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Fantasy St. Peter's Private Academy

Luna crinkled her nose. "I am just like any one of you. I'm special." she replied, walking away to find something more interesting to do. She didn't need the recognition of others. She could verify herself. Confidence is wasn't hard to find in Luna.

Luna headed to the cafeteria for an early breakfast. Despite not being an organic life form, she found food quite intriguing. There were many types of it, and although it didn't provide her many benefits, it was tasty. For the most part.

* * *

Clarity walked out of her room with her usual darks demeanor, her black robe flapping behind her in the wind she created with her pace. She didn't have anywhere particularly interesting to go, she just walked very fast. Her legs were most of her body lengths. 

Her dark senses (not a very creative name, but Clarity didn't consider herself a very creative person) started to tingle when she came around the corner and into another hallway. A shadow, by the looks and feels of it. The Necromancer had a way of sensing such things. She stood off to the side, observing the oddity from down the hall.

@MadameRedWolf @TenshuZninja
"I'm Tai Tomesku, its very nice to meet you, Leo." Tai replied. He noticed Leo flickering, and looked concerned, until he solidified. When Leo apologized for being abnormal, he outright laughed, "if you hadn't noticed, none of our bodies are exactly normal." He tapped one of his black antlers, and a soft noise could be heard when he fluttered his golden translucent pixie wings, a glitter of golden dust rose off them. ( @TenshuZninja )
Sasha smiled at the compliment, feeling slightly awkward. It wasn't something she was used to, it was usually shouts if "What a creep" or "freak" if anything at all. She felt for the gloves in her pocket to reassure herself she had them with her. It made her feel better and less worried that she had them."Everyone here is interesting most probably. Then again, everything is interesting to me. I don't get out much." She replied.

And it was true. To be standing in a school corridor talking to an incubus, or to be talking to anybody really, was a strange experience for her. But she wasn't complaining.

( @MadameRedWolf )

It's quarter past midnight, I'm gonna sleep now, I'll respond in a few hours :)  

Leo shuffled around a bit. He supposed that was true no one he had seen so far was 'strictly speaking' Human. He let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding and gave Tai a small timid smile. "I-i suppose that is true. I suppose I feel s-stranger than most c-considering I'm just a shadow. I'm n-not really as interesting as o-other students." He didn't really want to push the guy away by sounding so emo but he really couldn't help it either. At the moment he was feeling pretty good about himself actually. Someone was taking time out of their day to pay attention to him. Only his sister had done that in a positive way before. It felt nice, he supposed. Some kind of coldness swept through his senses swiftly alerting him to the presence of someone with power connected to his. He attempted to shrug the feeling away but it only minimized itself for later.

Loki grinned, "well have you ever been to a concert before?" HIS eyes looked excited as he spoke to the pretty undead girl. "They ate quite the experience." ( @Maleficenia )

Tai smiled warmly, "Well I think your pretty interesting." he told Leo, he straightened up as he felt a cold presence in his senses, he  looked around, seeing a necromancer.he frowned, Necromancers made him nervous, their magic was of death and darkness, but a Pixies was life and light, but a Necromancers powers could do the same thing his could, restore life. But in a more sinister way. His wings fluttered nervously as he eyed her warily. ( @TenshuZninja @Flowër Powër )
Clarity squinted her eyes, knowing she had been found out by now. She approached the pair in a business-like fashion, adjusting her robe and standing over them. "I couldn't help but feel your presence, shadow." she said in a political tone. "What an oddity. What is your name?" Her voice was hinted with a bit of a Russian accent, seeing as she grew up around people of the sort. She completely disregarded the pixie, feeling no importance from it. They were total opposites. What use did she have arguing with such a thing?

@MadameRedWolf @TenshuZninja
Tai scowled, he felt his magic flare in response to hers. Small swirls of moss and lichen began sprouting along his shoulders and arms, and small veins and patches of fuzzy moss looped around the tines of his antlers. He could not control it, the closer she for to him, the more the lichen spread, eventually making quite tribal looking markings against his cheek bones, jawline and forehead, his eyes glowed green. The pixies body had naturally gone into a protective mode. ( @Flowër Powër )
Sasha frowned. "A... Concert?" She asked in confusion. Whatever that was, she had definitely never been to one of them. She hadn't had all that many experiences with more human things, so there were probably many things she had missed out on.

( @MadameRedWolf )
Loki grinned at her, "a concert is an event where a group plays their music fortheir fans, would you like to go to one of mine?" when he asked her warily to come to his concert, he began getting a little nervous, flicking the end endhis tail, rustling bus wings, etc. ( @Maleficenia )
Sasha studied the boy carefully. Was he serious? Was he actually inviting her to spend time with him? Or was it a prank?

After detecting no hint of sarcasm or decked, she smiled. "That sounds fun actually! Sure!" Sha had made a friend!

( @MadameRedWolf
He grinned at her, "really? That's awesome, you'll of course have a VIP pass as my personal guest, you'll have an area with fewer people, with the band's parents And our agent. You don't seem like you would enjoy being in the thick of the crowd. " he realizes he was rambling again and quieted down, dishing a little. Where had his smooth actions and snarky atritude went? He was acting like a fumbling school boy. He hadn't been nervous talking to girls since highschool. ( @Maleficenia )
Sasha smiled. It was true she wasn't comfortable with loads of people, but a lot of that was attributed to the fact that they never really seemed to like her. It was nice talking to someone that seemed to think about her more than her detachable limbs. "You're right. People aren't really my thing, normally they don't like me all that much either, so it's fine. I'm... Looking forward to it!" She told him happily.

( @MadameRedWolf )

Leo didn't really know how to respond to that but he could feel his cheeks get a lot warmer. "T-thanks, I think you're really interesting as well." He couldn't seem to even look Tai in the face anymore afraid that his embarrassment would be too obvious. However when the female made her reveal Tai changed his appearance into something out of a fairytale book. When she began talking to him he felt his eyes widen. Was something going on today? Why was he so in the spotlight. He shuffled around a bit before responding to her question. "L-leo. What are you to be s-sensing me?" He said now very curious, as far as he'd known most people might not even think living shadows existed. He had been accused of being a demon more than once in his life.

Clarity nodded. "I'm a necromancer. I have a knack for dark magic." she said, swirling her fingers and binding the moss from the fairy away from her. "It would be nice if you could control your powers, fairy." she said with venom in her voice, turning to the boy with a look of disgust. 

@MadameRedWolf @TenshuZninja
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Loki smiled at her. His phone suddenly went off and he pulled it out and glanced at it, "Hm, Hunter wants to meet to plan for the next appearance... Would you like to meet Hunter and Dante? Im sure they would like meet you." ( @Maleficenia)

Tai positively swelled, "I am NOT a fairy." he growled, "I am a Garden Pixie." his demeanor istantly went from nervous to angry. He glanced over at Leo, he was torn between three options, he could either, leave, attack said Necromancer, or, stick around and try and get to know the Shadow. He would wait and see what Leo would do for now. ( @Flowër Powër  @TenshuZninja)

Leo's form flickered completely distorting his features as his anxiety flared. "M-miss, I-I don't know who you think y-you are but you have no business here i-if you're going to speak to either one of us l-like that." Leo told the female necromancer in somewhat sharp tone. He straightened himself out to his full height to show the full meaning of what he was attempting. He was almost as tall as her, he was minus possibly three inches but it didn't matter because though his supernatural powers probably couldn't match hers he was still a guy and girls were physically weaker than guys. Not that he would ever actually put his hands on a girl. That was just plain rude; but she didn't know whether or not he was capable of it.

Clarity crinkled her nose, looking back and forth between the two. She decided that if she didn't want to anger the shadow, she would probably have to make good with the pixie. "I'm not very interested in the feelings of you, pixie, but I suppose it would be best," she said through clenched teeth, "that I apologize."

@MadameRedWolf @TenshuZninja
Tai looked at Leo, an amused, though pleased, expression on his face as the timid Shadow jumped to his defense. He smirked, inwardly. Tai smiled warmly at the two of them, "Many people make the mistake, but considering our similarities, you should know the difference. But, I digress, I accept your apology." He seemed to paused thoughtfully, "I do appologize for my, Er," he looked at the lichen on his arms, "appearance.  I don't have any control over this, the Primal Form shows itself when I feel threataned." with a simple -if forced- apology, he calmed down quite a bit, though he still watched the Necromancer warily, choosing yo stand closer to Leo. 

( @Flowër Powër  @TenshuZninja )
Sasha bit her lip. "Oh, um..." She was slightly sceptical about the idea of meeting even more people, but maybe if he said  they were OK, it wouldn't be a problem. After a second of concentration, she nodded her head hesitantly. "Yeah, ok, I guess." She said.

( @MadameRedWolf )
.Loki smiled, and turned, his tail flicking to begin her to follow, "Im Loki Vulcan, by the way. What's your name?" 

Hunter was sitting in the music compound, the only other person with him was Dante. He was  wearing a black sweater and blue jeans. He obviously just woke up, his hair stuck up even messier than normal, the fur on his tail was rumpled, and one of his ears was insideout. His mismatched eyes stared dully at the energy drink on the table before him. 

Dante too was tierd, she yawned and rubbed her eyes. She wore a black top with lace sleeves and purple skinny jeans. Her wings rustled drowsily as she looked up and wordlessly flipped Hunter's ear right. The Foxling grunted in thanks. 

( @Maleficenia)
Sasha followed, realising that she hadn't actually introduced herself. "Oh, I'm Sasha. Sasha Morguean." A small part of her felt as though she had done something wrong, as she didn't normally introduce herself to people.

In fact, part of her was wondering whether this was all a bad idea. She was following some one she didn't know very well into an unknown place to meet other people. Anything could happen! However, she made an effort not to let his show on her face, and continued walking.

( @MadameRedWolf )
Loki smiled, "that's a pretty name." he lead her into the music hall to where the other half of Feeding Passion. "what's up guttersluts!" he greeted his friends. Hunter looks up blearily, his mismatched eyes dull with sleep. "Where is Tai?" he croaked. Dante was looking hard at Sasha. "Who is she?" she growled suspiciously. Loki NEVER. brought girls around. "calm your shit Dante. This is Sasha, she's pretty cool, I met her in the hall earlier." he explained to Dante, then turned to Hunter, "Im not comeatly sure, I think he got sidetracked by some emo looking kid. You know thats totally his type." Loki responded with a shrug. Hunter looked astonished, it was strange for Loki to show up without Tai, it was always Loki and Tai, and vice versa. 

( @Maleficenia)
Sasha fought the temptation to step back and leave, because already she was being looked at with suspicion, despite being here literally a few minutes. The two people both seemed very surprised, either at her appearance, or the absence of the other person- Tai? 

Deciding she should probably at least try to make some friends, Sasha smiled half heartedly, and spoke. "Yeah, umm, hi. I'm Sasha, as Loki said I guess... I'm an undead, what about you guys?" She asked hesitantly.

( @MadameRedWolf )

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