| Spoiled Widow |

Spoiled Widow

| Videogames, Cartoons, Animes. |

:cheshiregrin: |
Spoiled Widow | :cheshiregrin:

| Hello dears! |

Its a pleasure to meet all of you, and I hope you're all having a wonderful day.
Despite being fairly new to this website, I have quite a few years of experience in role-playing.

I am a huge video-game, cartoon and anime nerd that's trying to look as fancy and professional as they can. As you can see, my role-plays will be around video-games, cartoons and sometimes (but very, very rarely) anime.

My 'introduction' isn't very interesting, as I don't exactly have a lot of things to say about myself.
I find it quite humorous when I see all those copy-paste 'Welcome!' responses in the comments of other posts but oh well..

| I'm open to any role-playing requests, so hopefully we'll work well together if you're interested! |

Welcome to RPN!! I am the Mechanist! The hero of the commonwealth and of RPN!! There are Tons of RP's to join, and even more people to RP with, myself included ^D^ We've got all kinds ranging from modern to medieval to futuristic. I myself am prone to fantasy, medieval or futuristic rp's, and I am a sucker for romance and a good love story. Trust me when I say we almost have it all!! Feel free to help yourself to the cookies and punch at the table.
As a Mercy/Dva main, I'm obligated to loathe you.
(haters gon' hate)
Welcome fren, from the local panda/otter/octopus enthusiast!
Hopefully you find everything you're looking for! I myself can usually be found lurking around the fantasy forums, general chat areas, and (of course) the discord chat :3
If you're looking for partners I'd suggest checking out our Searching for Partners (or group) threads ^-^
Feel free to come say hi any time if you have any questions ^D^
(haters gon' hate)
Welcome fren, from the local panda/otter/octopus enthusiast!
Hopefully you find everything you're looking for! I myself can usually be found lurking around the fantasy forums, general chat areas, and (of course) the discord chat :3
If you're looking for partners I'd suggest checking out our Searching for Partners (or group) threads ^-^
Feel free to come say hi any time if you have any questions ^D^
| Thank you anyways, haha. |
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:bishiesparklesr:||Welcome to the site!! ||:bishiesparklesl:
*Throws Confetti*

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