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Fandom SRT's Justice Never Wavers - OOC

I just want to make sure, this will consist of OCs and not CCs. Or at the very least we won't be required to play a CC.
What's the post length going to look like? I don't need paragraphs or anything, but I don't think I can do anything below two small paragraphs from everyone.
At least 3 is perfectly fine with me lol
Well,if we're committed to the SRT idea,I would say the first order of business is...deciding what animal our squad is going to be named after.

In all seriousness, maybe wolves?? But that would be kind of similar to foxes.
Is there a naming convention for the squads around animals?
Yeah. Rabbit Team and Fox Platoon were the names of the SRT squads available in the game
I assumed it was themed around the 13 animals of the Chinese zodiac,but Fox isn't one of them.

The only known SRT teams so far are Rabbit and Fox,there doesn't seem to be a theme other than "animals"
Oh, gotcha. The squads have themes though, right? Other than names I mean. From the game, I remember the squads being pretty unique. Like there was a group of maids, and one ofngirls primarily in kimonos and such.
Yeah. There's some clubs whom I don't know what theme they are based off. After School Sweets Club is one of them, but I had a feeling their designs were inspired by real sweets.
So should we get a theme for our squad then? If so, what should it be? If we are squad cats, should we all be catgirls?
If that's what everyone wants, I'm fine with it. However, I think we should see what everyone thinks first. And also see if there's going to be a clothing/appearance theme too, and what everyone thinks about that.

Rabbit Platoon has rabbit accessories but no actual animal features,so we can be pretty loose with that.

Both they and Fox Platoon dress with a fairly standard seifuku uniform style,but Cat Squad or whatever we go with may vary.

November Witch November Witch just for context,assuming we do end up roleplaying as a (former) SRT team,this means that our characters were a special forces team attached to the student police department granted superior training and equipment to address major incidents throughout the city.

By the start of the mobile game,all SRT squads and the school they attend have been disbanded,only Rabbit and Fox platoons are holding out and refusing to attend other schools.
Gotcha. Do you have any inputs on themes or anything then Nellancholy Nellancholy ? Also, I forget. Is this one of the mobile games that only has girls?
Well,if we're committed to the SRT idea,I would say the first order of business is...deciding what animal our squad is going to be named after.
I concur with it being the CAT Squad. It allows for the joke of them being called the "Kitty Squad" as well.

Rabbit Platoon has rabbit accessories but no actual animal features,so we can be pretty loose with that.

Both they and Fox Platoon dress with a fairly standard seifuku uniform style,but Cat Squad or whatever we go with may vary.

November Witch November Witch just for context,assuming we do end up roleplaying as a (former) SRT team,this means that our characters were a special forces team attached to the student police department granted superior training and equipment to address major incidents throughout the city.

By the start of the mobile game,all SRT squads and the school they attend have been disbanded,only Rabbit and Fox platoons are holding out and refusing to attend other schools

Also, just to make sure we're still thinking on the same page, right now, I've got the RP's story in my head as starting at around the time the player characters are new and just applied to SRT, not even knowing the name of their Squad, and growing together up until shortly before the disappearance of the GSC President. Them 'Becoming' Former SRT and being reformed to go to Abydos is something that the RP might not even make it to, which is okay. RP's plot might just be 'passing the test to be given a squad designation' with a stretch goal being a campaign about SRT Academy as a whole trying to stop Wakamo and imprison her for the first time.

Both RABBIT and FOX Squad cherish the SRT Academy in being a part of an Elite School that they had earned their place in. I think this RP's story of 'The New Recruits Earning their Squad Designation' to fit right into a fanfictional SRT scenario.

The Blue Archive WIki mentions that the in-game SRT Teams's appearances are apparently based off of certain real world special forces units. The overall theme of SRT Academy's Character Outfits is just Schoolgirls with Tactical Accessories as a part of their outfits. In therms of physical features the Ingame SRT Students ranged from regular looking humans to the Foxes in FOX. So it can be made reasonable that the possible array of students can be diverse as what's shown in the General Student Council. Like Rin's long ear's or Ayumu's Wings.

So first off. I'm not going to advertise that I'd be able to do, or am currently intending to do 3d models for the whole cast, and that this is something that I'd only be able to do if I got super invested, but:


So this was just a model made using a certain character creator. In this case, yeah I had also thought that the Squad being CAT was appropraite when I made it a while ago. Cat ear headphones is a nice inbetween of the headsets used by FOX and the rabbit ear antennae used by RABBIT. The uniform also tried to 'be modeled after a special forces unit' and in thise case it's the color palette of the UK's Royal Guards - to an extent. Just so I can say we're based off of the SAS or something. (Actually as I was wikipedia checking these turn out to be the colors on the SAS Insignia, lol).

The limitations of the character maker is that making a 'custom halo' or models for a large array of any kind of firearm is just not availible to me, though.

And again, making models of character is something I'm not gonna advertise as something I plan to do in full. So pretty much whatever apperance that was still thought out is fine. Especially since the characters enter as new recruits. If I did start making models though, we'd probably get modeled to look like we're a single unit.

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