." he frowned,  "I wish this damn moss shit would go away. I feel like some kind of rock..." he reached up and pulled a clump of it off his horns. "its going to take me forever to peel this off." 

( @TenshuZninja @Flowër Powër )
Clarity waved her hand, the moss on the pixie's body shriveling and falling off. Her feet crunched on the now-dead moss, and she gave a small smirk. She crunched the clumps beneath her feet, smashing them into the floor. "I suppose that should do it." she replied to the pixie, taking the lead of the group and leading them to the cafeteria. She had her hands joined behind her back, her chest high, and her expression proud. She always loved messing with the fair-folk.

@MadameRedWolf @TenshuZninja
Sasha smiled at the way Loki was acting around his friends, and the bind between them. It was a nice thing to witness, but probably an even better thing to be a part of. "Who's not grouchy in the mornings, right?" Sasha asked jokingly, responding to Hunter in the best way she could. "I know I get annoyed when u wake up in the morning and have to reattach my foot, I fell over yesterday, and if I could bruise I would have several." 

This seemed like a conversation. Was this how you make friends?

( @MadameRedWolf )
Hunter's eyes widened, "your- ah- foot fell off?" HE shrugged, she said it like it wasn't out of the ordinary so he didn't even think twice, "Well, I can't really say much as far as injuries, but often times my ear ends up flipped inside out when I sleep, and I don't always remember to check it when I leave my dorm." He twitched one of his pointed fox ears as if to illustrate this point. Dante looked at Sasha, "that's weird." Loki glared at her, "Dante! Can't you ever be nice?" Dante scowled back at Loki, "Oh, go eat a toad, Loki. Weird isbt inherently bad. I mean, your weird as fuck, your a Siren that doesn't like to sing, an Incubus that doesn't sleep around, and a rockstar that lets the rest of the band speak for hIm. Not to mention, Hunter is a pureblood who hangs out with a bunch of Hybrids, Im a vampire that hates feeding, and Tai has that thing where moss grows on him." She ticked off reasons why Loki and his friends were weird off on her fingers. "Honestly the world would be so boring with out people like us, so weird is good." 

( @Maleficenia)


"W-well then I s-suppose we should get going then?" He said smiling at Tai before he began to follow Clarity the Necromancer. He felt so strangely giddy. He couldn't believe he'd just made two new friends so quickly. It was almost like a miracle in his life. He had to contain his urge to actually giggle as if he were a girl. The impulse was strong but he held it in sufficiently. He wondered what kind of food they had in the Cafe he was so eager to try them. He cast a furtive glance back to Tai and felt his heart speed up again. He looked away from him quickly and took some deep breaths before bringing his attention back to the food and away from the cute friend he now had.
Sasha smiled at Hunter. He seemed nice, and seemed to take it in her stride. She was doing well at this! But then Dante spoke and her face fell. It was weird, wasnt it? She probably shouldn't just say stuff like that around people, they might think she was gross or disgusting. 

"Weird can be good, but weird can also just be...abnormal." Sasha said slightly sadly. She definitely was the latter. It was one thing to be a different species, but another to not be really alive. "But yeah, the world definitely needs both." She said, smiling half heartedly.

( @MadameRedWolf )
Loki looked over at her, sensing her lowering emotions, "Come on, Sasha, sit with us," he went and sat at the table, his tail flickering behind him, "Its your turn to buy the meal, Loki." Hunter smirked. "What? Again? Are you sure?" HE grumbled, "I ordered last time, Tai before me, and Hunter before him." Loki nodded, "Alright, Sasha, what do you want? Don't be shy either, I promise I can get you anything you want to eat, and no one would judge you here. Not even Dante." Loki looked at Sasha with a smile. Dante snorted, "I'm not judgemental. But I know your butler or whatever it is IS judgemental, so Ill eat before he gets here." Dante stood up, and folded her wings uncomfortably, looking at Sasha warily. Hunter sat up straighter and brushed his hair away from the side of his neck, Dante walked behind him, and bit down on the exposed skin. Hunter hissed softly, but his eyes slid out of focus after a second and he relaxed. After a few more seconds, Dante drew back, blood dripping from her lips. She wiped her mouth and sat back down, "Thank you, Hunter." Dante said softly, "no problem." Hunter smiled, eyes still glazed over, before laying his head on the table. Loki was silent through this, he glanced over at Sasha, worried that she would be nervous around Dante now. 

( @Maleficenia)
Tai looked somewhat horrified as the moss fell from him and crunched under Clarity's shoes. He tried to think of a reason to be mad, but he had been complaining, he had no reason to be mad. So he sighes and followed after Leo and Clarity, folding his wings so the thin golden wings were pointed down against his back, and trails lightly along the ground.

@TenshuZninja @Flowër Powër
Sasha, despite what the others were clearly expecting, actually was calmed by how comfortable they were with someone drinking or eating... Food of that nature. She smiled at Loki, to show that she was comfortable, or comfortable by her standards, in the situation. "I eat... Umm, I don't really eat, but I... This is weird, but I feed off the life force of animals. I drain their life force, and absorb it in order to survive. They don't normally die, unless I drain them completely. It's not really something you can get, I normally just go out and find living animals." Sasha rubbed her nose uncomfortably at the memory associated with that particular aspect of her life.

( @MadameRedWolf )
"well, we can get that, I can get anything. Before we learned that Dante could feed from Hunter painlessly, I used to provide her blood bags." he explained, "If your hungry, I can have a dog, or something brought in for you." 

((I actually didn't see @MadameRedWolf's reply. I'm sorry!))

Clarity led the pair to the cafeteria, which was pretty much dead at 6 in the morning. Just as Clairty liked it. The Necromancer sat at an empty table, wiping bits of crumbs off the seat. She patted the table across from her, a gesture as to make the boys sit down.


Leo waited for them to sit before he found his spot beside Tai. He wasn't sure if that was okay or not. He didn't want to be too clingy when they had just met a while ago so he scooted over to give Tai some breathing room. After a moment to adjust his shape to the seat he turned to Clarity a bit curiously. "So I g-get the jist of a nec-cromancers powers but what exactly i-is the sc-scope of your powers, Clarity?"

Clarity grinned, happy they were finally talking about her. "Necromancy, you see, is a large spectrum of power. Some study and gain minuscule amounts of this, whereas some after gifted with the power. I, however, was born from the ashes of the top line of necromancers. I am known as the 'Alpha', and I have only scratched the surface of my power. Right now, I can reanimate the dead for a 24-hour period, and I can collect souls to empower me. There are many more things that I have yet to learn."

@TenshuZninja @MadameRedWolf
Tai laced his fingers under his chin and watched Clarity intently. When she finished, he piped up, "You, know, Clarity. Pixies and Necromancers magic is similar, just more... Permanent I suppose. Our healing magic can bring someone back to life. Of course I'm not strong enough to pull off that kind of magic myself, not without dying. It requires an amount of magic I do not possess, and with my status as a halfbreed, I probably won't ever become an Elder Pixie. But," he held out his hand and a rose grew from his palm, he picked it up and ofderd it to Leo, "I am content with the powers I did inherit from my father, may he rot in hell." 

@Flowër Powër  @TenshuZninja

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